It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 264 Special Treatment 264

Chapter 264 264 Special Treatment (4K+)

"I can't use all my strength to fight you. After all, your bloodline is much higher than mine." Ke Yuankui shrugged.

For them werewolves, blood suppression is a normal thing.

Ke Yuankui only felt that he was unlucky to have a pure-blooded werewolf as a classmate.

Fortunately, this eldest young master didn't have his nostrils upturned like other pure-blood young masters, so he was quite easy to get along with.

After listening to Ke Yuankui's words, Philip's complexion did not improve, but became even uglier.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Philip asked bitterly, "Don't you think this is unfair?"

Because of the suppression of his bloodline, he couldn't beat him. Philip felt that if it was him, he would definitely feel very unfair.

"What's so unfair?" Ke Yuankui laughed lightly, as if hearing a big joke.

Seeing Philip bowed his head and remained silent, Ke Yuankui probably understood what the young master was thinking.

How could this underage pure-blooded young master be so innocent?

Shaking his head and sighing softly, Ke Yuankui took out two cans of drinks from his portable space.Pushing one of the cans into Philip's hand, he opened the other and took a long gulp.

Ke Yuankui was holding the drink with one hand, while the other arm was hooked around Philip's neck like a good buddy.

Ke Yuankui hooked Philip by the neck and walked forward. Just when he was about to struggle, he heard a sentence from above his head: "Underage wolf cubs are just troublesome, and they are thinking wildly."

"Who are you talking about?" Philip raised his head and stared at Ke Yuankui.

How did this guy go crazy?

Ke Yuankui poked Philip's cheek and said with a smile, "Who else is underage here? My uncle has already grown up."

"Let go!" Philip pushed Ke Yuankui away, thinking that he had found the wrong person.

I've known Ke Yuankui for a while, and this guy usually acts like a fool, so I can't tell him anything serious.

Ke Yuankui was pushed back a few steps, but he was not annoyed, and took a sip of the drink in his hand.

"So you're still a little wolf cub." Ke Yuankui shook his head, "If you think it's unfair because I'm not a pureblood, countless people in this world will call it unfair."

He walked to a bench by the side of the road and sat down. He patted the empty seat beside him and waved to Philip to signal him to come and sit down.

Philip hesitated for a while, holding the can of drink Ke Yuankui gave him in his hand, walked to Ke Yuankui and sat down.

"Why don't you drink it? This is a limited edition." Ke Yuankui shook the drink can in his hand and said.

Limited edition low-alcohol sparkling drink for underage pups.

Philip raised the drink in his hand, opened the lid and took a sip.

The sweet and sour sparkling water is pretty good.

Ke Yuankui patted Philip on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "To be honest, when I was not an adult, I was jealous of you purebloods. Why should you suppress us because of our natural blood?"

Philip was silent, he drank the drink in his hand one by one, quietly like a bystander.

"Later I figured it out, your pure blood is not necessarily much better than ours. Not to mention the great responsibility, but also the mission of continuing the bloodline." Ke Yuankui smiled, he pushed Philip with his shoulder and asked curiously: "You Did you have a designated pure-blood fiancée since you were a child?"

Seeing that Philip did not answer, Ke Yuankui drank his drink and said, "There is no fairness or injustice in this world. We cannot decide what kind of family we are born in. But what kind of life we ​​want, It’s something we can strive for.”

The drink cans had bottomed out, and Ke Yuankui threw the empty cans into the trash can not far away.


The empty can hit the edge of the trash can, and instead of falling into the mouth of the trash can, it fell to the ground aside.

A small hole opened in the wall of the trash can and sucked the empty cans in.

Ke Yuankui felt that he had said so much, the young master should understand.

He himself was moved by his own words, and he never thought that one day he would be able to say such wise words.

It was so touching.

If he had known, he would have recorded the passage just now and played it for the lower grade students.

Suddenly, Ke Yuankui noticed something was wrong with Philip sitting beside him.

Philip, who was sitting on the bench, bowed his head and did not respond. Ke Yuankui patted Philip and pushed him.

"Hi! Philip!"

Philip fell to one side, his eyes closed, and his upper body lay sideways on the bench.

Ke Yuankui was taken aback, and quickly patted Philip's face: "Hey! Don't scare me!"

