It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 93 093 Mine?That's not a mine!

Chapter 93 093 Mine?That's not a mine!
To be honest, even Finn Becky himself didn't know how to count this entrance exam.

But this is not the question he is thinking about now, he must first find a way to rescue all the candidates.

Shu Shu and Alan were taken to a rest cabin by the staff, which contained several candidates who had been rescued by them before.

Allen ignored the others, but looked at Shu Shu who was pouting and looking unhappy.

"This time the entrance exam has become like this, Director Becky probably doesn't know how to deal with it next." Alan lowered his voice to comfort, "It's normal not to be able to answer your questions."

It is not easy to deal with the high-level empire involved.

Allen's father is the current prime minister, and he is well aware of the intricate and complicated relationships within the empire.

After hearing Alan's words, Shu Shu became even more dissatisfied: "How can this be? I finally arrived here from the Hara Desert. If the entrance exam doesn't count, wouldn't it be necessary to take the exam again?"

Thinking of taking the exam again, Shu Shu was completely unwilling.

Going to the exam = not being able to go to work at Crescent Travel Agency
Not going to the New Moon Travel Agency = not seeing the Duke

Thinking of not being able to see the Duke for a day or two, Shu Shu was so depressed that she slumped on her seat and didn't want to get up.

Looking at the listless Shu Shu, Allen couldn't laugh or cry.

Who would have thought that the little girl who calmly rescued him from the underwater city would be 'afraid' to have another entrance exam.

In Allen's view, Shu Shu can come and go freely in a place like Reese.Even if she takes the entrance exam in another place, she will definitely be able to complete it easily.

But how could Allen think that Shu Shu didn't want to take the exam again because she couldn't see Simon.

Of course, even if he knew the reason, Allen would definitely find it incredible.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from among the other candidates and came in front of Shu Shu and Ai Lun.

"Little girl, why are you here?" The boss looked at Shu Shu with tears in his eyes as if seeing a relative.

After being brought here inexplicably, the boss just wanted to leave this starship quickly.

He didn't expect that one day he would be involved in a big online debate, and it made him uneasy, especially listening to what the kid was discussing with other young people.

The boss now just wants to return to the ground, return to his group of younger brothers, and continue to find employers.

He didn't even want to pay for escorting that kid here.

He was originally a small gangster born and raised on Reese, and it was commonplace to rob from thieves.Later, when he met Shengai, he "reformed evil and returned to righteousness", and even accepted his younger brother.

For him, the big events that happened in the empire on the Internet have never mattered much.

Being inexplicably involved this time made him uneasy.

"Why are you here?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

Aren't there only candidates for the Luna First Academy entrance exam here?
Maybe because he thought Shu Shu was more 'reliable', the boss told Shu Shu about the hard work they had taken to escort the comatose boy to Xicheng after they separated, and what happened afterwards.

When he was telling the whole thing, maybe the voice was too loud, and other candidates surrounded him.

They didn't know who the big guy was, they only knew that he was rescued together with Le Huanming.

Later, when they saw Director Becky's live broadcast on the Internet, they forgot about the big man.

They were all candidates rescued by Director Becky's rescue starship, and most of them pressed the emergency button on their own initiative.

After boarding the starship, the staff removed the locators from their personal devices and asked them to notify their families that they were safe.

At first, they didn't dare to contact their family members, because according to the rules, after pressing the emergency button, they were regarded as voluntarily giving up the entrance examination.

The entrance exam failed this time, which made them feel very humiliated and afraid to face their family members who had high expectations for them.

But later, they learned through Director Becky's live broadcast that things were more complicated than they had imagined, and their family members contacted them to ensure their safety.

Compared with other candidates, Le Huanming blushed so much that he could bleed after hearing what the boss said.

It wasn't until he was rescued by the boss from the bombardment of the Imperial base that he was convinced that the big man wasn't trying to hurt him.

