It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 61 061 As long as you are here, I will not leave

Chapter 61 061 As long as you are here, I will not leave
It was a pleasure to hear the deep and magnetic voice, but Shu Shu didn't feel that way at the moment, she was shocked by Simon's words.

"You... Who did you listen to?" Shu Shu asked with wide eyes.

Who slandered her in front of the Duke?

That's abominable!

Simon lowered his hands and looked at the colorful expressions on the face of the little girl in front of him. He said without any pressure, "Andre said it."

Count Saketti was sold by Simon.

Back to last night, Simon received a video request from Andre while he was at home.

"Simon, why don't you go to the travel agency recently?" Andre asked with a smile on his face.

Simon was wearing a black bathrobe leaning on a leather recliner, holding a goblet in his hand, and the red liquid was gently shaking in the transparent crystal cup.

The collar of the bathrobe was loose, revealing a large piece of milky white skin, as if it was a perfect collarbone carved by God, and the well-defined chest muscles could be vaguely seen.

The visual impact was too great, even if Andre knew he was straight, he couldn't help swallowing.

No wonder Xiao Shushu is attracted by this guy, he looks so enchanting.

Rao has seen all kinds of beauties, and Andre has to admit that Simon's looks are the best he has ever seen.

"If you're talking nonsense, I'll hang up." Simon sat up straight and raised his hand to turn off the light curtain.

Andre quickly said, "No, I need to find you."

"Say." Simon put down his hand, raised the goblet in the other hand, and took a sip of the red liquid inside.

Andre couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw Simon's graceful movements.

He is obviously a robber in his heart, but he pretends to be an educated nobleman on the surface.

But Andre knew that Simon's patience was limited. He cleared his throat and said, "I went to the Crescent Travel Agency today, and only saw Xiao Shushu alone. You said that she was an intern to look after the store alone. Are you such a boss?"

Since he promised to help Shu Shu catch up with the guy in front of him, he had to find a way to get them in touch more.

Andre's idea is very simple, just let the two meet more often.At present, it seems that Simon doesn't hate Xiao Shushu, otherwise he wouldn't let her stay in Xinyue Travel Agency.

"I don't think there's any problem." Simon put the goblet on the low table beside him, "Internship is learning, and letting her watch the shop alone is also a kind of training."

Simon felt that recruiting Shushu as an intern was particularly worthwhile. Not only was it free, but it also brought a lot of convenience.

Because Shu Shu works in a travel agency, Paul is willing to stay with Luna for a long time.This time he went back to explain to his family that he would stay in Luna permanently in the future.

Even Arnold said that after Shu Shu came, he didn't have to go to the store every day, and it was much easier.

Simon was even thinking about whether to pay Shu Shu some salary. He was afraid that the little girl would lose her mind one day, so he ran away.

Then his loss will be great.

Hearing Simon's confident reply, Andre was speechless.

He had never seen such an open-eyed and nonsense person. The Xinyue Travel Agency was open for so many hours a day, and it was still in a small alley that no one cared about. How could there be customers?
What kind of cultivation is this?
From Andre's point of view, letting Shu Shu look after the store alone was simply because Simon didn't want to go to the store.

But these are not what he cares about, his purpose is to let Simondo go to work at Crescent Travel Agency.

"I think, if you really want to train Xiao Shushu, you should go to the travel agency more in the future, and don't leave her alone in the store." Andre suggested sincerely.

Simon raised his eyebrows slightly, he leaned back on the backrest, raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "What did Shu Shu tell you today?"

He was well aware that Andre was not a nosy person, but he had a 'bad habit' of gossip.

Every time he suddenly cares about someone or someone, it is basically because he thinks there is gossip to watch.

Simon felt that Andre's sudden remark must have something to do with going to the travel agency to chat with Shu Shu today.

"Why do you think so?" Andre looked innocent, "I just think it's too pitiful for Xiao Shushu to be alone in the travel agency."

It was a lie at first glance, Simon felt that few people would believe such a bad acting.

"Then you should spend more time chatting with her." Simon said with a smile.

He wanted to see what this guy was up to.

Andre's face collapsed immediately, and he knew that Simon was not so easy to fool.

He didn't bother to pretend any more, and said directly: "Little Shushu has taken a fancy to you, otherwise why would the little girl do such a boring job?"

"Looking at me?" Simon repeated.

He found the term quite novel.

Andre rolled his eyes, you have such a monstrous face, which opposite sex wouldn't fall in love with you?

"Anyway, Xiaoshushu has taken a fancy to you. As the boss, you have to show yourself."

The above is the conversation between Simon and Andre last night. Later, Simon really thought about Andre's last sentence seriously, so he had the opening sentence of seeing Shu Shu.

As soon as Shu Shu heard that it was Earl Saketti who said it, she thought of the inexplicable "I will help you" that Count Saketti left yesterday.

It turned out that it was such a way of helping, Shu Shu suddenly exploded in anger.

How could Earl Sacketti say such things to the Duke? ! ?
The cheeks on both sides were puffy like a frog. Simon thought it was funny, and he raised his hand to poke it.

But Shu Shu's reaction was faster than Simon's. She put her hands on her cheeks and leaned back resolutely, avoiding Simon's hand.

Withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, but Simon felt a little pity in his heart.

The little girl's reaction was too fast.

Shu Shu didn't know what Simon was thinking, she covered her face and said aggrievedly: "Your Excellency, you must not believe Earl Saketti's words, he is talking nonsense!"

"So, you didn't take a fancy to me?" Simon raised his eyebrows and asked.

Could it be that Andre made it up just to read the gossip?

Simon thinks this is really possible. It seems that getting goods has been too boring recently, so he needs to find something to do for him.

Hearing Simon's words, Shu Shu was a little embarrassed, she didn't want to lie to the Duke.

After going through a lot of inner struggle, Shu Shu took a deep breath, and said to Simon sullenly, "Master Duke, I like you, but not because of your body."

Because you are the one I'm looking for.

After finishing speaking, Shu Shu felt inexplicably nervous. She wondered if the Duke would be disgusted by her words.

She covered her face and lowered her head, not daring to look at Simon.

"Really?" Simon stood up, reached out and touched the little pink head, "Then will you stay here to work in the future?"

Shu Shu was enjoying Simon's head touching. Hearing his words, she raised her head subconsciously, blinked her eyes and said, "As long as you are here, I will not leave."

 Today is Double Eleven, what did you buy?
(End of this chapter)

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