Chapter 624 624 I Object

40 minutes ago.


A copy of the general meeting of shareholders.

According to the usual practice, a brand new dungeon will be created for each shareholder meeting storm, which will be opened to the public half an hour before the meeting.

All shareholders who have received the invitation letter will receive a copy of the transmission request when they enter the 'mirror'.

Each invitation letter can bring two people besides the shareholder himself.

The copy scene of this shareholder meeting is a magnificent banquet hall, with a smooth mirror-like marble floor and towering red-gold marble columns.

The banquet hall has no roof and no walls, only white clouds floating between the pillars, a layer of clouds.

The clouds come in different shapes, sometimes turning into groups of elves dancing between the pillars, and sometimes turning into large plants swinging between the pillars.

With the ever-changing clouds as decoration, the originally monotonous banquet hall became full of vitality.

Ten minutes before the start of the shareholders meeting, 30 to [-] people had already gathered in the banquet hall.Only a dozen of these people are shareholders of the storm, and the rest are people they brought.

Waiters in attendant uniforms shuttled through the banquet hall with trays full of glasses. They were all 'mirror' NPCs, not real humans.

Andre picked up a glass of sparkling wine from a waiter's tray, raised the glass and took a sip.

Storm's shareholders, looking at the entire empire, are one of the best big shots, and they are very familiar with each other.

They gather in twos and threes to chat before waiting for the shareholder meeting to start.

After arriving at the banquet hall, Andre stood near the center. There seemed to be a vacuum around him. Except for the waiters, no one approached him within two meters.

Even if you want to pass by, you will make a big circle and avoid him on purpose.

Everyone present knew Andre. After all, Earl Sacchetti was a frequent visitor to banquets of the empire's dignitaries, and no one did not know him.

But what happened in the past two weeks, especially the game between the cabinet and the 'special group' this morning, made everyone present subconsciously want to keep a distance from the earl.

Now the cabinet has made it clear that all the 'special groups' living in the empire will be sent to Moody. Although it is a temporary arrangement, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the cabinet is hostile to the 'special groups'.

During the Schiller galaxy independence incident, the empire suffered heavy losses. All investments in the Schiller galaxy were in vain, plus the armed forces lost during the confrontation.

Until now, the Imperial Army has not figured out how the Stark family has an armed force that is more elite than the Imperial Army.

Compared with the "special groups" who have already joined the Stark family, the situation of the "special groups" who are now staying in the empire has become very delicate.

Regarding the estrangement of these people, Andre walked around the banquet hall holding a glass as if nothing had happened.

No matter where he goes, people around him avoid him.

Seeing other people avoiding him like snakes and scorpions, Andre became interested and chose places with a lot of people.

He wasn't going fast, but others bumped into the people behind him in their haste to avoid, and there was a sudden series of "whoops" and complaints in the banquet hall.

to this andre

People standing far away stopped talking and stared at the leisurely Andre.As long as he intends to get close to them, they will immediately avoid him.

"Ha ha."

Andre smiled and raised his glass to toast the people around him, then raised his head and drank all the sparkling wine in the glass.

No one responded.

People around either pretended not to see him, or stared at him blankly.

Handing the empty cup to the passing waiter, Andre turned to look at Orlando who was about to walk in front of him.

Orlando was followed by three people, Ryan Turi, who was meticulous in gold-rimmed glasses, Jin Ze, whose light brown short-to-medium hair was tied into a ponytail, and Sheng Bing, who never left his body with a cigarette.

Breathing out a puff of white smoke, Sheng Bing glanced at the people who were hiding far away, and said with a light smile, "It's really a warm welcome."

"is not that right?"

Andre snatched the cigarette from Sheng Bing with a smile, threw it on the smooth marble floor, and stamped it out with his feet.

His movements were too fast, and by the time Sheng Bing realized it, the cigarette had already been stepped on several times by Andri.

"Hey! Why are you crazy?" Sheng Bing stared at Andre dissatisfied.

Andre stared back confidently: "The company's business has been robbed, do you still have time to smoke?"

"The cabinet directly asked the Ministry of National Defense to take over, what can I do?" Sheng Bing spread his hands, expressing that he was powerless.

Andre didn't give up: "Is there really no other way?"

"If you have the ability, you come." Sheng Bing rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

Andre hated iron and said: "No wonder Her Highness Elizabeth didn't like you, this thing can't be done well."

