Chapter 187 187 Sister?

Simon leaned on the back of the sofa where Shu Shu was sitting, and chuckled: "It belongs to Wanjia."

"Wanjia?" Andre had already opened the information on his light curtain, and when he saw the other party's name, he looked at Shu Shu playfully: "This seems to be your senior sister."

"Sister? Is she also a student of Luna First Academy?" Shu Shu asked, staring at the name on the light curtain.

Andre opened another window and typed in the word 'Wan Tiantian', and her profile immediately popped up.

Turning the light curtain over to show Shu Shu, Andre said nonchalantly: "She is a professional player of "Apex of Gods", a member of the FS team who won the runner-up this year, and she is also a member of the command department of Luna First Academy." s student."

Because there are students from the conducting department of Luna No. [-] Academy, Wan Tiantian is often reported by the media as a "student master e-sports player".

After all, not everyone can be admitted to the Conducting Department of Luna First Academy.

Shu Shu glanced at the information on Andre's light curtain. She didn't know Wan Tiantian, but she knew about the game "Apex of Gods".

The 30V3 game, which has a history of more than 3 years, is one of the first games to use the game cabin.

Before the 'mirror' came out, almost everyone who bought a game pod would play this game.

In the middle of every year, the developers of "Apex of Gods" hold a championship game.Whether it is in reality or in the 'mirror', there will be live broadcasts, which is the most anticipated e-sports competition for many game fans.

"Do you think you can win?" Andre asked Shu Shu expectantly.

Wan Tiantian's reputation here is not small, and many fans come here to support her.

Andre didn't expect that Shu Shu's next opponent would be her, which was wonderful.

Shu Shu didn't answer Andre's question, but looked at Simon and asked, "What are the odds now?"

"Two times for you, 2 times for Wan Tiantian." Simon glanced at his light curtain and said.

Wan Tiantian's reputation is not small, and her strength is obvious to all. Most people think that she will win.

Shu Shu tilted her head, she tapped her light curtain a few times, and then said to Simon: "I transferred all the money I won to you, please bet on me."

"No problem." Simon had already seen the account notification popping up on the light curtain, so he raised his hand and tapped on the light curtain a few times.

Andre, who was sitting opposite, listened to the conversation between the two, and silently opened his own light curtain to bet Wan Tiantian one hundred thousand euros.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Shu Shu's strength, but he doesn't think she's powerful enough to defeat Wan Tiantian.

Andre had already thought of the scene of the two losing everything, it was so wonderful.

The two people in front of them are just waiting to lose all their money.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Andre laughed suddenly, startling Shu Shu, she moved back subconsciously, away from Andre.

Then he raised his head and pointed at Andre and asked, "What happened to him?"

"Stupid." Simon thought for a while, and added: "Stay away from him in the future, it will be contagious."

Shu Shu nodded, keeping Simon's words in mind.

Stay away from Count Sachetti in the future, or you will become a fool.

"That SS is very mysterious, and I can't find any information." A young black-haired boy raised his head from the light curtain, and he shook his head lightly at the person sitting opposite him.

Wan Tiantian leaned lazily on a reclining chair, her maroon pear blossom hair scattered casually on the back of the reclining chair, and she was playing with the remote control of the robot in her hand.

She raised her head to look at the orange robot parked beside the recliner, and raised the corners of her mouth: "So what about the mystery? It will soon become my defeat."

"According to the data of his previous six games, I simulated the results of your battle, and you only have a 40.00% chance of winning." The black-haired boy pushed the rimless glasses on his nose and said indifferently.

Wan Tiantian sat up from the recliner, rolled his eyes at the black-haired boy, and said bluntly, "How many times is your simulation data accurate?"

It was almost never right. Fortunately, this guy did not study computer programming but biology, otherwise he would definitely piss the teacher to death.

"Data simulation can only calculate a probability, which needs to be verified." The black-haired boy took it for granted.

He doesn't see the slightest problem with the inaccuracy of his simulations.

Wan Tiantian took a deep breath and decided not to pay any attention to this bookworm.

If you are serious with this guy, you will only piss yourself off.

Using the remote control to control the robot, he walked up to her, checked the function of the robot, and after confirming that there was no problem, Wan Tiantian nodded in satisfaction.

"Miss Wan, I'm here to pick up the robot." A staff member knocked on the door and entered the lounge.

After handing over the robot to him, Wan Tiantian asked casually, "Are you also going to get the SS robot?"

"No." The staff member shook his head, "SS is a distinguished guest of the boss, and our supervisor went to pick it up in person."

"That's it." Wan Tiantian responded casually, watching the staff leave.

Gently flicking his index finger across the remote control, Wan Tiantian narrowed his charming peach eyes.

Who is Count Sacchetti's honored guest?

When the two robots were brought to the ring, the audience around the ring was boiling.

"Ahhh! My Tiantian!"

"Tian Tian! I love you!"

“Tian Tian is the best!”

"Tian Tian! I like you!"

Knowing that Wan Tiantian was going to play tonight's six-game winning streak player, Wan Tiantian's fans hurried over.

The shouting has never stopped, but there are also a small number of people who support the player who created a miracle tonight.

"SS! I bet all my belongings on you, I can't lose!"

"Come on SS! Be optimistic about you!"

"Seven victories in a row! Must win seven in a row!"

After the mechanical voice announced the start, the two robots moved at the same time.

The orange robot dodged the fist of the robot in the brick-studded helmet, and then spun its right leg to kick the opponent in the abdomen.

The robot in the brick-studded helmet bends back, avoiding the legs of the orange robot, and lands on its hands, feet up in a somersault.

The orange robot jumped back to avoid the feet of the robot in the brick-studded helmet, and the two robots stopped on either side of the ring.

They were all staring at their opponents vigilantly, and the shouts around them hadn't stopped, but it didn't affect their battle at all.

Shu Shu stared at the two robots on the ring through the window, holding the remote control tightly with both hands, and dexterously swiped a button with her fingers.

The robots in the arena come and go, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Andre, who was sitting by the side, crossed his legs and put his face on one hand, watching the battle between the two robots with relish.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoshushu is so powerful that she can survive until now.

If it's a tie, then both sides don't have to accompany them.

 Here comes another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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