It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 245 245 Whose territory is Luna?

Chapter 245 245 Whose territory is Luna?
I don't know if it was an illusion, but Shu Shu felt that Jiang Si's body seemed smaller than the last time she saw it.

Maybe an illusion.

"How long do we have to go?" Jiang Cha raised her head and asked.

From his lab, they should have walked for about half an hour.

In order not to be discovered by the energy detectors, the most primitive method of movement they chose was walking.

Shu Shu stopped thinking about it, she turned on the light curtain to check where they were, as well as the people in Hannover.

Most of the red dots are gathered near the laboratory of ginger tea, and they are already a little away from the laboratory.

"Turn left ahead and there's an exit. From there, you can get on the suspension car." Shu Shu pointed to the tunnel ahead illuminated by the energy lamp.

The sewers of SPQR are heavy and complicated, and it is a three-dimensional maze for those who are not familiar with it.

Every time she walks in the sewers, Shu Shu can't help but lament in her heart that SPQR is such a big project that even the sewers are copied from the ancient city of Blue Star.

Jiang Cha followed behind Shu Shu, turned his head and glanced at A who was walking behind him, and said softly to Shu Shu in front, "Actually, you don't have to follow."

At first, when he told Hide that he was going to move, Jiang Cha just wanted her to help hide his tracks, and never thought of asking her to escort them.

"It's not because of you." Shu Shu turned to look at the little doll on Jiang Cha's chest, "I'm here to protect Xiao Sisi."

Jiang Cha froze for a moment, then he looked down at the little doll hanging on his chest.

Sisi probably also likes Hide very much.

"It's almost there." Shu Shu pointed to the stairs ahead.

Ginger Tea Lab, Rooftop.

Vivienne yawned boredly, holding a long whip made of metal in her right hand, her beautiful eyes swept over the person lying on the ground.

"Hey, why are the people sent by the Hanover family so unbeaten?" Vivienne kicked the person next to her with a little disappointment.

It's not fun at all to send such garbage over here.

B glanced at the person lying on the ground who couldn't get up, and then glanced at the time: "Boss, we should go."

"Yeah." Vivienne stretched, just in time to catch Watson standing aside.

She points to Watson and says to B, "Put that robot on your back."

That was all of Jiang Cha's belongings, and he couldn't lose it, otherwise that kid would be in a hurry with her.

"Okay." B immediately walked up to Watson and picked up the robot butler.

Watson's height is considered medium, about 1.7 meters, compared with the big man B, he looks very small.

"Let's go." Vivian looked at the alley downstairs, and then jumped to the opposite roof.

"Thank you." Watson said politely with his hands on B's neck.

B shook it to indicate nothing, and then he followed closely behind Vivienne.

And just like that, the two of them, plus a robot, shuttled from rooftop to rooftop.

In a small alley not far from the ginger tea laboratory, a group of people gathered here.

"Sixth Lord, everyone...all escaped. Our people and the people of the Hanover family were all injured, and some of the more serious ones were sent to the hospital..."

Hearing the subordinate's report, Ning Hao was furious: "Useless stuff!"


Before the man could finish speaking, he was kicked away by Ning Hao, and his body hit the wall by the side of the road heavily.

Ning Hao threw the cigarette on the ground, stepped on it, and yelled at his subordinates: "You can't even catch an unarmed kid, how do you do it?"

All the subordinates stood there tremblingly, not daring to speak out, fearing that Ning Hao's anger would hit them.

After getting angry, Ning Hao shouted at his subordinates: "What are you still doing in a daze? Find someone for me!"

"Yes!" The subordinates felt relieved and slipped away faster than anyone else.

After everyone had left, Ning Hao looked up at the dark sky.

He hates this place that never sees the sun, this city that pretends to be ancient, and the people here.

If he could, he'd rather be sent to a planet on the edge of Olga than stay in this damn place.

But the Patriarch insisted on sending him here, and this faction lasted for more than ten years.

Looking away, Ning Hao cursed in a low voice, and then opened the light curtain.

He was just about to make a video call when a voice interrupted his movements.

"Ning Hao, Ning Hao, have you forgotten whose territory Luna belongs to?"

Ning Hao was startled by the sound, he looked around but saw no one.

I thought it was an auditory hallucination, when his hand returned to the light curtain.

Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Ning Hao's neck, lifted him up, and lifted his feet off the ground.

