It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 474 Who Sent It 474

Chapter 474 Who Sent It 474
Asteroid circle, outside the Wanjia supply point.

Energy bullets flew everywhere, and small starships shuttled between the bullets and the asteroids.

The hatch of the starship was opened, and mechas slid out of the starship along the lowered hatch.They lined up in a neat line and rushed towards the oncoming enemy mecha in the distance.

Both sides launched the most violent attacks on the enemy. Some mechs' protective shields were broken, and the mechas were exploded on the spot, or lost control and crashed into a nearby asteroid.

With luck, maybe an arm or leg was blown off, leaving the cockpit and torso intact.

The originally neat team dispersed after the first wave of attacks, either alone, or two or three mechas rushed forward together.

Every mech master focused his attention on the instrument panel ahead, and the electronic voice continuously reported the data from the detector.

In addition to attacking, they also have to avoid the enemy's attack. If they are not paying attention, they will be hit by the enemy.

The streamer flickered, and the flames overflowed.

The large starships of the special escort team maintained their formation, and every three large starships formed a triangle and stopped in place.

The shields of the three starships were integrated into one, forming a rounded triangle halo surrounding the three starships.From a distance, it looks like a giant bubble.

In the cockpit of the flagship, everyone was doing the work at hand in an orderly manner, as if the war outside had nothing to do with them.

Calvin Meyer was sitting upright on the main seat, leaning his elbows on the armrest of the chair, crossing his fingers, and staring at the pictures on the large light curtain in front of him with black eyes.

His ears echoed the reports from all sides in the cockpit:
"The enemy sent a total of 78 mechs, [-] small starships and ten large starships."

"A large enemy starship broke through No. 11's shield, and No. [-] has already gone to support it."

"It has been found out that the enemy uses starships and mech models, which are civilian armed series produced by Beretta."

Everyone's voice was unhurried, as if they were making a report.

Calvin Meyer let go of his crossed hands and put his hands on the left and right armrests.

His gaze was still fixed on the light curtain in front of him, and he said in a cold voice, "Pass the information to Blue Star and let them seize Beretta Company."

Because interstellar travel will encounter various accidents, the empire allows ordinary people to buy weapons, mechs, armed equipment, and armed starships.

Of course, the price of an armed starship is more than double that of an ordinary starship, and only the truly rich can afford it.

All armed equipment will be recorded at the time of sale, leaving the buyer's identity and work unit.

These filing information need to pass the official verification of the empire. After confirming the buyer's identity, interpersonal relationship, and armed equipment already in strict screening, the seller can sell the armed equipment to the buyer.

Because the empire does not allow the public to hoard armed equipment, each armed equipment will be equipped with an independent number when it leaves the factory.

From the smallest energy gun to the largest armed starship, all have their own independent numbers.

If someone buys armed equipment and then sells it to others to make money, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment if they are found out.

The empire has always been strict when it comes to the management of armed equipment.

Even if it is the smuggled goods of Carat and Reese, the empire is trying to control it within a certain range.

The armed equipment at the Wanjia supply point has far exceeded the amount that a family can own.

And they all come from a long-established weapons company in the empire, no matter who they are, they will feel that something is wrong.

"The specific location of the Wanjia supply point has been confirmed."

The subordinate who reported the news secretly felt that the captain's intuition was too keen.

When No. 11 was attacked, ordinary people would think that No. [-] was where Wanjia's supply point was located. Unexpectedly, the captain sent the starship team directly to the area where No. [-] was located.

As soon as they approached the area where No. 11 was located, the attacks from No. [-]'s side stopped, and the enemy rushed here in a hurry.

At the same time, the Wanjia Supply Point dispatched more armed starships to meet their uninvited guests.

Calvin Meyer nodded slightly: "Bypass the battlefield and go directly to the Wanjia supply point."

Wanjia supply point.

Shu Shu hid at the corner of the corridor, with a small head staring at Simon's back.

He swaggered towards the only door in this corridor, turning a blind eye to the two guards outside the door.

The two guards were wearing the uniforms of the Wanjia Patrol Team. The two were extremely similar in stature, both with a perfect figure of an inverted triangle, and both had a handsome face.

It's just that both of them stared at the front blankly, holding an energy gun with both hands in the most standard posture.

From Shu Shu's angle, she couldn't see the logo on the energy gun, but from the outline of the energy gun, she guessed it was a medium-power energy gun.

The range is not too far, and it is not precise, but the power of each bullet is not small, and the battery life is also good.

The siren on this floor was loud, but the two of them seemed to have not heard it. Standing in place like two sculptures, they did not see the west gate that had strode towards them at all.

Simon stopped in front of the two of them. He raised his hands, and then snapped his index fingers and thumbs at the same time.

At the moment when the fingers were snapped, the two of them trembled as if they had just woken up from sleep, and stared at the handsome man who was close at hand.

"good evening."

Simon stepped forward, smiled and put his hands on the shoulders of the two.

Shu Shu, who was lying on the wall and standing at the corner, blinked her big eyes and watched Simon's every move.

She could see the energy guns that the two were holding tightly were trembling, to be precise, their hands were trembling, trembling violently.

It was clear that two people could kill each other by pointing their energy guns at the Duke, but they did nothing.

The two seemed to be frightened by Simon, so frightened that they completely forgot that they were holding weapons in their hands, and they forgot that they were noble blood races.

"For the vampires, blood is above all else."

Shu Shu suddenly remembered what Vivian had said. She didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence at the time, but now she understands a little bit.

Although the Duke is not a prince, he is not far behind. In front of him, the rest of the blood clan can only be regarded as ants.

Now Shu Shu admires Earl Saketti a little bit. He is obviously just an earl, but he often rushes in front of the Duke, and he doesn't respect the Duke much.

Earl Saketti should be an outlier in the blood race, Shu Shu thought so, but her eyes never left Simon.

Simon put his hands lightly on the shoulders of the two of them, and his beautiful face with a slightly naughty smile made it impossible to look away.

The two guards did not take their eyes off Simon's face, but the expressions on their faces were full of fear instead of joy.

"Now tell me who sent you."


  Finally, a chapter has been coded... I've been a little busy at work recently, so please read it slowly
(End of this chapter)

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