Chapter 476 Chapter 476

The two walked along the corridor to the door of the laboratory. They didn't see anyone along the way, not even a robot.

And this corridor, to be precise, the area inside the mental power lock is not monitored.

Very unusual for a supply point.

You must know that there are surveillance cameras in every corner of the empire. It makes no sense that there is no surveillance in the inner corridor of such a supply point that has only been in use for a few years.

The two walked to the door of the laboratory on the left. Simon did not ask Shu Shu how to open the door, but raised his hand and put his palm on the metal door without a handle.

The door seemed to have received an order, and immediately moved to the left, and an empty laboratory appeared in front of the two of them.

The white cold light illuminates the laboratory, and the first thing that catches the eye is a row of floor-to-ceiling glass jars filled with water.

Each glass jar is about two meters high and about one meter in diameter. There is a silver metal lid on top of each glass jar, and several thick tubes emerge from the metal lid.

Pipes criss-crossed across the ceiling, forming a complex conduit with no end in sight.

Shu Shu approached the nearest glass jar curiously. The liquid in the glass jar was very cloudy, and it was impossible to tell what was inside from a distance.

When Shu Shu was only one meter away from the glass jar, the light under the glass jar suddenly turned on, illuminating the 'thing' floating in the turbid liquid.

Shu Shu was startled by the sudden light, and what surprised her even more was the 'thing' in the glass jar illuminated by the light.

"This..." Shu Shu opened her mouth wide and looked at the 'something' floating in the glass jar in surprise.

From the outline, it can be judged that it is a human being, to be precise, a child, about three or four years old, but two fleshy wings grow out of the child's back, which should not appear there.

Meat wings are as long as a child's torso, and look like demon wings from the game.

The liquid was too turbid to see the child's skin color clearly, and the light from the bottom of the glass jar could only illuminate the outline of the child.

I don't know if the child is a model or what, if it is a real person, it would be too cruel.

Such a small child was brought here, and I don't know what kind of torture he suffered.

The stories about mad scientists experimenting with living people have already appeared in Shu Shu's mind, and Shu Shu can't be blamed for thinking this way, there are too many such stories.

It often appears in film and television works and games. It is impossible to live in the empire without watching one or two movies about mad scientists as villains.

Experiments on living organisms are not allowed in the Empire, and since there are synthetic cells, even organ transplants do not need to be extracted from another body.

Even in Carat, Shu Shu had never heard of anyone arresting people for live experiments.

"The child is of mixed race."

Simon had already walked to Shu Shu's side at some point, staring at the glass jar with his light blue eyes.

"Mixed race?" Shu Shu turned her head and repeated.

From her angle, she could only see Simon's side face, his brows were slightly frowned, and his light blue eyes slowly turned red.

Shu Shu knew that this meant that the Duke's mood fluctuated greatly, and he couldn't even maintain the color of his eyes.

"Not all mixed-race children will be as lucky as your two sisters, born with a human appearance." Simon smiled at Shu Shu.

But the smile on his face didn't reach his eyes at all.

Shu Shu frowned, she didn't like the expression on Lord Duke's face at the moment.

She turned around and grabbed Simon's right hand with her small hands. She raised her head and said with a very serious expression: "If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh."

Such a smile made her feel bad.

Hearing Shu Shu's words, Simon was in a trance for a moment.

Someone once said the same thing to him.

His hands were red with blood, and the man suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Are you here to kill me too?"

On the outside, he looked like a teenager who was less than ten years old, and sneered at the person in front of him.

He raised his hand full of red liquid and wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.The smell of iron in his mouth made him uncomfortable, but he still watched the visitor warily.

"If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh." The visitor looked down at the young man, "You look ugly when you smile."

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to kill me, do it, not your mother-in-law!" The boy angrily scolded the unexpected visitor with a cold and beautiful face.

The man was not annoyed by the boy's attitude, he shook his head regretfully: "It's a pity that you can't smile properly with such a pretty face."

That was the first time he met that person, and it was also the first time he was beaten up by others.

"Your Excellency?" Shu Shu called out in doubt.

When Simon came back to his senses, he looked down and saw the little girl staring at him with big eyes blinking.He subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile from the heart.

Raising his left hand and touching the little girl's head, Simon said, "We don't have much time, let's find out what else is here."

Shu Shu enjoyed Simon's head touching, she nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

Just now, His Excellency the Duke stared at him in a daze, as if he saw another person through himself.

I don't know who that person is, and whether he is someone important to the Duke.

Outside the Wanjia Supply Point.

The starships of the special escort team have surrounded the asteroid where the supply point is located, and the war has entered the daylight stage.

Wan Jia's team retreated steadily, and the special escort team stepped in step by step, slowly pushing the opponent's starships and mechs into desperation.

In the cockpit of the flagship of the special escort, Calvin Meyer was still sitting on the main seat.

His attention was no longer on the battlefield, but on his own light curtain.

After quickly reading the information he had just received, Calvin Meyer raised his head and asked his subordinates who were standing not far away: "Have you not surrendered yet?"

"No, the supply point has not responded to the messages we sent." The subordinate shook his head.

Since the turn of the battle, they have been sending messages to the Wanjia supply point in an attempt to persuade them to surrender.

But every message seemed to fall into the sea, without any response, no waves at all.

Calvin Meyer was silent, and after a while he asked blankly, "Have you noticed any other starships approaching here?"


Before this subordinate finished speaking, another subordinate shouted loudly: "A starship is approaching here rapidly from twenty light-years away."

"Only one?" Calvin Meyer asked.

The subordinate lowered his head and tapped the light curtain a few times before responding, "Yes, there is only one at the moment."

Hearing this reply, most people in the cockpit looked at each other in blank dismay.

If it is Wanjia's support, then there shouldn't be only one starship.

But if it wasn't for Wan Jia's support, why would this starship come in this direction?
There shouldn't be any gathering points around the asteroid. Even if they are star robbers, they should hide far away when they see the battle on their side.

When everyone was puzzled, Calvin Meyer issued a new order:

"Speed ​​up and take down the Wanjia supply point before that starship arrives."

(End of this chapter)

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