It turns out that the duke is not human

618 Chapter 618 I came to find someone

Rowan Galaxy, Sedna.

Shu Yun sat in front of the desk, concentrating on browsing the content on the light curtain, and clicked a few times on the light curtain with her fingers from time to time.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped on the name 'Lin Zhao'.

How did this kid appear on this list?
After clicking on the light curtain a few times, Shu Yun opened another file.

Before he had time to carefully examine the newly opened files, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Shu Yun turned off the light curtain and shouted at the door.

Ashe led in a handsome man with silver hair and black eyes, but an expressionless face.

"Captain Meyer, long time no see." Shu Yun got up and smiled.

Calvin nodded his head invisibly as a greeting.

Watching him go to the desk and sit down, Shu Yun thought of the nickname Shu Shu gave this man: captain with facial paralysis.

Ashe did not stay, but left voluntarily.When the door was closed, only Shu Yun and Calvin were left in the office.

The two didn't waste time exchanging pleasantries, but went straight to the point.

"I'm here to find someone." Calvin said blankly.

Shu Yun didn't hide her curiosity: "Who has such a great charm, actually needs you to come here in person."

Now the situation on the border of the Schiller galaxy is not clear at all, but as the captain of the special guard team in charge of handling all incidents related to "special groups" in the empire, he ran to the Rowan galaxy.

If the old guys in the cabinet knew about it, they would definitely put eye drops in front of His Majesty.At such a critical moment, why is this person not at the border of the Schiller galaxy, but ran to the Rowan galaxy at this time.

As usual, Calvin reported a name without any unnecessary explanation: "Jin Yishan."

Shu Yun was taken aback when she heard this familiar name, and subconsciously blurted out: "Looking for him?"

After finishing speaking, Shu Yun regretted it.

She investigated Jin Yishan through her own relationship, only found out that he graduated from Luna No. [-] Academy and came out of the special guards, and found out nothing else.

Shu Yun never takes people who suddenly appear by her side lightly.

Moreover, Shu Yun felt that Jin Yishan looked a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him.

"Well, he doesn't want to go back to the special escort team, so I can only come to him in person." Calvin didn't intend to hide anything from Shu Yun, and said with a blank expression.

Shu Yun was startled, Jin Yishan actually made the captain of the special guard team come to him from the Olga galaxy in person.

"There is one more thing related to you." Calvin's tone remained calm, like an emotionless machine.

Rao Shuyun and Calvin are not meeting for the first time, and they are still a little unaccustomed to his tone without any emotion.

Hearing that it was related to her, Shu Yun's right hand subconsciously clenched into a fist, put away her smile, and said with a serious expression: "Please tell me."

"The special guards need to expand in size. His Majesty has approved that the recruitment of half-breeds is about to begin. Priority will be given to the half-breeds hidden in the army."

Calvin paused, and added: "It's not a mandatory requirement, it depends on personal preference."

"Is it because of the Schiller galaxy?" Shu Yun asked with a frown.

As far as she knows, the size of the special escort has always been controlled within 1 people.

Since its establishment, the only expansion of enrollment was during the Daisy Rebellion.

After the Daisy Uprising ended, the Special Guards returned to their original numbers.

"It's not just because of the Schiller galaxy." Calvin shook his head slightly, "In the past two weeks, the patrol fleet on the border of the Schiller galaxy has found several starships trying to sneak into the Schiller galaxy every day.

They all want to leave the empire and seek refuge in the 'special group' of the Schiller galaxy. "

Shu Yun had heard about some 'special groups' who wanted to take refuge in the Schiller galaxy, but she didn't expect that there were so many of them.

Captain Meyer was talking about the smuggled starships discovered by the patrol fleet. I don’t know how many other starships have successfully smuggled in.

"There have been more than 100 incidents of 'special group' violence recently across the empire."

"What is the cabinet going to do?" Shu Yun asked with a frown.

The actions of those anti-'special groups' groups have become more and more excessive, and have begun to seriously threaten the lives of ordinary people.

Shu Yun came across a piece of news this morning that someone threw smoke bombs at neighbors' homes just because they suspected they were a 'special group', trying to drive them away.

This kind of news has been quite a lot recently, and it has already affected the security of the entire empire.

"After cabinet discussions, a 'special group' protection bill has been drawn up."

Shu Yun asked suspiciously, "Protection Act?"

It sounds like it's used to protect 'special groups', but won't it further arouse the dissatisfaction of those anti-'special groups' groups?
"Well, the cabinet is planning to allocate a planet for temporary residence of 'special groups', and let all the 'special groups' in the empire move there first, and then let them return to their original residences after the matter of the Schiller galaxy is resolved."

Shu Yun's face darkened: "How can this work? Doing so will only anger the 'special group'."

"Now is the time of war." Calvin remained expressionless, "If you want to get back the Schiller galaxy as soon as possible, you need to concentrate all the resources of the empire instead of dispersing manpower to resolve civil strife.

Moreover, we cannot confirm whether there are any spies from the Schiller galaxy in the "special group" remaining in the empire. This is the most effective way. "

Shu Yun said solemnly: "But doing so will only expand the contradiction between humans and 'special groups'!

Even if you take back the Schiller galaxy and destroy the Stark family and followers.Those 'special groups' who remained innocent in the empire returned to their original places of residence, and it was impossible to return to their original lives. "

"Then what do you think we should do?" Calvin's tone remained unhurried, "We don't have time to screen out which 'special groups' are spies and which are not.

And the cabinet is not going to take the 'special group' away forcibly, but first give a deadline for them to take the initiative to go to that planet.

This way they can continue to conceal their identities and simply tell neighbors or friends that they have a job transfer or a long vacation.

For the future of the empire, they can only make some small sacrifices first.

When the war is over, the empire will compensate them. "

Shu Yun's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and she stared at the man in front of her without saying a word.

She really couldn't think of any other way.

Chris Stark announced the existence of the "special group" in the live broadcast, which caught everyone off guard.

It's only been two weeks now, and there's been so much violence in the empire.

Shu Yun didn't know how to resolve the current situation, but she knew that the cabinet's plan would only make the situation worse.

Doing so will only push the 'special groups' who were originally on the Empire's side to the Schiller galaxy.

Can't humans and 'special groups' continue to coexist peacefully as they have in the past?

I'm sorry, I've got Eryang, and it took a few days to recover.

Be safe everyone~

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