Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1075 Qi Xue’s cousin

With such high popularity, "The Shawshank Redemption" has once again been reported by the media in many countries around the world.

Italian media: "As a crime-type movie, "The Shawshank Redemption" is undoubtedly the most successful one. One month after its release, the cumulative box office has exceeded $6 billion. Movie fans all over the world love "The Shawshank Redemption" so much. "The film, in large part because of its touching characterization and profound friendship between two prisoners, 'Andy' and 'Red,' highlights the enduring resilience of the human spirit."

US media: "The Shawshank Redemption is an uplifting film and a moral fable about maintaining personal integrity and personal freedom, no matter what the circumstances."

Dutch media: "The Shawshank Redemption is undoubtedly a very successful movie. Audiences like the eloquent tone and atmospheric rhythm in the film, and this feeling seems to only be found in some great works. can be seen."

"South Korea: One month after its release, "The Shawshank Redemption" has a cumulative box office of $6.237 billion."

Discussions about "The Shawshank Redemption" can also be seen frequently on Twitter.

The focus of discussion today is different from that at the beginning. In the past, the discussion was only about the film itself and its box office performance. The current discussion point is whether it can surpass "Midnight", which ranks first in the global film history box office rankings.

After the official website of the International Cultural Center updated the box office results, heated discussions once again broke out on Twitter.

"Do you think the final box office performance of "The Shawshank Redemption" can surpass that of "Midnight"?"

"'The Shawshank Redemption' is so good. When it was first released, the cinemas in our country were almost full. I think it should surpass 'Midnight'."

"I'm not very optimistic about it. "Mucheng at Night" is simply a legendary work in the film industry. No film can surpass it."

"Can "The Shawshank Redemption" surpass "Midnight"? I made an analysis. It is almost a certainty that "The Shawshank Redemption" will be postponed. It is actually difficult to see how much box office results it can achieve in the next month. It is estimated that a movie worthy of our reference is "The Godfather". I specifically checked that the cumulative box office of "The Godfather" in the first month after its release was about 5.7 billion US dollars. Now "The Shawshank Redemption" has surpassed that much. I think in the end The box office performance will exceed that of "Mucheng at Night"."

"You have no reference value at all. There are too many factors to consider. I think it is unlikely that "The Shawshank Redemption" will surpass "The Godfather."

Discussions on Twitter were intense, and people were also arguing about the matter offline.

New York, USA.

In a university, two students were chatting in a film-related class.

The blond-haired boy said: "My point of view is that "Shawshank Redemption" will not surpass "Midnight". I checked the situation when "Midnight" was released. At that time, the self-media was not developed, but it was still popular in the world. It has aroused discussions on a large scale, which shows how popular this movie is to achieve such high box office results."

The students around him nodded frequently, thinking it made sense.

The boy with short brown hair showed no signs of losing his momentum: "There is no comparison between the things you mentioned. Let me give you some real data. Nowadays, you can often see hot topics about "The Shawshank Redemption" on Twitter. I probably checked it out. Suddenly, this movie sparked discussions on film forums in many countries. For such a popular movie, I believe that the box office results will definitely surpass "Much of Night"."

The students around him continued to nod, feeling that what he said made sense.

At this time, the get out of class bell rang.

The teacher said: "You guys can't convince each other, so you can wait another month and the results will come out."

After that, he left the classroom.

The two students still disagreed with each other.

Huaguo, Beijing, General Administration of Culture.

Ye Wen was reading a document that had just been issued. Suddenly she remembered something and immediately called the secretary in.

"Has the official website of the International Cultural Center announced the list of postponed movies?"

"not yet."

Ye Wen made a 'tsk' sound and frowned: "That's not right. Logically speaking, the list should be announced at this time. In this case, you can call to inquire and report to me immediately if you have any news."

"Yes, Bureau Ye." The secretary left quickly to contact the International Cultural Center.

Ye Wen frowned, filled with dissatisfaction with the International Cultural Center.

