It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 471 Chapter 471 It seems to be a supply point in another world

Chapter 471 Chapter 471 As if at a supply point in another world

Shu Shu heard the sound and turned the chair [-] degrees, just facing the door of the cockpit, she immediately saw a tall and straight figure walking towards her.

With a push of her feet, Shu Shu jumped up from the chair, drew a graceful arc in the air, and jumped in front of Simon.

She raised her face and shouted cheerfully: "Your Excellency~"

Staring at Simon with fluttering big eyes, Raphael was amazed and admired Shu Shu's admiration from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't dare to look directly at a blood duke. To him, blood was synonymous with danger.

Everyone around him has told him that the vampire is the proudest and most difficult race to get along with.

There are not many blood races on Carat, except for two relatively famous blood races who stay in their castle all year round and hardly leave the castle for half a step.

It's not that Raphael was curious. Once, he even formed a group with a few friends to explore a blood clan's castle, but they were chased and killed by the guards outside the castle as soon as they entered the outer perimeter of the castle.

Although they managed to leave the outer perimeter of the castle, his friends died not long after returning home because their wounds festered and couldn't heal because they were bitten by the vampires.

He was the only one who survived because of the elven blood in his body.

The unforgettable pain made Rafael grow up overnight, and he also recognized the reality.

He has neither the courage nor the strength to avenge his dead friend.

For Simon, the Duke of blood, Raphael has always maintained a estranged attitude, trying to reduce his presence in front of him.

Blood races are terrifying existences.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do." Simon looked down at the little girl who was only as high as his chest.

Seeing the cheerful expression on the little girl's face, Simon knew that she already had a plan in mind.

I don't know who will be unlucky this time.

The Wanjia supply point is set up inside an ordinary asteroid in the asteroid circle. Because of the special magnetic field interference of the asteroid circle, even if a starship passes by this asteroid, it cannot be found. The supply point hidden inside the asteroid .

Security monitoring room, 8:[-] a.m. Blue Star time.


Wan Ke stepped into the door of the monitoring room on time, and greeted several subordinates already in the monitoring room with a smile on his face.

"Captain, good morning."

"Good morning."

He is a small captain of the security team at the supply point, and is mainly responsible for monitoring any objects near the supply point, whether it is living or dead.

Although his surname is Wan, he can only be regarded as a distant relative of the Wan family. His family is not so closely related to the original Wan family.

Ever since Wan Jia got the qualification to open up wasteland in the Rowan Galaxy, many of them, like Wan Ke, have found a good job in the Rowan Galaxy.

Wan Ke is very satisfied with his current job, and his salary is 50% higher than that of the security team leader of Oerga's team, and he is very free.

Apart from working in the monitoring room and watching the people below, he basically has no other work.

The only fly in the ointment, he has not been home for a long time.

Not long after the Wanjia supply point was completed, Wanke started working here, and it has been five years now.

For five years, he never left the asteroid.

His daughter is 11 years old. Although he can video with his family after get off work, he still regrets that he missed the years when his daughter was growing up.

However, according to the rules of the supply point, one can apply to be transferred out of the Rowan galaxy every six years.

Wan Ke has started the countdown, and he will be able to go home in eight months.

As soon as he sat down in his seat, a subordinate ran over excitedly.

"Captain, I heard that the Liberty Alliance has been defeated by the imperial army. When will the supply point lower its alert level?"

Although the magnetic field of the asteroid circle is unstable, the communication will be disturbed.But the Wanjia supply point is not isolated from the outside world, and there is no signal at all.

People who work here can still communicate with the outside world through the unstable signals provided by the supply points, and check news online.

The only regret is that the game cabin cannot be used because the signal is unstable, and the 'mirror' does not set a login point here.

They learned about everything that happened outside the supply point through the Internet.

And what they are most concerned about recently is undoubtedly the war between the Freedom Alliance and the Empire.

This is what they have since the declaration of war by the Liberty Alliance, the Wanjia supply point has raised its alert level to the highest level, and the security team has started working overtime endlessly.

At first they were more worried that the enemy would attack, but after such a long time, let alone the enemy, they didn't even see a starship.

In addition to asteroids, there are asteroids of various sizes.

If it weren't for the news that the empire had lost many planets and the Freedom Alliance attacked Sedna, they would have thought that the Freedom Alliance's declaration of war was fake.

Because it involves military secrets, the upper echelon of the supply point will not disclose the situation of the outside world to them. As a result, they can only know the situation in other places in the Rowan galaxy through the news on the Internet.

Strange to say, they are obviously in the Rowan galaxy, but because the signal from the asteroid circle is unstable, they are the last to know the battle situation in the Rowan galaxy.

Wan Ke glanced sideways at his subordinates, picked up the coffee delivered by the robot, and drank it slowly.

"Do you think it's over?" Wan Ke asked calmly.

As the team leader, Wan Ke habitually assumed the posture of the team leader.

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, scratched the back of his head and asked doubtfully, "Isn't it?"

Their conversation attracted the attention of others, and those who could leave their seats secretly stood up and gathered in Wanke's direction.

They also want to know what's going on outside.

Seeing several subordinates approaching, Wan Ke put down his mug and said with a serious face: "The imperial army only captured Sheikh, and many others have not been found.

The battle situation in the Rowan galaxy is not as optimistic as the news said. "

After staying here for a long time, Wan Ke knew that the news had been whitewashing the peace.

The difficulty of opening up wasteland in the Rowan galaxy is not as easy and beautiful as the news said.

In the past few years, as far as he knows, more than a dozen starships of the Wan family have been hijacked, not to mention other families.

The land reclamation of the Rowan galaxy is an opportunity and a danger at the same time.

Fortunately, he will be able to go home in eight months.

"Then... will the Liberty Alliance come here?" Someone asked timidly.

Since its establishment, their supply point has not been attacked, and it can be regarded as one of the safer supply points in the entire Rowan galaxy.

This is what the people who passed by the supply point told them, otherwise they really thought that other supply points were the same as theirs.

Wan Ke glared at the person who asked the question: "What are you talking about? Go back to work, and you too."

Immediately, everyone surrounding Wan Ke's position dispersed and returned to their respective positions.

Blue Star Time, 11:31 AM.

"Captain, there is a situation!"

 Let everyone be safe, my family members will be discharged from the hospital next week, I feel relieved...

(End of this chapter)

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