Chapter 436 Chapter 436

The big eyes are full of doubts, very cute.

Simon lowered his head and looked at Shu Shu's little cat-like face for a while, and he suggested, "You can let the robot do it, it will be faster."

With the speed of this little girl, I don't know when these parts will be disassembled.

"That's right." Shu Shu's eyes suddenly lit up.

She immediately opened the light curtain, moving her hands back and forth on the light curtain.

Seeing Shu Shu enter the code seriously, Simon felt that it is better not to remind her that she had given Shu Yun the control authority of the robot before.

Anyway, it should be a matter of minutes for the little girl to regain control, and Simon doesn't think there is any problem.

At most, the people in the command room may be a little frightened, but it's not a big deal.

Inside the Sedna base, the command room.

"The third and fourth computer rooms have resumed operation, and Mr. Zhuang is going to the fifth computer room."

Shu Yun nodded to show that she understood, and her only movable right hand moved back and forth on the light curtain.

Everyone in the command room is busy, and the consumption of this war has far exceeded expectations.Before the supply team arrived, they could only find a way to repair the damaged machine.

Some parts that are no longer in stock can only be replaced when the supply team arrives.

Counting and allocating resources is the primary task of the command room now.

When Calvin Meyer entered the command room, he saw everyone sitting on the workbench busy, standing up from time to time to report the progress to Shu Yun or ask colleagues for help.

"You're here." Shu Yun glanced at the human who had just entered.

A newly completed document was displayed on the light curtain in front of her. It was so densely packed with forms and data that it would give people a headache just by looking at it.

Calvin Meyer glanced at the two tubes inserted in Shu Yun's left hand and the hemodialysis machine placed on the stool.

Looking away, Calvin Meyer said flatly, "I want to hire Shu Shu as a technical advisor for the special guards. As her guardian, you should be able to agree on her behalf."

"Shu Shu should refuse." Shu Yun said firmly.

If it wasn't for Shu Shu's refusal, Captain Meyer wouldn't have come to her, right?

Calvin Meyer was silent for a few seconds, then nodded with an "um".

"Shu Shu's matter, I can't decide. It's like she is going to study at Luna First Academy. Although that little girl is not yet an adult, she is very assertive." Shu Yun's tone sounded like she was complaining, but also Like emotion, or proud.

My little sister is so powerful that even the special guards want to hire her as a technical consultant, which is something to be proud of.

At the same time, Shu Yun began to worry.

She hid Xiao Shushu for so many years, but was finally discovered by others.

This time it's Captain Meyer, who will it be next time?

Calvin Meyer said blankly: "The special guards can provide protection for Shu Shu."

As if he guessed Shu Yun's worry, he offered corresponding conditions.

"I believe that the special guards can protect Shu Shu well, but I don't want her to have anything to do with you, she is just a human being." Shu Yun shook her head lightly and refused.

In the past, she might have agreed to Calvin Meyer's proposal without hesitation.

But after learning of the existence of the 'special group', Shu Yun didn't want Shu Shu to be involved.

She and Yue'er are of mixed race, but Shu Shu is not. She is a human being and should not be involved.

The special guards are the official imperial organization that manages 'special groups', and now Shu Yun doesn't want Shu Shu to have anything to do with them.

"It's not good! A robot started to move by itself!"

Suddenly, someone shouted in a panic.

Shu Yun and Calvin Meyer heard the reputation, and the largest light curtain on the wall had switched to the screen outside the protective cover, and small robots broke away from the robot team and crawled in all directions.

These robots are only the size of an adult's head, some are like spiders, and some are like small animals.As if they were ordered from nowhere, they began to search for something in the surrounding robot wreckage.

"There is no problem with the program, but these small robots don't listen to us." Someone shouted.

Everyone in the command room stared at the robots on the light curtain with vigilance, ready to give attack instructions to the soldiers patrolling outside at any time.

They were really overshadowed by the robot legion before, and now they see any moving robot, they will have the illusion that they will be attacked at any time.