You were fine just now, why did you suddenly faint?

Is it really sick?
Do you want to take it to the infirmary?
Just when Ke Yuankui was in a state of anxiety, he heard a snoring sound, and it was indeed the kind of snoring sound that would be made while sleeping.

Ke Yuankui stared at Philip, who had his eyes closed tightly, and poked the small baby face.

After repeatedly confirming that the young master was only asleep, Ke Yuankui was about to collapse.

He managed to say such an inspirational quote, and this guy actually fell asleep!
pissed him off!

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the can of drink in Philip's hand, and Ke Yuankui snatched it from Philip's hand, only to find that it was empty.

Ke Yuankui was surprised by the young master again after looking at the sleeping sweet certain person, and then at the empty jar in his hand.

This drink is too bad.

Is this kid their werewolf clan?


A cold basement with no heating.

Leaning against the corner, hugging his knees and trembling all over, the dress on his body was already dirty, and his shoes were lost somewhere.With her small face buried in her knees, only a pair of big eyes were exposed. She watched children about her age being taken away by a fierce-looking man.

When the man came in again, she was pushed out by a girl a little taller than her.

She was taken to a bathroom, where a woman in a maid uniform washed her body expressionlessly, and then put her on a pure white dress.

The dress was soft and much more comfortable than what she had worn before.

Wearing hairpins on her head, she is dressed up beautifully.The woman warned her to be obedient and follow her all the time or beat her.

On the thigh, the place covered by the dress was pinched black and blue by the woman.

It hurts, it really hurts.

But not as painful as when mom hit her.

The woman took her by the hand and led her into a large hall.

Men and women were walking in the hall, all in beautiful clothes.

She saw several children locked with her, all held or held by adults.

Then, she saw a bright red...

Shu Shu suddenly opened her eyes, and her mind was in chaos. She seemed to be dreaming of the scene when she met the Duke for the first time when she was a child.

She couldn't remember what she had dreamed in, and she didn't have any memory after waking up.

Shaking her head, Shu Shu glanced at the time.

It's only 53:[-] in the morning, which is still early.

Rolling around on the big soft bed, Shu Shu couldn't fall asleep, her mind was full of the Duke.

The Duke said that he would come downstairs to pick her up at [-]:[-] in the morning. Thinking of this, Shu Shu decided to get up first and dress up to see the Duke.

Throwing off the quilt, Shu Shu stepped on her slippers and ran to the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath, Shu Shu's cheeks were flushed like peaches.

When Shu Shu arrived in the living room, she found that Shu Yue had already woken up. She was sitting at the dining table in loose home clothes and eating breakfast.

"Morning~" Shu Shu walked to the table and said.

Shu Yue raised her head and greeted with a smile: "Morning, why are you so early today?"

This little girl usually doesn't get up until eight or nine o'clock, and goes out to work at 09:30, and it's only after seven o'clock now.

"Today there is a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in the central square, and my friends and I will go to see it." Shu Shu said excitedly.

SPQR is in Luna's night hemisphere, so the lighting ceremony can be held in the morning instead of at night.

Shu Yue remembered that she had heard from Shu Shu that there were many celebrations in SPQR this month.

As a tourist city, SPQR has a festival almost every month, but Christmas in December is the biggest festival of the year.

Although Shu Yue was not a native of Luna, when she lived in Serena, she had heard of Luna's various blue stars, and even the festivals that the entire empire no longer celebrated.

Shu Yue sized up Shu Shu, who was wearing a bathrobe and looked like a hibiscus.

I always feel that the little cabbages I have managed to raise will be offered by wild boars, and this taste is not good at all.

Shu Yue lifted the ceramic cup and took a sip of latte a little irritatedly. She asked nonchalantly, "Who did you go to see?"

If it wasn't for waiting for a while and still having work, Shu Yue really wanted to go with Shu Shu and see what friends Shu Shu had made in Luna by the way.

Shu Shu might not like little kids like Ai Lun and Le Huanming.

Shu Yue didn't take Alan as the prime minister alone and Le Huanming as the young master of the Le family at all.

If it was someone else, given the background of these two people, they would definitely be eager to send their daughter to them.

For Shu Yue, no one in the entire empire is worthy of her little sister.

