Chapter 70 070 It was her (three shifts)
Hearing that voice, Shu Yue and Lei Lei froze in place like a bolt from the blue.

Fifth Xi walked over from the rest area on the other side of the lobby with a smile on his face, walked up to Shu Yue, and said cordially: "I didn't expect Xiao Quezi to order the starship earlier than you, so I had to wait for you here .”

Shu Yue and Lei Lei looked at each other, and they couldn't believe it.

Looking past Fifth Xi, Shu Yue saw Xiao Sheng with a helpless face in the rest area, and Que Fangwei who was busy getting angry at the light curtain.

No need to ask, he knew that these two people must have failed to stop Fifth Xi, so he had no choice but to follow him to Luna.

Everyone is here, she can't drive Wuxi away.

After all, she didn't own this hotel, so she has no rights.

Shaking her head, Shu Yue dragged Lei Lei, who hadn't recovered, to the rest area, and Wu Xi was chattering non-stop beside her.

"Did Teacher Shirley reply?"

"Will Teacher Shirley come to your concert?"

"When can I see Teacher Shirley?"

Every question of Fifth Xi revolves around Shirley, and his obsession gives Shu Yue a headache.

In the past few days, Wuxi would ask Shirley about whenever she saw her, and her ears were almost numb.

Suddenly, a person rushed in front of them from nowhere, Shu Yue didn't even see the other person's appearance clearly, the other person raised a hand.

It was a slender hand, probably because of too much force, the veins on the back of the hand were raised.

Holding a transparent glass bottle in his hand, the bottle has no lid, and the liquid inside spills in the direction of Shu Yue with his hand.

Everything happened in an instant, and no one had time to stop the person who rushed out suddenly.

But Shu Yue looked at the movement of that hand as if it was in slow motion in a movie camera. She watched the hand holding the glass bottle and pouring the liquid on her body.
"go to hell!"

The sharp sound entered the eardrums, and Shu Yue only felt that she was hit by something, and her body fell uncontrollably in another direction.


Deafening screams echoed in the hotel lobby.

Everyone came to their senses, whether it was Xiao Sheng, Que Fangwei or the hotel staff, they all rushed in the direction of Shu Yue and the others.

Shu Yue was knocked to the ground, she sat up quickly after hearing the scream, and saw Leilei screaming and rolling on the ground.Shu Yue panicked, and hurriedly wanted to get up to check her injuries.

But she was stopped by Xiao Sheng who rushed over, and Xiao Sheng hugged Shu Yue with both hands to prevent her from rushing forward.

"Let me go!" Shu Yue struggled violently, her beautiful eyes had turned red at this moment, she was staring at Leilei who was still rolling.

Xiao Sheng hugged Shu Yue tightly, and comforted him softly: "That is a very rotten liquid, you will be rotten in the past now, and Lei Lei definitely doesn't want to see it."

The floor under Lei Lei's body was rotten with holes by the transparent liquid, and no one dared to approach it.

There was chaos in the lobby, Wuxi was standing not far away supported by Que Fangwei, and the person who attacked them was controlled by the security guards.

At this time, the hotel staff found a water pipe and sprayed water on Lei Lei.

It didn't take long for the ambulance and the guards to arrive, and the medical staff in protective clothing carried Lei Lei, who was unconscious, onto a stretcher, and then got into the ambulance.Shu Yue hurriedly followed, she wanted to accompany Lei Lei.

Xiao Sheng said something to An Jialiang and left with Shu Yue, An Jialiang looked at Xiao Sheng's leaving back and pouted.

He also said that he had no feelings for Shu Yue, so he was so nervous.

SPQR guards are interrogating in the lobby, and the assailant has been taken away by the guards.

"We have already found out the identity of the assailant. His name is Wang Yingying. He is a singer. Do you know him?" A middle-aged man in uniform was taking notes on Fifth Xi, and Que Fangwei was beside him.

"Wang Yingying? I don't know him." Fifth Xi said with a blank face.

This is the first time he has encountered such a bizarre thing in such a big age.

What kind of deep hatred has to be resolved with such extreme means?
Humans are truly irrational creatures.

Que Fangwei raised his forehead: "Director, Wang Yingying is the singer who was appointed before Shu Yue to sing the theme song of your new movie. Later, you disliked her singing badly, so you replaced her."

Because of being replaced, it also caused the whole network to scold Shu Yue.

"So it's her." Fifth Xi suddenly realized.

Middle-aged man: "..."

After writing it down on the light curtain, he turned around and asked Que Fangwei: "Apart from replacing her, do you have any other festivals?"

This Fifth Xi doesn't seem very reliable, so it's better to ask his special assistant.

"Not with her." Que Fangwei tugged at his collar, "But her uncle, Wang Xin, was arrested by the guards for planning the bombing of Yide Entertainment's filming site."

The family surnamed Wang are all lunatics.

Wang Xin planned the bombing regardless of the lives of ordinary people, but her niece was lucky enough to attack them with a highly rancid liquid.

Que Fangwei really didn't know when they became enemies with this family and why they targeted them like this.

The middle-aged man had heard a little about the bombing case that caused a sensation on the Internet some time ago, so he nodded, asked a few more questions, and then ended the transcript.

After asking around, he found that the cause and effect of this case were very simple.

It can be said that Wang Yingying felt revenge on Wuxi because her uncle was arrested, so she attacked Wuxi and others here.

The injured girl was unlucky, as she happened to be relatively close to Fifth Xi.

SPQR, St John's Hospital.

After being sent to the hospital, the medical staff helped Lei Lei take off the clothes contaminated by the rancid liquid, and then put her in the medical cabin for treatment.

"Judging from the patient's current condition, she is not life-threatening, but she needs to lie in the hospital ship for about ten days, and she will not come out until the skin tissue has recovered." The young doctor in a white coat said to Shu Yue with a smile.

Shu Yuehong looked at Lei Lei in the medical cabin, she was relieved to hear that Lei Lei's life was not in danger, and quickly thanked the doctor.

The young doctor smiled and shook his head: "The patient doesn't need someone to take care of her in the medical cabin. You can come and see her every day."

After speaking, the young doctor said goodbye to Shu Yue.

As soon as Xiao Sheng came back after paying the medical expenses, he saw Shu Yuehong sitting on the chair in front of the medical cabin with eyes wide open.

He walked over with a sigh, stretched out a hand and patted Shu Yue's shoulder and said, "Leilei will be fine."

"En." Shu Yue responded softly, but her gaze never left the medical cabin.

What happened today was so sudden, how could Shu Yue think that Lei Lei, who was talking and laughing with her before, would be lying unconscious in the medical cabin now.

"The guards have confirmed the identity of the person who attacked you." Xiao Sheng suddenly paused, "It's Wang Yingying."

 Eleven is working hard to code...

(End of this chapter)

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