It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 457 Chapter 457 Mining is fun

Chapter 457 Chapter 457 Mining is fun
The magnetic field of the entire asteroid circle is very unstable. Even if there is a positioning of the Wanjia supply point, after entering the asteroid field, the positioning system of the starship mastermind will fail.

The positioning function has been completely lost, and the starship can only rely on external cameras and peripheral sensors of the starship to move forward.

"Have you found out the reason for the magnetic field confusion?" Vivienne yawned and asked.

Setting up a supply point in such a place, these guys are definitely out of their minds.

Shu Shu also felt that it was outrageous. Setting up a supply point in a place with such a chaotic magnetic field was simply messing around.

The supply point is used as a rest station for starships. It is built in such a hard-to-find place. Isn't it afraid that starships entering the asteroid field will be in danger?

The starship of the Bailey family is equipped with the most advanced detectors and sensors, as well as equipment that interferes with the magnetic field, but it is still difficult to move an inch in this asteroid field.

How can ordinary transport starships be equipped with these equipments?

At most, there is a radar, but entering this asteroid field with chaotic magnetic fields, the radar has long since failed, and the starship may never return.

"It hasn't been found yet." A shook his head and said.

Vivian rubbed her eyes and looked at Shu Shu and asked, "Do you want to change the supply point?"

It may not be possible to find the specific location of Wanjia's supply point in a while, and even if it is found, there may not be any information related to Jinze.

Originally, I came here with the attitude of trying. This supply point is not working, so I can find other ones.

"That's the only way to go." Shu Shu agreed with a little frustration.

Unexpectedly, the first supply point hit a wall. I hope that the next few supply points can find some clues.

At this time, B hurried over, and he shouted excitedly to several people: "Just now an exploration team came back, and they discovered rhombic stone mine on an asteroid."

"Really?!?" A's eyes widened in disbelief.

Rhinestone Ore is a very rare ore that can only appear on some asteroids.The empire's annual production is low, but demand is always high.

The main reason is that rhombic stone is born with a special magnetic force, which can stabilize the quantum, and is one of the indispensable materials for making quantum engines.

The quantum engine is the engine equipped with the latest generation of starships in the empire. It is many times better than the previous generation engine in terms of consumption, environmental protection and lifespan.

At present, this kind of engine is being popularized, and the empire also strongly supports the entry of this kind of engine into the market, and there are many preferential policies.

Even in the black market, the price of rhombic stone has been rising in recent years.

Thinking of the characteristics of the rhizome quarry, A thinks it is reasonable to find the rhizome quarry here.

The existence of Lingzaite mine can perfectly explain why the magnetic field of this asteroid circle is so chaotic.

"About how much? Is it convenient to mine?" Vivian changed her lazy attitude from lying on her side to sitting.

Anyway, the Rowan Galaxy is still in the process of land reclamation. If the diamond mine here has not been discovered, she can dig some and go home.

It's okay even if it has been discovered, anyway, it was Star Thief who did it, what does it have to do with her Vivienne Bailey?
B is still full of excitement: "The appearance of the entire asteroid is."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now! Let's go digging!" Vivian jumped up from the recliner, raised her right hand and shouted.

There was joy in the cockpit, and some people even took out mining tools, ready to show off their skills.

We must know that Vivienne has always been generous to his subordinates, no matter how much they dig, they can keep [-]% of the harvest.

Shu Shu was also extremely excited and was already rubbing her hands.

Even if she didn't sell it, she could still give Jiang Cha the Lingsha Stone to pay off the debt.

Ginger Tea prefers to pay with ore rather than Euro currency.

In this way, their target changed from Wanjia's supply point to Lingsha Stone Mine.

Simon was standing in a corridor, with a glass wall in front of him, and the face of the asteroid field unfolded in front of him.

His light blue eyes stared forward, and there was a slight smile on his beautiful face.

"Did everything go well for you in Rowan Galaxy? Have you met Shu Shu?" Arnold's steady voice rang in his ears.

Arnold, who is far away in Luna, has been thinking about Shu Shu, and he is still waiting for Shu Shu to go back.

"Everything went well, the little girl is full of energy. It's just that there is no store here, so I can't buy you souvenirs." Simon said regretfully.

Arnold didn't care about the souvenirs at all, he was more concerned about Shu Shu's situation: "Is Shu Shu okay?"

Will she return to Luna?
The latter sentence Arnold asked silently in his heart.

The bombed Crescent Travel Agency has been repaired, but Arnold is not going to open the shop, he wants to wait for Simon and Shu Shu to come back to open the shop.

"She's fine." Simon thought for a while, and added: "Shu Yun has been poisoned, and she's looking for Jinze."

A simple sentence finally calmed down Arnold's uneasy heart.

It turned out that Shu Shu left Luna because Shu Yun was poisoned, not because she found out that they were not human.

Thinking of his worries not long ago, Arnold suddenly felt that the Duke was right.

She is not that kind of person.

It's a pity that Arnold's heart didn't calm down for a long time, and he raised it again.

"There are a lot of werewolves in the Liberty League team." Simon paused, "I found that after they used drugs to go berserk, they were very similar to the one in your body."

"Impossible!" Arnold yelled.

Realizing that his volume was too loud, he hastily apologized.

Simon shook his head indifferently, his eyes cast into the distance through the glass window.

The dark universe contains all things, but cannot contain their existence.

"I have asked Zhuang Shuang to study the corpses of those werewolves, and there should be results in a short time." Simon restrained his smile.

The werewolves who were still alive were sent away by the special guards, and after the battle was over, they were sent to the border prison of the special guards.

That prison is dedicated to detaining 'special groups', and it was jointly established by the Presbyterian Church and the Empire.

Without living things, samples can only be taken from corpses for analysis.

Zhuang Shuang can't guarantee how much he can find out. He can only do his best without asking others for help.

Chemistry is her forte, biology is not his.

"Zhuang Shuang is also in the Rowan galaxy?" Arnold asked in surprise.

The child left the mixed-race family when he became an adult, and wandered outside alone. He didn't know if he was doing well, and he hadn't contacted them for a long time.

Simon looked back: "Well, I became a doctor."

Plus a mechanic.

At this moment, a brisk voice came from behind him: "My lord duke!"

Simon turned around and saw the little girl with pink hair galloping towards him.

Seeing the little girl bouncing up and down in front of him, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Come to me?"

Shu Shu stopped in front of Simon, and nodded her head vigorously: "The exploration team found an open-pit Lingsha stone mine, and we are going to dig some."

"Are you still mining?" Simon raised his eyebrows and asked.

This little girl really knows everything.

Shu Shu raised her head and patted her chest with her right hand: "Of course I will, mining is fun."

If you dig out more precious ores, you can also sell them on the black market for a good price.

Thinking of the treasures she dug up before, Shu Shu couldn't help chattering non-stop, her face glowing with excitement.

Simon didn't interrupt her either, listening patiently, asking a few questions now and then.

The voice has not been hung up, and Arnold quietly listened to the chat between the two, with a relieved smile on his face.

Shu Shu is still the same Shu Shu.

Not alienating them just because they're not human.

very nice.

(End of this chapter)

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