It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 33 033 What should I do now?

Chapter 33 033 What should I do now?
Even if Philip is not an ore expert, he knows that the ores in this document are not cheap, and some of them are still scarce.

Where is this brother?

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a vampire to take advantage of the fire.

Philip may have forgotten for a moment that Simon was a vampire in the first place.

Depressed in his heart, he was depressed, but Philip still obediently agreed to Simon's conditions and urged him to find Shu Shu quickly.

After Philip hung up the video, Simon then contacted Andre.

"Simon, why didn't you go to the travel agency these days? You didn't reply to my message. If Arnold hadn't said that you were in trouble, I would have thought something was wrong with you." Andre said cracklingly when he saw Simon a bunch.

Simon didn't answer Andre's question, but said concisely: "I sent you Shu Shu's address, you go to her home and ask her to contact her second sister immediately."

"Why should I go?" Andre asked inexplicably.

What does the little girl have to do with him?
Simon raised his eyebrows and said, "If you get it done within a quarter of an hour, I'll give you a [-]% discount on the next order."

"I'm going now!" Andre immediately stood up and ran out quickly, forgetting to turn off the light curtain.

Arnold watched Simon turn off the light curtain in a good mood, and sighed softly in his heart.

Young people nowadays are so easy to fool.

"Director...director, what should I do now?" The assistant director looked at Wang Xin with a frustrated face.

Just a few minutes ago, he received an anonymous message with a very simple content.

Just one sentence:

If you don't want the black material to be exposed, transfer 100 million euros to the following account within eight hours.

The assistant director thought it was a prank, but after he opened the attachment, he felt bad.

Attached is a video, which is an indecent video of him and a woman, his face and the other's face are clearly visible.

He knew what was going on. A few years ago, he was brought to court by that woman. In the end, he was acquitted due to insufficient evidence.

If this video is exposed, he probably won't be able to escape this time.

I really don't know who this person is and why there is this video.

Wang Xin glared at the assistant director with a sullen face: "This is a good thing you did, you can solve it yourself."

The assistant director knew that there was no other way, so he could only grit his teeth and pay 100 million.But he was afraid that the other party would make an inch, and wondered if he would continue to blackmail him with this video.

He really wanted to ask the director to help him find out who the other party was. After all, the director knew many computer experts, but the low pressure emitted by the director at this moment made him timid.

Wang Xin ignored the assistant director, he was in a mess right now.

He also received an anonymous email with a lot of black material about him, and the other party asked him to pay 3000 million euros.

It would be great if money can solve it, but he needs to know who the other party is.

As if thinking of something, Wang Xin drove the assistant director out of his lounge, and after closing the door, he made a voice call.

The other party did not answer immediately, and it took about three or four minutes before the other party answered.

Before Wang Xin could speak, the other party came up and said: "Director Wang, we have hit the iron plate this time, please don't contact me again in the future, we will refund your deposit in full."

After speaking, the man hung up directly.

A few seconds later, Wang Xin received a message from the bank that a sum of money had been deposited into his personal account.

When Wang Xin called again, there was a notification tone of an empty number in his ear.

damn it!
What exactly is going on?

Wang Yingying, who was in another lounge, also received an anonymous email, the content of which was the same as that of Wang Xin and the assistant director, but the amount was different.

"Where can I find 9000 million euros?" Wang Yingying twisted her hair frantically.

Although she is popular now, she only has the status of a resident guest on a variety show like "Interstellar Adventurer".

Even if she accepts commercials, she is tied to variety shows.

That little income is only enough for her to spend herself, and she has no balance at all, let alone deposits.

She has several houses under her name, and she should be able to collect 9000 million by selling them, but selling the house is not so fast.

The other party asked for the money to be transferred within eight hours, and Wang Yingying is now in a state of desperation.

"Little uncle! He must have a way!"

Thinking of Wang Xin, Wang Yingying immediately stood up and walked outside.

Now only Wang Xin can help her.

Luna, Shu Shu's family.

Shu Shu nestled on the sofa, holding a bowl in one hand and a large spoon in the other.Bit by bit, she ate her favorite Smurf ice cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips.

There is a stereo projector in the center of the living room, and a TV series starring Xiao Yingdi is being projected on it.

Shu Shu ate ice cream with relish, while complaining about the plot of the TV series.

"Film Emperor Xiao is so handsome!"

"The second male lead is too ugly to compare with Best Actor Xiao. If I were the heroine, I would choose Best Actor Xiao."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

The robot butler immediately drove the tires under his feet to open the door, and Shu Shu continued to nestle on the sofa and watch TV dramas.

She didn't pay attention to the doorbell at all, thinking that she must have pressed the wrong doorbell.

After a while, the robot butler led Andre into the living room.

Andre saw the little girl lying on the sofa in a bulky coral fleece pajamas, and couldn't help teasing: "Little Shushu, you are so leisurely."

Instead of answering audio and video, he was actually watching a TV series.

"Count Saketti, how do you know my address?" Shu Shu bit her spoon and asked suspiciously.

Her mouth was covered with blue ice cream, as if she was wearing blue lipstick.

Andre took out a handkerchief in disgust and handed it to Shu Shu, saying, "Wipe your mouth first."

"Oh." Shu Shu was not polite, took the white handkerchief, wiped it on her mouth randomly, and then returned the dirty handkerchief to Andre.

Andre pushed Shu Shu's hand away with disgust on his face: "I gave it to you."

"Okay." Shu Shu looked at Andre blankly, seeing that he really didn't want to take it back, she threw the handkerchief to the robot butler.

Andre didn't want to waste time either, he immediately said, "You should contact your second sister quickly, she will be dying of anxiety if she can't contact you."


With a scream, Shu Shu jumped up from the sofa with a bang.

The bowl in his hand was knocked over, and the blue ice cream fell on the floor in front of the sofa.

"My shoes! This is a limited edition!" Andre yelled immediately, taking a few steps back.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the blue liquid had already splashed on Andre's white shoes and trousers.

Shu Shu didn't care about Andre anymore, so she quickly opened the light curtain to contact Shu Yue.

She even forgot to tell the second sister that the second sister must be dying of anxiety now.

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't even look at him, Andre stomped his feet angrily.

This heartless little thing has the same virtue as Simon.

"Sir, do you want to clean up the bathroom?" the robot butler asked politely.

 There is another update tonight, this book is recommended on the Internet today.

  I hope you can read more~

(End of this chapter)

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