It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 283 Chapter 283 Vivian's Warning

Chapter 283 Chapter 283 Vivian's Warning
"The aftermath of the virus, we have repaired most of the systems, but the protection system of the sewer is still being rescued." Monica Melis spoke very quickly to the light curtain.

Originally, with Sheng Bing present, Monica Melis estimated that the damage caused by the virus could be repaired tonight, but Sheng Bing is now fully focused on dealing with the intruder, and the repair work has been seriously delayed.

Now the entire laboratory is busy repairing and assisting Sheng Bing, and there is a serious shortage of personnel.

"How long?" Cheng Kuan asked.

He only needs results now and has no time for other things.

Monica Melis bit her lower lip. She glanced at the light curtain on the left, and then said to Cheng Kuan, "At least half an hour."

"Restore the security facilities of the sewer as soon as possible, and strengthen the protection of several gates."

After speaking, Cheng Kuan turned off the video call.

After glancing at the arsenal and the academic building of the command department, Cheng Kuan turned to look at Andre who was standing aside.

"what happened?"

Andre was uncomfortable being stared at by Cheng Kuan, his back felt chilly, and he felt like a prey being stared at by a hunter.


How did he become prey?

Cheng Kuan stared at Andre with fiery eyes: "Count Saketti, should you express it?"

"What do you mean?" Andre asked back.

He subconsciously took a step back and stared at Cheng Kuan with a strange expression.

He had heard a lot of gossip about Luna First Academy, especially about Cheng Kuan and Xiao Tingyuan.

Andre thinks that he is not bad in appearance, although not as good as Simon's beautiful face, but not worse than Xiao Tingyuan.

Could it be... Cheng Kuan has his eyes on him?
When Andre was stared at by Cheng Kuan uneasy, Cheng Kuan spoke.

"This unidentified armed team that broke into the academy is your 'person', should you express it?"

The words on the edge of his mouth suddenly stuck, and turned 360 degrees in his mouth. Andre opened his mouth, and it took a few seconds before he made a sound.

"How do you want me to express it?" Andre asked, still staring at Cheng Kuan defensively.

Cheng Kuan said expressionlessly, "I'll trouble you to bring someone to guard the sewer."

"Me?" Andre raised his right hand and pointed at himself, and said with a puzzled face, "I didn't bring anyone with me."

Cheng Kuan said nothing, just gave Andre a sideways glance.

If the others didn't bring anyone with them, Cheng Kuan might still believe it.But Cheng Kuan would never believe that a blood count like Earl Saketti had no one with him.

Blood races are best at hiding in corners that humans can't see.

Turning around and looking at the row of light curtains again, Cheng Kuan found that the situation in the infirmary had undergone earth-shaking changes during the short time he turned his head.

The robots in the infirmary seem to have a system failure, no matter how big or small they were, they were activated and stopped in front of the unidentified armed men.

A relatively large nurse robot even directly locked the hands and feet of the two people with the six robotic arms on their bodies, making them unable to move.

The relatively small robot stalks the enemy, and the scene is chaotic.

Dozens of tiny stretcher robots used the flexible metal tubes above their heads to weave a large web in the corridor, blocking it completely.

Just as Shu Yun led people into the infirmary through the emergency exit on the east side, the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely when she saw the battle of the robots.

She didn't have to guess, she knew it was the careless younger sister of her family who did it.

Shu Yun turned her head and said to the three people behind her: "The two teachers go to save the students first, and Aixi will follow me."

None of the three raised any objections, and the four immediately separated.

"Ah! Big sister?!?"

Shu Shu covered her face with her hands, and her big eyes peeked at the picture on the light curtain from between her hands.

Woohoo, she's dead this time (┯_┯)
But Shu Shu didn't feel sad for long, she was attracted by another picture on the light curtain.

The arsenal of the command department is being attacked by a group of unidentified armed men, and the firepower is much stronger than that of the infirmary.

In addition to the energy gun, Shu Shu actually saw the energy cannon, that kind of big and difficult to transport weapon.

An energy cannon the size of a small hovering vehicle cannot be packed into ordinary portable space.

Shu Shu looked at the group of people pushing two or three energy cannons, and saw that their battle seemed to be a bloody effort to take down Luna No. [-] Academy.

What are these people trying to do?
At first, Shu Shu thought they were going to save Sun Da and Yuzhou, and the attack on the infirmary and the academic building of the command department was expected.

But why raid the arsenal of the command line?
What's there?

Shu Shu's hand moved back and forth on several light curtains, at this moment she received Vivian's voice request.

As soon as she picked it up, Vivienne's excited voice came immediately: "Little Shushu, help activate this mecha."

Cheng Kuan, that stinking man, said that all the weapons in the arsenal were for her to use.The mechs are all locked and cannot be activated.

Vivian was about to die of anger. If it wasn't for the fact that she still had to clean up the little Luoluo outside, she would have gone to find Cheng Kuan to argue.

Shu Shu saw the monitoring screen on the light curtain, and said lightly: "That one is Dean Cheng's mecha."

She had heard from Allen that Dean Cheng's mecha was specially customized, and it was a heavy-duty mecha. Without absolute A+ mental power, it was absolutely impossible to drive it.

There are three stars on the chest of the mecha, which is the badge of the command department. Only Cheng Kuan's mecha in the entire command department has such decorations.

It's instantly recognizable.

Vivienne was sitting in the cockpit, holding the handle with both hands in the driver's seat.

"It's just his." Vivienne disapproved, "He said that I can use all the weapons in the arsenal, so I want to try his mecha."

Shu Shu immediately opened another light curtain. She manipulated the light curtain and asked, "Do you know who these people are? I don't think I've seen this kind of team."

Vivienne is the carat devil, there is nothing she doesn't know.

Compared with Shu Shu's own investigation, asking Vivienne about this kind of thing will get the answer faster.

"These people." Vivienne suddenly smiled, "It's just some people who can't see the light."

Vivian suddenly raised her head to look at the camera above her head, and said with a rare serious expression: "Little Shushu, don't check these people."

Some things cannot be touched.

Once touched, it will be inseparable. She doesn't want Shu Shu to be involved in the affairs of those creatures.

Shu Shu's hand suddenly stopped, and it took a few seconds for her to say: "I see."

This is a warning.

A warning from Vivienne.

Although Vivienne and Shu Shu are usually very casual, she is the carat devil after all.

As long as Shu Shu doesn't cross Vivian's bottom line, they will always be friends.But once the bottom line is crossed, you may not even be able to be friends.

When a green window jumped out on one light curtain, Shu Shu pressed the start button on the other light curtain.

"The mecha has been unlocked."

Vivian clenched the handle tightly, raised the corners of her mouth and said, "Thank you!"

 Shu Shu: Count Saketti, you are overconfident!

(End of this chapter)

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