Chapter 83 083

In addition to the relatively spacious cockpit, only two people sat on the car, and more than 30 people stood in the back in a small space, which was quite crowded.

And through the small window at the back of the car, Shu Shu found that there seemed to be no seats behind, and those people could only stand.

"That." Lu Tianlun glanced at the cart that had already driven away, and said naturally, "That's a cart for transporting slaves."

Shu Shu stared at Lu Tianlun with wide eyes and asked, "Slave? Why do you have slaves here?"

In ancient times, slavery existed in human history, but it basically does not exist now.

It is believed that with the advancement of technology, many things are done by robots, which saves humans from repetitive and labor-intensive work.At the same time, it also solves the problem of underpopulation encountered by the empire during interstellar expansion.

Even on planets like Rais and Carat, there are almost no slaves, but that doesn't mean they are completely gone.

Only some people with special hobbies will buy slaves through some special channels to satisfy their hobbies.

That's why Shu Shu was so surprised when she heard the word slave.

"They're all guys who don't want to pay tolls." Lu Tianlun disagreed, "Our Lu family doesn't advocate random killings, so we can only bring them here as slaves.

Anyway, I have food and drink, just do some physical work, and I will be released in five or sixty years. "

"Are you going to let the slaves go?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

It was weird to hear that people were being captured and brought back as slaves, yet they would let them go.

Aren't they afraid that those who were let go will come back to revenge them?
Lu Tianlun thought this little girl was so cute, and couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch her little cheek.

But before his hand touched Shu Shu's face, Shu Shu backed away to avoid it.

Staring at his missing hand, Lu Tianlun had no choice but to withdraw his hand and continue walking forward, saying: "People will always get old. Although the average life expectancy is more than 280 years old, it is not suitable for physical labor when you are old. So we Those who reach the age of two hundred will be put back on the ground and let them go away on their own."

It turned out that they were disgusted that they were too old to work, so they let them go.

But Shu Shu felt that the Lu family was more merciful, at least they didn't kill those 'useless' slaves, but gave them a way out.

"The central square is ahead, and it's just time for the show, let's go see it." Lu Tianlun said, holding Shu Shu's hand and running into the crowd.

Shu Shu was dragged and forced to run, squeezed in the crowd, she felt that her arm was no longer her own.

This Lu Tianlun was only focused on rushing forward, completely ignoring how she felt being pulled.

So annoying!

Reese, Xicheng.

The tallest building in Dongcheng District, D's office.

"What?! Why did little Shushu follow that Lu?" Vivian jumped up from the sofa and shouted at D.

D, who was still receiving punishment just now, had to come up to tell Vivienne because of the important news about Miss Shu Shu, was standing there with a face full of tears.

Why was Lu Tianlun's pedophile released by the Lu family?
Why can you leave the underwater city?
Why did he meet Miss Shu Shu?
Why did Miss Shu Shu follow him to the underwater city?


D no longer knows how many unanswerable reasons he has. When he received the news, he felt that the end of the world was coming.

"Immediately prepare a starship and a bunch of brothers for me. I'm going to blow up the house surnamed Lu and snatch little Shushu back." Vivian rolled up her sleeves as if she was going to do something big.

All three of ABC rolled up their sleeves, ready to have a fight with the boss.

The only sane D saw these four people, and felt like dying.

There are a few more unanswerable whys in the [-] whys exclusive to D.

Why would he have such a boss?
Why does he have such a brother?

"You stay here and continue to clean the toilets. Before I come back, I have to clean all the toilets in the whole building." Vivienne pointed at D and ordered.

D no longer knew what expression to show: "..."

Why did he build this building so high?
Xicheng, in a private room of a certain bar.

"I asked an intelligence agent to come over. This person has a weird temper. Don't talk nonsense for a while, just let me talk about it." Andre sat on the comfortable sofa and said with confidence.

Simon was noncommittal, holding a whiskey glass in his hand, and the liquid and ice cubes were shaking gently in it.

Not long after, a man dressed in black and even with black hair walked in.