Ning Hao quickly raised his hands to break the hands that suddenly grabbed his neck, and he stared at the owner of the hands with wide eyes.

" could it be you?"

It became difficult to breathe, his face was flushed, Ning Hao struggled with all his strength, but neither his hands nor feet could pose any threat to the person who was strangling him.

The more he struggled, the faster the oxygen in his body lost, the brain began to lack oxygen, and the picture in front of him became blurred.

"Okay, you can put him down now, I don't want to kill anyone." Andre said casually.

The wax-colored pupils turned red at some point, and the mouth was slightly opened with two fangs protruding from the upper teeth.

Orlando let go of his hand immediately after hearing the order, and Ning Hao fell heavily on the stone brick floor.

"Cough cough cough..."

Breathing recovered smoothly, Ning Hao supported the ground with both hands, knelt on the ground and coughed violently.

His face was as pale as a sheet of white paper, his head was lowered and his whole body was trembling constantly.

Suddenly a pair of shiny black leather shoes came into Ning Hao's sight, and he slowly raised his head to see a smiling face.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Andre stared at Ning Hao condescendingly, the corners of his mouth raised but the smile couldn't reach his eyes.

There was a dangerous gleam in the red eyes.

Ning Hao swallowed hard, and asked calmly, "What...problem?"

Although he had tried his best to hide it, his voice was shaking uncontrollably, just like his body.

"Whose territory is Luna?" Andre repeated with a smile.

Hearing this question, Ning Hao's body trembled even more. He knelt down on the ground, opened his mouth wide but couldn't make a sound.

How could he have forgotten?

The person in front of him is Luna's master, Luna's uncrowned king.

When Ning Hao first came to Luna, he was repeatedly told by the owner that the people who must not be messed with in Luna are Count Sacchetti and Duke Orsini who has been living in Luna in seclusion.

The picture from more than ten years ago suddenly became very clear. Ning Hao only felt a chill down his spine, and his whole body was shaking so that he couldn't speak a word.

"Why don't you talk?" Andre asked with a smile.

But Ning Hao was speechless, and he stared at Andre with tears streaming down his face, as if he was scared to cry.

"Tch, a big man just cried like that." Andre shook his head lightly, then turned to Orlando and said, "Send someone to take him back to Ning's house."

Orlando immediately responded respectfully: "Yes."

Andre turned around and ignored the crying man on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and looked towards the end of the alley.

Even the Hanover family has come to Luna, and they don't take the Saketti family seriously.

That can only make them come and go.

Since SPQR's starship airfield was destroyed, all starships flying to SPQR were diverted to nearby cities.

And SPQR's starship airport is being rebuilt by robots in an orderly manner day and night, and it is expected to be completed by the end of January next year.

When Shu Shu drove the hover car to the vicinity of the starship airport, she saw the robots busy back and forth on the starship airport.

Stopping in a large natural crater of Luna in the north of Starship Airport, A immediately got off the car and opened the light curtain.

In the empty pit, a small starship suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"So you came here in my starship." Shu Shu sighed when she saw the long-lost starship.

The starship in front of me is the one Shu Shu parked in Kela, a small starship made by Jiang Cha.Shu Shu didn't expect Vivienne to use this starship to send Jiang Cha to Carat, but this starship is indeed the most suitable.

A nodded, and he turned off the light curtain and said to Shu Shu who was sitting in the driving seat of the hover car: "Miss Shu, you should go back first."

The Hanover family should be arriving soon, it's not safe to stay here.

Jiang Cha hugged Jiang Si and got off the suspension car. He walked to the window of the driver's seat and said to Shu Shu, "From now on, you can go to Carat to find me for repairs."

"Yeah." Shu Shu looked at the sleeping Jiang Si, "When Sisi wakes up, tell her for me that I will bring Diana's strawberry cake to her next time."

Jiang Cha lowered her head and patted Jiang Si's little head, then said with a smile, "I'll tell you the story."

"You guys go up first." Shu Shu pointed at the starship and said.

This starship was customized by Jiang Cha for her, and its performance and defense are among the best in the entire empire.

Watching the two of them board the starship, Shu Shu poked her head out of the window and waved at the starship.

Then, Shu Shu turned on the stealth function of the hover car, and drove the hover car back.

After Jiang Cha left Luna, Shu Shu felt that she lacked a place to go often.