So many things happened later that Le Huanming even forgot to ask him why he brought him to Xicheng when he was unconscious, saving him a lot of travel.

"Little girl, it's really hard for me. After finally sending that kid to Xi City, that kid actually pretended to be unconscious. If it wasn't for the teaching of Sheng Ai, I really don't want to bother with him."

After talking about it, the boss felt that he was very wronged, and tears and snot flowed down his face.

As a result, everyone around saw a tall, rough-looking man covering his face and crying bitterly in front of a cute-looking little girl.

No matter how you look at this scene, it feels very weird, and Allen, who is sitting by the side, is dumbfounded.

Shu Shu looked at the boss sympathetically, took out a pink handkerchief from the portable space and handed it to the boss, saying, "You guys are not wrong, it's all that guy's fault."

Hearing this sentence, the candidates who surrounded him subconsciously looked at Le Huanming.

If it wasn't for Le Huanming's identity, they would all want to curse at him.

This big guy just looks fierce, but he is really a good guy.

He and his companions sent the unconscious Le Huanming from the Hara Desert to the vicinity of the imperial base, and he saved Le Huanming's life regardless of his own safety.

But Le Huanming pretended to be unconscious all the way in order not to pay the escort fee.

This is really shameless!

If they were willing to charge a little money to send them to the Imperial base after being dropped into Reese, they would pay double the price.

It's really a person who doesn't know the blessings in the blessings, it's too shameless!

Feeling the contempt and accusation eyes from all around him, Le Huanming's face turned pale and blue.

Who would have thought that this man with a fierce appearance was actually a good man?

Seeing that the boss had started to cry, Le Huanming hurried over and said, "Well, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. How much is your escort fee? I'll pay you now."

Both Shu Shu and the boss looked up at Le Huanming, and the boss wiped the messy tears and snot on his face with a pink handkerchief.

"Including the toll and the accommodation fee in Xicheng, the total is 19 euros." The boss sniffed hard and added: "Only cash transfers are accepted, thank you!"

Hearing the last word 'cash transfer', the expression on Le Huanming's face suddenly froze.

Although he is the young master of the Le family, he has just grown up and doesn't have much savings.

He usually spends with the limited credit account that Lejia opened for him, and he can only spend up to 20 euros per month.

Le Huanming's daily expenses are definitely enough. If he needs to spend a large amount of money, he just needs to explain the reason to his parents.

Le Huanming, who never thought he was short of money, discovered for the first time that he was really short of money.

There are only tens of thousands of euros in his current cash account, which is not enough to pay the escort fee.

Seeing that Le Huanming had stopped talking with a sullen face and did not open the light curtain to pay, the boss felt even more sad.

"If you don't want to pay, it's okay..." the boss said with a blank expression.

Who would have thought that the young masters of such a big family would renege on their debts, they are really unlucky.

Le Huanming wanted to explain, but with so many people around, he couldn't say he didn't have money to pay, could he?
That would be too embarrassing, and it would also embarrass Lejia.

He is a dignified young master of the Le family, but he can't afford the escort fee of 10,000+.

Besides, the person in front of him saved his life, which made him seem like an ungrateful person.

The other candidates looked at Le Huanming with even more contempt, and actually bullied this good man like this.

Really too bad!
It was embarrassing to be stared at by the people around, but Le Huanming didn't know how to speak for a while.

Le Huanming just wanted to find a hole to hide himself at the moment, which was really embarrassing.

"Don't be sad, he may not be able to open the light curtain and transfer money to you." Shu Shu opened the light curtain while talking, "I helped him pay his money."

The boss's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at Shu Shu hesitantly: "Little girl, this...isn't very good."

After all, someone else has to pay, and the little girl doesn't seem to know that kid, so the boss feels embarrassed.

This little girl has already helped them a lot, and the boss would feel sorry if she troubled her again.

And the escort fee this time is not a small amount.