This was the case when "The Godfather" was released last time, and the news was not released on the official website until the very end.

And this time the same thing happened again.

Ye Wen was thinking about finding an opportunity to report the situation to the leaders above.

Although based on the current box office performance of "The Shawshank Redemption", it is certain that it will be postponed.

It's just that the International Cultural Center has not released any news, so I feel a little worried.


The secretary knocked on the door and came in and reported: "Bureau Ye, the International Cultural Center said that an announcement will be made on the official website soon."

Ye Wen nodded and said, "I understand, go and do your work."

Even though I knew there would be no accident, I felt relieved when I heard the news.

The box office performance of "The Shawshank Redemption" was so good, it was even higher than last year's "The Godfather."

Regarding the topic discussed online, Ye Wen certainly hopes more than anyone else that the box office performance of "Shawshank Redemption" can exceed that of "Midnight".

If "The Shawshank Redemption" can top the global box office list this time, it will naturally have an impact on Tan Yue.

As the director of the General Administration of Culture, Ye Wen is more concerned about the far-reaching impact it has on Chinese films.

Over the past 20 to 30 years, Chinese films have not been successful in the global film market, and their reputation is even worse.

Of course, Ye Wen also knows the situation of domestic films. It is impossible to turn things around with one film, but it is certain to improve the reputation of Chinese films in the global film market.

As long as the wind becomes popular, Ye Wen can do a lot.

More than an hour later.

The International Cultural Center announced two films that have been postponed, one is "The Shawshank Redemption" and the other is "Moon Walk With Me."

They ranked first and second respectively at the global box office for this period.

This matter did not cause much discussion on the Internet, after all, it has been a common practice in the past. On the contrary, if there is no announcement about the postponement of offline, it may be on the top of the hot search.

Now more people are focusing on one month later. They want to see if this "Shawshank Redemption" can create a miracle?

Can it set a new box office record?

Magic City.

The fourth floor of a large shopping mall in a busy street is where the cinema is located.

Naturally, the number of people in the cinema at this time cannot be compared with that during the Spring Festival.

However, due to the weekend, the cinema was very busy today.

Among the crowd, there was a girl wearing a white coat. Her appearance was outstanding and attracted the attention of many people.

Her name was Zhuang Bailin, and she was a white-collar worker working in Shanghai. During the weekend, she came to the cinema to watch "The Shawshank Redemption".

Today was her first time watching this movie, and she felt very good after watching it.

She has been working in this place for five or six years. After watching the movie, Zhuang Bailin felt like she was living in a prison. Apart from work, she had no free time at all every day.

Her favorite part of the whole movie was the moment when Andy crawled out of the sewer, and her whole soul was liberated in this moment.

Zhuang Bailin ignored the looks of people around her and walked outside the cinema. The standing poster for "The Shawshank Redemption" caught her attention. When she saw Tan Yue's name, she couldn't help but think of some past events.

She also has another identity, Qi Xue's cousin.

In fact, Zhuang Bailin didn't know much about Tan Yue and the others. After all, this cousin is a public figure, and her private affairs are rarely disclosed to outsiders.

"I wonder if she regrets it now?"

Ever since the two of them divorced, they never mentioned the matter when they got together during holidays, as if it had never happened.

Zhuang Bailin smiled helplessly and lamented the fate of people.

She knew that her cousin wanted to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry, so she kicked Tan Yue away.

But no one expected that today, many years later, Tan Yue would become a major international director and have huge influence around the world.

One movie after another has been loved by countless audiences around the world.

Zhuang Bailin looked at the poster but didn't pay attention to it. She muttered in her heart: "What a pity. It's such a pity."

If my cousin had not chosen to divorce, with Tan Yue's help, she might have already become famous internationally.

Suddenly, a noisy sound came from behind, pulling Zhuang Bailin back from her thoughts.

"Do you want to go see the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?"

Several young people looked around at several posters and discussed what movies they wanted to watch.

