Chapter 234 Chapter 234
The elevator door closed, and it reached the sixth floor in the blink of an eye.

Shu Shu glanced at the fat boy standing against the wall, seeing that he was still busy on the light curtain, she walked out of the elevator silently.

When the elevator door was about to close again, Jia Ji suddenly shouted: "Yes!"

He raised his head and saw the elevator door that was about to close in front of him, he quickly reached out to block the elevator door, and then rushed out of the elevator.

But he didn't control the strength of the sprint, and the whole person rushed forward.Seeing that he was about to bump into the person with pink hair in front of him, Jia Ji quickly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Hearing the sound behind her, her body reacted first, taking a big step to the right and successfully avoiding Jia Ji who rushed out.


Jia Ji's round body came into close contact with the white floor, and he lay face down on the ground.

Seeing the person lying motionless on the ground, Shu Shu hesitated for a moment before squatting down and poking the person's back with her right hand: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Jia Ji raised his left hand and waved it left and right and said with difficulty.

His head was still on the ground, and he didn't look like he was okay.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes and asked, "Do you need to help you up?"

"Yes..." Jia Ji's voice was low, but Shu Shu still heard it.

Shu Shu stretched out both hands to grab the chubby left hand and pulled it hard, and she pulled the person lying on the ground up.

Shaking his head vigorously, Jia Ji patted his chubby cheeks with both hands, and said politely to Shu Shu: "Thank you, if you don't pull me, I might not be able to get up."

"It's not that serious, is it?" Shu Shu asked with a puzzled face.

It just fell to the ground, and there is no fracture, so it's not impossible to get up.

But Jia Ji said with a straight face: "I have had a strange disease since I was a child. As long as I face the ground, I will not be able to get up."

"Huh?" Shu Shu was even more puzzled. Is there such a disease?

She never heard of it.

Anticipating the other party's reaction, Jia Ji shrugged and said, "Anyway, it's a small problem. As long as you don't face the ground, you'll be fine." Before Shu Shu could respond, he suddenly asked, "Are you a biology major, too?"

"Me?" Shu Shu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I'm a freshman this year. I heard that Professor D. Este's laboratory is on the sixth floor. I want to come and have a look."

Hearing 'sixth floor', Jia Ji raised his head to look at the number on the elevator door, and there was indeed a 6 on it.

Scratching his cheek, Jia Ji said to Shu Shu, "You can't enter the laboratory without the professor's permission, but I can take you for a walk outside the laboratory."

Having said that, Jia Ji walked along the corridor on his own.

Shu Shu hurriedly followed, and she asked curiously, "Senior, what grade are you in?"

This person doesn't look very old, he should be in the third or fourth grade.

"I'm in the sixth grade." Jia Ji pointed to a glass door on the right side of the corridor ahead and said, "That's my laboratory."

Shu Shu glanced at the closed glass door: "Your laboratory alone?"

"Yeah, I'm the only one in my grade." Jia Ji shrugged.

The biology major in the science department is the smallest in the entire department, and there are only seven or eight freshmen this year, but Shu Shu did not expect that there would be only one student in the sixth grade.

This is too little.

"Most of our major students will transfer to the medical major in the third and fourth grades, and only a few can stay in the biology major." Jia Ji seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him, with a very casual tone.

Shu Shu glanced at that round face and asked, "Then why didn't you change your major?"

It is said that the internal transfer of majors in the science department does not require the consent of the dean, as long as the dean of the major agrees.

"I wanted to switch to computer programming since I was in the first grade, but I was rejected by the director of computer programming every year." Jia Ji clenched his hands and said indignantly.

As if thinking of something, Jia Jiyu said to Shu Shu earnestly: "Sister, biology is too boring, you should change your major as soon as possible. Don't be like me, who stayed here for four years and still can't change majors."

"Only four years?" Shu Shu opened her mouth wide and looked at Jia Ji in surprise.

He was promoted to the sixth grade after only four years, and the person in front of him was really not a person by his appearance.

It takes one to two years for freshmen in the science department to advance to a new class, regardless of their major.

Because scientific research takes time, students in the science department are generally older.

The talent in front of him has been admitted to Luna First Academy for four years and has been promoted to the sixth grade. He can definitely be regarded as a genius.