"It's okay." Shu Shu waved her hand, looked at Le Huanming and said, "You can sign an IOU and return the money to me when we get back to Luna, is that okay?"

This time Le Huanming didn't hesitate, he immediately nodded to Shu Shu gratefully and said, "No problem."

When he arrived at Luna, he could ask the housekeeper to pay the money. This little girl really helped him a lot.

"Then you sign the IOU first." Shu Shu opened a blank page, wrote a few lines on it, and then handed the light curtain to Le Huanming.

Le Huanming glanced at the content above, then took out his signature pen and signed his name on it.

In order to prevent electronic signatures from being misused by criminals, the empire will issue a signature pen with an identity chip installed to every adult citizen of the empire.

The chip inside can only be activated when his master uses it, and signs a valid signature protected by law on the light curtain.

Taking advantage of Le Huanming's signing time, Shu Shu looked at the boss and said, "Look, he has already signed the IOU, so you can collect the money with peace of mind."

"it is good."

Seeing Le Huanming sign the IOU, the boss quickly opened his light curtain and handed it to Shu Shu.

He thought in his heart that he was so lucky to meet this little girl. Not only did he sell the fixative, but he also earned such an escort fee.

When he goes back, he can take everyone to the best restaurant in Xicheng to have a good meal.

Shu Shu took over the boss's light curtain, and directly "airdropped" 19 euros from her own light curtain to the boss's light curtain.

After paying the money and collecting the IOU, Shu Shu felt very happy.

Made another fortune today.

Because Le Huanming was in a hurry to sign the IOU, he didn't notice the interest clause written on the IOU.

He only knows that the interest rate is 3%, which is much lower than going to the bank to borrow money.But the problem is that this interest is not an annual interest, but an interest of 3% per minute.

When Le Huanming found out about this clause, his expression was definitely wonderful.

Of course, this is a story.

After the sixty or so candidates were settled, Finn Bech returned to the cockpit.

Except for a few candidates who suffered a little skin trauma, the other candidates are in good physical condition.

They were not abused in the base, but they were locked in the base cells by the base people after arriving at the base.

"Director, Mr. D requests a connection." Seeing that Finn Becky had returned, a staff member hurriedly stood up and said.

Finn Becky just sat down on the main seat, when he heard the word 'Mr. D', he immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for? Quickly pick it up."

Although he didn't know the background of this D, but the incredible fighting power in Reiss was nothing more than the forces of those Reeses.

It's just that Finn Becky doesn't know what the purpose of the D gang is.

He was not naive enough to think that D really came to help them out of sympathy for their suffering.Such words can only be listened to as polite words, and must not be taken seriously.

Dean Cheng is still on the road, and he cannot be contacted during the transition.Finn Becky knew that the only thing he could do now was to stall for time and deal with this D.

"Director Becky, my people just reported to me that the person in charge of the Imperial Base has left the base long ago, and what we have captured are the ordinary soldiers who were left behind." D's voice was still unhurried, not loud mood swings.

After hearing this, Finn Becky could probably guess that the person in charge chose to escape because he saw his live broadcast.

No matter who is behind the person in charge, because of Finn Becky's live broadcast on the whole network, he has become an abandoned child.

Finn Becky didn't know how this matter would end up, but based on the current trend of public opinion on the Internet, that person would most likely be the scapegoat for this matter.

Escaping from the base was the only thing the person in charge could do.

"Mr. D, thank you for your help. We are now going to other places to find those candidates who have lost contact. If Mr. D needs anything in the future, please do not hesitate to ask." Finn Becky paused, "As long as it is me, Fei What En Bech can do, he will definitely do without hesitation."

Finn Becky's words sounded a bit over the river, but he also said it out of helplessness.

Before he figured out D's purpose, he didn't dare to promise D anything in the name of Luna First Academy.

Besides, as the director of the admissions department, Finn Bech has no right to represent Luna First Academy.

