Chapter 276
"How do you know?" Neil Gremory blurted out.

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it.

He can't wait to slap himself, isn't this a direct admission that the money has arrived?
It just arrived in the afternoon, and he hasn't even had time to move a penny. How did Finn Becky know?
"As the director of the logistics department, how could I not know what's going on in the academy?" Finn Bech stared at Neil Gremory with a smile.

Those eyes were gentle and not aggressive, but Neil Gremory shuddered.

Neil Gremory raised his right hand, clenched his fist and coughed softly in front of his mouth: "Ahem, if there is nothing else, I will excuse you first."

He couldn't waste time here with Finn Becky.

Thinking of this, Neil Gremory turned and walked in the opposite direction of Finn Becky, but was stopped by the people brought by Finn Becky.

"Principal, I haven't finished my business yet." Finn Becky still had a polite smile on his face.

Neil Gremory was upset, but he knew he couldn't show it.

Taking a deep breath, Neil Gremory glared at the two people standing in front of him, then turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Because the college's maintenance costs are seriously overrun this year, I need to apply for another fund." Finn Bech opened the light curtain and handed the already completed application to Neil Gilmond.

Neil Gremory glanced briefly at the content on the light curtain, and when he saw the total amount on it, he frowned: "This figure is too high, far exceeding the current liquidity of the academy. Moreover, this kind of thing should It’s better to discuss with several deans.”

"Dean Cheng, Dean Wei Ge and Dean Xiao have already signed." Finn Becky clicked on the light curtain a few times, and a document that had been signed by the two deans appeared on the light curtain. "In terms of funds, you can use the compensation from the cabinet. I didn't apply because the money hadn't arrived before, but now the funds are in place, and I only need your permission."

Old fox!
Neil Gremory cursed in his heart, before he had time to use the funds, the old fox had already made a clear arrangement of where the funds would be used.

As the headmaster, Neil Gremory has the right to reject Finn Bech's application, but Finn Bech has already received the signatures of the three deans. If Neil Gremory does not have a good reason, he cannot refuse at all. he.


Neil Gremory was going mad at the thought of the huge sum of money that had arrived in his account and that he had gotten nothing.

But he couldn't show it in front of Finn Becky, so he could only sign Finn Becky's application with a stiff face.

Just as Neil Gremory was vomiting blood in his heart and signed on Finn Becky's light curtain, Qiao Yu ran over in a panic.

"Principal! It's not good!"

Neil Gremory was in a fit of anger, and when he saw Qiao Yu running over recklessly, he couldn't hold back and scolded him severely.

"What's wrong? What about the rules? How many times have I told you to keep calm no matter what happens. What do you look like?"

Qiao Yu lowered his head, allowing Neil Gremory to yell at him.

Finn Becky, who was standing aside, frowned when he saw Neil Gremory yelling like a shrew.

He shook his head lightly, cleared his throat, greeted Neil Gremory, and left with the others.

He had lost all hope for the headmaster.

After Neil Gremory finished cursing, seeing that Finn Becky had led his people away, he calmed down and said, "Tell me, what's the matter? Becky was here just now, so I had to do this. "

It can be regarded as an explanation to Qiao Yu.

"Well, I understand." Qiao Yu nodded understandingly.

He looked around to make sure there was no one else around, and then said in a low voice, "Someone called the police. What Sun Da and Yu Zhou did was discovered. The guards have already arrived at the school gate."

"At most it's defamation. As Yu Zhou is, the guards won't really arrest them." Neil Gremory said disapprovingly.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved.

Regardless of whether that video is real or not, that student Xiao Tingyuan will never want to raise his head in Luna No. [-] Academy in the future.

No, not just in the academy, but throughout the empire.

Twelve hours have passed since that post was posted, and Neil Gremory believes that the video will be seen on the Internet soon.

Human curiosity is very strong, especially young people.

Although it was intercepted by people from the Science Department, and the entire college was unable to send out videos or pictures, Neil Gremory believed that many people saved the videos and screenshots.

As long as the college network is opened, that video will spread across the entire network like a virus.

At that time, even if the college comes forward to clarify and block the network, it will not be able to prevent individuals from spreading in small groups.

People like to watch the excitement, especially this kind of 'gossip' that has nothing to do with them.

A short fake video with some misleading information can definitely ruin a person, especially a girl.

The blame can only be blamed on her being Xiao Tingyuan's student.

Neil Gremory sneered inwardly.

"No, it's not about the post-fake video, it's the original film, the original film related to Sun Da and Yu Zhou." Qiao Yu shook his head quickly.

He raised his hand and wiped the Hanshui on his forehead. Even though it was winter, he was sweating all over.

"The original film?" Neil Gremory frowned, suddenly having a bad feeling.

The two of them assured him that they shot the original film, and it would never be found on the Internet.

Even if someone can point out that it's a fake video, it doesn't prove anything without the original film.

It was with such assurance that Neil Gremory was able to leave the whole matter in the hands of the two of them.

In addition to the arrival of the cabinet compensation in the afternoon, Neil Gremory no longer manages the academy's internal forums.

Qiao Yu quickly turned on the light curtain and showed Neil Gremory a few hot posts on the college's internal forum that rushed to the homepage. Neil Gremory almost fainted just by looking at the titles.

The two people in the original film are murderers in the science department! ! ! "

"Is there such a person hidden in the academy?" ! ? "

"Shocking Reversal!The original film turned out to be a crime scene! ! ! "

The entire Luna First Academy was full of discussions. First, someone recognized the two people in the original film, and then someone recognized the girl in the original film.

It is not hard to find news about the SPQR female corpse case last month. After being posted on the forum, everyone in the academy knew who the murderer who hurt the girl was.

There was already a lot of scolding in the college forum, almost everyone forgot the fake video in the morning, and now everyone is scolding Sun Da and Yuzhou for being inferior to beasts.

 The person behind the scenes also appeared~
  The next step is to clean up the dregs!

(End of this chapter)

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