Chapter 230 230 Grandpa
Although according to the age of werewolves, Philip is not yet an adult.But whether it is physical strength or intelligence, he has already shown a level beyond his peers, which makes Leighton Borgia extremely proud.

The only thing that gave Leighton Borgia a headache was Philip's obsession with Shu Yue.

I thought it was just a whim, I fell in love with a singer.But Philip has been fond of Shu Yue for ten years, which made Leighton Borgia feel a little flustered.

Especially Philip ran away from home because of Shu Yue from time to time, just like this time.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry to make you worry." Philip raised his head cautiously and apologized to the people on the light curtain.

Seeing his grandson showing a puppy-like expression, the anger that Leighton Borgia had accumulated during this period suddenly disappeared.

No matter what, this kid is his precious grandson, and he deserves to be pampered.

But the pet is the pet, this time can't just let it go, otherwise this kid will go to heaven.

Trying not to let the majestic expression on his face collapse, Leighton Borgia turned his face away and said in a deep voice, "You've already run to Luna, what's the use of apologizing to me now?"

"Grandpa~" Philip's ending sound was very long, and his clear eyes were full of tears.

You can't forgive this kid like this, absolutely not!
Leighton Borgia meditated in his heart, and he squinted at Philip with a sullen face: "Give you a chance to choose, get out of here immediately or stay in Luna, which one do you choose?"

This kid is not young anymore, it's time to hone it.

"Can I stay in Luna?" Philip couldn't believe his ears.

Grandpa has always opposed him leaving the Schiller galaxy, and every time Yueyue held a concert in the Olga galaxy, he would sneak out.

If he could stay with Luna, wouldn't he be able to stay with Yueyue?

Thinking of this possibility, Philip's eyes lit up immediately.

Leighton Borgia knew from the excited expression on Philip's face that he must have chosen to stay in Luna.

pissed him off!

After retrieving Philip, Leighton Borgia raised Philip by his side.If there was anyone Philip was closest to, it was him.

Now for a singer, this kid chose to stay in Luna without hesitation, not even his grandfather.

Leighton Borgia suddenly sullen, stared at Philip and said in a stern tone: "Don't think that if you stay in Luna, no one cares about you."

"Yeah, it's all up to grandpa's arrangement." Philip nodded vigorously at the light screen.

As long as he can stay in Luna, he is willing to do anything.

Even if he can't continue to be Yueyue's bodyguard and Yueyue's younger sister is studying in Luna, Yueyue should come to Luna often.

As long as he can see Yueyue, Philip feels extremely satisfied.

Seeing such a 'well-behaved' Philip, Leighton Borgia felt as if he had been punched in cotton, and felt very heartbroken.

"You report to the Conducting Department of Luna No. Whatever you want to do, I won't stop you."

Two years later, Philip will be an adult, and he will be able to inherit the position of head of the Borgia family at that time.

Philip was stunned for a moment. There was too much information, and he didn't react for a while.

"Aman will take you to Luna's residence, tell him if you need anything, and he will take care of your life on Luna."

After speaking, Leighton Borgia hung up the video, leaving Philip staring at the light curtain at a loss.

What did grandpa mean just now?
Why does it feel like grandpa is explaining the funeral?
Shaking his head vigorously, Philip felt that he must be thinking too much.

At this time, Amman, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, turned his head to look at Philip. He said blankly, "Master, we will take you to your residence now. If you need anything, please tell me."

"Where is your residence?" Philip asked hastily.

It's best to be a Lingju with Yueyue, so that I can see Yueyue every day.

Unfortunately, Philip was too naive.

Amman said calmly: "In Lundini, it takes about an hour from here."

"What? Why not at SPQR?" Philip jumped up from his seat in shock, hitting his head on the roof of the car.

It hurts, what is the roof made of?
Amman nodded calmly: "Because the Borgia family has only bought real estate in Lundini."

It's just that the old man sold all the fixed assets of SPQR a few days ago.

Philip rubbed the top of his aching head with both hands, staring at Amman with teary eyes, with a look of 'I don't believe it'.

"You can check." Amman pointed to the light curtain.

Philip immediately turned on the light curtain, logged into the internal server of the Borgia Group, and searched for all the fixed assets of the Borgia family in Luna.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by his grandfather, Philip did not log in during the period of 'running away from home'.

Did a quick look at the list of Luna's fixed assets and sure enough there isn't one in SPQR.

Frustrated, Philip sat on the back seat, pouted and asked dissatisfiedly, "Can't you buy me a house in SPQR?"

In this way, he is far away from Yueyue.

"The old man hasn't unblocked your account yet." Amman said that he couldn't help.

He can help Philip buy daily necessities, but large transactions such as buying a house are not within his scope of functions.

Philip covered his face, he knew that grandpa would not forgive him so easily, and asked feebly, "Then when will my account be unblocked?"

"That depends on your performance at Luna First Academy." Amman opened the light curtain and sent a file to Philip.

Philip opened the document on his light curtain and saw that it was actually a proposal.

But this plan is a bit different from the ordinary plan, more like a reward for each level of the game.

According to Philip's class in the command department of Luna First Academy, the corresponding account can be unlocked, and the ultimate goal is to graduate within two years.By that time, all of Philip's accounts had been unblocked.

Staring at the plan on the light curtain, Philip asked, "Who came up with this?"

Definitely a devil.

"This is planned by the owner." Amman said blankly.

Philip: "..."

Grandpa, you can be a game planner now.

Luna First Academy Conducting Department, teacher's office.

"Teacher, my grades are obviously higher than Alan's, why can he be promoted first?" Mi Xueer bit her lower lip and asked unwillingly.

When Mi Xueer got the news from her classmates last night, she was almost mad.

She has been ranked number one in her class since she entered school.

Why can Allen, who is ranked No.2, be promoted to a higher grade, but she still has to stay in the first grade?
She is unwilling!
 Philip: I feel like I was tricked by grandpa, but I have no proof (sad)

(End of this chapter)

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