Chapter 490 Chapter 490

Calvin Meyer just looked at Simon indifferently, without any expression fluctuations on his face, and his black hole-like pupils did not fluctuate.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and in the end Simon was the first to lose.

No way, Calvin Meyer is a facial paralysis.Comparing eyes with him is asking for boredom.

"Then do you know where Si Jun is?" Simon asked with a smile.

He didn't know that Calvin Meyer knew Si Jun before, but now that he knew, he had to ask carefully.

This time Calvin Meyer was not silent, but instead of answering, he asked, "Why are you looking for Si Jun?"

Simon was silent.

Why are you looking for Si Jun?
He never seemed to have thought about it.

After Si Jun lost contact with Elizabeth, he began to look for their whereabouts.

Zhuang Shuang said that Si Jun and Elizabeth may have gone on their honeymoon, and thinking about it now, it is indeed possible.

Maybe a few years later, the two will come back.

Calvin Meyer did not urge, he quietly looked at Simon who was suddenly silent.

After a while, Simon asked again: "Do you know where he is?"

Even if it's a honey year, it's impossible to go five years without hearing from her.

Si Jun could do it, but Elizabeth couldn't.

Simon was well aware of how much Elizabeth valued mixed-race homes.

Shortly after their disappearance, the half-breed home was destroyed, and most of the half-breed children were missing.

After learning about this, Simon also went to the house of half-bloods specifically, but there was nothing but ruins.

The half-breed home was destroyed, but Elizabeth never showed up, which is so unusual.

Simon discovered that the special guards housed some of the mixed-race children, and they secretly rebuilt the house of mixed-race children, but it was no longer a place to house the mixed-race children openly, but became a place for the special guards to train new members.

From a certain point of view, people of mixed race are the most suitable 'people' to join the special guards.

They are not 'special groups' or human beings, and they don't favor one side or the other.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Special Guard, neither humans nor "special groups" believed that the Special Guard could be neutral and impartial.

At that moment, Patriarch Meyer took the initiative to stand up.

He gave up his seat in the Council of Elders and married a human woman.

This incident caused an uproar among the 'special group'. You must know that the head of the family is a pure-blooded family member, and the members of the conservative Presbyterian Church were so angry that they wanted to destroy the Meyer family.

It's a pity that they didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Because Patriarch Meyer successfully married the human woman and vowed to treat all races fairly and justly, the human beings felt relieved to entrust the special guard team to him to manage.

The only condition is that half of the members of the special guard must be human.

Armed with special guards, the Meyer family has become a bridge between humans and 'special groups'.

Conservatives are unwilling to recognize a family of mixed race, but because of the situation, they have to tolerate the Meyer family.

Under the arrangement of caring people, this matter was gradually forgotten.

Now, apart from the Presbyterian Church and the pure-blood families, ordinary 'special groups' don't know that the Meyer family is a mixed-race family, and they don't even know that the special guards have always been controlled by the head of the Meyer family.

They only know not to mess with the special guards, because even the Elders cannot fish out the "special groups" captured by the special guards.

Maybe it's because of the pure blood, or maybe it's because of the mixed race, the Meyer family has always been passed down in one line.

This is what Simon only knew when he heard Si Jun chatting before. That guy is no less gossip than Andre, and he knows a lot.

"I don't know where he is, but I know that he and Elizabeth D. Este are completing a very dangerous thing. When they finish, they should contact you."

It was rare for Calvin Meyer to say such a long sentence, which made Simon feel a little uncomfortable suddenly.

However, Simon is more concerned about the content of this passage.

A very dangerous thing?
What will happen?
In Simon's impression, Si Jun did many dangerous things.

The dangerous thing that could make him disappear with his wife for several years...

Simon really couldn't guess what it would be.

"Found it!" Shu Shu shouted suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of Simon and Calvin Meyer.

The pink-haired girl pointed at a light curtain excitedly and said, "About five months ago, Jin Ze was brought here and sent away with a teleportation device."

A surveillance video was being played on the light curtain, a young man with messy hair entered a door supported by two guards.

There are two guards standing on the left and right sides of that door, which is the laboratory door that has been guarded by the blood clan.

This surveillance video had been deleted a long time ago, and it took Shu Shu a lot of effort to recover it.

The special guards learned from the Wan family that Jin Ze had been here before, but they didn't know where he went or when he left.

The Wanjia people didn't even know that there was a teleportation device in the supply point. They only knew that there was a laboratory, but they didn't know exactly what experiments were going on in the laboratory.

Every two weeks, there will be a starship to send experimental materials to the laboratory.

Those experimental materials were sent to the laboratory by the people on the starship, and they didn't need to go through the people of Wanjia.

The only person in charge of the supply point who may know the specific situation of the laboratory, but he committed suicide with an energy gun when the special escort team entered the supply point.

Those who were caught said that they didn't know what was in the laboratory, let alone what living experiments and transmission equipment were.

The special guards detected that these people did not lie through a polygraph test, but the whole matter was too suspicious.

The entire Wanjia supply point is only this big, but none of the people they captured knew what the laboratory in the supply point was for.

And before they were captured, they didn't know that it was the real special escort that broke into the supply point.

They all said that they were guarding the supply point according to the order of the person in charge of the supply point, and the person in charge also explained to them that the logo of the special guard on the enemy starship was fake and was disguised by star thieves.

Although the entire empire knew that there were not many people in the special guards, people from the Wan family had heard of it.

It can only be said that the special escort team is usually too mysterious, causing people at the supply point to believe the words of the person in charge of the supply point.

If it was the starship of the imperial military, they might still hesitate to fight, but it happened to be the legendary special escort, which led them to resist the invaders with all their strength.

Before being captured, the people at the supply point always believed that they were guarding the supply point for the empire.

Little did they know that the Freedom League had been destroyed and Imperial forces were reclaiming the lost planet.

And the Wan family they belonged to may have rebelled.

Shu Shu felt convinced by Wan Jia's actions to deceive his own people by using information blockade.

It has to be said that Wanjia really has a way of fooling people.

"Have you found out where he was teleported?" Simon asked, rubbing his chin.

Shu Shu's excited little face suddenly changed: "The room where the transmission equipment was blown up."

When collecting data, Shu Shu never thought that it was a teleportation device.

Besides, there wasn't even a console in that room, and she didn't know where to get the positioning data.

(End of this chapter)

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