It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 447 Chapter 447 is not here

Chapter 447 Chapter 447 is not here

It's not without reason for Andre to say this. You must know that murder and robbery are definitely the work of star robbers.

Perhaps, it should be said that it is their usual style.

The borders of the empire are vast and boundless. Except for the official routes where the army patrols from time to time, the star bandits are very active on other routes, and the powerful star bandits will confront the army head-on.

For those who often travel in the universe, the probability of encountering star robbers is not low at all.

If you are lucky, you can save money and avoid disasters, but if you are unlucky, you may even lose your life.

"The area around Sedna has been swept by the support team, and no particularly strong Star Thief Group has been found." Calvin Meyer said blankly.

After taking down the headquarters of the Freedom Alliance, all the troops sent out began to patrol a large area to wipe out the remnants of the Freedom Alliance.

In the process of patrolling, the imperial team will inevitably encounter those border forces who want to make a fortune in the Rowan galaxy.

Andre yawned again: "Then I don't know, maybe I ran away after making a fortune."

Anyway, it's right for him not to admit it. He doesn't believe that Calvin Meyer can find out that the carat demon has also come to the Rowan galaxy.

Just when Andre was thinking this way, Calvin Meyer said indifferently: "Not long ago, a team saw the Bailey family's starship enter the Rowan galaxy, and that starship left Sedna a few hours ago. Starships are very similar."

With that said, Calvin Meyer turned on the light curtain and showed Andre a picture.

Seeing that picture, Andre was very calm on the surface, but he was already cursing in his heart.

After the agreed disguise, he mixed into his fleet, the emotional carat demon head didn't take his words to heart at all.

There is only one starship on the picture, and this starship is in the air, flying upwards.

Regardless of the shape of the starship, the conspicuous red rose family crest can be seen at a glance.

It was the crest of the Bailey family, and Andre couldn't believe that Calvin Meyer didn't recognize it.

"That was a last resort. We deliberately put the Bailey family's crest on a starship, in order to serve as a deterrent." Andre said nonsense in a serious manner.

As for whether Calvin Meyer believed his excuse, Andre no longer considered it.

He is going to refuse to admit it now, even if Calvin Meyer finally finds out that it is really the starship of the Bailey family, he will push the matter to Vivienne Bailey.

As the Earl of the Empire, he knew exactly what it would be like to be identified as having something to do with the Bailey family.

Now he can no longer rely on the Presbyterian Church, and he can no longer lose the dependence of the empire.

Calvin Meyer didn't speak, his black eyes watched him quietly, as if he could see through his heart.

On the surface, he was calm and composed, but Andre was about to cry in his heart.

Even if you want to sentence him to death, you can simply stop staring at him so quietly, he can't stand it anymore.

Leaning slightly to the left, Andre raised his hand and pretended to yawn, and looked away from Calvin Meyer.

Time passed by, and just when Andre felt that the waiting was going to be endless, Calvin Meyer finally spoke.

"Thank you for your answer, I will not disturb your rest."

It was still his tone without a little emotion, but it was like a voice of nature to Andre.

Calvin Meyer got up and left the living room. After they left, Andre collapsed on the sofa.

"Master, do I need to help you back to bed?" Orlando asked cautiously.

He had been guarding the door just now, and he didn't come in until Calvin Meyer left.

Andre raised his hand and waved: "No, let me lie like this for a while."

No wonder Calvin Meyer was able to sit on the position of captain of the special guards. This person is really terrifying.

It took a while before Andre felt that he had recovered.

He looked up at Orlando who was standing aside and asked, "Is Simon at the base?"

He didn't see Simon last night, and he didn't know if he didn't want to join in the fun with the people in the base, or he wasn't at the base.

Based on Andre's understanding of Simon, the former should be the majority. After all, that guy doesn't like to show his face very much.

"I left last night, as if there was something urgent." Orlando told the news he had inquired about.

Andre was a little surprised, and almost blurted out: "What can he do urgently?"

Even if the New Moon Travel Agency was blown up, that guy wouldn't even raise his eyebrows. At most, he would send the bill to the person who bombed the travel agency.

In Andre's cognition, Simon has never cared about anything, and is always indifferent to anything.

No, in recent years he has been very interested in finding Si Jun and Elizabeth D. Este, but he is only limited to asking Paul to investigate.

Andre was really taken aback when he learned that Simon was coming to Sedna.

Except for the last time he went to Reiss, since he settled in Luna, Simon has hardly traveled far, at most he went to Blue Star.

Besides, he came alone in a starship.

In fact, Andre really wanted to know when Simon got his driver's license to drive a starship, and that guy didn't even have a driver's license for a hover car.

"I've inquired. Ms. Shu left the base before we arrived, and she hasn't come back yet." Orlando bowed his head and said respectfully.

Andre sat up straight, touched his chin and muttered to himself: "Little Shushu is not at the base either."

This is interesting, did Simon go after Xiaoshushu?
After a while, Andre raised his head and asked, "Is that intelligence agent there?"

As for the other identity of the Reese intelligence agent he has been cooperating with, he is a poison expert, and Andre can still accept it.

After all, Reese is a planet with a dangerous index second only to Carat. Only one or two skills can be used to survive on Reese.

"Yes, he has been appointed by Major General Shu as the base's mechanical expert." Orlando dutifully reported the information he collected to Andre.

Andre: "???"

Didn't they come to detoxify Shu Yun?
How to become a mechanical expert?

Andre suddenly had the illusion that the world was changing too fast and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Here, we're here." Vivian pointed to the green planet on the light curtain.

It was a planet that seemed to be full of life, with a sea of ​​white clouds floating in the atmosphere, and under the sea of ​​clouds was a green land and ocean.

That's right, the planet's oceans are green too.

Shu Shu, who was sitting on the chair next to the recliner, just glanced at it, and then continued to work on the several light curtains in front of her.

The detectors sent by the starship have begun to transmit various data collected on this planet.

(End of this chapter)

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