Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1047 Cast List

the next day.

Brilliant Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Chen Ye sorted out the documents in his hands. Some were delivered yesterday afternoon, and some were just delivered today.

"Secretary Chen, wait a moment."

A voice interrupted Chen Ye as he was about to go to the office.

I saw the person delivering the document walking very quickly: "This is a contract and requires Mr. Tan's signature."

The person who sent the documents was an employee of the legal department.

"What kind of contract is this?"

"A business cooperation, the other party just sent over the contract."

Chen Ye took the document and said, "Give it to me. I'll give it to Mr. Tan later."

"Excuse me." The staff member took a deep breath and straightened his slightly messy hair.

Chen Ye didn't knock on the door in a hurry. He sat at his work station and opened the document first and read it.

For this kind of contract that requires direct signature, she must check it in advance and prepare in advance to answer Tan Yue's questions.

Chen Ye looked at the file while checking the process of the file on the computer.

After a while, he knocked on the door of Tan Yue's office and opened the door after receiving permission.

"Are there any documents that need to be signed?"

"Yes." Chen Ye opened the document calmly: "This is a business cooperation. Negotiations started in early March. It was agreed on last Friday. The other party just sent the contract early this morning."

Tan Yue looked at the contents of the document and remembered the project. After all, it had been a long time ago, and the people below had been responsible for following up.

This project is a cooperation with Douyin Platform. The other party wants to cooperate with Cuican Entertainment Company to hold a large-scale live broadcast event.

Cuican Entertainment has several big anchors with over [-] million fans, so this event is beneficial to both parties.

Tan Yue handed the signed contract to Chen Ye.

"Here's another one."

Tan Yue took the document and read it carefully.

He would take a good look at any document that required signature.

After all, it involves the interests of the company, and a wrong decision may have a great impact on the entire company.

For example, what we are watching now is that the artist department is preparing to organize an event for face-to-face exchanges between old actors and new actors.

In order to support the development of newcomers, the company's senior management launched a series of plans.

The purpose of this event is to give new actors an opportunity to seek advice from veteran actors.

Tan Yue has great expectations for this event.

Any experience of an old actor is of great help to a newcomer, and it is very helpful for a newcomer to improve his acting skills.

This is the first time such a face-to-face communication event has been held. I don’t know how effective it will be, so I will only hold it once for the time being. If the effect is good, I will definitely continue to hold it.

Similar events have been held before, but they always had an old actor speaking alone on the stage, with a bunch of people sitting below.

Although it has an effect, it is not too obvious.

Therefore, we re-planned such an event.

Chen Ye took the signed documents and left, while Tan Yue continued to read the remaining documents.

The rest are some insignificant documents, which are daily work reports of various departments.

After reading the document, the tea in the cup had reached the bottom. Tan Yue took the cup to the window, thinking about the candidates for various roles in the movie.

The list of personnel compiled by Qin Tao has not been released yet, so the candidates for the roles have not yet been determined.

Tan Yue rubbed his frown, trying to relax himself.

Artist management department.

Qin Tao flipped through the information in her hand page by page. Above was a list of outstanding actors she had compiled.

She has been busy with this since she received the mission yesterday.

Although she knows all her artists very well, this time it involves Tan Yue's new movie, so she needs to be extra cautious.

Compiling a list of outstanding artists is not an easy task. If she just provides a list, she can do it in less than an hour.

The complicated part is to write down each person's detailed information, such as the age of the artist, the works he has appeared in, his ranking on the list of public figures, and his acting skills.
So that Tan Yue can better select suitable actors.

After sorting it out, she was still worried, and finally checked carefully on the company's internal artist list.

The secretary had just sent over the printed paper version. Qin Tao sat in front of the computer and looked at the list and compared it again.

After confirming that there was no problem, he walked out of the office and said, "I'm going to Mr. Tan's office. If anyone comes to look for me, please wait for me for a while."

The secretary nodded and replied: "Okay, Mr. Qin."

