Chapter 266 266 Gossip
Luna First Academy, Office of the Dean of the Art Department.

Shu Yue sat on the sofa, with a polite smile on her face, looking at the man sitting opposite.

It was rumored in Luna No. [-] Academy that Dean Xiao and Best Actor Xiao looked alike, but Shu Yue didn't expect to be so similar.

It wasn't that obvious in the photo, but when she saw her in person, Shu Yue felt that the two were not alike.

After a few polite words between the two, Xiao Tingyuan went straight to the topic: "I know that Shu Shu's guardian is General Shu Yun, but I think it's more appropriate to discuss this matter with you."

"Are you referring to Shushu's future career development?" Shu Yue asked with a clear smile.

Sure enough, it was for this matter.

Xiao Tingyuan nodded: "To be honest, with Shu Shu's current piano level, she can be promoted to the sixth grade immediately, and she can make her debut."

Accepting such a student, Xiao Tingyuan felt that he had found a treasure.

As for Shu Shu's future debut, he has already planned it in his heart.

With the talent that Shu Shu has shown so far, she will definitely become one of the best pianists in the empire in the future. Xiao Tingyuan has never questioned this point.

"Dean Xiao, if you want Shu Shu to debut, please don't think about it, Shu Shu will not agree." Shu Yue said firmly.

Neither she nor the eldest sister would agree, and Shu Shu herself would not agree.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, this has always been Shu Shu's catchphrase.

Xiao Tingyuan didn't expect Shu Yue to refuse so directly, he didn't tell Shu Shu's career plan, so he was rejected by the other party.

Shu Yue obviously didn't want to talk anymore, she stood up from the sofa and said, "If there is nothing else, excuse me."

Before Xiao Tingyuan could speak, Shu Yue left Xiao Tingyuan's office directly.

Staring at the door shut by Shu Yue, Xiao Tingyuan wondered.

He thought it would be easier to discuss this with Shu Yue, because she is a singer and knows how difficult it is to debut in the entertainment circle, but he didn't expect to be rejected.

And it was rejected so thoroughly.

This is the first time in Xiao Tingyuan's life that he wanted to help someone make his debut, but he was rejected without even saying his plan.

Hey, it's rare to accept such a student and not make a debut.

What kind of world is this?
Crescent Travel Agency.

"I heard that you were kissed by force." Andre sat on the leather sofa with his legs crossed and a smirk on his face.

Today he was wearing a white sweater, ripped jeans, and camel-colored Martin boots. His slightly curly hair was combed back by a thin metal headband, exposing his smooth forehead.

Simon glanced at Andre's majestic youthful attire, then silently turned his face away.

It's an old monster, and it's really shameless to pretend to be young.

Andre clearly felt disgust from Simon, but it didn't affect his mood at the moment.

Since Orlando reported what happened at the lighting ceremony a few days ago, he couldn't wait to come to Simon.

Knowing Simon for so long, many women wanted to shoot him because of his beautiful face, but no one had ever succeeded.

And those women who tried to blackmail Simon were all sent to another world by this unparalleled beauty in front of them.

Andre didn't expect that Simon would be kissed by a little girl. When he heard Orlando's report, he regretted it to death.

Why didn't he go that day?
Why are you going to have that shitty meeting with the SPQR mayor?

Why didn't Orlando take pictures of the exciting moments?

Andre was not at the scene, and did not see the thrilling moment. It was like a cat's paw was scratching in his heart, itching to death.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many things these days, Andre would have long wanted to come over to ask the client how he felt when he heard Orlando's report.

"Earl Sacketti, your black tea." Arnold handed the delicate ceramic cup to Andre.

Andre readily took it, but instead of drinking it, he asked curiously, "Where's Shu Shu? Why didn't you see her today?"

There is no one in the little girl's job, so she was fired by Simon, right?

As soon as this idea floated in his mind, Andre immediately denied it.

probably not.

If he really became angry because of Xiao Shushu's forced kiss, this guy would not take Shu Shu away so calmly after the lighting ceremony.

According to Orlando's report, Xiao Shushu still came to work a few days ago.

"Shu Shu asked for leave, she went to Serena to attend the premiere of Wuxi's new movie." Arnold said with a smile.

