It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 272 272 It's time to close the net

Chapter 272 272 It's time to close the net

The conference room next door to the Computer Engineering Lab in the Department of Science.

Sheng Bing sat at the conference table and smoked leisurely, staring at the light curtain with lazy eyes.

Besides him, there were two other people in the conference room, both of whom were sitting far away from him.

There are two mini bladeless fans blowing in the direction of Sheng Bing on the table next to Paul, and Sian Weiger is sitting on the other side of Paul.

The three of them were busy facing the light curtain, as if they had nothing to do with each other, but they were all busy with the same thing.

"Professor Sheng, you guessed right, the other party has started to criticize in private." Sian Weiger raised her head and said to Sheng Bing who was sitting on the other side of the conference table.

According to the situation reported by the students, not long after the forum post was deleted, there were a lot of discussions about the three people in the video in many student groups.

The other party's methods are very clever. In the group chat with hundreds of people, they will always lead the comments to the forum posts, and then comment unscrupulously.

Most of them are about the background of the three, and most of the embarrassing words are about Shu Shu.

Sian Weiger has had students fight back while gathering evidence.

With so many accounts, it is impossible for one person to control them.

Sheng Bing took a puff of the cigarette, then pressed the cigarette that had almost burned through the filter sponge into the ashtray on the table and extinguished it.

"I thought it was just a trick of human beings, but I didn't expect our people to be there." Sheng Bing shook his head and laughed.

Originally, I just wanted to clean up the guy who threw the virus, but I didn't expect to catch a big fish.

Sheng Bing didn't want to get involved in the matter of Luna No. [-] Academy.

But who told him that he was a person in charge and could not allow others to break the code he wrote.

Sian Weiger was not surprised at all, she asked in a deep voice, "Have you found out who it is?"

"Of course." Sheng Bing clicked on the light curtain a few times, "I have sent you the list, and it is inconvenient for me to intervene in the following matters."

Paul glanced at his uncle with contempt. It was inconvenient to intervene, but he just didn't want to deal with trouble.

While those people were busy dealing with Dean Weiger's students, they checked their family background and threw a few viruses into their system by the way.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you is Sheng Bing's style of doing things.

Sheng Bing looked at Paul with a smile on his face and asked, "How is it with you?"

"The virus has been removed." Paul said blankly.

The master only said that he was busy, and then he did not reply to his message.

I don't know what God is busy with.

Suddenly, a post on the internal forum of Luna First Academy attracted Paul's attention.

The title of the post is simple and rude: "How can the Fake video not be found to be Fake?" "

This post was just uploaded, Paul clicked on it, and couldn't help laughing.


The handwriting of the Great God is really extraordinary.

Seeing that Paul suddenly smiled, Sheng Bing stood up suspiciously and walked in Paul's direction.

He wanted to see what was so funny.

When Sheng Bing saw the content displayed on Paul's light curtain, Sheng Bing also laughed: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful!"



When Cheng Kuan arrived at the scene, Vivian and Shu Yun were already fighting.

The only good thing is that the two fought in an open green space, and did not cause damage to the college's buildings, but this green space suffered.

Finn Becky stood aside and watched anxiously stomping his feet, and ran over when he saw Cheng Kuan coming.

"Dean Cheng, let the two of them stop." Finn Becky was about to cry. Today's loss of one day is almost equal to the maintenance cost of Luna No. [-] Academy for a year.

The school year has just started this year, and if the budget is used up, there will be no money in the future.

The director of the logistics department was worried about the maintenance cost of the college.

Cheng Kuan stood there motionless, he raised his right hand and touched his chin.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two may be fighting without any scruples, but Cheng Kuan is well aware of the strength of the two, and the destructive power of this level is nothing at all.

Both of them controlled the strength of their moves, otherwise it would not be as simple as this green land suffering.

"It's okay, just wait until they get tired." Cheng Kuan patted Finn Becky on the shoulder, "The cabinet's compensation should have arrived, and you should go to Gremory for money now. If he says no If so, let him advance the money first."

Don't come back sooner or later, but come back now.

It's no wonder there's nothing tricky about it.

Finn Becky's eyes lit up immediately, and after thanking Cheng Kuan, he took his men and ran to the principal's office.

With that money, the entire academy could be renovated.

Cheng Kuan watched Finn Becky leave, and then glanced at the two who were fighting each other.

He walked to the only bench in the vicinity that was still intact, and sat down beside Morning A.

A just looked up at Cheng Kuan, and then returned his attention to the light curtain.

Cheng Kuan was not annoyed either. He turned on the light curtain and saw the list from Sheng Bing and the message from Sian Weiger.

I glanced at the time, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

This farce has been going on for a whole day, and it's time to close the net.

Canteen number three.

Wan Tiantian sat at the dining table and ate the meal delivered by the robot irritably, she was almost dying of depression.

Originally, she could go home only after one class in the morning, but because of the mess in the academy's internal forum, she could only enter the academy but not leave. Like many students, she was forced to stay in the academy.

I originally made an appointment with my friends to go to the Christmas market in the afternoon, but now it's all gone.

"Didn't that post be deleted by the college? What's so interesting about the forum now?" Wan Tiantian shouted, glaring at the fat man sitting opposite.

I was forced to stay in the academy, because the borrower from the art department went crazy and wrecked everywhere, and most of the academic buildings suffered.

Students who had nowhere to go gathered in various dining halls, causing the dining halls to be full without even a small private room.

As Miss Wan's family, Wan Tiantian was forced to eat together with Jia Ji in the lobby of the cafeteria.

I'm really going to piss her off!
She really didn't understand, even if someone wanted to punish those three freshmen, what did it have to do with her?
Why is she suffering here?

Now Wan Tiantian only hoped that the senior management of the college would solve this matter as soon as possible and let her go home. She didn't want to spend the night in the college at all.

The black-haired boy raised his head from the light curtain and said with bright eyes: "It's not that post, there is a new post on the top, please open the forum to see."

"What broken post?" Although Wan Tiantian said so, his hands were already moving.

Turn on the light curtain and log in to the academy's internal forum. There is a post with the tags 'boiling' and 'new' in the most prominent position on the homepage.

That fat man Jia Ji should be talking about this, right?
Wan Tiantian glanced at the title, and then entered with a blank expression.

 Shu Shu's counterattack is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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