It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 57 0571 Things to be happy about

Chapter 57 057 A Happy Thing
Shu Shu zoomed in on the window on the light curtain, took a closer look and found that it was a notice, and the recipient was Shu Shu herself.

Here's what's on the notice:

"Student Shu Shu,

Luna First Academy Admissions Office"

Rubbing her eyes hard, Shu Shu stared at the notification on the light curtain in disbelief.

Luna First Academy's Entrance Examination Notice? ! ?

Isn't she dreaming?
Shu Shu was afraid that this was a dream, so she squeezed her arm hard, and tears flowed out of her in pain.

it is true!
Fearing that it was a prank, Shu Shu checked the sender's address, and even hacked into the internal server of Luna No. [-] Academy.

After confirming again and again, Shu Shu jumped up from her seat excitedly when she found that she had indeed obtained the qualification for the entrance examination.


Shu Shu happily jumped up and down a few times, clenched her hands into small fists and raised them up, shouting: "I can stay with Luna!"

When Arnold arrived at Xinyue Travel Agency, he saw Shu Shu happily circling in circles. He was infected by Shu Shu's cheerful mood, and walked over with a smile.

"What's so happy about it?" Arnold asked kindly.

Since Shu Shu came, the atmosphere of Xinyue Travel Agency has changed a lot, and it has become full of vitality. Even Paul, who usually doesn't care much about human beings, likes to chat with Shu Shu.

This little girl has a special affinity that makes people want to get close unconsciously.

Arnold himself too, he has not been so relaxed in a long time.

He felt that the Duke should have noticed it too, so he subconsciously 'indulged' the little girl.

"Arnold, I can stay in Luna!" Shu Shu said to Arnold with a smile on her face.

Now she really wants to share the good news with the world.

Arnold asked suspiciously: "Stay in Luna?"

He didn't understand what the little girl was talking about.

"I received a notice from Luna First Academy, and I can take the entrance exam the day after tomorrow." Shu Shu quickly turned the light curtain to show Arnold, the smile on her face never disappeared.

If you stay in Luna, you can always work here, and you can often see the Duke.

So happy.

Arnold glanced at the content on the light curtain. The content of the notice was concise and concise, and he quickly read it.

"Congratulations." Arnold said with a smile.

It was indeed a joyful thing to receive the notification of the entrance examination eligibility of Luna First Academy.

Shu Shu put away the light curtain happily, thinking to share the news with everyone, so she sent a group message to her relatives and friends.

"I have received the notification of the entrance examination of Luna First Academy!!!!!!"

She didn't think it was enough, so she added a happy emoji for taking a selfie.

Shu Shu's joy almost overflowed from the light curtain, but the people who received her message had different expressions.

Jiang Cha was repairing a chip when he received Shu Shu's message. After seeing Shu Shu's message, he slipped his hand, and a chip worth tens of thousands was destroyed.

"It's so annoying, why did Hide stay in Luna?" Jiang Cha raised his hands and scratched his long hair and said frantically.

As long as that guy is in Luna, he can't be clean anymore.

Hide is a big problem.


Shu Yue had just finished filming the commercial and was sitting in the fitting room to rest.

After seeing Shu Shu's news, she was taken aback for a moment, but then she thought that maybe the eldest sister got the recommended spot, and she was also happy for Shu Shu.

"Great!" Shu Yue replied two words.

Seeing that Shu Yue saw the content on the light curtain, Lei Lei suddenly smiled, and she asked curiously, "What news makes you so happy?"

A lot of things have happened recently, and she hasn't seen Shu Yue's sincere smile for a long time.

"My family, Shushu, has received the notification of the entrance examination for Luna No. [-] Academy." Shu Yue said proudly.

Lei Lei was shocked.

Shu Shu?

The entrance exam for Luna First Academy?

Are they thinking of the same person?
Shu Yue didn't notice Leilei's unbelievable expression, she was sending a message to Philip with her head down.

Now that Shu Shu has obtained the qualification for the entrance examination, there is no need to bother Philip.

It took Leilei a while to find her own voice, and she couldn't wait to confirm: "Yueyue, you mean that your little Shushu received the notice of the entrance exam for Luna First Academy?"

Shu Shu's college entrance examination results are clear to Lei Lei, but she felt sorry for Xiao Shushu at that time.But neither Shu Yue nor Shu Shu took it to heart, as if the grades were not important at all.

How did you get the entrance exam qualification for Luna First Academy now?
Isn't that the entrance examination qualification that the legendary elites of the entire empire want to get?
Lei Lei even began to doubt her ability to understand.

"Yes, Shu Shu said that she was going to take the exam the day after tomorrow." Shu Yue seemed to think of something, and she asked, "When shall we go to Luna?"

If possible, Shu Yue would like to go to Luna tomorrow, so that she can send Shu Shu to the exam.

Seeing Shu Yue's calm look, Lei Lei suddenly felt that she was making too much fuss.

She was silent for a while, and then said: "Except for Fifth Xi's movie theme song to be recorded, there are no other arrangements for the concert until next month."

Because Fifth Xi's arrangement has not been finalized, Shu Yue has been stand-by.It's okay for a short time, but it can't be settled for a long time. Lei Lei thinks that Shu Yue's future schedule may be affected.

Thinking of Fifth Xi, Shu Yue suddenly felt a headache.

The director would send her a message almost every few hours to ask Shirley if she agreed, and she was almost overwhelmed.

"If we have no other arrangements today, let's go to Yide Entertainment first."

Shu Yue felt that she wanted to have a good chat with Fifth Xi, but it was impossible for Shirley to agree to him.

Rowan Galaxy, Sedna.

When Shu Shu received the news, Shu Yun was leading a team to investigate the progress of Sedna's land reclamation. When she saw the content of the news, she couldn't help but frowned and fell into deep thought.

"General, what happened?" Ashe asked in a low voice.

Unless something serious happened, Shu Yun rarely revealed her emotions in front of outsiders.

Shu Yun turned off the light curtain, told the followers to leave first, and took Ai Xi back first.Although Ashe didn't know what happened, she began to feel uneasy.

After getting on the suspension vehicle specially used for the army, Shu Yun said, "Shu Shu received the notice of the entrance examination of Luna No. [-] Academy."

Ashe was sitting in the driver's seat. Fortunately, the suspension car hadn't started yet, otherwise he would have come to a sudden brake.

"What's going on?" Ash asked suspiciously.

He knew very well that Shu Yun hadn't found a recommended spot yet, so how did Shu Shu receive the notification of the qualification for the entrance examination?
Shu Yun had the same doubt, who helped Shu Shu?

Why do you do this?

There are too many doubts about this matter, which makes Shu Yun feel uneasy.

 Eleven: Arnold, you think it's easier recently because you don't need to open the store.

  Arnold (with an awkward but polite smile): How come?
(End of this chapter)

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