Andre was stunned for a moment, then asked suspiciously: "What does Wuxi's new movie premiere have to do with Xiao Shushu?"

Because he had been entangled with Wuxi for a while, Andre felt his scalp tingle when he heard the name Wuxi now.

So he ordered Orlando not to report any news about Fifth Xi, which directly caused Orlando to automatically avoid news related to Fifth Xi when reporting.

"Shu Shu's sister is the lead singer of the theme song of Wu Xixin's movie." Arnold explained patiently.

Only then did Andre remember that Wu Xi seemed to have done a lot for Shu Yue when Shu Yue was detained by the police station.

But this is not the focus of today, and Andre's gaze returned to someone sitting across from him, reading a book leisurely.

"Little Shushu went to Serena, why didn't you follow?" Andre said so, raised the ceramic cup and took a sip.

However, as soon as the liquid reached the innermost part, Andre spit it out: "Pfft!"

"Count Sacketti, are you okay?" Arnold quickly handed over a handkerchief and asked.

Andre took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth. He stared at the teacup in his hand and asked with a tangled expression, "Why doesn't it taste right?"

He raised his head and looked at Arnold and asked, "Isn't this a carat specialty from Shu Shu?"

I thought I could drink that special classic black tea, but I didn't expect it to be an ordinary one.

"No, that tea is already finished." Arnold said without blushing.

In fact, His Excellency the Duke ordered that Shu Shu didn't send much tea, so it couldn't be used to entertain guests.

Andre stared at the tea in the cup, as if he had a grudge against it.

It's gone!
Putting the teacup on the coffee table, Andre completely lost interest in the cup of black tea.

Arnold wiped the tea table, and then put out a variety of delicious refreshments.

From the beginning to the end, Simon maintained his reading posture, as if nothing outside could disturb him.

Looking at Simon who was like a perfect sculpture, Andre pouted.

The looks of their blood race, especially the pure blood, are very good-looking.But in the entire blood family, no one can look as flawless as Simon.

Every time he saw Simon's face, Andre lamented the injustice of the Creator.

But thinking of what happened to Simon, Andre felt a little more balanced.

Those smelly priests once said they were devils, messengers of hell.

Maybe they're right.

The vampires whose blood is supreme have already collapsed from the inside, and they have become monsters killing each other.

After shaking his head lightly, Andre tapped his right index finger on the leather sofa a few times.

"I will set off with General Shu Yun's team, and then Luna will be handed over to you."

This time, I don't know how long it will take to come back.

Simon finally raised his head from the book in his hand, and he glanced at Andre: "Remember to come back alive."

"Isn't it good to say something auspicious?" Andre dissatisfied.

If you die Simon, you will know how to make sarcastic remarks.

Simon smiled without saying a word. He took out a metal bottle the size of his palm from his portable space and threw it to Andre.

Subconsciously took it, Andre wanted to open it to see what was inside, when he heard Simon say, "It's my blood inside, I hope you won't use it."

Andre froze for a moment, gripping the metal bottle tightly.

"Thanks." Andre said solemnly.

He also hoped it would not be used.

Simon closed the book in his hand, "You should know about the relationship between the Liberty Alliance and Stark. The Presbyterian Church is already like that. It's good to not let everything go wrong, but you can take advantage of the empire."

After Andre left, Arnold helped Simon refill a cup of black tea.

"My lord, are you really assured that Earl Saketti will go alone?" Arnold couldn't help asking.

Earl Sacketti has absolutely no chance of winning against Prince Stark. The blood pressure and family strength are too different.

Simon raised his teacup and took a sip of tea, "So I asked him to bring the amulet of Philip."

The precious grandson has gone to the Rowan galaxy, and Mr. Borgia will not sit idly by.

"But is this really good? Borgia is not so easy to be calculated." Arnold said worriedly.

Mr. Borgia is not a good person to be able to bring the Borgia family to its current scale.

Simon smiled: "Don't worry, Mr. Borgia has long wanted to make a move. Andre brought Philip with him, just to give him a valid reason."

The Schiller galaxy has long been unable to accommodate the two tigers, and the Borgia family and the Stark family will face each other head-on sooner or later.

"Isn't Philip..." used by his grandfather?

Arnold didn't finish speaking, but Simon heard what Arnold wanted to say.

