It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 433 433 Want to poach my corner, but there is no way!

Chapter 433 433 Want to poach my corner, but there is no way!

"It is to invade every robot at the same time." Shu Shu said without raising her head.

The tone was relaxed, as if it was an insignificant matter.

If the computer experts in the base heard Shu Shu's words, they would be so angry that they would scold her for talking nonsense.

There are tens of thousands of robots sent by the Liberty Alliance, if not hundreds of thousands.

It would take at least several days for one person to hack so many robots at the same time.It cannot be discovered by the robot's defense system, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain.

Calvin Meyer was silent for a few seconds, his face still expressionless, but his black ink-like eyes were fixed on the little girl squatting on the ground.

To be precise, the back of the pink head.

At this moment, Simon stood up, patted the dust that did not exist on his clothes, and looked at Calvin Meyer with a smile: "Now you should go back to the base to help deal with the aftermath, right?"

Hearing Simon's words, Shu Shu also raised her head to look at Calvin Meyer.

Blinking her big eyes a few times, Shu Shu tilted her little head habitually: "The poison on Eldest Sister's body has not been completely cured, Eldest Sister Zhuang Shuang needs to rest."

The implication is: My eldest sister is dealing with the aftermath in the command room before she recovers. Shouldn't you, the captain of the special guard, go to help?
"The special guard and the military department are two independent departments. I believe Major General Shu's subordinates can help her deal with the aftermath." Calvin Meyer said indifferently.

There was still no expression on her face, but Shu Shu felt that Calvin Meyer was a selfish cheapskate.

Can't they help if they are not in the same department?

Before the eldest sister woke up, he was still the temporary commander of the Sedna base.

Now that the eldest sister is awake, she is unwilling to help at all.

Puffing up her cheeks, Shu Shu gave Calvin Meyer a fierce look, then lowered her head again and went about her own business.

Simon still had a gentle and polite smile on his face, but when he saw Shu Shu's angry look, the smile on his face deepened a bit.

He took a step forward and stood in front of Shu Shu: "Even if Major General Shu's subordinates will assist her, but now the Sedna base is short of people, is the special guard ready to stand by?"

The Sedna base is currently short of people. Is it really appropriate for so many of you to stand aside and watch the fun?

Shu Shu praised Simon's words in her heart.

She raised her head secretly, but she didn't see Calvin Meyer's handsome paralyzed face, but Simon's back.

When did the Duke stand in front of her?
Just when Shu Shu was full of doubts, Calvin Meyer's flat voice came again: "All members of the special escort team are already helping to deal with the aftermath."

"What about you? Aren't you a member of the special escort?" Simon continued to ask with a smile.

Shu Shu, who was squatting behind Simon, blinked, her big eyes full of doubts.

Why do you feel that the Duke is a little aggressive?

Usually the Duke is not like this, could it be that he has a grudge against Captain Meyer?
Calvin Meyer's face remained unchanged, and his tone was steady: "I am the captain."

Isn't the captain a member of the special guard?

It was the first time for Shu Shu to hear such an explanation, and her doubts grew even bigger.

She stood up, trying to get around Simon and stand in front of Calvin Meyer.Before she could take a step, Simon suddenly turned around and pushed Shu Shu back.

A big hand with strong bones pressed on Shu Shu's head, preventing her from coming out of his back.

Shu Shu didn't struggle, she put her head on the big hand above her head to express her doubts.

Shu Shu liked being patted on the head by the Duke, but now she didn't understand what happened at all.

The Duke doesn't seem to like Captain Meyer very much, and he still doesn't let her face to face with Captain Meyer.

Could it be that besides being stingy, Captain Meyer is also a bad guy?
Shu Shu was stunned by her guess. If it was true, she would inform her second sister not to join the special escort team.

Just as Shu Shu's thoughts continued to diverge, Simon turned around and looked at Calvin Meyer, who was still expressionless.

He smiled and said, "There's nothing else going on here, I'm going to take my staff back to Luna,"

Want to poach my corner, no way!

After the little girl told how she controlled the robots, Simon discovered that Calvin Meyer's aura was different.

Although the paralyzed face still showed no expression, the body movements betrayed Calvin Meyer's thoughts.

Simon knew very well that ever since Calvin Meyer became the captain of the Special Guard, he had recruited talents for the Special Guard.

Regardless of whether they are human beings, 'special groups' or hybrids, as long as they have the ability, they will be recruited into the special guard by Calvin Meyer.

Many adult children of the mixed-race family were included in the special guards by Calvin Meyer.

Calvin Meyer recruits cats and dogs, Simon doesn't care, but he can't do it if he wants to recruit excellent employees from his own travel agency.

It is rare for New Moon Travel Agency to have such a well-behaved, sensible, capable and extremely cheap employee. Simon does not want to be poached by Calvin Meyer at all.

As the saying goes, prevent theft and fire prevent Calvin Meyer.

"What?" Shu Shu thought she heard it wrong, she pushed the hand on top of her head hard, but was pushed back.

The poison on the elder sister's body has not been cured, and she can't go back to Luna yet.

Simon tilted his head and smiled and said, "Hey, I'll talk to you later about absenteeism without reason."

"Huh?!?" Shu Shu was stunned.

It was only now that Shu Shu remembered that before leaving, she...she forgot to ask for leave.

Woohoo, I didn't mean to!
He stared at Simon's golden and silver hair with eyes full of water, his mouth was pursed, and he looked pitiful, but unfortunately no one could see it now.

"Although she is your employee, it does not prevent her from being a technical advisor to the Special Guard." Calvin Meyer said with a blank expression.

What (゜ロ゜)? ! ?

Shu Shu was stunned again. What did Captain Meyer say just now?
Technical Adviser?
Shu Shu suddenly felt that her brain was not enough, she quickly opened the light curtain and typed a paragraph on a window: "Why did Captain Meyer want me to be a technical consultant?"

Soon, Shu Shu saw Alfred's reply:

"Insufficient data, you have to ask Captain Meyer."

If I can ask directly, can I still ask you?
Shu Shu rolled her big eyes at the light curtain and puffed up her cheeks, expressing that she was very angry.

Alfred is getting more and more mischievous, it seems that she has to adjust its AI program... Shu Shu secretly made up her mind.

"Shu Shu usually attends classes in addition to going to work. I'm afraid I don't have time to be a consultant." Simon unceremoniously helped Shu Shu reject Calvin Meyer's proposal.

 Every time I write Captain Meyer, I want to cry, facial paralysis is too difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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