It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 314 Chapter 314 The principal is missing

Chapter 314 Chapter 314 The principal is missing

When Ryan Tuli and Shu Yun arrived on the sixth floor, in the biology laboratory, an accident happened.

An explosion occurred in a laboratory on the third floor because there were flammable materials in that laboratory, and the ensuing flame ignited the third floor, and the flame spread rapidly upwards.

I don't know why the fire prevention measures of the science building were not activated immediately, even Sheng Bing's remote control failed.

People above the third floor are trapped in the building and can only go up to the roof to wait for rescuers.In the flames, Ryan Turry almost thought he was going to confess here today.

If Shu Yun hadn't taken him down from the sixth floor decisively, Ryan Tuli felt that he might still be on the roof waiting for rescue.

"It's okay." Shu Yun shook her head lightly.

In fact, Shu Yun herself is also very puzzled, in this building.There seemed to be no one else but the two of them.

This is so weird.

Sheng Bing asked someone to call up the surveillance video to see what happened in the laboratory.

Ryan Tully's portable device rang suddenly, and he opened the light curtain and immediately picked it up.

"Director, Dean Cheng was seriously injured and has lost consciousness and passed out."

Hearing this, Ryan Turry stood up quickly, and said in a steady tone, "I know."

He didn't turn on the privacy mode, Shu Yun who was sitting next to him could hear him clearly.She stood up immediately, and said to Ryan Turry in a deep voice, "I'll go with you."

Tonight is a sleepless night for most of Luna First Academy.

The senior management of the college was busy running around, and Finn Becky, the director of the logistics department, didn't even have time to drink water.

Arrange subordinates to rescue trapped teachers and students, send the wounded to the infirmary, assess damage, repair teams for emergency repairs, and more.

When he had time to look at the time displayed on the light curtain, he found that it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Finn Becky let out a sigh of relief. The college has been unable to hold classes normally these days.The college can only return to normal after the people from the military department leave.

At this time, Finn Becky received a video from Sian Waiger, and he quickly picked it up.

Since Dean Cheng was seriously injured in the battle last night, and Dean Xiao fell into a coma due to excessive use of mental power, now the entire college is supported only by Dean Wei Ge.

Finn Becky knew that, compared to himself, Dean Weiger was the busiest person right now.Not only to arrange the college affairs, but also to deal with the interrogation from the military.

Luna is still in a blocked state, and as for when it will be unblocked, Finn Becky is not sure at all.

"I can't get in touch with Principal Gremory, have you seen him?"

Sian Weig's voice brought Finn Becky's thoughts back to reality, he froze for a moment, and then tried to recall.

Neil Gremory, the headmaster, was at the academy yesterday, and Finn Becky got a big maintenance bill from him.

Later... Finn Becky thought about it for a while, and realized that he had never seen the principal again.

Telling Sian Waiger where and when he saw Neil Gremory for the last time, Finn Bech added: "Secretary Jo left with most of the teachers and students last night, it should be Still under house arrest by the military."

Finn Bech had a lot to say about the military guarding the gates of Luna No. [-] Academy and arresting all the students who left the academy.

But that was the military, and he was powerless against them.

"Send someone to the principal's office to have a look, and notify me immediately if you find anything." Sian Weiger pinched the bridge of her nose and said.

After finishing speaking, she hung up the video and rubbed her temples with her hands.

A sleepless night would not have any effect on Sian Weiger, but after the night, what she faced alone made her feel tired.

The military is still negotiating, and Sian Weiger can only keep them out of the academy.

In the college, there are too many things in the command department that make the military greedy. Only Cheng Kuan can deter those who want to take advantage of the command department.

The only point of luck is that Major General Shu Yun is in Luna No. [-] Academy, and Captain Meyer's current attitude is in favor of them.

Everything that happened yesterday was so sudden that Sian Weiger hadn't had time to hold a high-level meeting to review it.

They have to figure out what's going on.

Thinking of this, Sian Weiger tapped the light curtain a few times.

The next meeting with the military is at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the military will also erase the memory of ordinary humans in the academy, so that they just have time for the meeting to resume.

After hanging up the video, Finn Beck stared at the light curtain for a few seconds.

He looked around, this is the auditorium of Luna First Academy.After some devastation, the whole building was already in danger. Finn Bech felt that as long as there was a strong wind, the roof would fall.

The no-lint line has been pulled up outside the auditorium, and there are only a few small flying people flying around in the auditorium, as if looking for something.

It's not far from the principal's office, and Finn Bech thought he could make a trip and submit a damage assessment report to Principal Gremory by the way.

Dean Weiger should be busy with a bunch of other things now, so let Principal Gremory report to the college board.

Finn Becky, who has always been a man of action, immediately sent a message to his subordinates, telling them that he was going to the principal's office.

Confirming the situation of the subordinates in each area on the light curtain, Finn Becky turned off the light curtain and walked to Neil Gremory's principal's office.

Although the principal is annoying, he is the principal after all.

Arriving at the door of the principal's desk, Finn Becky found that the office door was open.Looking in suspiciously, the whole office seemed to have experienced a fierce struggle.

The side of the desk fell to the ground, and there were traces of being crushed by heavy objects.Chairs, sofas and other furniture were all in a mess, but there was no sign of Neil Gremory.

Finn Beck stood outside the open door, stunned to see what was inside.

He quickly turned on the light curtain and broadcast the video to Sian Weiger. He didn't dare to go in and destroy the scene. This kind of situation should be handled by professionals.

Orsini estate, study.

The bright light was not turned on, and the whole study was shrouded in darkness, only the bright light from the garden outside the window shone in from the window.

Arnold knocked on the embossed wooden door rhythmically twice, and after waiting for a few seconds for no response, he pushed the door open and entered the study.

On a rocking chair in front of a window, Arnold saw a figure sitting there with closed eyes.

"Paul just sent me a video, saying that he may not be able to get out in the near future, and he will not be able to continue investigating Hide for the time being. I apologize to you." Arnold said calmly.

Originally, Paul promised the Duke that he would continue to investigate Hide even if he did not come to Crescent Travel Agency.

"I see."

 It's a bit late today, there is another update tonight...

(End of this chapter)

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