Jia Ji didn't care about his promotion to sixth grade in four years. He said helplessly, "My dream is to become a computer expert. I don't want to be a biologist."

"Then does your teacher agree with you changing your major?" Shu Shu asked curiously.

Such a gifted student, would any teacher be willing to let him go?
Thinking of his teacher, Jia Ji curled his lips and said, "Of course I don't agree. He said he wanted me to inherit his mantle. But he later compromised. As long as the director of the computer programming department agrees to my transfer, he will agree unconditionally."

It sounds like this teacher is pretty good, Shu Shu complained.

The two had already reached the end of the corridor. Jia Ji pointed to a glass door and said, "That's Professor D. Este's laboratory, but I've never seen her come here."

Shu Shu walked to the glass door and looked inside through the transparent glass.

A not particularly bright light was turned on in the laboratory, and the workbench and storage shelves inside could be seen.Everywhere I looked was neat and tidy, as if no one had been there for a long time.

"I heard from the teacher that Professor D. Este is collecting samples on a distant planet, and it seems that he will not come back for several years."

Jia Ji also imitated Shu Shu and looked into the laboratory, but to him it was just a laboratory without any special features.

"Senior, aren't you busy?" Shu Shu asked suddenly.

Stand here and tell her how to go in and find clues?
Jia Ji shook his head and nodded again, and then said to Shu Shu with a bit of annoyance: "The director of the computer programming major gave me a question, but I got stuck, and I couldn't solve it."

"Can I take a look at it?"

If he can help him solve that problem, he should be able to find the director of the computer programming major.

Shu Shu thought that it should be a particularly complicated question, but when she saw Jia Ji's question on the light screen and Jia Ji's attempt, she suddenly understood why the teacher in front of her allowed him to keep applying to change majors.

This kind of primary school student's problem can be solved by just pulling anyone who knows a little programming on the Internet.

Shu Shu took a deep breath and asked cautiously, "How long have you been solving this problem?"

"About three or four months." Jia Ji raised his right hand and scratched his head.

Shu Shu: "..."

It is good to have a dream, but you must also do what you can.

However, she didn't go online to find the answer for three or four months, but she slammed it on her own. Shu Shu didn't know whether to say that the person in front of her was honest or stupid.

"Look, it's very troublesome here. I tried several times but couldn't solve it." Jia Ji pointed to a piece of code on the light curtain.

Shu Shu raised her hand and patted Jia Ji's shoulder, saying earnestly: "Senior, you can try to change your thinking. There are special programming forums on the Internet, and you can search for solutions to problems on it."

"I've looked for it, but I haven't found a satisfactory solution to the problem." Jia Ji said distressedly.

Shu Shu: "..."

Then I can't blame the director of the computer programming major for not wanting you. If it were me, I wouldn't even want such a student.

Shu Shu pulled Jia Ji's light curtain to her eyes, quickly entered a code on the light curtain with both hands, then returned the light curtain to Jia Ji and said, "Look, this is okay."

"Hey, it actually worked."

Jia Ji's eyes lit up when he saw the code on the light curtain, and he ran to his laboratory with the light curtain in his arms.

The stuck point finally cleared, and he could continue to solve the problem.

Watching Jia Ji disappear at the end of the corridor, Shu Shu nodded with satisfaction.

When she opened the light curtain and was about to start, five or six people came out from a laboratory not far away.

Seeing that they were coming in this direction, Shu Shu had no choice but to turn off the light curtain and walk back.

The doors of each laboratory are made of glass, and any movement inside can be clearly seen from the corridor. She has to come back at another time.

Orsini estate.

"My lord, are you going to be on camera tonight?" Arnold put the tray on the coffee table and asked.

Simon, who was lying on the recliner, flipped through a page of the book in his hand, and said casually, "Yeah, too many people have come to Luna recently, so I can only go to the 'camera' to relax."

Too many people is annoying, even Luna can't be clean.

"By the way, Earl Saketti came to the travel agency today, and he asked when you will go to work." Arnold raised the teapot and filled the teacup.

Simon didn't take this matter to heart and continued to read.