"Hey! How are you talking, kid?
Don't forget, you're just a little earl.I am at least pure blooded, with the title of duke.

Show me some respect. "Sheng Bing stared at Andre fiercely.

Andre didn't take it seriously: "What's so great about the Duke?

The Presbyterian Church has gone to the Schiller galaxy, don't use that old system of superiority and inferiority to deceive me.

That's what I say to Simon. "

It's just that every time he gets tricked miserably.

"You two, now is not the time to discuss these things." Ryan pushed the gold-rimmed glasses and said.

Andre and Sheng Bing turned their heads at the same time, stared at Ryan, and shouted in unison: "You want to care?"

Ryan: "..."

Why are you staring at me?

Did I say something wrong?
Jin Ze, who had been silent all this time, suddenly yawned, rubbed his eyes and said, "Why hasn't the shareholders' meeting started yet?
I have to go back and continue working on the samples, meetings are such a waste of time. "

"You have been studying that book for more than half a year, and you haven't finished it yet?" Ryan asked with a puzzled face.

In fact, he didn't want to talk to Jin Ze very much, but the other two were too gunpowder, so let's divert attention first.

"Well, I finally made a breakthrough recently." Jin Ze nodded.

"What sample requires you to study for more than half a year to make a breakthrough?" Sheng Bing asked curiously.

Biologically, looking at the entire empire, Kanazawa is an absolute authority.

There are very few samples that can interest Kanazawa, otherwise he would not often go to distant planets to find samples.

What kind of magical creature is the sample that he has not studied thoroughly for more than half a year?

Jin Ze showed a gentle smile to Sheng Bing, and just as he was about to speak, the whole banquet hall suddenly went dark.

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies."

Accompanied by a loud male voice, beams of intense light shot from all directions onto the circular platform that descended from the sky.

The diameter of the circular platform is only seventy or eighty centimeters, and the thickness is no more than two centimeters. It is a thin piece, and there is actually a man standing on it.

He is wearing a black shirt, a sequined vest, black straight-leg pants, and bronze-colored skin. He looks handsome, but he looks only 1.6 meters five.

Coupled with the fifty-fifth figure, it looks even shorter.

All eyes were on the man. He was Lin Shan, Shang Ting's only son, the current chairman of Stormstorm, and the initiator of this shareholder meeting.

The circular platform landed in the center of the banquet hall, and the moment it touched the ground, the circular platform instantly turned into light spots and scattered around.

Lin Shan took a few steps forward, the light spot did not dissipate, but turned into a round table and eleven high-backed chairs surrounding the round table.

This magic-like special effect can only be displayed flawlessly in the 'mirror', and it cannot be realized in reality.

"Everyone, please sit down." Lin Shan pointed to the round table with a smile on her face.

The shareholders of the storm took the initiative to go to the round table and sit down on the high-backed chairs, but they all tried to stay away from the three of Andre as much as possible.

Sitting at the round table at the general meeting of shareholders has been a custom since the establishment of Storm, which means that all shareholders have the same right to speak no matter how many shares they hold.At the general meeting of shareholders, each shareholder can express his opinion, as long as it is for the better development of the company, other shareholders can vote for or against it.

Since the "mirror" came into being, in order to facilitate the participation of shareholders, Stormstorm's general meeting of shareholders has been held on the "mirror", instead of being held offline as it was at the beginning.

In the headquarters of the storm, the original round table is still preserved.

It was at that round table that Chen Ting persuaded most of the shareholders to support the 'mirror' planned by Hide.

Andre, Jin Ze, and Sheng Bing all sat down, while Ryan and Orlando stood behind them.

The Science Department of Luna First College owns 5% of the shares in Storm, which was purchased by Dean D. Este in the name of the college decades ago.

As the current dean, Kanazawa represented the Science Department of Luna First Academy to attend the shareholder meeting, and Ryan could only come as an escort.

In fact, Kanazawa would be happy to let Ryan take his place in this boring shareholder meeting, but the person who received the invitation was the dean of the Science Department of Luna First Academy, and the qualifications for the invitation cannot be transferred.

Eleven high-back chairs, including Lin Shan, only eight people sat down, and three were left empty.

Two are on Andre's right and one is on Sheng Bing's left.