He took a sip of the black tea in the ceramic cup, the mellow taste evoked memories of the past.

"Master Borgia is more than 600 years old, he can't always protect Philip." Simon said calmly.

The werewolves have powers that other races cannot imagine, but their lifespan is the shortest among the 'special groups'.

Mr. Borgia knew very well that he could not protect Philip for the rest of his life, so he had to let his underage grandson experience it.

There is no place more suitable for werewolf training than the battlefield. Simon believes that Mr. Borgia has already arranged everything, and he is just a favor.

The empire's crusade against the Freedom Alliance is nothing but a contest between 'special groups'.

"The Presbyterian Church has been rotten for a long time. They can't accept new things. It's ridiculous to want to go back to the closed period."

One afternoon, when the warm sunlight came in from the window, Si Jun said this with a chuckle.

Simon couldn't remember how many years ago it was, but he remembered what Si Jun said.

"Reform is inevitable, otherwise our 'special groups' will only die."

"In this reform, there is no racial delusion to escape. Only by embracing the reform positively can we 'special groups' and human beings go on in the long run."

"Maybe I can't see the reformed world, but little Simon, you can definitely see it."

Simon suddenly clenched his fist, and the ceramic cup in his hand was crushed without realizing it.

The light red liquid splashed everywhere, leaving spots on Simon's snow-white shirt.

Si Jun, is this the reform you were talking about?
Now that the reform is about to start, why don't you come back?
Luna First Academy, Academy of Art.

Le Huanming yawned boredly, Shu Shu asked for leave to go to Serena, Vivian hadn't come back, he was the only one in the whole class.

Fortunately, it was a big class today, otherwise he would be the only one who would be eye-to-eye with the teacher.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Le Huanming found that the atmosphere was not right.The surrounding students all glanced at him and whispered.

The boys showed ambiguous smirks, but the girls glanced at him with contemptuous eyes.

What's going on here?
Le Huanming scratched his cheek in doubt, but he didn't have much time to think before the teacher came.

After the class was over, Le Huanming was stopped by the teacher.

"Student Le, please come with me."

Le Huanming felt strange and followed the teacher to the teacher's office.

When he arrived at the office, he found that the director of their piano major was also there, as if waiting for him.

The director of the piano major who was sitting at the work seat had a serious face. When he saw Le Huanming, he gave him a complicated look.

"Student Le, please come here because someone posted a message about you and Student Shu on the internal forum of the college this morning..." The piano director didn't know how to describe it for a while, and continued after a few seconds: "Gossip, no Mistakes are gossip."


Me and Shu Shu?


Le Huanming was stunned, with 1 question marks on his head.

This morning, he was working on the quiz questions that Dean Xiao gave them for the previous freshman competitions, and he didn't even go to the internal forums of the college.

Usually, he is not very keen on the internal forum of the academy, and only occasionally goes to see what fun activities are going on in the academy.

Seeing Le Huanming's expression, the director of the piano major knew that Le Huanming didn't know yet.

With a sigh, he turned on the light curtain, and showed Le Huanming the post on the forum that was quickly upvoted this morning.

"I believe that you have never done such a thing, but now that it has been spread in the academy, I hope you can come out and clear it up."

Le Huanming glanced at the light curtain and was stunned, followed by overwhelming anger.

There is only one video on the post, and the title is simple and rude.

"Freshmen are actually playing 3P in the classroom? ! ? "

The content of the video is that two men and one woman are doing indescribable things in a classroom, and the faces of the three people are not mosaiced. They are obviously Le Huanming, Ai Lun and Shu Shu.

The video is not long, only 1 minute, but the bodies and faces of the three are clearly captured.

Even if Le Huanming didn't know how to fake a video, he knew that someone maliciously faked the faces of the three of them on a video.

Except for the video, the comments below are not intriguing, especially for Shu Shu.

"Fuck! Who is this woman? I want to try too!"

"I have a soft girlish face, I didn't expect to be so bold!"

 There was a piece of news a few years ago that the face of a certain foreign star was put on an A movie.

  It uses a technology called DeepFake, and then another news some time ago.

  A mother in the United States used the same technique to post some inappropriate photos of her daughter's female classmates.

  If this kind of technology is popularized, it will be really difficult to distinguish between true and false in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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