Chapter 65 065 Unusual
On the second floor of Starship Airport, a group of people gathered in a spacious conference room.

There are men and women, each dressed brightly, and they sit around an oval conference table.

There is a holographic projection in the middle of the conference table that is broadcasting the situation in the hall in real time, and from time to time someone clicks on someone in the screen.Immediately, a small light curtain will appear, displaying the information of the person who was clicked.

Two or three people discussed in low voices around the information of those teenagers and girls.

"This year, the strength of the Mi family is really good, and the most rare mental strength has reached A-."

"I hope she can come back alive, otherwise it would be a pity."

"Hey! Why is the young master of the Ai family here? Does Prime Minister Ai know?"

"What should we do? If the young master of the Ai family is asked to withdraw now, he will startle the snake." Although the words were concerned, there was gloating in his tone.

"It can only be this way."

Finn Becky was also in the meeting room, but he was not sitting at the meeting table, and in his capacity, he couldn't sit on an equal footing with those present.

But the words of these people reached his ears, and he not only frowned fiercely.

He said that the empire's move this time was really suspicious, and it actually intervened in the entrance exam of Luna First Academy.He didn't know what they were going to do, but listening to what these people were talking about, he didn't think it was a good thing.

I hope these people don't go too far.

A middle-aged man sat on the main seat, with short, slightly long hair combed back neatly, with a slight smile on his face and chatting with the people around him.

He is the principal of Luna First Academy, Neil Gremory.

"I heard that the number recommended by the Orsini family has been used this year. I hope it won't affect the entrance exam." The round-faced deputy minister of education said pointedly.

Neil Gremory nodded: "Don't worry, I've already been arranged."

"I hope so. His Majesty attaches great importance to this entrance examination." The deputy minister said seriously.

Neil Gremory put back his smile and said, "Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

9: 50.

Finn Beck came to the airport hall with several subordinates, and his arrival did not attract the attention of the people in the hall.

"Is it all here?" Finn asked the subordinate beside him.

The subordinate was inspecting the personnel on the light curtain. He shook his head and said, "There is still one student who has not arrived."

"Who?" Finn asked with a raised eyebrow.

In previous years, the students who took the entrance examination would arrive long in advance. He has been the director of the admissions office for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation.

"That student's name is Shu Shu..." The subordinate paused halfway through speaking, "It was recommended by the Orsini family."

Hearing the words 'Orsini', Finn frowned immediately.

It turned out to be the child.

"Go and watch outside the gate, it's closing at ten o'clock." Finn glanced at the people in the hall: "If the student hasn't arrived yet, he will be automatically disqualified."

The subordinates immediately led the order to walk outside the Starship Airport, because today this is the report office for the entrance examination, and no outsiders are allowed to enter except for the staff, the students taking the examination, and their companions.

Watching his subordinates walk towards the gate, Finn walked to a square table prepared in advance in the center of the hall, which was two meters high and could only accommodate one person.

Standing in the center of the stage, Finn looked around first, then turned on the light curtain and said, "Everyone, good morning. I am the Director of Admissions at Luna First Academy, Finn Becky."

Finn's voice was transmitted to every corner of the hall by the speakers in the hall, and everyone in the hall focused on Finn standing in the center of the hall.

"I believe that you have already understood the procedures of the Luna No. [-] College entrance examination. First of all, I need all students to sign a disclaimer."

The students who took the exam received a message at the same time, and they all opened the light curtain to check, which was the disclaimer Finn said.

It probably means that during the entrance examination, any accidents or even deaths of students have nothing to do with Luna First Academy.

The students who can come here have already prepared their minds. The entrance examination of Luna First Academy is not easy, and there are many casualties every year.

"After signing the disclaimer, please go back the same way, and our staff at the admissions office will make statistics."

Finn glanced at the subordinates in the audience and saw that they had already started counting and verifying the disclaimer. He continued: "This year's entrance exam will be held in Ruis, and everyone will receive a task to complete, and they need to be in Da Ruis. Complete it within ten hours after the test. If you do not complete it, or withdraw during the test, it will be considered a failure.”

This time, Finn's words caused an uproar, not because of the need to complete the task within ten hours, but because of the location of the entrance examination.

Reiss is the closest week to Carat, second only to Carat in terms of danger level, and is a planet that is a headache for the empire.

On the surface, Reiss is controlled by the imperial army, but the situation on Reiss is very complicated, with different underground gangs operating in various regions.

Like Carat, the Empire's normal starship routes avoid Reese.

Only some desperadoes, or those who need to make some shady deals, will take a stowaway starship or drive a private starship to Reiss.

To hold an entrance examination on the Race was something that no one present had ever imagined.

Hearing the word 'Race', the butler who had been smiling couldn't keep the smile on his face anymore.

He turned his head and looked at the boy beside him and whispered, "Master, this entrance exam is unusual, do you consider not taking it?"

The entrance exam for Luna No. [-] Academy is held every year. Even if Le Huanming doesn't take it this year, it won't be a big problem to take it again next year.

After all, Luna No. 80 Academy has an upper limit of 26 years old for students to enroll. Le Huanming, who is only [-] this year, can definitely come back next year.

From Le Steward's point of view, there are too many uncertainties on Reese, and he can't guarantee that Le Huanming will come back safe and sound.

"Isn't it Reese? What's there to be afraid of?" Le Huanming chuckled.

He also didn't expect that this year would be in Reiss, just in time for him to see how dangerous the week that is only less than carat is.

Seeing that Le Huanming had no intention of giving up on this exam, the music steward stopped talking.He knew that Le Huanming had made up his mind and would not give up this opportunity.

He opened the light curtain to spread the news to Lejia, hoping that the patriarch would send someone to Reiss to arrange it in advance.

There is no need to help Le Huanming complete the task, but at least his personal safety must be guaranteed.

Similar conversations resounded throughout the hall, but not all of them had the courage to go to Race.

Someone ran up to Finn and shouted: "Let's go to Reiss, don't we let us die?"

"If you don't want to go, you can voluntarily give up your qualification for the entrance examination." Finn said indifferently.

 Come on, Shu Shu will appear in the next chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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