"You're welcome." D's tone was still relaxed, "To be honest, our eldest lady has a request. If you Luna First Academy can meet it, we can help you find those lost candidates."

For Finn Becky, D's proposal was full of temptation.

For a big family like theirs on Reese, it is definitely more 'convenient' to operate on Reese than outsiders like Finn Becky.

But for the request of the young lady D mentioned, Finn Becky felt uneasy.

What kind of conditions will they ask Luna First Academy to agree to?

With a feeling of uneasiness, Finn Becky asked: "I don't know what request your eldest lady has?"

Although he knew that it might not be an easy matter, Finn Becky still wanted to understand it first.

After all, Cheng Kuan still needs more than half an hour to reach Ruisi, and I don't know if those candidates whose lives and deaths are unknown can last until then.

"It's like this, our eldest miss wants to experience the student life of Luna No. [-] Academy, and wants to go to your academy for a while."

Thinking that his eldest daughter would leave the area of ​​Carat and Reese, and go to Luna to 'disaster' others, D's mood suddenly became cheerful.

If possible, he also wanted to expand the territory of Bailey's family in Reiss while the eldest lady was away.

When Finn Becky heard D's request, he was taken aback for a moment, and he asked subconsciously, "Who is your eldest lady?"

"Vivian Bailey."

Rescue starship, examinee rest cabin.

Shu Shu was sitting on a sofa chair talking to Vivienne. She turned on the privacy mode, so that no one around could hear their conversation.

"Lazy pig, the torpedo you gave me last time doesn't seem to work." Vivian's dissatisfied voice rang in Shu Shu's ear.

After being thrown into the sea of ​​Wugen for so long, there was no reaction at all.

Shu Shu blinked and asked suspiciously, "What mine?"

Why doesn't she remember that she sent a mine to Vivian?
And why would she send a mine to Vivian?
"It's the one you gave me when you came to Carat last time." Vivienne thought for a while and said, "You said that the mine that Jiang Cha was developing was for you to test."

Ginger tea being developed?


Could it be that?
Shu Shu held her forehead, she seemed to know what Vivian was talking about.

Last time, when Shu Shu went to Carat, Jiang Cha asked her to take a device under development for testing.

But because the Shu family asked her to go back to take the college entrance examination, she had no choice but to throw the device to Vivian and go back.

Jiang Cha named that set of equipment 'Sui Lei', which is a set of forced interference equipment that controls all electronic equipment within a radius of [-] kilometers, whether underground or underwater.

Because Jiang Cha was afraid that she would be arrested in the Luna test, so she asked Shu Shu to try it on Carat.

Shu Shu didn't expect Vivienne to hear 'Sui Lei' as 'Shui Lei'.

"That's not a mine." Shu Shu rolled her eyes and asked, "Where did you throw that equipment?"

If you can test it in Reiss and bring the data back to Jiang Cha, that guy should calm down... right?

Jiang Cha, that cheapskate, hadn't contacted her since he was caught by the guards on the way to rescue her last time.

Even the message that Shu Shu sent him saying that she had obtained the qualification for the entrance examination of Luna No. [-] Academy did not reply.

It's just laughing out loud in front of his face that he was caught by the guards, is there any need to be so angry?
Even though she thought so, Shu Shu still wanted Jiang Cha to calm down quickly.

This visit to Ruisi consumed a lot of equipment, and she had to give it to Jiang Cha for repairs.

Shu Shu really felt that she couldn't do without ginger tea!
"Didn't you say it was a mine?" Vivian felt that Jiang Cha's things were troublesome. "Before you came up from the underwater city, I asked D to throw that thing down."

Throw it into the ocean of nothingness?

Shu Shu's eyeballs were gurgling, and her little head was thinking about how to get that set of equipment up.

"Are you still going to the underwater city?"

 The Lu family is about to tremble, and Xiao Shushu is going to use them as experimental subjects~
(End of this chapter)

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