He wears a white mask that covers his entire face so that his face cannot be seen.He didn't knock on the door, but walked in directly.

Andre stood up immediately, opened his hands and said, "Old friend, long time no see."

The man did not move forward after closing the door, but stood by the door, glanced at Simon who was sitting on the sofa and said, "Count Sacketti, you should know my rules."

The voice is hoarse with a little electronic sound, obviously a voice changer is installed on the mask.

He wore black gloves and sleeves that were integrated into his hands. The clothes had a high collar, and the only skin exposed to the air was his ears.

"He's my brother, my own." Andre said with a smile on his face, pointing at Simon.

The man seemed to be looking at Simon, standing there motionless.

Simon raised the whiskey glass in his hand, saluting like an intelligence agent.

People who do intelligence buying and selling work are very cautious, unless they are very trusted customers, they will not come forward easily.

Usually they pass information on the Internet or on the 'mirror', and rarely put themselves in danger.

The intelligence agent withdrew his gaze, stood still and looked at Andre and asked, "Who is he?"

Andre was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the intelligence officer to ask this question.

In order to avoid trouble, intelligence agents usually do not ask such questions.

"Simon Orsini." Simon said, putting the whiskey glass in his hand on the coffee table.

The intelligence agent reached for the doorknob, locked the door and walked towards Simon step by step.

"So you are the Duke of Orsini, nice to meet you." The intelligence officer said as he walked.

He moved forward slowly, with a lazy posture, like a wild beast staring at its prey.

Since he is wearing a mask, his expression cannot be seen.But Simon is sure that the intelligence agent in front of him knows him.

The intelligence agent stopped at a distance of two meters from Simon. He took out an energy gun from his pants pocket without saying a word, and aimed the gun directly at Simon's forehead.

"Hey! What do you want to do? If you have something to say, you don't need to use your weapon." Andre shouted quickly.

Even if he didn't see it before, Andre can now confirm that these two people know each other, and they seem to have animosity.

Simon had indeed offended many people before, especially those old guys from the Presbyterian Church.It's been so long, and now they still gnash their teeth when they hear Simon's name, wishing to tear Simon into pieces.

But this intelligence agent is a human being and should not have anything to do with the Presbyterian Church.

Andre was deep in thought here, and the two of them were not idle.

Simon put the whiskey glass in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, smiled and said to the intelligence agent: "Use that, you can't kill me."

"You old monster, I knew you recognized me."

The intelligence agent immediately put away the energy gun, and then he turned around and walked to the bar without looking at the two people sitting on the sofa, poured himself a glass of spirits, and drank it directly.

Andre looked at the back and felt that the intelligence officer seemed to be angry from embarrassment.

They had known each other for several years, and it was the first time he had seen such a human side of an intelligence agent.

"Do you know each other?" Andre asked, looking at the intelligence agent's back with a gossipy face.

You must know that this intelligence officer used to pretend to be in front of him, he didn't reveal any emotions, and he didn't talk nonsense and left after selling the information.

No matter how Andre tried, he ignored him.Because of his various performances, Andre once suspected that he was an emotionless robot.

Now that the intelligence officer has such a human side, Andre's heart of gossip begins to stir.

"Well." Simon replied casually.

The intelligence agent standing in front of the bar suddenly became unhappy, turned around and said, "We've all slept together, what do you mean?"

There was an opening at the bottom of his mask, exposing his sexy thin lips to the air.Because of the absence of the transforming device, his voice lost the unpleasant electronic sound and became deep and pleasant.

This is the first time Andre knows that the mask can be opened like this, but this is not the point anymore, he is now thinking about the intelligence officer's words.

He slept with Simon? ! ?

Glancing at Simon, then at the intelligence agent, Andre subconsciously moved on the sofa, moving a little further away from Simon.

No wonder that kid Ning Ende is gay, he was 'leaded up' by his godfather.

"At that time, you were only four or five years old. If you insisted on sleeping with me, what could I do?" Simon spread his hands.

Hearing this, the intelligence officer became even more angry.

