It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 467 Chapter 467 Feels Better Than I Expected

Chapter 467 Chapter 467 Feels Better Than I Expected

The starship hit an asteroid again, this time the impact was more violent than the previous ones, and the starship shook violently again.

Shu Shu's body, following the shaking, rolled around on the bed.

Seeing that the little girl hugging the pillow was about to roll off the bed, Simon quickly restrained his thoughts, bent down and reached out to block the little girl who had already rolled to the edge of the bed.

Shu Shu hugged the pillow tightly and fell asleep in the dark, completely unaware that she almost rolled out of bed, Simon couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

It may be because it is a patrol starship, and the facilities in this starship are quite simple.

The rest cabins are all uniform in size, with only about five or six square meters of space.Apart from a bed that is only [-] centimeters wide, there is no other furniture inside.

After pushing the little girl into the bed, Simon was about to withdraw his hand.

At this moment, a pair of small hands held Simon's left hand tightly, and he froze for a moment.

Seeing that the little girl still had her eyes closed tightly, and she didn't seem to be awake, Simon stretched out his right hand to break the two little hands holding his left hand.

After trying a few times, Simon found that the little girl's strength was not weak at all, and she held onto his hand tightly.

Shu Shu lying on the bed seemed to feel that someone was breaking her hand, she frowned, and subconsciously clenched her hands a little bit.

As if feeling that this wasn't enough, Shu Shu pulled hard with both hands and put Simon's hand under her head.

The little head rubbed back and forth on the big hand, and then the corners of the mouth were raised in satisfaction, and the brows were slowly relaxed.

Simon didn't try to stop Shu Shu's move, he knelt down and looked at Shu Shu's sleeping face.

Although the lights were not turned on in the rest cabin, with Simon's night vision ability, he could still see Shu Shu's chubby cheeks clearly.

Want to pinch.

Simon thought so, and did the same.

When he stretched out his free right hand and touched the soft cheek, his fingers paused for a few seconds, and then squeezed the round cheek tightly.

It feels better than expected... This is the first thought that flashed through Simon's mind.

"Don't pinch my face!" Shu Shu suddenly shouted.

He quickly let go of Simon's left hand with both hands, and then firmly protected his cheek, and stepped back on the bed.

And the little girl who was protecting her cheeks still had her eyes tightly closed, as if everything just now was a dream.


Backing up too hard, the little pink head hit the wall of the rest cabin.

"it hurts!"

The sudden change made Simon dumbfounded.

This little girl doesn't forget to protect her cheeks even when she sleeps, what a shadow in her heart it must be.

Seeing that she woke up in pain, Simon turned on the light in the rest cabin.

The white light immediately illuminated the entire rest cabin, and Shu Shu subconsciously closed her eyes after waking up from the pain.

After getting used to the surrounding brightness, she slowly opened her eyes.

Shu Shu has always maintained the position of lying on the bed with her head in her hands, her whole body curled up like a boiled shrimp.

"Does it hurt?" Simon asked suspiciously.

The sound of the collision just now was indeed quite loud, but given the physique of this little girl, it shouldn't be too painful.

Hearing the familiar voice, the watery-eyed Shu Shu raised her head.When she saw the slender figure standing in front of the bed, she jumped up from the bed.

"Duke... Lord Duke!?" Shu Shu shouted in disbelief.

She looked around and confirmed that she was in the rest cabin she had chosen randomly, and she asked with a puzzled face, "Why are you here?"

"Seeing that the door is not locked, come in to see if you are asleep." Simon smiled slightly.

With that perfect smile and that beautiful face, Shu Shu couldn't even have any doubts.

Your Excellency the Duke is so pretty!

Seeing the little girl staring at him for a moment, Simon raised his right hand and touched the top of Pink's head.

"Go back to sleep if it doesn't hurt."

Obediently, Shu Shu nodded vigorously, then lay back on the bed and pulled the quilt on herself.

Clutching the edge of the thin quilt with both hands, Shu Shu blinked her big eyes and stared at Simon: "Can you wait until I fall asleep before leaving?"

"What's wrong?" Simon asked with a smile.

This little girl is more and more like Zhuang Shuang when she was a child, and she knows that she is pushing an inch.

Pulling up the thin quilt to cover the mouth and nose, only revealing a pair of big eyes, Shu Shu squinted her eyes and said, "I want to fall asleep looking at the Duke's face."

Although she has a photo of the Duke, Shu Shu often falls asleep looking at the photo of the Duke.But the real person is right in front of you.

This opportunity cannot be missed.

After a few seconds of silence, Simon sat down on the edge of the bed: "Okay."

Hearing this reply, Shu Shu's eyes were already narrowed into a line when she saw the stunningly beautiful face.

Your Excellency the Duke is so kind!

Like the second sister, she will agree to her unreasonable request.

"Have you decided?" Que Fangwei looked at the woman sitting opposite him with a serious expression.

Shu Yue sat on the single sofa, her long flaxen hair was casually fixed behind her head with a hairpin.

The hands are placed on the thighs, and the fingers are closed, which represents the tense mood of the owner of the hands at the moment.

"As you said, if you can help me use my abilities better, I am willing to cooperate with you." Shu Yue stared at Que Fangwei and said slowly.

Que Fangwei nodded: "We will definitely try our best to help you stimulate your potential. After all, we hope that you can help us after you have mastered your abilities."

Even if Fifth Xi disagreed, Que Fangwei decided to take a risk.

The current situation is getting more and more complicated. As the supporters of the fifth family, the Que family will never allow the fifth family to be violated.

Shu Yue, no, it should be said that what happened to the three sisters of the Shu family is a mystery.

Even using the resources of the fifth family and the Que family, it is still impossible to find out why Shu Yue and Shu Yun are of mixed race.

Whether there is any conspiracy in this, they don't know.

Luna First Academy and the special guards are still investigating, but unfortunately there is no progress.

As for whether it is true that there is no progress or it is fake, Que Fangwei does not know.After all, he has no right to intervene in the investigation by the special guards.

No matter what, Shu Yue's special ability is what they need most now.

Unlike the vampires or werewolves, the elves respected the purity of blood.

In addition to bloodlines being able to determine the status of an elf, there is another way is the ability to awaken bloodlines.

In ancient times, there were elves who were not pure blood because of their special bloodline ability, and were recognized by the tribe as being equal to pure blood.

Although Shu Yue is a mixed race, it might not be as easy to deal with as an ordinary elf, but Que Fangwei is confident that he can push Shu Yue to the same status as a pure blood elf.

Only then will the fifth family's right to speak in the elves be consolidated, and the elves' forces can be gathered to deal with the coming chaos.

Both Stark and the Hanover family have already shot, and there is not much time left.

 Happy National Day holiday!

  Try to restore the update this month~
(End of this chapter)

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