It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 409 Chapter 409 Battle Situation

Chapter 409 Chapter 409 Battle Situation
Zhuang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and he immediately asked, "Aren't you going to repel the Liberty Alliance team?"

Did he think wrong?

"Who would do such a thankless thing?" Shu Shu said angrily.

I'm not the eldest sister, nor the commander of the base, what can I use to repel the Freedom Alliance team?
Shu Shu complained in her heart, and at the same time felt that Zhuang Shuang was a whimsical guy.With her own strength, it is impossible to repel the Liberty Alliance team.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Zhuang Shuang continued to ask.

Normally, Zhuang Shuang is not a person with strong curiosity. On Ruisi, strong curiosity means early death.

Being able to live on Ruisi for so long, Zhuang Shuang knows this truth very well.

It's just that in this situation, he will inevitably start to worry about his own safety.

The Liberty Alliance is coming fiercely, and the Sedna base is short of people and supplies. It is not known whether they can survive this wave of attacks.

Shu Shu gave Zhuang Shuang a sideways look, and then returned her gaze to the light curtain, leaving Zhuang Shuang with a pink back of her head.

She said in a deep voice: "You wake up the eldest sister as soon as possible, this is your main task at present."

Zhuang Shuang curled his lips, and he gave Shu Shu a hard look at the back of her pink head, then turned and returned to the original workbench.

Shu Shu didn't react at all, she was now engrossed in several light curtains.

The outer protective cover of the base was still struggling to support. Captain Meyer did not send a starship, but sent a mecha vanguard as a priority. Ashe led a well-trained mecha team to fight in area C.

Although the number of Ashe's mecha team is not as large as that of the enemy's mecha team, their cooperation is seamless and they have a perfect understanding, leaving no time for the enemy to attack. Now they have rushed into the enemy's team to fight in all directions.

There is no sign of a 'special group' in area C yet, and Ashe and the others should be able to support it for a while.

Compared to the other three invaded areas, Area C is relatively stable.

There are two special guards in area D to fight, and the Liberty Alliance sent a mecha team and werewolves to get benefits, and the line release in area D is still stable.

Area M is invading from above, and the energy cannon is fighting against several large starships. The battle is fierce, and it is impossible to tell which side has the upper hand.

The last area is the P area. Shu Shu's gaze swept over the light curtain that broadcast the battle situation of the P area in real time.

She froze for a moment, then widened her light gray eyes in surprise.

Isn't that Philip and Senior Ke?
How are they on the battlefield?

The light curtain showed a dozen strong werewolves besieging two humans, and the most conspicuous one was the baby-faced Philip.

A dozen werewolves surrounded the city, but none of them dared to step forward.

Their eyes were red and full of killing intent, but when they looked at Philip, they were a little more wary.

Shu Shu remembered that when the werewolves attacked the infirmary, those werewolves stared at Philip in the same way.

At that time, Shu Shu's attention was all on Shu Yun, and she didn't pay much attention to what those werewolves said.

Thinking about it now, those werewolves were afraid of Philip back then, but when they found out that he couldn't transform, they were not so afraid of him.

Raphael said that werewolves, especially pure-blooded werewolves, cannot transform before they reach adulthood.

Shu Shu suspected that Philip was a pure-blooded werewolf, but she never had a chance to verify it.

Eyeballs gurgling around, Shu Shu raised the corners of her mouth, revealing two cute canine teeth, smiling like a little fox.

Underage pure blood werewolf.

P area.

This area was originally opened up by the empire. It was a residential area, and various buildings rose from the ground.But after several previous wars, only ruins remained.

The building collapsed to the ground. In addition to the ruins of the building, there were various starships, armed hover vehicles, mechas and other wreckage on the ground.

A pitch-black armed hover vehicle parked behind the confrontation, the roof of the hover vehicle was opened, and two figures poked out their upper bodies.

There was a playful smile on his handsome and unparalleled face. With the eyesight of a blood race, he could see Philip and Ke Yuankui who were besieged by a group of werewolves dozens of kilometers away without a telescope.

"There are only thirteen werewolves. At this rate, when will Philip become an adult?" Simon asked, looking sideways at the people beside him.

He still has a harmless smile on his face, but Amman, who has a tough man's face, will not be confused by his expression.

Amman remained silent, he stared sharply at Philip's every move, and as soon as Philip showed a trace of fatigue, he rushed over immediately.

The young master only needs to wait two years to become a 'normal' adult, there is absolutely no need to perform this barbaric coming-of-age ceremony.

Amman originally thought that the Patriarch would stop the young master from doing such a dangerous thing, but he never expected that the Patriarch would actually agree.

In fact, there are two ways for a pure-blood werewolf to become an adult.

The first is to wait for the pure-blooded werewolf cubs to reach their age, soak their bodies in them for more than ten hours with a special herb, and wait until the body transforms. Active transformation is equivalent to adulthood.

The other, more bloody, is the method used by werewolves in ancient times.

Let the pureblood werewolf cubs defeat 660 six adult werewolves before they reach adulthood, and take a drop of blood from their bodies.In the end, 660 six drops of blood were gathered together for the pure-blood werewolf cubs to drink.

In the current werewolf clan, pure-blood werewolves would choose the first type, the second type is too barbaric, and in the eyes of many people, there is not much difference.

But Amman knew that a pure-blooded werewolf who grew up with the second method would have a stronger awakening ability in his body than the first one.

There are rumors that the Patriarch used the first method back then.

"Hey, why are there so many werewolves here?" Simon was a little surprised.

In the distance, from the rear of the Liberty Alliance team, more and more werewolves gathered towards Philip.

There were only a dozen werewolves in the circle, but suddenly there were more than 30 werewolves, and a total of more than [-] werewolves surrounded Philip and Ke Yuankui.

Amman also noticed something was wrong. Seeing more and more werewolves, his face darkened.

Just when he was about to rush out, Amman's shoulder was held down by Simon.

He smiled and said, "Wait a minute, this is a rare opportunity."

base, command room.

"The biological weapons of the Freedom Alliance in Area D suddenly withdrew."

"The biological weapons of the Freedom Alliance in Area P are constantly increasing, and more than 30 have been detected so far, and the number is constantly increasing."

Calvin Meyer listened to the reports of everyone in the command room, and he ordered in an orderly manner: "Let the mecha team in Area D take the opportunity to repel the enemy, and the small starship team immediately set out to support, and the energy cannon is aimed at the large starship. They're close to Area D."

Everyone in the command room immediately took orders and gave Calvin Meyer's instructions.

With black eyes fixed on the map on the light curtain, Calvin Meyer stared at Area D for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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