It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 329 Side Effects of 329 Medical Cabin

Chapter 329 Side Effects of 329 Medical Cabin

Luna First Academy, infirmary.

Ryan Tury, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, strode forward in the corridor, his eyes behind the lenses were covered with spider webs of bloodshot eyes, and the bags under his eyes were slightly swollen and turned black and blue.

Behind him were two on-duty doctors in the infirmary, doctors in white uniforms, and five medical students in light green jumpers.

Everyone looked unrested, with greasy hair, corpse-like pale faces, and thick dark circles under their eyes.

While browsing the patient information on the light curtain, Ryan Tury said: "The toxin levels in the bodies of beds NO. 11, 23, and 39 are too high, and they need to be dialyzed immediately."

He was so fast that the people behind could only trot to keep up, and the young students could still keep up, but the two mottled-haired doctors couldn't bear it, and followed behind him panting.

Ryan Tully will stay in each ward for no more than 2 minutes, and then cracklingly give instructions to the people behind him about the direction of the next inspection or treatment.

Originally, these were all done by robot nurses, but because the nurse robots were all damaged, later.And because Luna is blocked, robot suppliers can't send new nurse robots over.

Now it can only be manually entered into the system by students, but because Ryan Tury's speed is too fast, one student can't keep up, so only five students can follow at the same time.

Each student is responsible for the registration of one patient, and two doctors are responsible for correcting students' omissions.

It took a whole morning to check all the wards, and the seven of them were exhausted, but Ryan Tully was still full of energy, and went straight to Cheng Kuan's ward alone.

"Is Director Turi made of iron?" A chubby and honest-looking male student watched Ryan Turi's back disappear around the corner and muttered.

He sat in a chair on the side of the corridor a little exhausted, and his classmates were sitting opposite or beside him.

They didn't speak, but everyone's eyes expressed the same meaning.

Director Ryan Tury is the devil!
Cheng Kuan's injuries were more serious than most, and he was placed in the intensive care unit by Ryan Tury.

Shu Yun did not enter the intensive care unit, but looked at Cheng Kuan lying in the ward through the glass window of the intensive care unit.

The dean of the command department with a strong figure and masculine features was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. Various tubes and bandages were wrapped around his body. There were many medical instruments beside the bed connected to Cheng Kuan's body with tubes of different thicknesses.

"He can't die." Ryan Tuli walked to Shu Yun's side and said briskly.

He stood beside Shu Yun with his hands in his trouser pockets.Although he is the director of the medical department and the head of the infirmary, he does not like to wear a doctor's uniform.

Whether it's ward rounds or outpatient clinics, they are all dressed in black casual clothes, and they don't look like doctors here at all.

Shu Yun still understands Ryan Tury's preferences, after all, she often visited the infirmary when she was a student.

Shu Yun looked sideways at Ryan Turi, and she asked a question she had always wanted to ask, but never had the chance to ask: "Why not use the medical cabin?"

Since Hannover launched the medical cabin, it has been vigorously promoted by the empire.Now the medical cabin is standard in the army, no matter where you go, there must be at least one medical cabin in the starship.

When she was a student, Shu Yun didn't know that there was such a medical device as a medical cabin because she had been in the academy for a long time. She only discovered it after entering the army.

And basically the large hospitals on every planet in the empire will be equipped with medical cabins, and wealthy families will even buy one and keep it at home, just in case.

This made Shu Yun unable to understand that there is no medical cabin in the infirmary of Luna First Academy, and the science department of Luna First Academy can be regarded as the top in the entire empire.

"What's so good about a life-shortening device?" Ryan Tully looked straight ahead without answering the question.

He had a serious expression and a strong disdain in his tone.

Shu Yun was taken aback, she thought she had heard wrong.

"Short lifespan?" Shu Yun repeated.

Will the medical cabin shorten the life span?

Could it be that the therapeutic effect of the medical cabin is accomplished by shortening the patient's lifespan?

Does the upper echelons of the empire know?
One question after another appeared in Shu Yun's mind, but she never doubted what Ryan Tuli said.

Although the director of the medical department is not very kind, he is absolutely trustworthy professionally.

Ryan Tury pushed the gold-rimmed glasses and said: "With our current medical level, medical equipment such as the medical cabin is used to treat minor injuries. For Dean Cheng's injury this time, the medical cabin is the starting point." It doesn't work anymore."

"Of course, I mean the ordinary medical cabin."

"The medical cabin like the one sold by Hannover can indeed achieve superficial rehabilitation. It is stimulated by drugs to make the patient's cells divide rapidly and promote wound healing."

"The side effect is that the drug penetrates into new body cells, causing the patient's cells to divide faster than ordinary people, which directly leads to shortening the patient's lifespan."

"Of course, how much life expectancy will be shortened has something to do with how long you spend in the medical cabin."

Ryan Tuli turned his head to look at Shu Yun, he raised the corner of his mouth and said: "You should have been in many medical cabins like that, but during the period of your treatment here, I also brought up the problem of rapid cell division. Healed."

"Although it can't return to normal people's level, it's much longer than before."

Shu Yun was dumbfounded, it took her several seconds to find her voice.

Clearing her throat, Shu Yun asked, "How much has my lifespan been shortened?"

She never knew that the medical cabin had such a serious side effect, but even if she knew, she would still use the medical cabin when she was seriously injured.

"It should be ten years, but it's not absolute. After all, your soldiers have a relatively high probability of dying on the battlefield." Ryan Tully said with a smile.

The tone is brisk, as if saying something pleasant.

Shu Yun: "..."

She was a little unsure if the medical director was cursing her or comforting her.

SPQR, Ginger Tea Original Laboratory.

"Is there such a side effect in the medical cabin?" Shu Shu asked in surprise.

She always knew that Vivienne didn't let her subordinates use the medical cabin, but she never thought it was because of such a side effect.

Vivienne leaned on a pile of pillows, propped her head on her left hand, and played with a strand of curly hair with her right hand. She nodded her head invisibly.

"If you meet people from the Hanover family, stay as far away from them as possible, they are a group of lunatics who don't care about the consequences." Vivienne said casually.

Shu Shu hadn't recovered from the previous news, she nodded in a daze.

If the existence of the 'special group' surprised her, then the side effects of the medical cabin surprised her.

 Jiang Cha: What the hell did you turn Lao Tzu's laboratory into?

(End of this chapter)

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