It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 622 622 No Resistance

Xi'an's words attracted the attention of the two, and they looked at her suspiciously, not understanding why she said that.

"The cabinet just announced that it will send military transport starships to maintain the normal transportation of the empire, and the network security issue will be taken over by the information security department." Xi'an frowned and stared at the light curtain in front of her, and continued in an extremely heavy tone: "In addition, Your Majesty To order the capture of the Prime Minister for treason."

"Impossible! Your Majesty has no such right!" Xiao Tingyuan shouted in disbelief.

Although the empire maintains a monarchy to this day, the emperor lost most of his rights as early as 4000 years ago.

The current empire is managed by the cabinet, supervised by the parliament, and the prime minister is elected by the people from among representatives of various parties every ten years.According to the imperial constitution, a maximum of two consecutive terms.

As we all know, the royal family no longer has real power in the empire, and can only be regarded as a relatively noble mascot.

Until now, except for the appointment ceremony of the Prime Minister once every ten years, the emperor basically does not appear in public.

Like the nobles of the empire, the royal family is a mysterious existence in the hearts of the people of the empire.

"The special guards only follow His Majesty's orders," Cheng Kuan said in a deep voice.

Xiao Tingyuan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Cheng Kuan meant.

The special guard, an armed force that only obeys the emperor's orders, has demonstrated strength beyond the regular army of the empire in the past six months because of the rebellion of the Stark family.

Some people even think that if it weren't for the full counterattack of the special guards, the armed fleet of the Stark family might have entered the Olga galaxy.

In the past six months, the losses of the special escort team were not small.

Some ministers in the cabinet proposed to expand the recruitment of members of the special guards. Originally, the "special groups" should be dealt with by them, not by the imperial army.

However, the matter of enrollment expansion has been suppressed by the prime minister. It was not until a month ago that the Schiller galaxy was completely lost that the prime minister let go.

After the cabinet's unimaginable efficiency, the expansion of special guards was approved.

Xiao Tingyuan also knew that not long ago the special guards came to command the department to recruit students. At that time, almost all the tenth and ninth graders signed up.

The one who can arrest the current prime minister without the permission of the cabinet and the parliament can only be done by a special guard that only obeys His Majesty's orders.

Neither the military nor the guards have the guts.

The sudden change caused all three of them to fall into silence.

No one thought that the emperor who seldom appeared and had no real power would actually make a move.And the quick, accurate and ruthless shots make people overwhelmed.

The so-called, if you don't sing, you will already be a blockbuster, but that's all.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Finn Becky yelled, "It's not good!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Tingyuan asked irritably.

Finn Bech yelled, pointed at the window and stammered: "Special... The special escort sent several large starships, and they said they would pick up all the 'special groups' in the academy."

Immediately, the faces of the three of them became very ugly.

"Who brought the team here?" Xi'an asked first.

Finn Becky shook his head and said, "The man claimed to be the deputy captain of the special guard, but he didn't say his name."

"I'll contact Captain Meyer first." She turned her head and said to Xiao Tingyuan, "Go to the airport to see what's going on."

Then he looked at Cheng Kuan: "Go and appease the students first, nothing can happen now."

Both of them nodded, Xiao Tingyuan pulled Finn Becky and ran out in a hurry.

Just as Cheng Kuan walked to the door, his steps paused, and he turned his head to look at Xi'an: "Aren't you going to resist?"

"It's not the worst yet. I don't want to put students in a dangerous situation." Xi'an said firmly.

Without saying much, Cheng Kuan just took a deep look at Xi'an, and then strode away.

With the news that the Prime Minister was arrested topped the list of hot searches, the news that the special guards went to Luna No. [-] Academy to pick up all the teachers and students of the "special group" followed closely behind.

The discussion on the Internet has never stopped, but the cabinet did not respond, as if it did not hear it, and allowed the comments to continue to ferment.

"What? What? What happened to the Prime Minister?"

"How could Prime Minister Ai be treasonous? He has been fighting for better treatment and more employment for low-income people. He is absolutely impossible to treason!"

"When did the efficiency of the cabinet become so high?"

"It is right to take away the teachers and students of Luna No. [-] Academy, those are 'special groups'. But how could Prime Minister Ai treason?"

"Is the cabinet crazy?"

"My thesis was finished, but the professor was taken away by the special escort. What should I do now?"

At the same time, opposition to the cabinet's arrangements for 'special groups' has not stopped.

"'Special groups' also have human rights!"

"'Special groups' are the same as us, they are all residents of the empire, and they are our friends. We cannot make mistakes because of a few 'special groups' and affect all the 'special groups'."

"The Cabinet's approach violates the contract between humans and 'special groups' and in doing so will only make an unstable situation worse."

Of course, there are also those who stand on the side of the cabinet.

Anti-'special groups' groups are the most active, attacking all speeches attacking the cabinet on the Internet.

"Good! The cabinet has finally done a good thing!"

"Catch all the offal, I don't want to live on the same planet as them!"

"The cabinet is mighty!
"That's how it should be! You shouldn't be lenient when dealing with these non-human species!"

"The prime minister must have colluded with something that is not human to be arrested."

"There is actually collusion with those bastards, the Prime Minister doesn't care!"

Looking at the comments on the light curtain, Xiao Man was already trembling with anger.

Originally thought that the situation was developing in a good direction, but no one expected such a reversal.

"Boss, the transport union has issued an internal announcement, take a look!"

Hearing his subordinate's words, Xiao Man hastily closed Weit's window, and then opened the unread message window.

"how so?!?"
"Master, why don't you make a move?" Alfred's anxious voice came from the cleaning robot.

Shu Shu didn't raise her head, she was busy in front of several light curtains.

"Master, do you really not care?"

"The situation in Luna No. [-] Academy is not optimistic. The special guards have surrounded the entire academy."

"The transportation team of the military department took over the transportation union, and the Ministry of Defense sent experts to take over Shengjia and other companies."

"The cabinet is serious this time!"

Alfred yelled endlessly, which made Shu Shu unable to concentrate and only felt a headache.

Rubbing her temples, she reluctantly raised her head, and Shu Shu glared at the cleaning robot who was only thirty centimeters tall and was dancing and waving its mechanical arms.

"You also know that's the cabinet!"


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