After receiving no response, Arnold continued: "Shu Shu seems a little listless recently, and I don't know what's wrong with her. She sighs at the light curtain every day when she goes to work."

Although she still laughed, it was obvious that she had something on her mind.

Simon suddenly put down the book in his hand and sat up on the recliner.

"How is the performance of the travel agency recently?" Simon took a sip from the teacup Arnold handed over.

"The orders received on the Internet this month have reached a new high. Shu Shu has been working hard."

Speaking of this, Arnold has a sense of pride from the heart.

Originally, the business of the travel agency was very simple, basically only the orders of Earl Sacchetti.

Because the travel agency was doing high-end customized projects, neither Simon nor Arnold had high expectations for online orders.

To put it bluntly, it is too difficult to find a client other than Andre who is "more money is stupid".

No one thought that Shu Shu could start the travel agency's online order business and do it so well.

Simon put down the teacup, and he stood up: "You can ask the little girl tomorrow, if you are too tired, give her a few days off."

Arnold thought it made sense. Shu Shu had to go to Luna First Academy at night, so she must be tired.

Such a treasure employee can't be too tired.

"I'm back." Shu Shu walked into the house and shouted.

Shu Yue came out of the room, looking at the listless Shu Shu, she asked with concern, "What's the matter? Did you get bullied at school?"

Although she knew that the possibility of Shu Shu being bullied was almost zero, Shu Yue couldn't help asking.

"A little sleepy." Shu Shu rubbed her eyes and said.

Shu Yue brushed a strand of hair from Shu Shu's ear to the back of her ear, "Go take a bath first, the hot water is already set."

"Okay." Shu Shu nodded and walked into the room.

Seeing Shu Shu's wobbly look, Shu Yue was a little worried and wanted to follow her to have a look.

But just then, she received a video request.When I opened the light curtain, it turned out to be Philip.

"Yueyue~" Philip greeted Shu Yue on the light curtain with his eyes bent.

"Where are you now?" Shu Yue asked.

Seeing that Philip was intact, Shu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

But in a blink of an eye, Shu Yue felt a little angry again. This guy actually left without saying goodbye.

Although she knew that his family had found him, Shu Yue was still a little worried when she received Philip's news.

Although Shu Yue had always wanted to let Philip go back, she was a little uncomfortable when he left suddenly like this.

"I'm in Lundini." Philip suddenly thought of something, lowered his head and said pitifully, "I'm going to Luna No. [-] Academy, so I can't be your bodyguard anymore."

"Luna First Academy?" Shu Yue repeated in surprise.

This year's Luna No. [-] Academy's entrance exams have already ended, and it stands to reason that they should not accept new students.

Philip nodded listlessly. Although there are not many courses in the ninth grade of the command department, the students have many tasks and have to go to the academy almost every day.

In addition to assisting the logistics team to patrol the academy, the ninth graders of the command department also have to conduct team training, and there are also tedious tasks such as tutoring younger students.

Before enrolling, the command department gave him an entrance exam, and Philip wanted to unlock his bank account as soon as possible, so that he could go to SPQR to buy a house, preferably next door to Yueyue's house.

But he didn't want to be admitted to the ninth grade, and he was put together by his grandfather again.

The bank account was unblocked, but Philip was limited to spend.Only after graduation, the consumption limit will be cancelled.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

Seeing Philip like this, Shu Yue thought that he felt owed because he couldn't continue to be a bodyguard. She comforted her: "The courses at Luna No. [-] Academy are quite tiring, so you should study hard."

"Yeah, I'll go to school well." Philip nodded vigorously.

He will never let Yueyue down.

The two chatted casually for a few words before hanging up, and Shu Yue remembered that she forgot to ask Philip which college he was in.

Crescent Travel Agency.

Andre sat at Shu Shu's desk, propped his chin on his right hand and looked at Shu Shu who was busy in front of the light curtain.

"Little Shushu, will you watch the mech competition arena ranking competition on the 'Mirror' tonight?"

Shu Shu stared at the light curtain and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Ming and Allen will attend."

"Who is Xiao Ming?" Andre asked suspiciously.

He only knew that Alan was the son of Prime Minister Ai, but the name Xiao Ming was really strange.

 Thank you for your support and likes, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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