Chapter 428 Chapter 428
Instead of trying to hack a robot, she quietly used multiple robots, and slowly connected all the robots with a Trojan horse, preparing to wipe them all out.

Easier said than done.

If the robot's defense system finds out, all previous efforts will be wasted.

The whole process was like walking on thin ice, Shu Shu had to concentrate [-]% on it.

Alfred's steady voice sounded: "Okay, but I want to remind you that the mech's energy reserve plus emergency reserve is only 11% left."


Pushing all the light curtains aside, Shu Shu pressed a few buttons on the console.

It's time to fight back!


With a loud noise, the protective cover around the white mecha suddenly expanded, emitting a strong light.

The small robot crawling around on the rack was bounced off by the sudden expansion of light, and the slightly larger robot fell on the companion in the big pit.

But soon, the robots surrounding the pit gathered together again.

In the cockpit of the mecha, the sirens did not stop.

"Warning! The energy reserve is only 5%, please recharge immediately."

Shu Shu ignored the warning, she held the handle with both hands, and stared at the robots swarming outside with piercing eyes.

At this moment, she seemed to be integrated with the mecha.

She pulled out two energy knives, turned her body in a circle, and the energy knives left streaks of light in the air.

The hard metal shell was cut into pieces like tofu under the blade of the energy knife.

bang -- bang -- bang --

Metal fragments and scattered parts fell on the ground like a goddess scattered flowers, and the robot was cut into pieces mercilessly by the energy knife before it even got close to the white mech.

At the gap in the protective cover, the metal remains of the robot have piled up several meters high.

The energy cannons on the high wall of the Sedna base were fully fired, firing energy cannonballs at the gap in the shield continuously.

The battle formation of the special guard team and the mecha team of the imperial army cooperated with each other to block most of the enemies who wanted to rush to the base.

In the chaos, Calvin left the battle formation with six subordinates, and ran towards the big hole made by the white mecha.

They had to navigate hill after hill of robot metal debris, while dealing with robots rushing along the way.

Some robots are very cunning, they will hide in the debris hill, and when the imperial soldiers pass by, they suddenly rush out of the debris hill, and it is almost impossible to guard against.

Originally, the distance was only more than 300 meters, but Calvin and his group traveled an extremely long distance.

On a high platform somewhere in the Sedna base.

Amman has been paying attention to Philip's movements all the time, watching him waving his two big pink hands to fight his way through the robots, and he feels extremely relieved.

The young master may not even realize that his blood is slowly waking up.

When the degree of blood awakening reaches a limit, he can transform.

They werewolves are naturally warlike, even if times have changed.Werewolves and humans can live in peace now, but the belligerence in their bones cannot be erased.

Seeing how brave his young master was on the battlefield, Amman couldn't help but record this scene and planned to send it to the owner later.

The young master is about to grow up.

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded behind Amman: "This level is not enough. If you want to transform Philip, it is best to throw him outside the protective cover."

"This level is enough." Amman glanced at Simon and said unceremoniously.

It's just to let the young master complete the coming-of-age ceremony, not to go all out.

Simon looked at the particularly eye-catching pink hands in the distance. He didn't know what kind of material they were made of, but they were still clean after being waved by Philip so unceremoniously.

On the surface of the big pink hand, since all the black patches fell off, there hasn't been a speck of dust.

Simon suddenly shook his head and laughed: "Werewolves need to smell blood and have the ability to stimulate blood in extreme battles."

"I'm sorry, the young master is underage." Amman retorted unceremoniously, "According to the regulations of the empire, underage children cannot see too bloody scenes, which will affect their mental health."

And his young master is already great, definitely the best among young pureblood werewolves.

Simon was too lazy to talk to this one, he only had the butler theory of 'my young master is the best, my young master is the most powerful' in his mind.

He could understand now why Philip had been raised more and more like a dog.

The old man's pampering infected everyone in the Borgia family, and these housekeepers wanted to confess to Philip.

Once the wild beasts are tamed, they lose their wildness, and letting them go back to live in the wild is no different from killing them.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and countless robots were thrown away in the big hole smashed by the white mecha.

Some even fly tens of meters away.

"Ah, it looks like it's time for me to play." Simon said with a smile on his face.

That tone seemed to say that the weather is fine today.

Amman looked sideways at Simon suspiciously, and asked with a surprised expression: "Are you going to make a move?"

He originally thought that Simon's attack on the sixth floor of the basement was already the limit of this pure-blood, but he didn't expect him to make another attack.

You must know that this is the legendary bloodthirsty prince. If he makes a move, the Sedna base may really be lost.

Amman remembers very clearly that he heard stories about the bloodthirsty prince when he was a child. If he wanted to say who the "special group" was most afraid of when they were young, it was definitely the bloodthirsty prince.

The protagonist who has become a horror story has harmed generations of ignorant "special groups" and left an indelible shadow in their childhood.

The bloodthirsty prince in the story is an out-and-out demon who killed all his family members, including his parents, when he was young.

Bloodthirsty, he needs fresh blood every moment, otherwise he will go crazy.

Rumor has it that he once killed all humans on a small planet by himself.

"Why not?" Simon asked without answering.

With a bright smile on his face, under Amman's unbelievable gaze, he disappeared in place.

Amman suddenly turned his head to look at the battlefield on the ground. After observing the people carefully for a while, he saw a flashing figure near the white mech.

Is he really going to make a move? ! ?

The fear in his heart went beyond shock, Amman immediately turned on the light curtain and dialed a video.

The other party picked up immediately, but turned to voice.

"What's the matter?" Leighton Borgia's steady voice sounded in Amman's ears.

"O... Duke Orsini is going to make a move!" Amman stammered and shouted.

The other end of the voice was silent for a few seconds before speaking, and he said, "I see, you just keep an eye on Philip and don't let him get hurt, and don't worry about the rest."

That's it?

Amman was dumbfounded, he thought that the Patriarch would at least let them leave here immediately.

Although he was puzzled, Amman suppressed all doubts in his heart and responded respectfully: "Yes."

"When the Liberty Alliance is destroyed, don't rush back to Luna, but stay in Sedna first. I have already told the Marshal that Philip will train with Major General Shu for a period of time." Leighton Boll Gia ordered calmly.

He could hear that he was very worried about Philip.

In the big pit, the white mecha stopped again.

It maintained its kneeling posture, but unlike last time, it was covered by a hemispherical shield.

A little girl in sportswear with long pink hair was standing on top of the mech.

She holds two powerful energy guns in her hands, each of which is thicker than her arms, making one wonder how long she can hold the energy gun.

bang -- bang --

The energy gun didn't stop, it kept firing at the robots that were rushing from all directions.

Shu Shu was already sweating profusely, but there were still a steady stream of robots rushing towards her.

"Do you need help?"

(End of this chapter)

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