It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 628 628 This time is no exception

Chapter 628 628 This time is no exception
The smile on Lin Shan's face froze after being interrupted again, and there was a ball of anger rising in his heart.

Suppressing the anger, Lin Shan took a deep breath, and then looked at the person who interrupted him with a smile: "Count Sacchetti, do you have anything else to add?"

"Yeah, look at my memory." Andre opened the light curtain with a smile and showed a document to everyone, "I have a friend who bought 4% of Storm's shares some time ago. This is the entrustment he gave me. Book."

"How... how is it possible?!?" Lin Shan shouted in disbelief.

He fell down on the chair, but his eyes were fixed on the holographic projection.

The column that was just 30% has now risen to 34%, which means that the 'mirror' has verified the power of attorney displayed by Count Sacchetti and confirmed that it is authentic.

Everyone saw the change in the column, and most of the people who supported Lin Shan's proposal showed the same expression of disbelief.

They were just confident of victory, but they were surpassed just like that.

According to this result, if nothing unexpected happens, Lin Shan's proposal cannot be implemented.

Such a reversal was even more unexpected than the arrival of Mr. Albert, and it was difficult for them to accept it for a while.

"Good boy!" Sheng Bing patted Andre on the shoulder hard, "Why didn't you take out the power of attorney earlier?"

He said reproachful words, but anyone could see the joyful look on his face.

"If Mr. Albert hadn't arrived in time, what use would this share have?" Andre said angrily.

Without Mr. Albert's 10% shares, these 4% shares would not be able to reverse the situation.

Sheng Bing laughed and looked at Albert: "Old man, it's all your fault."

"I worked my butt off to get in."

Albert's face was sullen, but the slightly upturned corners of his mouth revealed his mood at the moment.

The ending was smoother than he expected, and it was worth risking his life to be in the mirror.

Albert was aware of the cabinet's request for Storm to temporarily hand over the management of the Mirror.

Having worked in Fengfeng for most of his life and having never seen any big winds or waves, Albert did not think Lin Shan’s proposal could solve Fengfeng’s dilemma.

Secretly building another 'mirror' in the Schiller Galaxy seems to be a once and for all solution, but in addition to consuming a lot of financial and manpower, doing so will only cause more trouble.

Since the cabinet can now ask Storm to hand over the management of the 'Mirror' on the grounds of war, the Stark family can also use other reasons to ask Storm in the future.

Moreover, cooperating with the Schiller Galaxy during this sensitive period now represents treason, and Albert does not want to see Storm seized by the cabinet.

Ryan, who was standing behind several people's seats, received a message and read the content of the message.His originally happy face suddenly turned very ugly. He quickly walked to Kanazawa and whispered a few words in his ear.

Kanze just frowned, then looked at Lin Shan, and said in his gentle voice: "The voting results are out, so this meeting should be over, right?"

Lin Shan's face was very ugly. He twitched the corners of his mouth as if he wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh at the moment and could only show a very weird expression.

The shareholders who supported Lin Shan began to whisper. They did not expect such a big turn in the voting results.

They had a chance to win, but they couldn't accept this reality for a while.

According to their plan, after choosing to support Lin Shan, they never considered the possibility of failure.

"What should we do now?"

“The proposal has been rejected, what else can we do?”

"But the cabinet is going to take over the Mirror. Is the storm still a storm without the Mirror?"

"Rather than this, you should be more concerned about our situation."

"What situation?"

"Supporting Lin Shan means that we support cooperation with Schiller Galaxy. If the cabinet knows..."

The words were not finished, but everyone present knew what it meant.

In the past six months, there has been an uproar in the cabinet against traitors, and everyone in the empire has known that there are so many people in the cabinet who secretly support the Schiller Galaxy.

Although the cabinet did not announce the fate of those traitors, they, the storm shareholders, had more or less channels to know the fate of those people.

The feeling of loss suddenly turned into fear and panic, and the way they looked at Lin Shan changed.

The eyes that were filled with appreciation now turned into resentment.People are forgetful.

When things develop contrary to expectations, they will not look for the cause within themselves first, but blame others first.

They forgot that they supported Lin Shan for profit, not that Lin Shan forced them to support him.

Being stared at by these resentful eyes, Lin Shan's face became even more ugly. The hand on his thigh clenched, unclenched, and clenched again.

Mi Guangan, who was sitting next to him, stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders and gave him a calm look.

He always had a smile on his face and was not overwhelmed like others.

"Coincidentally, I also have several power of attorneys."

Mi Guangan opened the light curtain and showed the documents on it to everyone.

The holographic projection on the round table changed again, and the supporting cylinder began to climb, rising from 32% to 34...36...until it stopped at 40%.

"What?!? Where did you get 8% of the shares?" Andre shouted in disbelief.

Mi Guangan said calmly: "Similar to your friend's 4%, my friends also bought shares in the storm some time ago."

"Damn it!" Andre gritted his teeth.

The faces of Sheng Bing and Albert also became very ugly. It is now 34% to 40%. If you want to win, you need more than 6% of the shares.

The problem is that they only have so many shares and can't get any more.

This sudden reversal left Lin Shan confused. Even he didn't know that Mi Guangan actually still held 8% of the shares.

Happiness came so suddenly that he subconsciously ignored this detail.

He quickly stood up from his chair and said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, if you have no objections, I declare..."

"I object." Albert's majestic voice interrupted Lin Shan again.

Lin Shan suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "Unless there are other shares, this result cannot be changed."

"I ask former chairman Gu Ting to use the final voting rights. She has 11% of the shares." Albert said not to be outdone.

When Guting abdicated, she left behind a stipulation.

If any shareholder is dissatisfied with the voting results at the shareholders' meeting, he or she can apply to allow her to use her final voting rights.

As long as three shareholders support the application, the final decision will fall into the hands of Su Ting.

In the years since Lin Shan became chairman, no shareholder has ever applied, causing most people to forget about this requirement.

Lin Shan refused without thinking: "My mother needs to recuperate now, and her current physical condition cannot be on camera."

"Then let's have an offline video conference." Albert said not to be outdone.

This time Lin Shan did not compromise, but retorted forcefully: "No, the voting results have already come out, there is no need to disturb mother."

"This proposal of yours is not disturbing, it is frightening! Aren't you afraid that your mother will be angered to death by you?"

No longer suppressing the anger in his heart, Lin Shan asked loudly: "How do you know that my mother will not support me? You are disrupting this voting trip!
Whether you accept it or not, the result of the vote is that my proposal was approved by the shareholders' meeting. "

"Without Guting's vote, I will not admit this result! Without technical support, if you want to develop a new 'mirror', you don't even have to think about it!" Albert Jian slammed the round table hard and shouted angrily.


Lin Shan's face turned red with anger, pointing at Albert and saying nothing else except "you".

If there was anyone Lin Shan wanted to eliminate from the upper echelons of the storm, it was definitely Albert.

In the past few years since he became the chairman, he had many arguments with Albert, and every time he could not defeat the old man.

This time is no exception.

"Isn't there a shareholders' meeting? Why is there a quarrel?"

(End of this chapter)

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