"Go with my colleagues." Shu Shu casually replied while eating the toast that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.


Shu Yue's hand stopped suddenly, she put down the ceramic cup, lowered her head and asked in doubt: "Really?"

Could it be that Xiao Shushu is really in a relationship with a colleague?

Is my little sister going to be stolen by a thief?
Suddenly, Shu Yue's heart was full of mixed feelings, and she was not even in the mood to eat breakfast.

"Yeah, the boss invited me to watch the lighting ceremony." Shu Shu nodded obediently.

Hearing this, Shu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was an activity for the staff of their travel agency, not a date between the two of them.

At eight o'clock, Lei Lei came to pick up Shu Yue in a nanny car. Today Shu Yue has a program interview.

Since what happened at the Starship Airport, Shu Yue recently refused to accept jobs other than Luna's on the grounds of adjusting her mentality, and Lei Lei also very much agrees.

The main reason is that that incident frightened Lei Lei so much that she still dare not take the starship.

Seeing that it was almost time, Shu Shu changed into black tight trousers, a white lotus lace high collar shirt, a camel long coat, and a beret of the same color as the coat.

Recently, SPQR has cooled down a lot and entered the cold winter.

"Miss Shu, your friend is waiting for you downstairs."

The voice of the robot butler made Shu Shu smart, and she quickly sent her warm snow boots and ran downstairs.

"Morning!" Shu Shu pushed open the door on the first floor with a smile on her face.

Simon wore a long black coat today, which was very slim, perfectly outlining his wide-shouldered and narrow-waisted figure.

The coat was only buttoned one button, and a dark gray scarf was hung casually around the neck outside the coat.

Shu Shu thinks that no matter what clothes he wears, the Duke looks good.

"Let's go." Simon smiled slightly.

The two walked side by side, only then did Shu Shu realize that there was a lot of snow on the ground, and the entire SPQR was covered in white overnight.

Seeing the little girl next to him curiously looking at the snow on the ground, Simon said with a smile: "For a light-on ceremony with a more appropriate atmosphere for Christmas, the newly appointed director of the culture and tourism department of SPQR came up with an idea. .”

I have to say that the newly appointed director of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has some ideas.

Shu Shu thought that Luna's artificial atmosphere could control the temperature and climate change, but it was a pleasant surprise to see a white SPQR after waking up.

The central square is quite close to Shu Shu's house, and the two of them walked for 15 minutes.

On the west side of the square are rows of wooden stalls. The Christmas market opens after the lighting ceremony, but the stall owners of each stall have already started to set up their stalls.

On the east side of the square is where the Christmas tree is located. The Christmas tree with a height of more than ten meters has been decorated long ago, and it is the protagonist of today.

Looking at the dense crowd around the Christmas tree, Shu Shu suddenly regretted coming here.

She didn't expect there to be so many people.

From the crowds from all directions to the central square, Simon had expected that there would be so many people. He took Shu Shu's hand and led her to a building on the east side of the square.

Orlando had already been waiting at the gate of the building. When he saw Simon walking over with Shu Shu, he subconsciously glanced at Shu Shu.

"Duke Orsini, please." Orlando opened the door respectfully.

Simon nodded to Orlando and pulled Shu Shu in. Orlando led the two to the elevator and pressed the elevator button.

Seeing the little girl with a dazed face, he explained: "In the past, there would be a VIP auditorium for the lighting ceremony, but this year it was cancelled, so we can only go to the top of this building."

It turned out that it could be like this, which was an eye-opener.

But it's really a good way to watch the lighting ceremony without being crowded in the crowd.

Under the guidance of Orlando, the two went to the top of the building, and Shu Shu felt that everything in front of her was beyond her imagination.

A glass house is built on the spacious top floor to block the cold outside while retaining the view overlooking the central square.

There are sofas, various tables and chairs in the glass room, and various drinks and delicious snacks are placed on the tables.

There are also two girls wearing light dresses in a corner, one is sitting on a chair holding a cello, the other is holding a violin and playing beautiful music.

A few strangers standing in the glass room were holding their cups to exchange greetings. They all glanced this way when they saw Orlando leading Simon and Shu Shu in.

 There is another update... it may be very late, please don't wait

(End of this chapter)

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