"I watched it during the Chinese New Year. If I don't want to watch it again, why not watch another movie."

"There don't seem to be any good movies."

Several people were in trouble for a while.

"Went in to see what other movies there were. If we couldn't find anything good, we went to see "The Shawshank Redemption."

"no problem."

Several people walked into the cinema playfully.

Zhuang Bailin withdrew her gaze, left the cinema and found a nearby place to drink coffee. She took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the movie ticket, and then began to edit the text.

This movie made her feel like her soul had been liberated. She had never felt like this when watching a movie before.

Such a wonderful movie, even though it has been released for a month, she decided to post on WeChat Moments to promote "The Shawshank Redemption".

After deleting and deleting a paragraph of text, Zhuang Bailin still felt that she could not explain her current mood.

She kept revising it until the coffee was ready.

"No, you can't send it." Zhuang Bailin suddenly remembered that she was not only friends with cousin Qi Xue but also friends with cousin Qi Xue's parents.

It would not be appropriate if this circle of friends is seen by them.

What does it mean that you are promoting her ex-husband’s movie in your circle of friends?

Zhuang Bailin deleted all the edited text and replaced it with: Today is the weekend, go out and watch a movie.

The photo was also changed to a selfie with a coffee cup in hand.

Then I scrolled through my phone boredly, preparing to finish my coffee and go shopping.

I can only have one day off a week, and I can’t go out for a walk every weekend.

"It's unexpectedly been postponed." Zhuang Bailin scrolled through Weibo and was very happy when she saw the news that "The Shawshank Redemption" had been postponed for one month.

She likes this movie very much, and since it has been postponed for a month, she plans to watch it again during her next break.

Unlike those young people, as I grow older, movies like "The Shawshank Redemption" become more comfortable to watch.

More than half an hour later.

Zhuang Bailin finished her coffee, picked up her bag, and started walking around the mall.

The sun sets in the west, night falls, and the moon hangs high in the sky.

Single city.

In an iron pot stew restaurant, it was very noisy and lively.

The weather hasn't warmed up yet, so stewing everything in an iron pot is a good choice in winter.

Near the door, Gou Sang was drinking with his two good friends.

Gou Sang picked up the cup and said: "Thank you two brothers for celebrating my birthday with me. Without further ado, I'll drink this glass of wine, you can do whatever you want."

Today is Gou Sang's birthday. As a single, I can only call two friends to drink together.

After a glass of white wine, the three of them ate together in perfect harmony.

The pot had been simmering for half an hour, and they waited until the goose was cooked before they started eating.

After three rounds of drinking, drunkenness gradually appeared.

Gou Sang shouted loudly: "Today's goal must be to get ashore."

The whole hotel was very noisy, and almost everyone was drinking and no one cared about talking loudly.

"come on!"

"Come, let's have a drink together."

Gou Sang would say this every time he drank, and the two friends had long been accustomed to it.

An hour has not passed yet, and the one-pound bottle of liquor has reached its bottom.

The three of them also chatted from south to north, from east to west, ranging from major national affairs to trivial matters.

As the protagonist, Gou Sang drank the most. He leaned against the wall and muttered loudly: "Have you seen the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?"

"I watched it with my partner."

"I watched it with my wife."

"I wouldn't have discussed this topic if I had known it." Gou Sang scratched his head and said: "These days, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether "The Shawshank Redemption" can surpass "The Dark City". Let me tell you, this is inevitable. .”

"how do you know?"

"I guessed it!"

"Can you guess?"

"Then who knows if it can be exceeded, don't say anything and continue drinking."

Gou Sang stretched out his hand and interrupted: "Don't talk, listen to me first. Let me tell you that the box office of "The Shawshank Redemption" will definitely exceed that of "Midnight". This movie is really great, even better than "The Godfather" It looks better. If you don’t believe it, we can make a bet.”

The two friends made eye contact, and knowing that Gou Sang had drunk too much, they both said, "We believe it."

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