It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 14 014 Take the wrong script

Chapter 14 014 Take the wrong script
Simon frowned, he was sure that the ability bullet hit the head of the big devil.

If an ordinary person fell down with a single shot, but this guy is still rolling on the ground, it seems that the energy gun will not hurt it.

Simon held up the energy gun and shot two more shots at the big devil rolling on the ground, one shot hit the big devil's chest, and the other shot hit the calf.

But the skin of the big devil was not broken, only two holes were left on his clothes.

The big devil covered his head and sat up, rubbing the part hit by the energy gun with one hand, pointing at Simon with the other and shouting, "It hurts! What kind of weapon is that? It hurts so much."

The skin at the root of its right horn was darker than the surrounding area, and looked burnt.

Simon has changed to a more powerful energy gun and is about to shoot the big devil.

His idea is very simple, get rid of the big devil in front of him, and he can leave here.

It's just that things are contrary to others. I didn't expect that even an energy gun can't kill this big devil. I really don't know what this guy's skin is made of.

At this time, the Great Demon King finally saw Simon's face clearly, before his attention was entirely on Shu Shu.

It jumped up from the ground, raised its right hand and pointed at Simon and shouted, "You! Is your name Simon?"

Simon didn't speak, he pressed the trigger and fired a shot at the big devil.

This time the big devil was not hit, it moved nimbly to dodge the bullets of the energy gun.But Simon didn't put down the energy gun because of this, but continued to hold the energy gun and shoot at the big devil.

The Great Demon King yelled, and ran around in the hall in order to avoid the energy bullets.

"Wait! Listen to me first!"

The answer was a string of energy bullets, the big devil dodged in embarrassment, and rolled around on the ground a few times.

Shu Shu was a little speechless looking at the big devil who could only dodge but not fight back.

Apart from his looks, this guy doesn't look like the ultimate boss in an adventure game at all.

Did it get the wrong script?
No, could it be that they took the wrong script?
A flash of light suddenly flashed in Shu Shu's mind, she raised her head and looked at the light curtain floating in the air thoughtfully.

"Why are you just like what Si Jun said, you have no patience at all."

At this time, many new holes were added to the clothes on the big devil's body, and he lay on the ground in embarrassment, panting.

it hurts!

What kind of weapon is that?
It is more powerful than the magic of those magicians before.

Simon suddenly put down the energy gun, and a flash appeared in front of the big devil.

"Do you know Si Jun?" Simon said, looking down at the big devil.

The big devil let out a sigh of relief, and it wiped its face and sat up.

"This dungeon was created by Elizabeth, and I am the guardian of her creation." The devil glanced at the energy gun in Simon's hand, "Si Jun told me that a man named Simon would come here last time before he left. Give me your picture."

In order to prove his words, the Great Demon King opened a light curtain, and there was a picture of Simon and another young man on it. The man put one hand on Simon's shoulder, and Simon looked at the camera reluctantly.

After Simon saw this picture, his pupils suddenly dilated.

He put away the energy gun, and asked with a frown: "When was the last time he came here? Where are he and Elizabeth now? And what's going on here? Is it really a copy created by Elizabeth? Since you are a copy Guardian, why would the chosen one come to kill you?"

"You have a lot of questions, I want to come one by one." The big devil stroked the tangled hair on his forehead, "First of all, the last time Si Jun came here was about a year ago."

As if thinking of something, the Great Demon King paused, stood up and patted the dust off his body and said, "I don't know where they are now, but Si Jun left something for you..."

"What are you doing!? Let me go!"

The big devil's words were interrupted by a voice, and both of them looked at the reputation.

Shu Shu was holding a light curtain with both hands, and Simon recognized that it was the light curtain that had been following them.

The light curtain was struggling desperately, but Shu Shu grabbed both sides of the light curtain so hard that it couldn't fly even if it wanted to.

"You liar! You said that we can go out after killing the big demon king, so you are lying to us!" Shu Shu puffed her cheeks and shouted angrily at the light curtain.

She wore a pair of special gloves on her hands, which suppressed the function of the light curtain. It couldn't even become transparent and disappear, so she could only struggle hard.

"I didn't lie to you! It is the guardian of this copy, you can get out after killing it!" The light curtain defended itself.

Shu Shu didn't buy it at all, she pulled the light curtain to both sides with all her strength.

"Do you think I will still trust you?" Shu Shu stared at the light curtain, "Kill the guardian of the dungeon, and you will become the guardian of this dungeon. You think so beautiful!"

"After I become a guardian, you can go out." The light curtain said without regret.

Shu Shu couldn't help but knead the light curtain into a ball and squeezed it hard with both hands: "You dead virus, how dare you lie to my aunt, let me see if I don't kill you."

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Stop pressing it! Ah!"

No matter how much the light curtain yelled, Shu Shu just didn't let go, she pressed, kneaded and pulled the light curtain like kneading dough, she wanted to vent her anger.

It's so embarrassing to be fooled by a nasty virus!

When Shu Shu finished venting, the light curtain had no strength to speak, and was crumpled into a ball by her and pinched in her hands.

"It's amazing!" The Great Demon King looked at Shu Shu with staring eyes, and clapped his hands.

It is the first time it has seen someone who can knead the virus with bare hands like this, and it is indeed the person it likes.

After hearing the voice of the Great Demon King, Shu Shu remembered that there was someone else here.

She forgot that the male god was also there. Could she have been too cruel just now?

Shu Shu glanced at Simon secretly, and was relieved to see that his face was normal.

Jumping up and down in front of Simon, Shu Shu held up the unknown object in her hand like offering a treasure: "Master Duke, what should we do with this virus?"

Simon glanced at the dim, unknown object, then turned his head and said to the Great Demon King, "You are the guardian here, you can deal with it."


The big demon king happily picked up the unknown object, then opened his mouth wide and threw it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it.

After swallowing the big devil, he even burped: "It tastes good."

Shu Shu: "..."

That's a virus, are you sure you'll be fine if you eat it?

But Shu Shu didn't say what was in her heart when she saw that there was nothing wrong with the Great Demon King. Anyway, the Great Demon King had nothing to do with her.

"You are the guardian here, you should be able to send us out?" Shu Shu asked.

She has stayed here for too long, and if she doesn't get out of the game cabin, something serious may happen.

"of course can."


  The Great Demon King is not a bad guy, just a stupid NPC
(End of this chapter)

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