Qin Tao sat in the elevator and came to the president's office on the eighth floor. After looking at the information, she came to the door of Tan Yue's office and asked, "Is Mr. Tan in there?"


"OK." Qin Tao knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in."

Qin Tao opened the door and said, "Mr. Tan, the list of personnel you want has been compiled."

Tan Yue came over, put down the cup in his hand, and took the list: "You sit down for a while, and I'll take a look."

Qin Tao pulled up a chair and sat down to wait. Tan Yue returned to the computer and looked through it carefully: "Thank you for organizing it in such detail."

His original intention was to let Qin Tao compile a list. Only after seeing the detailed information on each actor above did he realize how much effort it would take.

"This is all what I should do. Of course, I, the director of the artist management department, will have to be more detailed when it comes to casting for your new movie."

Tan Yue smiled slightly and continued to look at the list.

"Except for Teacher Fan Shan, I remember that there were more than fifteen elderly actors in our company before."

"You are right." Qin Tao explained: "Since last year, seven old actors have terminated their cooperative relationships with our company. They are also older and are ready to focus on their families. . Having been actors all their lives, they also want to take a break."

Tan Yue nodded and expressed his understanding. They had already reached the age of retirement, and they were still running around filming all day long, which was very hard.

If the play is relatively long, it will take several months to stay outside.

After reading the list of elderly artists, Tan Yue focused on the company's list of outstanding middle-aged artists.

The protagonist of "The Shawshank Redemption" is middle-aged, and someone who can take on this important task must be found.

Qin Tao waited silently.

Time passed by, and after Tan Yue read all the lists, he asked, "Have they been sorted out?"

“All of the company’s great actors are on this list.”

"Okay, I still have to study this list. You can go about your work first."

"Okay, Mr. Tan." Qin Tao stood up, pushed the chair back to its original position, turned and left the office.

Tan Yue frowned. After reading the list, he still had no accurate idea about the protagonist. Because if you want to change, it will be difficult.

Tan Yue lay on the chair, raised the list above his head, and looked at the list of middle-aged artists again.

After a few minutes, he decided to go for a walk to relax his slightly anxious mood.

After leaving the office and explaining everything, I walked into the elevator and unconsciously pressed the button for the third floor.

The third floor is where the artist management department is located.

I have been considering the choice of actors. Naturally, the artist management department is where I want to go the most.

'ding dong'

The elevator door opened, and as soon as Tan Yue came out, he met Qin Tao coming towards him.

"What work arrangements does Mr. Tan have?"

Tan Yue waved his hand and said: "There are no work arrangements, you can go about your business, I will take a stroll casually."

"Then I'll go to the meeting first."

Approval for organizing face-to-face exchanges with artists has been approved, and the specific implementation details still need to be communicated to the various supervisors in the department.

Not every actor has time.

Tan Yue then walked around the artist management department alone, chatted with the employees about their daily work, and then went to other departments.

"Hello, Mr. Tan Tan!" An employee was so excited that he stuttered.

"Hello there!"

Tan Yue came to various departments to relax and relax. He liked chatting with the employees below. He looked at the employees with their work badges on their chests and said, "Are you new here?"

The badge looks new at first glance.

"That's right, I just came to the company last week."

Tan Yue smiled and said, "You don't have to be too nervous."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tan, I stumble easily when I get excited."

"I am also an ordinary person. I won't be excited when I see you a few more times in the future." Tan Yue asked: "Is there anything in the company that I am not used to."

"No, Da. Everyone is very nice to me. I. I like the working atmosphere of our company very much."

Tan Yue said: "If there is anything you are not used to, please report it to us immediately and we will deal with the problem for you as soon as possible."

Bright Entertainment Company has always provided very good benefits to its employees, and it is even more considerate to new employees and offers many benefits.

"Thank you, Mr. Tan."

"carry on."

"Mr. Tan, goodbye!" The employee blushed like an apple and hurriedly left the scene.

Tan Yue smiled and continued walking around the department.

