Chapter 454 Chapter 454
It's a bit too much to arrange all her people in front of her without asking her if the client agrees.

Xiao Shushu was not like this before.

Thinking of this, Vivian became even more dissatisfied.

She glared at the stinky man sitting opposite again, her eyes seemed to say: "It's all your fault! You taught Xiao Shushu badly!"

Simon raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and touched Shu Shu's small head, but said to Vivian, "It's just a proposal, you can refuse it."

"It's fine if you don't keep anyone here, but you have to wait for twelve hours. I'm going to change the program of the detector to automatic transmission, and then leave a few maintenance robots." Shu Shu blinked her big eyes and said.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not completely unacceptable.

Shu Shu never thought of borrowing someone from Vivienne to do this, but it would be great if she could borrow someone.

As for stopping data collection and leaving Lambuda No. 3 immediately, Shu Shu never thought about it.

It's a bit of a hassle, but not an impossible task.

They didn't have any definite clues for a while, and they might get unexpected gains in the process of collecting data.

Vivian frowned. Although she resisted in her heart, she had to admit that this was the most efficient way.

"I didn't say I didn't agree." Vivian gave Simon a sideways look, then turned and told A: "Let the people from the Alpha team stay to collect data, and we will set off immediately after Xiao Shushu finishes handing over."

In this way, an hour later, Shu Shu and her group returned to the large starship.

According to Zhuang Shuang's original words, the executive ability of the Bailey family far exceeds that of the administrative department of the empire.

People living in Carat know that time is precious, and they can't wait to use a day as if it were 48 hours.They despise the procrastination of the imperial cabinet.

So many people can't do one thing, it's a waste of resources.

"The mastermind of the starship has planned the route and can set off at any time." B respectfully reported.

When A sent the order from the boss, B received the coordinates sent to him by Shu Shu.

Vivian, who was lying sideways on her exclusive recliner, did not respond to B. She looked at Shu Shu who was sitting beside her: "Can we go?"

The empire is really troublesome, you need a pass to go to a supply point.If it wasn't for Shu Shu's refusal, Vivienne would have rushed to the supply point to take down the entire supply point.

"We went to the asteroid circle first, and the elder sister hasn't replied to me yet." Shu Shu raised her head and frowned slightly.

I don't know if the eldest sister is angry or busy, and she sent several messages without replying to her.

Vivienne directly ignored the second half of Shu Shu's sentence, and she motioned for B to leave.

Go there first, and if Shu Yun hasn't replied by then, they can take the supply point directly.

It's best to meet a few Star Pirates on the road to practice their hands. The Star Pirates and Stark's armed starship team that they took down before gave them a lot of harvest.

Coming to Rowan Galaxy this time is really profitable.

Shu Shu didn't know what Vivienne was thinking, otherwise she would have thought of making a fortune along the way.

The imperial army can't move, but the Star Pirates don't have this concern.

If you're lucky, you can make a lot of money if you meet some rich Star Pirates.

Shu Shu is now busy thinking about how to get a pass, and there is a chat box on the light screen that is constantly swiping the screen.

Genius Paul: "Master, are you still in Luo Wenxing?"

Genius Paul: "I really want to find you, brother six doesn't talk to me anymore, what are you all busy with?"

Genius Paul: "It's so boring at home. I don't know what my uncle said to my parents. They lock me at home now and don't let me go out."

Even if your parents don't lock you up, you don't usually go out... Shu Shu couldn't help but slander when she saw this.

You must know that when Paul was in Luna, he lived upstairs from the Crescent Travel Agency, and he didn't even open the door very often.

Everything needed is directly sent to Xinyue Travel Agency, or Arnold is asked to help bring it.

It is really strange for such a dead house to suddenly complain that he is locked up by his parents.

Bypassing the series of crying emoticons sent by Paul, Shu Shu glanced at another chat box.

It was all messages from her, almost every few days, but the other party never responded.

Since the battle at Luna No. [-] Academy, Little Six has never heard from her again.

Although it was not the first time that Little Six could not be contacted, it had been more than half a month and there was still no news, which was a bit abnormal.

Normally, Little Six would send her a message every few days, and if he couldn't contact her for a while, he would notify her in advance.

This sudden disappearance made Shu Shu feel weird.

But she doesn't have time to look for Xiaoliuzi now, and she doesn't know how to look for it.

The top ten hackers on the Magic Bean Forum are all mysterious, and no one knows their origin, age, gender or appearance.

The encryption program of the forum was jointly created by ten of them. It is the most confidential encryption program in the entire empire, and even the computer experts of the empire cannot decrypt it.

For this reason, hackers can freely build buildings, share experiences, ask for help, show off their achievements, etc. on Magic Beanstalk.

In the concept of ordinary people, hackers are those who destroy.But hackers are not hackers who use technology to break the law.

Real hackers love a challenge, celebrate freedom, and advocate the sharing of information.

They are builders, not destroyers.

But because they advocate information sharing, all software is open source and shared, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of all software companies.

When Shu Shu joined Magic Beans, she was just a ghost forum on the dark net, and she was often suppressed.

The earliest Xiaoliuzi was one of the administrators of the forum. He found that Shu Shu's question was very interesting, so he contacted Shu Shu.

At that time, Shu Shu started accepting jobs, and when she encountered problems, she went online to find solutions, and stumbled into the Magic Beans forum by mistake.

The two gradually became familiar with each other through technical exchanges, and together with eight other people, they created the most powerful encryption program on the Internet.

The ten strongest magic beans created a legend.

Shu Shu stared at the gray head of Xiao Liuzi for a while, and finally decided to wait.

When she found Jinze, she went to find Xiaoliuzi.

For Luna's matter, she owed Xiao Liuzi a favor, and she believed that Xiao Liuzi would come to her to exchange it.

That guy doesn't forget what people owe him.

At this moment, another chat box popped up. Shu Shu glanced at the name of the person who sent the message, and raised her eyebrows.

Intelligence agent: "Your eldest sister wants to recover her mental strength as soon as possible, but I can't stop it."

Shu Shu pondered for a moment, then sent a message.

It's Shushu, not the younger sister: "How is the eldest sister doing now?"

Intelligence agent: "According to the current speed, as long as no mental power is used, it can be delayed for three months."

In other words, if you use your mental power, all your previous efforts will be wasted... Shu Shu immediately understood what Zhuang Shuang meant.

When in Sedna, Zhuang Shuang explained Shu Shu's current physical condition in detail.

To put it simply, it is hanging by medicine.

Don't look at Shu Yun's ruddy face and healthy look, there are still toxins raging in her body.

If it wasn't for Zhuang Shuang's daily hemodialysis and drug suppression, Shu Yun might still be in a coma.

If she really wanted to delay it for three months, Shu Yun had to follow Zhuang Shuang's treatment plan every day, otherwise she might fall into a coma again.

In that case, it will be difficult to wake up again.

It's Shushu, not my sister: "I see."

One can only hope that Kanazawa is still alive and can find him within three months.

Now Shu Shu has nothing in her heart.

Sedna base, Andre's suite.

"I can understand that you want to resume reclamation of the Rowan galaxy as soon as possible, but now the star robbers are rampant in the Rowan galaxy. Without protection, I dare not send people to leave Sedna."

 There is a difference between a hacker and a cracker.

  Because the media used inappropriate words, now they think hackers are doing sabotage.


(End of this chapter)

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