Compared with the nervousness of the others, Shu Yun's expression became weird.

She watched as a spider-shaped robot dug out what appeared to be a complete part from the skeleton of a large robot that was nothing but the head, and threw the part to a robot that was collecting the 'fruits' of other robots.

All the moving robots have a clear division of labor, a group of more than a dozen, one of which is responsible for collecting parts, and the other robots are responsible for finding usable parts.

Shu Yun raised her forehead, no need to guess, she already knew who did it.

It seems that the small treasury has to be returned to Xiao Shushu, otherwise I don't know what kind of disturbance this little girl will make for a little money.

Calvin Meyer looked sideways at Shu Yun and said flatly, "I think Shu Shu's coming to the Special Guard has a better future."

Shu Yun: "..."

What future?
Are you a recycling expert?

In a corner of the Rowan galaxy, there is a planet that is half green and half yellow.

This planet is not big, probably only a little bigger than Luna, but it is surrounded by a thin atmosphere.

There is water on the planet, which means life.

A small starship suddenly appeared outside the planet's atmosphere, and everyone on the starship felt happy when they saw the planet that was so close.

This is their hometown, where they were born and raised.

Even if the mission to attack Sedna didn't have the best ending, they still had a home to return to.

"Send a signal to inform them that we are back." Sheikh laughed.

After fighting the Empire for so long, the Liberty Alliance has basically lost, so Xie He has no psychological burden on this defeat.

Anyway, the lost armed equipment was provided by those people. Apart from the loss of some people, they did not have any major losses.

People die every day, either on the battlefield or by accident.

Sacrificing for their ideals is their best end.

After a while, the person in charge of contact shouted loudly: "Chief, no one responded."

"How is it possible?" Sheikh frowned.

Could it be that the person on duty today is being lazy?
As soon as this thought flashed across, Xie He denied it in his heart.

Every person who is on duty in the communication room is selected by himself. They are all trustworthy people and will not be lazy.

This place is already far away from the border of the empire, there is no internet, and the entire planet has no way to communicate with the outside world except for a communication room that can send and receive messages.

This communication room was passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors. It used a set of dilapidated equipment from the empire hundreds of years ago, and it can still be used today after repairs.

"Continue to send until they respond." Xie He said solemnly.

The man immediately continued to send messages, but as time passed, a layer of sweat began to form on his forehead.

Everyone in the cockpit didn't speak. They waited quietly for the person who sent the message to receive a response. Everyone was uncertain.

Every time they come back, before entering the atmosphere, they need to send a message to the communication room, and only after receiving a reply can they enter the atmosphere.

It's the rules and regulations passed down from their ancestors, but they've never had a situation where they didn't get a reply.

Sheikh was in no better mood than the others. He paced back and forth in the cockpit, looking at the person who had been sending messages from time to time.

The entire cockpit was enveloped in a solemn atmosphere, and no one dared to speak.

Suddenly, the small starship trembled violently without warning as if it had encountered a strong air current.

"What's going on?" Sheikh asked loudly.

They are now outside the atmosphere, in space, there shouldn't be any drafts.

All kinds of strange things made Xie He feel uneasy, but he knew that now was not the time to panic.Don't know what to expect if he shows even the slightest bit of panic.

His men are all border refugees, people who walk on the tip of the knife.

These people can listen to him today because he can provide them with a refuge. If this refuge is gone, his fate will not be much better.

"Blown up... Blown up! Ours was blown up!" someone shouted, pointing out the window.

Everyone in the cockpit rushed to the windows, wanting to see more.

Even if their position at this time is outside the atmosphere, they also saw the mushroom cloud rising from the ground.

One, two, and then countless mushroom clouds, they couldn't count them.

The mushroom cloud in the cloud layer broke up, and the green and yellow that could still be seen were replaced by gray mushroom clouds, and the entire planet lost its original color.

The spectacular sight made everyone in the cockpit temporarily lose their ability to speak, and their minds went blank.

Until the vibration of the starship became more and more intense, it was almost unsteady.

