Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 108 Teacher Tan's New Girlfriend?

Chapter 108 Teacher Tan's New Girlfriend?

The ratings of the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" are 15.37!

In the second episode, the audience rating was 13.89. Compared with the previous two episodes, the increase in the ratings of the program has not decreased!

In the conference room, everyone looked at each other.

The entertainment channel has forgotten that there has been no show with a rating of 15 for several years.

A show with a rating of over 10 is already very good.

Like "I Am a Singer", before the appearance of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", the ratings broke 13, which is undoubtedly the first.

This is also the reason why the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" broke through 15 last time, and the reason why the entertainment channel was so shaken.

Wu Xuemin took a deep breath, crossed his fingers tightly on his knees, and turned to look at Tan Yue.

This time "I Am a Singer" broke through [-]% again after three months.The last time it was able to break [-]%, it was also because Tan Yue participated in the live audition, which drove up the ratings and made the ratings of "I Am a Singer" soar.

This is the second time that the ratings have exceeded [-]%, and it is definitely the highest brilliance since the program "I Am a Singer" was broadcast.

Wu Xuemin is also looking forward to overtaking "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", but the reality is very cruel. The gap between the two programs is getting bigger and bigger!

There was only a small gap between the two programs in the last episode, but now they are no longer on the same level!
Hearing the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" reached 15.37, Wu Xuemin was suddenly depressed at first, but soon recovered.

He could tell that "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" was definitely another hit show on the level of "Tree of Wisdom".

"I Am a Singer" was smashed to the ground in terms of ratings, but he watched it even more.

Tan Yue was talking with the chief planners of several other program groups around him. When he moved his eyes, he also saw Wu Xuemin's sizing up.

Tan Yue nodded with a smile, and Wu Xuemin also smiled and nodded in response.

Tan Yue was a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" would soar and suppress "I Am a Singer", Wu Xuemin would be more embarrassed. Now it seems that this guy has figured it out. .

The meeting room was in a mess, and everyone was shocked by the extremely high ratings of the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". The director Gao Quan sat on a chair and watched everyone's reactions, but did not stop immediately. When he had finished speaking, Gao Quancai clapped his hands, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

After calming down, Gao Quan looked at Tan Yue and said, "The results of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" are going up very well. It's only the third period. I didn't even think of it."

"Currently, there are only two programs with an audience rating of more than 80 percent. One is "Tree of Wisdom" and the other is our "Talk Show for Post-[-]s Tonight."

"The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" last week was 15.89, which is higher than ours."

"However, our program has more potential!"

"I hope Teacher Tan and Director Zhang will continue to work hard and strive to surpass "Tree of Wisdom" as soon as possible."

Gao Quan's tone was gentle, and he slowly encouraged Tan Yue and Zhang Peng.

Although he is a leader and can directly put pressure on the program groups, he is very satisfied with the achievements of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". The group is too stressful.

Besides, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" was so strong that it seemed to be the number one key program in the station, so he didn't dare to put pressure on Tan Yue.

The current Tan Yue has gradually gained the status of Li Shutang in the stage. Although his qualifications are far inferior to Li Shutang's, he has made two hit shows, and his qualifications have surpassed most of the chief planners.

In the future, I will do a few more programs, that is, Li Shutang in the second station, and the director must pay for it.

Tan Yue listened to Gao Quan saying that he wanted to surpass "Tree of Wisdom" as soon as possible, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Why did this sound a bit awkward? At the beginning, he brought "Tree of Wisdom" to such a high level, but now he To catch up with new programs.

Gao Quan said something more, and this weekly meeting came to an end.

After the meeting ended, the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" spread rapidly.

In the past few weeks, every Monday after the regular meeting, the most talked about is the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

Now, it seems to have become a "tradition".

Many people are paying attention to "Tonight Post-80s Talk Show". Now this program has replaced "I Am a Singer" and has become a new face of the entertainment channel.

When many people mention entertainment channels, they will talk about "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", which has played the leading position. Of course, everyone pays more attention to the leading sheep of their own channel.

On the entertainment channel, many people knew the news that the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" reached 15.37.


"Isn't that awesome? It's directly increased to 15.37!"

"That's right, the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" has aired, and the momentum of the soaring ratings has not slowed down at all!"

"Hahahaha, although it's not our show, I'm actually happier seeing the popularity of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" than our show's ratings!"

"Our entertainment channel used to be the big brother in the station, but now it is overtaken by the children's channel. With the horrible ratings of "Tree of Wisdom", I originally thought that we would not be able to regain this top position in the short term. Now I think there is hope. gone."

"Yes, yes, according to the rising ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", it will definitely catch up with "Tree of Wisdom"."

In the past, when "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" was just launched, many program groups in the entertainment channel regarded it as a competitor, but now as the gap is getting bigger and bigger, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" has already become popular in Taiwan. Now that it can represent the entertainment channel, many people no longer regard "80s Talk Show Tonight" as an opponent, but hope that "80s Talk Show Tonight" can surpass "Wisdom Tree" and give a sigh of relief for the entertainment channel .

Still, it's kind of funny when you think about it.

It was Tan Yue who made the entertainment channel lose face in the past, but now it is Tan Yue who is about to restore face to the entertainment channel.

All I can say is that life is impermanent.

In the program group of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", colleagues in the first two episodes knew that the ratings were obtained from other program groups, but Tan Yue and Zhang Peng did not go to the director's office for this episode. I told everyone about the ratings of the program 15.37.

"The ratings of our program are 15.37."

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Zhang Peng said slowly.

As soon as the words fell, the program group of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" went viral!
Some female colleagues were overly excited, and their sharp exclamations attracted many people to look over.

However, in front of the ratings of 15.37, these are small details, and no one cares.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Hiss! I've been in Taiwan for so many years, and it's the first time I've produced a program with an audience rating of more than [-] percent."

