It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 279 Chapter 279 to Luna

Chapter 279 Chapter 279 to Luna

"Yuzhou's father is an aristocrat. This matter will be handed over to the special guards. You don't have to worry about the rest." Cheng Kuan said indifferently.

There was no ups and downs in his voice, as if he was talking about something trivial.

But it fell into Shu Yun's ears like a bomb, she couldn't help frowning, and looked at Cheng Kuan with complicated eyes.

In the empire, nobles enjoy privileges.But if they break the law, they will face the punishment of the empire, but they will be handed over to the special guards.

Shu Yun had heard about this special force directly under the emperor, and even the marshal seemed to be afraid of them.

"Then how does the academy plan to deal with the fake video?" Shu Yun asked in a deep voice.

The hands on the thighs had unconsciously clenched into fists, trembling slightly because they were too tightly clenched.

Since the two are going to be taken away, the follow-up matter has nothing to do with Luna First Academy.But that fake video was watched by so many people, Shu Yun hoped that the academy could handle this matter.

Rumors and gossips cannot be stopped with an announcement, but Shu Yun hopes that the academy will minimize the damage as much as possible.

Fortunately, Shu Shu was not at the academy today, otherwise Shu Yun would have murderous intentions.

Words are a sharp knife that does not see blood, and it will make people feel miserable.

Since her debut, Shu Yue has often been hacked for no reason, and the insults on the Internet have never stopped.Shu Yun doesn't want Shu Shu to have the same experience in the future, besides, today's incident was intentional.

On the Internet, it is too simple to want to die alone.

Cheng Kuan knew what Shu Yun meant, and he said calmly: "I have already consulted Professor Sheng, because the network restriction within the college was set this morning, and the fake video did not flow to places outside the college."

"When the network restrictions are lifted, he is sure that the Fake video will not appear on the Internet."

Fortunately, when the virus was discovered this morning, Sheng Bing immediately restricted the network in the college.

Any pictures and videos cannot be sent out from the academy, avoiding the wider spread of the Fake video.

"What about speech?" Shu Yun asked.

Cheng Kuan was silent for a while and said: "Weiger has already started publicity within the academy, and the current trend of speech on the forum is under her control."

At present, the academy can only do so much.

The starship airport outside the No. [-] gate of Luna First Academy.

Since the SPQR starship airport was destroyed, the routes originally belonging to the SPQR starship airport were transferred to other Luna starship airports, and the exclusive starship airport of Luna First Academy was not spared.

The starships that were originally only available to the teachers and students of Luna First Academy became extremely busy, and civilian starships landed here 24 hours a day.

A civilian starship landed at the starship airport of Luna First Academy, and the tourists on it came down one after another.

"Welcome to Luna..."

In the crowd, a tall figure was walking slowly with a suitcase.

He was wearing sunglasses, a floral short-sleeved shirt, floral trousers that did not reach the knees, and a pair of flip flops.He was out of tune with the people wearing long-sleeved padded jackets around him, as if he lived in another space completely.

People walking beside him couldn't help but look at it curiously. It is obvious that it is winter in Luna, but this person is dressed like this.

Another guy who ran over for vacation without doing a good strategy.

"Boss, here we are."

"Yeah, I brought all the special products you wanted, including Ms. Shu's."

"I'll let them go to the residence first."

B turned on the privacy mode, talking to Vivienne nonchalantly, not caring about the curious gazes cast around her.

Suddenly, the tall figure paused, then turned around 180 degrees, and rushed into the nearest bathroom at an inhuman speed.

At this moment, a group of well-trained and well-trained teams in uniform black uniforms came from a distance.

They have a calm temperament, but there is no smile on their faces, and their sullen faces give people a very fierce feeling, making people afraid to approach them.No one dared to stand in front of them, and people stepped aside in front of them.

When passing near where B was just now, the silver-haired man who was walking in the front suddenly stopped.

Her black hole-like pupils accurately looked at the bathroom not far away, and her thin lips were slightly pursed.

"Captain, is there a question?" The person behind the silver-haired man asked suspiciously.

Calvin Meyer turned his head and narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It's okay."

Then a group of people moved forward, and when they arrived at the gate of Starship Airport, there were already people waiting for a long time.

Andre opened his hands with a smile on his face: "Welcome everyone to Luna."

"Where is that witch now? We have received information that the Council of Elders has already taken action, and we must take him away as soon as possible." Calvin Meyer said blankly.

He looked like he was doing business, and he didn't want to waste time at all.

Andre looked at the silver-haired man in front of him with a smile, but he was very upset.

In the past, he only heard that Calvin Meyer, the captain of the special guard, was very good-looking, but this person in front of him was even more beautiful than the photo, and he was too good-looking.

Even with a dead face, people can't help but want to look at it a few more times.

It was the first time that Andre saw someone's eyes were completely black, black without any flaws, like a black hole that seemed to suck everything into it.

"Please get in the car. You are at Luna No. [-] Academy, and you will be guarded by Dean Cheng's people."

With that said, Andre turned around and walked towards the hover car parked by the roadside.Calvin Meyer said nothing, he followed Andre on the suspension car.

The others were led by Orlando to a suspension bus behind the suspension vehicle, and everyone got on the suspension vehicle and started to drive to Luna First Academy.

Andre and Calvin Meyer sat in the back of the hovercar with an armrest between them.There is no one on the driving seat, and the hover car drives automatically.

"Captain Meyer, I didn't expect you to come in person." Andre looked friendly at the person on the left and said in a friendly manner.

Calvin Meyer looked at Andre indifferently, and he said indifferently: "I didn't expect you to contact me in person, you should know the consequences of your doing so."

It was obviously a voice without ups and downs, but it gave people an inexplicable pressure.

"To tell you the truth, I have lost confidence in the Council of Elders." Andre sighed softly, "You should know what happened on Luna recently. The actions of the Council of Elders chilled me."

Calvin Meyer listened in silence, his eyes never leaving Andre.

Looking at the other party's particularly pleasing dead fish face, Andre twitched the corners of his mouth.

Shouldn't normal people respond with a few words at this time?
What does it mean to be silent?
Shall I go on?
 Captain Meyer is here!

  The second most handsome character in this book, of course the most handsome is Lord Duke
(End of this chapter)

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