He walked up to Simon and slapped the wine glass on the coffee table in front of Simon.


"You also know that I was only four years old at that time? Then why did you leave suddenly?" the intelligence officer asked loudly.

Andre, who was sitting aside, listened to their conversation, and his heart was already turbulent.

Simon is not only gay, but also a pedophile? ! ?

Andre was shocked, he didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

Many years of friends actually have pedophilia, which hit Andre too much.

Simon picked up the whiskey glass that had been placed on the coffee table before, and smiled slightly: "Si Jun said that you were too dependent on me at the time, if I didn't leave, you might have grown crooked."

"How can I rely on you!" the intelligence officer said dissatisfied.

It's not just that he likes to cling to this overly beautiful Simon, that guy Si Jun really thinks too much.

Who is not color control?
When he was a child, he just liked good-looking people. Why did Si Jun think that he was going to be crooked?

Simon took a sip of the liquid in the whiskey glass, and he asked casually, "When was the last time you saw Si Jun?"

"Several years ago." The intelligence officer closed the mask in front of his mouth, "I heard that he and his wife disappeared?"

Simon didn't answer but asked, "Do you know where they are?"

"Of course..." the intelligence officer drew a false voice, "I don't know."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Andre and said, "Count Saketti, for the sake of bringing my old friend here, I can give you a piece of A-level information for free."


Andre didn't expect the intelligence agent to talk to him suddenly, and thought that the two would continue to talk about the past.

"Why is the entrance exam for Luna First Academy held in Reese?" Simon asked instead of Andre.

The intelligence agent gave Simon a sideways look, and said coldly, "I asked Count Sacketti, not you."

"What Simon said is the information I want to know." Andre said quickly.

Why do you feel that the relationship between these two people is so complicated, didn't they have a very happy chat just now?
Now it's official?
"This is S-level information, but I can send you another information." The intelligence officer sat down on a single sofa and crossed his legs.

Simon leaned back on the backrest: "Speak."

Andre suddenly felt that what he had was superfluous, it was obviously information sent to him.

"The people at the base cooperated with the Lu family and asked the Lu family to stop all the candidates who entered Wugen Sea." The intelligence officer said.

After the mask was restored, his voice changed back to its original electronic falsetto.

"What benefit did the Lu family get? They actually agreed." Andre asked curiously.

The Lu family is considered one of the best big families in Reiss, and there are really not many that can rival him.I didn't expect that since I would cooperate with the imperial army this time, I was really surprised.

But the intelligence agent said: "This is another problem. At the same level, A-level intelligence, you have to pay first to get the information."

Andre glanced at Simon, why did he suddenly feel that the intelligence officer and Simon were quite similar, especially when they asked others to pay.

Both are money-losers.

In the end, Andre had to pay the money, and the intelligence agent said: "People from the empire promised that the Lu family will drive the Bailey family away from Reese, and let the Lu family dominate the Reese family."

"Isn't this seeking skin from a tiger? The Lu family agreed?" Andre asked puzzled.

How could the empire tolerate the Lu family after driving away the Bailey family?
It is impossible for the Lu family to be alone in Ruisi.

The intelligence agent shrugged: "The Lu family really agreed, maybe they still have a backup."

He is just an intelligence officer who collects information. He can't understand the thinking of these big families, and he doesn't need to understand.

Andre wanted to continue asking, but he heard Simon say: "The Lu family's underwater city seems to be a good place, you can go shopping."

"Then you have to find a way to get down first." The intelligence officer said angrily.

Andre also discovered that as long as he faced Simon, the intelligence agent's tone became particularly bad.

May have been 'abandoned', so hold a grudge against Simon.

Andre expressed deep sympathy for the intelligence officer's past.Simon is a guy who attracts bees and butterflies, isn't Xiao Shushu also attracted by his appearance?

Simon stood up, patted the non-existent dust on the coat, and said with a smile, "This is simple, can't it just go and catch the Lu family?"

 The two chapters are combined into one, big fat chapter~
  Eleven has been stuck recently, and the update is a bit late, please bear with me

(End of this chapter)

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