Sheikh didn't realize it, he yelled out loud. "Quick! Get out of here!"

Immediately, someone reacted and rushed to the pilot's seat to adjust the direction of the small starship.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The engine of the small starship was turned off as soon as it was started, and a large starship appeared behind the small starship at some point.

In front of that incredibly large starship, the small starship where Xie He and his group were located was like ants.

The door of the cabin opened, and the small starship was sucked into it by an invisible force.

Before the Sheikh group could react, the scenery outside changed from space to a silver-gray wall.

The light of the energy lamp is as dazzling as sunlight.

Mechas armed with teeth have already surrounded the small starship, and a calm voice came: "People on the starship, within half a minute, unload their weapons, raise their hands and slow down."

"Otherwise we'll open fire."

In the cockpit of a large starship.

Lin Zhao sat on the main seat, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

Who would have thought that Shu Yun would assign the task of raiding the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance to this commanding student who had not yet graduated.

Whether it is within the Imperial Army or the Freedom Alliance, no one would have thought that it would be Lin Zhao who came to carry out this arduous task.

Even Lin Zhao himself did not expect that he would be entrusted with such an important task.

But thinking of what Shu Yun said when he gave him an order, Lin Zhao felt a sense of frustration in his heart.

"I sent you most of the starships and support troops of the base. If you can't attack the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance, you don't need to graduate."

It doesn't sound very nice, but it's the truth.

Under such armed conditions, if Lin Zhao still can't take down the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance, then he really has no face to go back to see Cheng Kuan.

Looking at the already breached planet, Lin Zhao couldn't help feeling...General Shu Yun really used his troops like a god.

While the Liberty Alliance forces are in Sedna, let him leave Sedna quietly with a team, and at the same time let the reinforcements join him.

Liberty Alliance will only focus on Shu Yun and his subordinates, and will not care about Lin Zhao, a student who has not yet graduated.

They probably didn't even know that people like Lin Zhao had come to the Rowan Galaxy. Their eyes were all on Shu Yun and Calvin Meyer.

This plan seems simple, but it takes a certain amount of courage and determination to execute it.

Sending out all of Sedna's large starships means that Sedna's air defense becomes weaker, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it.

Under the premise that the Liberty Alliance has an armed force comparable to the imperial army, it is very risky to make such a decision, and the Sedna base is likely to be lost.

And they don't even know where the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance is, so Lin Zhao's team needs to find it step by step based on the information collected before.

Even if they had information, it took them nearly ten days to find this place, and they did not know how many planets they had checked before.

What surprised Lin Zhao the most was that the Sedna base had been able to support it until now, and there was news of a big victory not long ago.

A young man walked up to Lin Zhao with a smile all over his face. He said with a smile on his face, "I have confirmed my identity. There is Sheikh among the people on that small plane. We have captured the leader of the Freedom Alliance."

Capture the leader of the Freedom Alliance alive, this military merit is not small.

"It's really him?" Lin Zhao asked in surprise.

He obviously didn't expect that Sheikh would be on that small starship. They just followed General Shu Yun's order not to let any starship leave the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance.

It is worthy of being the God of War of the Empire.

Lin Zhao finally understood why Shu Yun was hailed as the God of War in the Empire, she was so predictable.

"Yes, he had a false name at the beginning, but we found out that it was Sheikh during the biometric information." The young man nodded and said.

Lin Zhao pondered for a moment: "Leave this to Second Lieutenant Chen to deal with the aftermath. Let's take Xie He back to Sedna first."

Such an important prisoner must be handed over to General Shu Yun first.

Sedna base, six floors underground.

The little girl with pink hair rushed to the No. [-] machine room familiarly. When she saw Zhuang Shuang who was working hard with tools, she immediately ran over and grabbed his right hand with both hands.

A pair of big eyes stared at Zhuang Shuang: "Come and see if my mecha can still be repaired."

 A lot of foreshadowing has been laid before, have you found out?

  Shu Yun has long planned to take over the Liberty Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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