The vacancy divides the round table in two, separating humans from 'special groups'.

Lin Shan glanced at the three empty chairs, and said with a smile: "I don't know if these three are planning to come, or they will be late."

"It's time, our time is precious, let's start first." Someone suggested.

Immediately, the people around him immediately seconded, only Andre and the other three did not speak.

The three of them sat quietly, looking out of place with the other five.

"Then let's start." Lin Shan kept a decent smile on his face, "I think you already know each other, but I still want to introduce our new shareholder, Mr. Mi Guang'an."

The middle-aged man sitting on Lin Shan's left stood up, his face was a little round, and he looked honest and honest: "It's an honor to be a shareholder of Storm."

With Lin Shan taking the lead, there was applause from all around.

At this time, a disharmonious cold snort came, and Andre's honey-colored eyes flashed a light: "I'm curious, how did Mr. Mi get the shares of the Hanover family, has the cabinet approved it?"

There are only so many shares in Storm, and Andre, as a shareholder, knows how much is in whose hands.

Of the three Ben who didn't come, two never showed up at the shareholders' meeting. One of them is the mysterious Hide, and the other is also a well-known hacker, code-named: Six.

The remaining one is the previous chairman of Stormstorm, who still has 11% shares of Stormstorm in her hand.

After she abdicated, she stated that she would no longer participate in the shareholders' meeting of Storm, and that her shares would be managed by Lin Shan.

Except for the shares of the Hanover family that were frozen by the cabinet, as far as Andre knew, none of the shareholders of Storm had any intention to sell their shares.

The problem is that the cabinet hasn't decided what to do with the frozen Stark and Hanover properties, at least that's how they advertise it.

It is really strange to get the shares of the Hannover family at this time.

"Of course it's a bid. The cabinet just approved it yesterday." Mi Guangan said without saying a word.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Andre's face: "It turns out that the cabinet issued a bid, why didn't I see it?"

"Maybe you were too busy to notice." Mi Guangan smiled innocently.

Without waiting for Andre to continue speaking, Lin Shan smiled and said: "Okay, if the Earl has something, you can check it with the cabinet later, and our shareholders meeting will continue."

Andre raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak again.

Kanazawa, who was sitting next to him, yawned. The meeting was too boring. He wanted to end it quickly and go back to study his samples.

And Sheng Bing just smoked silently from the beginning to the end, and had no intention of speaking.

Lin Shan didn't seem to notice, he continued to report to the shareholders' meeting.

It is mainly about the summary of the storm's losses after Schiller's galaxy was disconnected half a year ago, and some changes in the company's top positions that shareholders need to know.

Until Lin Shan said in a serious tone: "Because Hide has not been able to solve it for half a year, the aftermath of the 'mirror' caused by the disconnection of the Schiller galaxy. And according to the assessment of the technical consultant team we hired, this sequelae is irreparable.

After the negotiation of the company's top management, we decided to invest money to make a brand new game. "

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was taken aback.

"You want to rebuild a 'mirror'?" Sheng Bing shouted in disbelief.

As one of the technical consultants at the beginning of the opening of the 'Mirror', Sheng Bing was very aware of how much manpower and financial resources it would take to build a 'Mirror'.

If it weren't for the many technical problems solved by Hide back then, it would be impossible to have the current 'mirror'.

Now Lin Shan said that he wanted to make a new one, Sheng Bing thought this guy was crazy.

"No." Lin Shan shook her head, "We want to build a more perfect and safer 'mirror', not a substitute for 'mirror', but an upgraded version of it.

This is a long-term plan, we will not shut down 'Mirror' immediately, but will gradually shift the company's focus from 'Mirror' to new games. "

Sheng Bing pressed the cigarette hard on the smooth table, and asked irritably, "Have you consulted Hide? Did he agree?"

"I have consulted with a professional team of experts, and they said that with our current storm technology, it is completely achievable."

"Which expert speaks so loudly, I want to see it carefully." Sheng Bing sarcastically said.

"You will meet in the future." Lin Shan pretended to be mysterious.

Immediately, he suddenly changed the subject, and swept everyone on the round table with a serious expression: "I hope that everyone will pass this proposal. For us, Storm, this may be a brand new opportunity."

"I object."

 I've been a little busy recently, let's start with a fat chapter

(End of this chapter)

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