"Hey, co-authoring is the same as the show you have made before with over [-]% ratings."

"The ratings increase of our program will exceed that of "Tree of Wisdom". If this continues, it will definitely surpass "Tree of Wisdom"!"

When the ratings of the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" came out, Tan Yue and Zhang Peng had a private discussion. Before lunch, everyone had a meeting to talk about the show.

At the same time, many people in Jishui City TV Station know the ratings of the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". The ratings of the latest episode of "Tree of Wisdom" have been released, and now everyone is waiting How far can "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" go?

However, it is obvious that the results of the program have exceeded everyone's expectations.

"The ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" on the entertainment channel have come out."

"How many?"


"Ah? Really fake?"

"When I first heard about it, I was also taken aback. I don't know when it started, but programs with a rating of over 15 appeared frequently on our station."

People's Livelihood Channel,

"The ratings of the third episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is 15.37!"

"According to this trend, the fourth period will not break 16?"

"The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" is 15.89, right? It's a bit stronger, but the follow-up development potential still doesn't seem to be comparable to "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show."

"Then who knows, these two programs are the only ones on our station."

"Yeah, the ratings are getting closer and closer. I think Mr. Tan is still the best, and all his shows are tsk tsk."

"I heard that the director of our channel complained during the regular meeting that Mr. Qin of "Folk Talk" didn't recognize Maxima, which caused our channel to miss talents."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the director must be full of regrets. If "Tonight's 80s Talk Show" and "Wisdom Tree" are both programs on our children's channel, the director can't go to heaven?"

After eating at noon, Tan Yue leaned on the chair and browsed the forum.

On the forum, there are many discussion posts about "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

Moreover, Tan Yue found that not only the local forums in Jishui City, but even some well-known forums on the entire Internet, can search for "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight", which means that some people in these forums have begun to pay attention to this file show up.

Unlike "Tree of Wisdom", the audience of "Tree of Wisdom" is mainly concentrated on children. These children are not the main force of the Internet. If they want to become popular on the Internet, they can only wait many years later. The children who watched "Tree of Wisdom" at the beginning grown up.

Unlike "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", the audience of this program is adults. As long as the program is of high quality, it is normal to cause discussions on the Internet.

After reading the forum for a while, his eyes felt a little sore. Tan Yue was about to turn off his phone for a lunch break when his phone vibrated suddenly.

Someone called. Tan Yue looked at the contact person displayed on the screen. It was his sister-in-law, An Nuan.

Tan Yue pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and said softly, "Sister-in-law."

"Xiao Yue, are you at work?" An Nuan's gentle voice came from the phone.

"Yes, I'm at work now, sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Uncle and aunt came to the city. I walked around with them and wanted to visit your house, but they didn't have the key. Let me get the key."

Tan Yue didn't expect his parents to come, and said, "I'll send it over later."

Anyway, it's noon, and it's still Monday, so there aren't many things to do, so Tan Yue can take his lunch break, or take two hours off in the afternoon.

After hearing Tan Yue's words, An Nuan said quickly: "No more, Xiao Yue, I'm already in a taxi, I'll call you when I arrive at your unit later, and you can just drop it off for me, okay, first Hang up."

After speaking, An Nuan hung up the phone.

Tan Yue looked at his phone and knew that An Nuan was afraid of delaying his work, so he smiled. Compared with his previous life and his girlfriend, although he didn't have a girlfriend in this life, he still had relatives.

Every time I think of these people, I feel warm and caring.

Holding the phone in his hand, Tan Yue lay down on the table to rest.

Twenty minutes later, the phone vibrated, and An Nuan had already arrived under the unit building. Tan Yue rubbed his cheeks, took the key, got up and went downstairs.

Momo watched the popular variety show on Shonan Satellite TV at noon, and didn't sleep. She suddenly saw Tan Yue hurrying downstairs, and raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling that there was something wrong.

After Tan Yue walked away, Momo got up and walked to the glass window, looking down.

After a while, Tan Yue came out from the gate and chatted with a woman with a good temperament and a good figure.

Moreover, they chatted very happily. It can be seen that Mr. Tan should like that woman very much.

under the building,
Tan Yue handed over the key to An Nuan, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, do you want to go up and have a look? I'll show you around."

An Nuan was a little moved when she heard this, but she still shook her head and said, "I won't watch it, your parents are still waiting at the gate of the community."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll show you around next time I have a chance."

An Nuan smiled and said, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Tan Yue thought for a while and said, "I want to eat meatballs. I haven't eaten that kind of fresh meatballs for a long time."

Tan Yue was not very interested in meat before, but he liked to eat fresh meatballs, which taste delicious with vinegar.

An Nuan looked at the gluttonous Tan Yue, nodded and smiled, "Okay, come back early tonight, we'll be waiting for you at home."

Tan Yue nodded heavily.

After watching An Nuan get into the taxi and leave, Tan Yue turned and walked back to the TV station building, but he didn't know that there was a girl upstairs looking at him with a melancholy expression.

Momo didn't know how she was feeling right now, she couldn't describe the feeling, but she definitely felt uncomfortable.

Who is he?

I've never seen him smile so happily at anyone.

Is it his new girlfriend?
No, Mr. Tan is so busy, how can he have time to make a girlfriend. . .

Momo's heart was pounding, and she returned to her work station in a daze. Before she could sit down, she saw Tan Yue walking over with a smile on her face.


Seeing that Tan Yue was so happy seeing other women, Momo was dissatisfied, and suddenly summoned up her courage to stop Tan Yue.

Tan Yue looked at Momo suspiciously, and said, "What's wrong?"

Being stared at by Tan Yue, Momo suddenly felt guilty, opened her mouth, and only said: "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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