It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 179 Chapter 179 The origin of Shu Shu's name

Chapter 179 Chapter 179 The origin of Shu Shu's name

With his left elbow resting on his knee and his left hand resting on his chin, Simon just looked at Shu Shu.

It's almost winter, and the temperature in SPQR is a bit low. The little girl's chubby face was blown red by the cold wind, which made people want to pinch.

Simon felt his hands a little itchy, but he thought of the 'lesson' he had failed in pinching his face a few times before, so he held back.

Tilting her head and leaning her cheek on her knee, Shu Shu said flatly, "When I'm unhappy, I'll go to a high place and stay alone."

The tone is very casual, without any emotion.

"You said you weren't bullied? You're not happy anymore." The smile on Simon's face didn't diminish, but deepened a little.

But Shu Shu pursed her lips and said unhappily, "I'm not being bullied!"

"Then why are you unhappy?" Simon asked.

This little girl is pretty funny to be stubborn.

However, it seems that few people in Luna First Academy can bully her.Xiao Tingyuan is notoriously protective, who would dare to bully his students in the academy?

And this little girl is not so easy to bully, the Ning family and the Lu family of Reiss have nothing to do with her.

Shu Shu moved her hands up, holding her knees while covering most of her face, only revealing a pair of big wet eyes.

"I hate people calling me Shu Mei." Shu Shu said sullenly.

When she was born, Shu Yubin and Tong Xiufang thought she was a girl and didn't give her a name.Because the name is required to be written on the birth certificate, they just wrote 'Shu Mei' casually.

After Shu Yue found out, she felt that the name was too perfunctory, so she gave her little sister a nickname, Shushu.

Hope she has a bright future.

At that time, except for Shu Yun and Shu Yue, everyone around her called her 'Sister Shu'.The classmates in the kindergarten also laughed at her, saying that her name was very ugly.

It was Shu Jiaxing, the brother who was one year younger than her, who took the lead in laughing at her.

Because there is only one year difference, Shu Yubin and Tong Xiufang let Shu Shu go to kindergarten one year later, and be in the same class as Shu Jiaxing, so that they can take care of their younger brother.

But a four-year-old baby can't even take care of himself, how can he take care of his brother who is one year younger than him?
These are not things that Shu Yubin and Tong Xiufang would consider, they only have Shu Jiaxing as their precious son in their hearts.

It wasn't until Shu Yun brought her back from Carat and got her custody that she changed her name to: Shu Shu.

Rather than saying that Shu Shu hated the name 'Shu Mei', it should be said that she hated the experience when she was a child.

Simon raised his right hand and flicked Shu Shu's forehead: "Although it's a bit unbelievable, there are still many illiterates in the empire. You can't be unhappy for everyone who mispronounced words, can you?"

"Even an illiterate can't mispronounce my name." Shu Shu puffed her cheeks and said fiercely.

Simon was amused by Shu Shu's competitive appearance, put down his left hand, put his arms on his knees casually, and asked with a smile: "Then what do you want? Do you want to beat up everyone who mispronounces your name?" ?"

Shu Shu didn't answer right away, she tilted her head seriously as if she was seriously thinking about this possibility.

The pink hair hangs down by the ear, half covering the outline, and the long eyelashes tremble slightly.

"Don't think about it." Simon stretched out his hand and stroked Shu Shu's head indiscriminately, and didn't stop until the pink hair became messy.

He stood up, stretched out his right hand to Shu Shu and said, "I'll take you to a place."

Luna First Academy, Academy of Art.

"Where did Shu Shu go?" Le Huanming scratched his head irritably.

The entire Luna No. [-] Academy is really too big. Le Huanming and Ai Lun searched separately and went to the place where they and Shu Shu had been, but they couldn't find her.

Although until now, they still haven't understood why Shu Shu is angry, but it's important to find someone first.

"Shu Shu may have gone home. I'll go to her house to have a look. You can continue to look for it at the Academy of Art." Allen said to the light curtain.

He has already arrived at gate 99, and the butler is waiting outside the gate in a hover car.

Le Huanming on the light curtain nodded: "Then I'll go to the piano practice room and look for it."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Allen hung up the video and walked outside gate 99.

Before Shu Yue went to Serena, she contacted Allen specifically and asked him to take care of Shu Shu while she was away from Luna.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen after Shu Yue left for a few days, Alan regretted that he didn't stop Shu Shu outside the cafeteria.

Hope to find Shu Shu soon.

"Get on! Get on me!"

"Defend! Defend! Don't give up!"

"Ahhh! Don't!"

"Hit me! Break that iron box!"

"Blast it!"

There was a lot of people, and deafening shouts came from all directions. Simon took Shu Shu's hand and walked through the crowded crowd familiarly.

This is a basement, and the dim lights can't illuminate people's faces clearly, only a rough outline can be seen.

The long corridor has door frames without doors, and inside each door frame is a room of different sizes.

In the center of each room is a circular arena surrounded by barbed wire. There are two fighting robots on the arena, and there are many metal parts on the ground.

There were many people around the arena, they shouted excitedly, some cursed, and screamed constantly.

Shu Shu saw that a robot was beaten to pieces, and the parts were flying everywhere, but the opponent still didn't stop.The other machine didn't stop until the robot's head was crushed and it couldn't move anymore.

Those who bet on the winning robot grabbed the barbed wire and yelled excitedly, but the losers changed their faces and cursed at another robot that had only parts left.

Suddenly, a fat bald man stood in front of Simon, and he said flatteringly, "Your Duke, long time no see, why are you here when you have time?"

It was so fat that when he spoke, his jaw jerked and his neck was completely gone.

Shu Shu looked up and down, and found that the man's lower limbs were made of metal, not like a pair of legs, but a cylindrical metal base like a robot, with wheels at the bottom.

I don't know what was painted on his head, but it actually glows in a dim environment.In the crowd, apart from his huge size, his bald head is particularly conspicuous.

"Is Andre here?" Simon asked without answering.

The fat man immediately nodded and said, "Yes, the master is in the private room."

"Go and do your work." Simon said casually, and then pulled Shu Shu inside.

When passing by the fat man, Shu Shu saw the fat man raised his hand and tapped his ear a few times.

They walked inside along the corridor, and when they reached a door, there were two security guards guarding it like door gods, but they saw Simon open the door and let them pass.

"A rare visitor." Andre saw Simon shout.

 Shu Shu raised her small fist: I am Shu Shu, don't call me Shu Mei!
(End of this chapter)

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