It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 6 006 I've never been in love, how can I become someone else's fiancee?

Chapter 6 006 I've never been in love, how can I become someone else's fiancee?
Andre stood up, and the middle-aged man didn't object.

He has long seen that this 'witness' who volunteered to come back with them should not be simple.

He could come whenever he wanted, and it was just a formality anyway.

So, the middle-aged man took the two of them to the deputy director's office.

The deputy chief's office is on the third floor, and the entire police station is built according to historical documents, so they have to take the old rope elevator to go up.

It was the first time for Shu Shu to take this kind of elevator, and she found it quite strange. Several people were squeezed into a square box and were pulled up by ropes.

The door of the office was ajar, and as soon as they reached the door, they heard voices from inside.

"Sixth Master, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. I believe that your Ning family will never do illegal things in Luna, there must be misunderstandings."

The middle-aged man knew that it was the deputy director's voice, he sighed and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

When the three of them entered the office, they saw a man sitting at the deputy director's desk with his back facing them, with his legs crossed and an expensive cigar in his hand, smoking leisurely.

Although the windows were open, the office smelled heavily of smoke.

Smelling the smell of cigars, Shu Shu frowned, and raised her hand to slap her nose.

"This is Ms. Shu." The deputy director looked at Shu Shu with a smile on his face, "Master Liu has already explained the situation clearly to us. It turned out to be a misunderstanding. I hope you have not been too frightened."

The middle-aged man pursed his lips tightly, but he was lamenting in his heart.

Sure enough, it is still the case.

Shu Shu looked at the deputy director who was staring at Mediterranean's hairstyle, and she asked puzzledly, "What's the misunderstanding?"

"Master Six has already said it." The deputy director's eyes nearly disappeared from the smile, "You are the fiancee of the young master of the Ning family. You ran away from home because of conflicts with the young master of the Ning family. After the news of leaving, I started to look for you, and because you didn't want to go home, you shouted on the street that you were kidnapped.

am I right? "

Shu Shu immediately denied: "No, I am not the fiancee of the young master of the Ning family."

She has never been in a relationship, so how did she become that fiancée surnamed Ning?
What kind of fiancee is this?She doesn't even know what a person looks like.

The deputy director had expected that Shu Shu would say this, and he said with an expression of someone who had experienced it: "The quarrel between young lovers is normal, Miss Shu, don't be so stubborn. Master Liu is here to pick you up, so you and Master Liu will go back first." Bar."

"I don't even know him, why should I go with him?" Shu Shu shouted dissatisfied.

It's a pity that her round baby face is too cute to make this expression, and her puffy cheeks are like a puffer fish, which has no deterrent effect at all.

The deputy director didn't take it seriously at all, he smiled and said to Liu Ye: "Liu Ye, Miss Shu is here, do you want to take her back first?"

"Well, it's getting late."

Sixth Master Ning stood up in response, and then put out the ashtray on the desk with the half-smoked cigar in his hand.

Only then did Shu Shu see Sixth Master Ning's appearance clearly. His facial features were of the more rigid type, and his pair of red phoenix eyes were shining coldly.

You can tell at a glance that he is not a good person, at least Shu Shu thinks so.

"Come back with me, your parents are very worried about you." Sixth Master Ning said to Shu Shu expressionlessly.

Shu Shu wanted to laugh out loud when she heard this, why would her 'good parents' worry about her?

They should be eager to marry her to that young master of the Ning family immediately.

Shu Shu took a step back and said defensively, "I don't know you, why should I go with you?"

"Because you are underage, and I have a commission from your parents." Sixth Master Ning was clearly prepared, and he opened the light curtain to reveal Shu Yubin's commission.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "My biological parents are not my guardians. My only guardian is my elder sister, General Shu Yun."

Sixth Master Ning obviously didn't expect this situation, he froze for a moment, but it was only for a few seconds.

He immediately reacted and said with a smile: "General Shu Yun is on his way to the Rowan galaxy, and I can't get in touch at the moment."

The implication is that if you can't contact General Shu Yun, you can only admit it.

In the eyes of Sixth Master Ning, the Third Miss of the Shu family is a trouble, and I really don't know why Housekeeper Ning chose such a girl to give Ning Ende a blind date.

At least you have to find someone who is obedient. Isn't it embarrassing yourself to find this kind of rebellious girl?

Shu Shu's hands were clenched into fists, and her big eyes were staring at Sixth Master Ning stubbornly, obviously not wanting to compromise.

Ning Liuye didn't want to waste time with her anymore, he stepped forward to grab Shu Shu's wrist, but was stopped by a slender hand.

"This girl has already said that she doesn't want to go with you. Do you want to force her?"

Sixth Master Ning felt a little familiar with the playful tone, and when he looked up, his heart sank.

Why is this person here?
Originally, Andre was standing behind the middle-aged man, but his face was blocked by the middle-aged man, so neither the deputy director nor Sixth Master Ning could see him.

Now he took the initiative to walk to Shu Shu's side, and both of them could see his face clearly.

"Sa...Count Saketti, why are you here?" The deputy chief stood up quickly, seeming to be frightened by Andre.

How can you not be scared?

If the Ning family is a big family in the upper circles of the empire, then the Saketti family is definitely a top family, and it is the kind of big family with a title.

You must know that since the establishment of the empire, there have been very few families that have been able to obtain titles.

The deputy director hadn't met Andre in person before, but he had seen him on the star network.

Andre stood in front of Shu Shu and said, "Just passing by, I saw this little girl being chased by two thugs, and then came over to take witness notes."


The deputy director looked at Sixth Master Ning in embarrassment. If this matter involved him, it would be difficult for him to handle it.

How could Sixth Master Ning not know what the deputy director meant? He had already scolded Old Steward Ning in his heart.

No wonder he was asked to deal with this matter, and then he ran back to Blue Star first.

It turned out that a hole was dug for him, just waiting for him to jump in.

"Earl Saketti, it's all a misunderstanding." Sixth Master Ning could only bite the bullet and bring out what he said to the deputy director, "This lady is the fiancee of our family's Ende, and she divorced because of a conflict with Ende. The family is gone."

Andre's face was full of contempt: "Do you think I don't know that Ning Ende is gay?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the office became extremely strange.

The deputy director and the middle-aged man looked at Sixth Master Ning in shock. Obviously, they didn't know that Ning Ende was gay.

Shu Shu looked at Sixth Master Gu Ning and then at Andre, and suddenly realized.

No wonder the Ning family would find a small family like the Shu family. It turns out that their young master is gay.

While sexual orientation isn't a big deal in the Empire, some old families still can't accept that their family members are gay.

They will try to cover it up and force that family member to marry the opposite sex.

For two people who are married, it is basically a tragedy.

Shu Shu didn't expect that such a bloody thing would happen to her one day, and her parents would really 'think of her'.

Sixth Master Ning just wanted to find a hole to hide himself, and he had already scolded Ning Ende and Butler Ning countless times in his heart.

 Andrea Sachetti is an earl, not a duke. I made a mistake in the front, please correct me~
(End of this chapter)

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