I suddenly felt a little melancholy.

As soon as she left Dakeng, Shu Shu saw an open-top suspension vehicle coming from a distance, followed by more than a dozen heavy-duty suspension vehicles.

Each hovercar has a small energy cannon that fires at the convertible hovercar.

The bullets from the energy cannon were either avoided by the convertible hover vehicle, or hit the shield of the convertible hover vehicle.




"Hahaha! Hit me if you have the ability!"

Vivienne knelt on the back seat of the open-top hovercar, waving at the dozen or so hovercars that followed them.

Feeling that it wasn't enough, Vivian raised her hands to her mouth and blew a kiss.

Shu Shu shook her head lightly. Vivienne must have had so much fun that she forgot the time.

Turn the steering wheel 180 degrees, and drive the suspension vehicle to the rear of more than a dozen suspension vehicles.

After setting the automatic driving on the light curtain of the floating car, Shu Shu opened the sunroof and stood on the back of the driver's seat.

She took out two energy guns from the portable space, and raised them up one by one.

Aim, shoot.


A series of movements seemed to have been done countless times, and the movements flowed like water.


The energy cannons of the two hovering vehicles exploded suddenly, taking the hovering vehicles along with them.

Shu Shu didn't seem to see the explosion, she still held the energy gun with both hands.


Aim, shoot.

After a dozen times, only one open-top hover vehicle was left and flew towards the small starship parked in the big pit.

Shu Shu put away the energy gun, sat back in the driver's seat, and then drove the hover car home.

"Why did you come back so late?" Shu Yue looked suspiciously at Shu Shu who had just entered the door and asked.

A few days ago, Shu Shu also said that she would go home early this week, and she would go to the 'mirror' to watch the ranking match of the mech competition arena.

Shu Shu didn't answer, she stepped forward and opened her hands to hug Shu Yue's waist, burying her face on Shu Yue's shoulder and rubbing back and forth.

Like a wronged child, you want to be hugged and comforted.

Shu Yue was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand to touch Shu Shu's pink head and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Did you encounter a problem in the academy?"

Although Shu Shu usually likes to act like a baby, she rarely wants to hug her when she comes up like this.

"Suddenly I want my second sister's hug." Shu Shu muffled.

Shu Yue gently touched Shu Shu's head, and said with a smile: "Then hug more."

Usually Xiaoshushu looks cute and sensible, innocent and innocent, but Shu Yue knows that Xiaoshushu doesn't want her and her elder sister to worry.

No matter how much grievance I suffered, I carried it alone and faced it alone, and never asked them for help.

It was this little Shushu that made Shu Yue feel distressed. She wished she could give Xiao Shushu the best things in the world.

Her family's little Shushu is the most beloved sister in the world.

In space, a small starship is advancing rapidly.

"Boss, there are several starships ahead, they seem to be waiting for us." A sat in the driver's seat and turned to report to Vivienne Hui.

Vivienne was lying on the reclining chair, and she said listlessly: "Just jump over there, don't worry about them."

Xiaoshushu is also true, she destroyed those hover cars before she had enough fun.

"I'm afraid it won't work. They activated the magnetic field disruptor, so they can't jump." B turned to report.

Vivian raised her eyelids and looked at Jiang Cha, who was sitting not far away, and asked, "You made this starship. What's your opinion?"

Although they were escorting Jiang Cha, they still cared about the itinerary anyway.

Jiang Cha raised his head and looked at the stereoscopic projection in the center of the cockpit. He stood up and tapped a few times on the stereoscopic projection and said, "The opponent's force value is not high. We are 70.00% sure that the opponent's entire army will be wiped out."

"I love this sentence." Vivian sat up suddenly, looked at Jiang Cha excitedly and asked, "What weapons can I use here?"

Didn't even have fun on Luna.

Jiang Cha clicked on the projection inside a few times, making a large array of weapons appear on the projection.

"This starship is relatively small, it only has these weapons." Jiang Cha said nonchalantly.

Vivian had already stood up. She came to the stereo projector and carefully observed the weapons on the stereo projector.

"Little Chacha, now I suddenly understand why Xiaoshushu can't leave you. If this goes on, I might not be able to leave you either." Vivienne said with a serious face.

This kid is really surprising, such a small starship has so many treasures installed.


(End of this chapter)

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