It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 292 Chapter 292 Elf Ceremony

Chapter 292 Chapter 292 Elf Ceremony
Andre raised his head, looking up at the bats gathered in the sky, with a faint smile on his face.

Low-level vampires, without the ability to think, can only obey orders.They have no loyalty at all, as long as they are bloodlines with a higher bloodline level than them, they will obey their orders.

For this low-level creature, Andre has never had a good impression, even a little disgusted.

Such a stupid creature does not deserve to be called a blood race at all.

Andre secretly slandered, he turned his head to look at the light curtain in front of Paul and asked, "Can't you disperse the dark clouds?"

Low-level vampires can't stand the sun, and they will lose power when exposed to sunlight. It is also for this reason that human beings have rumored that vampires are afraid of sunlight since ancient times.

The buildings of the command system are all located in Luna's day hemisphere. Without the thick dark clouds, these low-level blood races would not even have the strength to fly.

"The dark clouds covering the sky of Luna No. [-] Academy are not formed by man-made atmosphere, and are beyond the control of technology." Sheng Bing said flatly.

He held a cigarette between the index and middle fingers of his left hand, and his brown eyes, like Paul's, became deep.

"Damn!" Andre couldn't care less about his image, he yelled, "How many people did those old men send here? What exactly are they trying to do?"

For one Yu Zhou, sending out werewolves and blood clans was far beyond Andre's expectations, and now adding an elf who can control natural forces.

No matter how dull he was, Andre discovered something unusual.

"It's not just them." Sheng Bing took a puff of his cigarette and slowly protruded it, "Since this morning, the protective wall of Luna No. [-] Academy has been attacked, and some of them are from the Presbyterian Church."

If he hadn't happened to be here, the protective wall of Luna No. [-] Academy would have been breached by the elders this morning.

No matter how disguised they are, those witches who are good at computers in the Presbyterian Church can't escape Sheng Bing's eyes.After all, it was the person he taught, how could he not recognize him.

Andre suddenly didn't know how to describe his current mood, he didn't even feel like cursing.

Now he has only one thought. There is something in this academy that the Council of Elders really wants.Otherwise, the group of old immortals would not send a team as complete as a 'special group' to attack here.

He was just about to open his mouth to ask questions, but Orlando's voice sounded in his mind.

"Master, Miss Shu is here."

At the same time, a picture appeared in his mind, several people headed by Shu Shu were advancing in the sewer.Andre recognized the big man next to Shu Shu as Vivienne Bailey's subordinate.

Orlando was guarded by Andre in the sewer, and the area where Shu Shu and his group arrived was already inside Luna First Academy.

They actually didn't touch the protective system of the sewer of Luna First Academy, and came in directly.

Andre only thought for a few seconds before commanding Orlando with his mind: "Leave them alone, control the sewer, and don't let people escape."

Now that you're here, don't leave.

Because the conversation with Orlando happened in an instant because he used his mind, in the eyes of others, Andre was only silent for a few seconds.

Sheng Bing didn't notice Andre's strangeness either. He bit his cigarette, swiped a few times on the light curtain in front of him, and said, "Weige is dealing with the matter of the dark cloud. Only the elves can decipher the elf ceremony."

Their witch clan doesn't have that ability.

"What's that?" Paul suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the sky.

Andre turned around and looked in the direction of Paul's finger. Three figures stood in the air. They were surrounded by bats and couldn't see their faces clearly for a while, but Andre could sense their bloodline level.

Especially the majestic and powerful coercion emanating from the person standing in the front, it really cost money.

What the Elders really saw was that they sent a Marquis-level vampire directly.

Sticking out his tongue and moistening his dry lower lip, Andre lowered his voice and said, "You get out of here first."

Although Andre didn't look back, Paul knew that the words were meant for him.

He didn't ask much, turned around and ran to the auditorium of the practice field.

That was a relatively safe place that Earl Sacketti and his uncle had always considered safe, and he would hide there when the high-level blood race appeared.

And now, obviously, is the time for him to hide.

At this moment, the bats in the air seemed to have received instructions, and they all flew in Paul's direction.

But they were just trying to get close to Paul. They all stopped at a distance of two or three meters from Paul, and then flapped their wings and flew chaotically in the air.

Some misdirected bats collided with each other in the air and fell to the ground.

Andre was holding his right hand, with the palm facing up and five fingers forming claws, as if he was holding something.

"Come back to me." Andre murmured.

The waxy eyes have turned red, and the corners of the mouth are raised to outline a confident smile.

Paul didn't know what happened behind him, he had already pushed open the iron gate under the auditorium, and went in more.


The iron door was closed, and Paul gasped and leaned against the door.

"If you want to see what's going on outside, you can even monitor it yourself." Sheng Bing's voice came from the light curtain floating in the air, "The battle between blood clans will be bloody, you'd better be prepared mentally."

Paul did not immediately open another light curtain, but stared at Sheng Bing's profile on the light curtain and asked, "Does Earl Sacketti have a chance of winning?"

Three to one, in terms of numbers, Earl Saketti is weak.But Paul knew that the bloodline suppression of the blood clan was absolute. Even if there were ten opponents, as long as the level was not high, Earl Saketti could not do anything about it.

But he is not a vampire, so he can't tell what level the three vampires are.

"It depends on the situation." Sheng Bing tapped the light curtain a few times, "If it wasn't for Marquis, nothing would happen."

Paul, who was a little nervous at first, was speechless. What kind of answer is this?
Luna First Academy, outside door 99.

"Why can't you let him in with me?" Xiao Tingyuan asked loudly to the light curtain beside the gate.

Since the academy was attacked by unidentified armed men, the entire Luna First Academy has entered the highest level of protection, and no one is allowed to enter.

But Xiao Tingyuan is the dean of the art department, and he can still enter the academy at his level, but Xiao Sheng who is with him can't.

"President Xiao, this is a rule." The staff member said helplessly.

Xiao Tingyuan didn't care about these things, and Xiao Tingyuan would never agree to let Xiao Sheng be alone outside Luna No. [-] Academy.

God knows what dangers are lurking outside. What if, like last time, someone kidnapped Xiao Sheng because of his popularity?
"Give me the thread width." Xiao Tingyuan said in a deep voice.

The dean of the command department also serves as the security director of the college, and now he can only be looked for in this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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