More than half an hour later, Tan Yue returned to the office, sat back in front of the computer, picked up the list and read it.

At the same time, he picked up the internal phone and after Chen Ye connected, he said, "Let Mr. Zheng come over."

Since he had no ideas, he decided to find someone to help him.

After the exchange between the two people yesterday, Zheng Tong still had a very clear idea of ​​​​selecting people. Today the list came out, and Tan Yue planned to ask him to help look at it.

"Okay." Chen Ye put down the phone, saved the document content on the computer, and headed to the film department.

Zheng Tong did not have a meeting in the conference room today. He was sitting in the office doing the work at hand. When he saw Chen Ye coming in, he knew that Tan Yue was looking for him.

On the way, he could roughly guess what was going on.

The cast list has not been finalized yet, especially the lead role.

Chen Ye knocked on the door twice. After hearing the word "come in", he opened the door and went in.

"Mr. Tan, Director Zheng is here."

"Xiaoye, go get a glass of water." Tan Yue said, "Sit down."

Zheng Tong sat in the same position as yesterday.

"It was yesterday that I came to see you today. Here is a list of actors. Take a look at it first." Tan Yue handed over the document: "This is the list of all the outstanding actors under the company that I asked Qin Tao to compile."

"Your water."

"Thank you." Zheng Tong held the cup and continued to look down at the personnel list in his hand.

I am not the director of the artist management department, and I am not familiar with several actors above.

After all, some actors have been filming TV series and have never played any roles in movies.

Looking at the names on the list, Zheng Tong was also very emotional.

After the development in recent years, the company's backbone has become stronger and stronger, and the actor team has become stronger and stronger.

The foundation for the development of an entertainment company is its artists.

Of course, the most inseparable person is Tan Yue.

In the early years, many people on this list were not known to the public, and Ma Guoliang is the best example.

He previously played some supporting roles in various TV series. Since being discovered by Tan Yue, he has made rapid progress and now has a large number of fans around the world.

Fan Shan, who had not been in the company for long, highlighted Tan Yue's abilities even more.

First, he became famous directly through a TV series, which brought this older actor back to the audience and was loved by everyone again; later, he relied on a movie, which allowed Fan Shan to reach another peak in his career.

Many of the actors on the list have become popular and recognized capable actors in the entertainment industry thanks to Tan Yue's step-by-step support.

After reading the list, Zheng Tong had a more comprehensive understanding of the company's actors in three age groups: old, middle and young.

It just so happens that the film department has a new movie that is about to start shooting, and the excellent actors on it are just right.

But we need to wait until the casting of the movie "Shawshank Redemption" is finalized.

There is no film at Bright Entertainment that can compare to Tan Yue's films.

"finish watching?"

Zheng Tong said 'hmm' and said, "I've finished reading."

Tan Yue touched his chin and said: "I thought that with this list, I could quickly find the right person to play the leading role in the new movie, but I didn't expect that after watching it for a long time, I still didn't have much clue. What you analyzed yesterday It all makes sense. Looking at this list and combining it with what you said yesterday, what are your thoughts?"

"On this list are all the artists with the best acting skills in our company, and all of them are powerful actors." Zheng Tong thought for a moment, frowned, and said with a little difficulty: "Who should play the leading role? It’s a difficult question to choose.”

After all, this is a movie that will be released simultaneously around the world, and it is Tan Yue's movie. Who will play the leading role is the most important thing. If the actor he said does not perform well, he cannot bear this responsibility, so he said: "It says It’s very detailed, I think it’s safer to think more about it. The choice of the protagonist is of great importance, so it’s better to be cautious.”

Zheng Tong is not evading responsibility. The main reason is that Tan Yue wants to find someone else to play the leading role and let Ma Guoliang play other roles in the play. This itself is a very difficult fill-in-the-blank question.

What's more, in the past, he only picked some less important roles.

When it comes to the choice of the protagonist suddenly this time, we definitely need to be more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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