It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 162 162 Persistence

Chapter 162 162 Persistence
Shu Shu tilted her little pink head and said, "Director Becky said he has gone home and there is nothing serious."

She sent several messages to Xiao Ming, but the other party only replied 'nothing'.

I don't know if it's true or not, but Director Becky has said that Xiao Ming is fine, so it should be true.

The hovercar parked inside Gate 99, and after everyone got off, B put away the hovercar.

Looking at B's skillful movements, Alan wondered how big B's portable space was.

His portable space is only three cubic meters, which is already relatively large in the portable space, but it takes at least five cubic meters to fit such a hover car.

As far as Allen knows, there doesn't seem to be such a large portable space on the market, at least he has never seen it.

Because Luna No. [-] Academy does not allow outsiders to enter, the housekeeper can only park the car in the parking space outside and wait.

Seeing Alan and Shu Shu walk out of the gate, the housekeeper drove the car over.

"Master, Miss Shu." The housekeeper got out of the car and greeted respectfully.

Shu Shu called out sweetly: "Hello, Uncle Housekeeper."

The housekeeper had a good impression of this clever and polite little girl.

"They are Shu Shu's classmates, and they just happened to be going to Shu Shu's house." Allen pointed to Vivienne and B who were standing aside and said to the housekeeper.

The butler didn't ask any further questions. After opening the car door and allowing the four of them to get in the car, he returned to the driver's seat and started the hover car to drive to Shu Shu's house.

The rear seat of the suspension car is very spacious, with a total of five seats.

Two seats face away from the driver's seat and the passenger seat, and the other three seats are lined up opposite the two seats.

The three seats were occupied by Shu Shu and Vivienne, so Alan had to sit with B in the seat facing away from the driver's seat.

"What time do you go to the academy tomorrow? I'll pick you up." Vivian said with a smile on her face.

It should feel good to go to school with Xiaoshushu.

Shu Shu didn't answer, she put her hand on Vivian's forehead.After coming over for a while, Shu Shu asked with a puzzled face, "It's strange, I don't have a fever."

"What's the fever?" Vivian asked doubtfully, taking Shu Shu's hand away from her forehead.

Shu Shuru looked at a terminally ill person and said, "Why don't you have a fever?"

It's not that my brain is burned out, how can I talk so nonsense?
When she was in the Art Academy, Shu Shu found that Vivienne's words were very abnormal, completely different from her usual style.

"Why do I have a fever?" Vivian asked suspiciously.

She couldn't understand Xiao Shushu's words.

B, who was sitting opposite them, coughed lightly, and said with a little embarrassment: "Boss has watched a lot of school dramas recently, and among them "You at the Same Table", she watched it three times."

The word "three times" was bitten heavily by B, which shows how unpopular he is with this drama.

Shu Shu was stunned for a moment, and then asked suspiciously: "What is "You at the Same Table"?"

She doesn't watch school dramas very much, and has no idea what B is talking about.

"It was a very popular drama some time ago. Actor Xiao also participated in it, playing the role of a teacher." Allen blurted out.

Shu Shu looked at Allen and blinked and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"No!" Allen immediately denied, and he immediately realized that his reaction was a bit over the top. He quickly said, "I heard what my classmates said."

Shu Shu said clearly: "Oh, so I listened to my classmates."

"Have you also watched "You at the Same Table"?"

Vivienne looked at Allen enthusiastically as if she had found a like-minded person.

The three of ABC and her watched "You at the Same Table" three times, but all of them were like logs, and they couldn't answer any questions.

Vivienne was so depressed that she had no choice but to discuss with netizens in the online "You at the Same Table" forum, but it felt different from discussing with real people.

But there was no one on Carat who had watched the show, which made Vivienne depressed for a long time.

"I...I didn't..." Allen immediately shook his head in denial.

But Vivienne didn't listen at all, and she began to 'discuss' the plot of "You at the Same Table" with Allen with a smile on her face.

Both Shu Shu and B looked at Allen with pity, and Vivienne would become particularly persistent when she liked something.

When the suspension car drove downstairs to Shu Shu's house, Vivienne pulled Allen with unsatisfied enthusiasm and said, "Let's talk tomorrow."

Allen: "..."

I don't want to talk to you at all.

Under Shu Shu's repeated urging, Vivian reluctantly got off the suspension car, and Allen was relieved.

"Master, your classmates are very enthusiastic." The butler said with a smile while driving.

Neither Ms. Shu nor the other girl treated him differently because of her status as the young master, which is really rare.

Allen leaned his head on the backrest, closed his eyes and said, "It's just too enthusiastic."

If it wasn't for being beaten by Vivienne Bailey on Reese, Allen would have suspected that the person just now was not Vivienne Bailey, but had been dropped.

"Having warm friends is a good thing." The butler said with a smile.

Allen thought of this word in his heart and fell into deep thought.

When Shu Shu brought Vivienne and B home, she found that Shu Yue had already returned, probably because she heard the sound of the door opening, Shu Yue yelled in the kitchen: "Shu Shu is back!"

"What are you doing?" Shu Shu ran to the kitchen door and asked.

The kitchen was messy, the countertops were covered with all kinds of prepared ingredients, and Shu Yue was stirring something with a big bowl.

Shu Yue smiled and said to Shu Shu: "You go to the living room and wait for a while, I'll come over after I put the chicken in the oven. Today is your first day in college, I will cook for you by myself."

When Shu Shu was taken to live with Serena, they were too poor to afford a chef robot, and Shu Yue cooked the food herself.

She can cook all kinds of delicacies for Shu Shu three meals a day without repeating the same.

Later, Shu Yue became famous, and there were fewer opportunities to cook, but she would still cook a delicious meal by herself on special days.

"Wow! It's been a long time since I ate the dishes made by my second sister." Shu Shu happily threw herself on Shu Yue, wrapping her arms around Shu Yue's waist.

Shu Yue quickly lifted the bowl in her hand, and was almost knocked over by Shu Shu.

Holding the bowl with one hand, she patted Shu Shu's head with the other. Shu Yue said with a look of disgust, "Go outside quickly, I only know that you are in the way here."

"I see." Shu Shu stuck out her tongue at Shu Yue, and she let Shu Yue go outside.

Shu Yue watched Shu Shu leave the kitchen, just in time to see two people standing at the door, she froze for a moment, then asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

"I'm Xiao Shushu's classmate, and my name is Vivienne." Vivienne introduced herself before Shushu.

Shu Yue suddenly realized, and said to Vivienne with a smile on her face, "So it's Shu Shu's friend, I made you laugh." Then Shu Yue stared at Shu Shu and asked, "Why didn't you tell me that you would bring your classmates home? "

(End of this chapter)

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