Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1083 Development Plan

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

There was a pile of documents on the desk, and Tan Yue looked through them one by one. Two hours later, there was still a small part of the last document left.

Yesterday, he asked Chen Ye to notify the directors of all departments and submit a detailed report on their respective departments.

During this period of time, I have been busy with matters related to "The Shawshank Redemption". I only have a general grasp of the company's situation, but I don't have a detailed understanding yet.

The movie will be offline soon, so there is no need to continue to expend energy on it.


The interview attracted attention abroad, and Bright Entertainment was paid attention to by many large foreign entertainment companies.

If he wants to develop stably in the fiercely competitive international entertainment industry, Tan Yue must first understand and master the situation of each department of the company in detail, so as to be fully prepared for future development.

'Boom boom boom'.

Tan Yue said: "Come in."

Chen Ye opened the door and came in, saying: "Mr. Tan, it's time for the meeting."

Tan Yue glanced at the time. It was now nine forty, twenty minutes before the meeting started.

This meeting was announced yesterday afternoon, and all senior executives of Bright Entertainment Company must attend.

After all, the meeting involves the future development of the company, and no one can be absent.

"Is the PPT ready?"

"It's ready to be sent to your email."

Tan Yue put down the documents in his hands, opened his mailbox, and started browsing.

A few minutes later, Tan Yue said with satisfaction: "You did a good job. You go to the conference room to prepare. I'll be there right away."


After Chen Ye left, Tan Yue continued to look down at the last document that he had not yet read.

There are only simple contents on the PPT, and everything to be discussed in the meeting is in the notebook at hand.

After reading the detailed situation of each department, he can put forward some targeted development plans.

The development situation of each department is different, and the market is even more different. There are huge differences.

There was still a very small part of the last document, and it took Tan Yue a few minutes to read it.

Then I quickly wrote something in my notebook.

There are eight minutes until the meeting starts.

Tan Yue sorted out some documents that would be used in the meeting and put his notebook on top. As soon as he opened the office door, he met Chen Ziyu.

"I was just wondering if you had gone to the conference room, but I didn't expect you hadn't gone yet."

"I haven't read the documents submitted by the artist management department." Tan Yue gestured to the notebook in his hand and said, "I just finished my work."

"The meeting is about to start, let's go."

The two people went to the conference room together.

The conference room chosen for this meeting is the largest one in the company, located on the eighth floor.

In the conference room, all directors and deputy directors of Bright Entertainment Company have arrived and are sitting and chatting.

"Old Zheng, it's okay this time. "Shawshank Redemption" has achieved such high box office results. This year's KPI has been completed, right?" Qin Tao said jokingly.

Zheng Tong looked helpless: "Mr. Tan's movies will not be counted in the performance of our department, so it is too early to complete the KPI."

Other directors and deputy directors laughed happily.

Only Zheng Tong looked sad.

Since Tan Yue assigned himself a task at the last meeting, he has been under great pressure. Every day he thinks about where to buy a good script that can be released in the global film market.

There has been no whereabouts.

After returning from the Spring Festival, one such meeting was held.

Therefore, many people are confused as to why they would do it again?

"Mr. Tan, Mr. Chen." Chen Ye, who was waiting at the door, said, "The equipment has been debugged."

"it is good."

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu walked into the conference room.

The originally noisy conference room suddenly became much quieter.

The directors and deputy directors of various departments greeted each other.

Chen Ziyu asked: "Is everyone here?"

"We're all here." A supervisor responded.

"Then let's get started."

People in the entire conference room stopped talking and chatted. They opened their notebooks and were ready to record the important content of the meeting.

Tan Yue said: "I'm informing everyone to come over for a meeting today. The main purpose is to talk about the next development plan."

"I know some people may ask, if I haven't already opened it once after returning from the Chinese New Year, why do I still open it?"

The PPT on the big screen changed, showing a set of data.

Tan Yuedao: "This data is the number of clicks on some mainstream foreign social platforms after my interview was reported by the media yesterday."

“The purpose of showing you this data is not to tell you how popular it is, but to tell you that our company’s attention abroad has increased significantly.”

"This is naturally a good thing for our company, after all, it is the same as our development plan."

"However." Tan Yue paused and continued: "There will also be greater pressure."

"In the past two or three years, our company has also started to make preliminary contacts with some large foreign companies. Even if I don't tell you, I believe you should know how competitive the international entertainment industry is."

"If our company wants to develop in such a complex environment, every step we take must be prudent enough."

All the executives, including Chen Ziyu, were listening carefully to Tan Yue's explanation.

They also gradually understood the importance of this meeting and listened more carefully and carefully.

After Tan Yue explained the reasons for adding this meeting, he then began to talk about the situation of various departments.

The first thing mentioned is the film department.

Zheng Tong was under great pressure and stared at Tan Yue intently. He picked up a pen and was ready to record at all times, for fear of missing key content.

Tan Yuedao: "Currently, the film department has four films in preparation, and one is about to start shooting. These films."

Tan Yue introduced the situation of a film department for more than 20 minutes.

Finally, he added: "I won't repeat the importance of the film department. The development goals set for you are the minimum standards. I hope you will stay motivated despite the pressure and strive to achieve better results."

After listening, Zheng Tong took a deep breath and suddenly felt that the burden on his body was much heavier.

But the development of Cuican Entertainment abroad relies on movies, and he has to shoulder these important responsibilities.

After talking about the film department, Tan Yue started talking about the artist management department.

More than two hours later.

Tan Yue took a sip of water and said: "I hope you can customize a goal for yourself. How to achieve this goal needs to be planned by yourself. In the next few days, I hope you can come up with a plan and give it to me. .”

The expressions on the faces of several department directors were solemn, and their responsibilities were much heavier than before.

"Ziyu, are you okay?"

"No more." Chen Ziyu shook his head and replied.

Tan Yue turned to look at everyone and said, "Do you have any more questions?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

"Today's meeting ends here. Let's go to dinner quickly." Tan Yue stood up and said.

It's already time to get off work at noon. As everyone left, Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu went to the restaurant to eat.

in the afternoon.

After lunch, Tan Yue returned to the office, made himself a cup of tea, and sat on the sofa to rest.

This time, letting the directors of each department determine their own development goals and plan development plans has two purposes.

First, compared to Tan Yue, they will have a better understanding of the situation in their own departments and have greater advantages in formulating goals and plans.

The company sets ultimate goals for each department, and it is up to them to figure out how to achieve them.

The second purpose is that Tan Yue wants to cultivate their ability to make plans.

As the company develops, it may even establish branches abroad in the future. The directors of various departments under him may be transferred abroad to manage branches.

Then they need to make their own decisions.

Tan Yue continued to sip tea.

He has no plans to take a lunch break today.

He went to bed early yesterday, and he is now in a very energetic state.

Tan Yue looked at a piece of tea leaf floating in the water glass and fell into thinking.

Although "The Shawshank Redemption" broke the world's highest box office record and became the highest-grossing movie in the world.

But then he had to face a question - what to make the next movie?

"The Shawshank Redemption" not only raised the highest box office record in global film history, but also raised the demands of the audience.

If the new movie's box office results are average, it will have a serious impact on the development of Bright Entertainment Company.

Of course, the box office performance mentioned in it is average, but it is not really average.

Several of Tan Yue's films were released simultaneously in the global film market, and almost every one of them achieved very high box office results.

This will also make the audience have very high expectations for each of his movies.

If the response after release is mediocre, the negative impact will be very large.

For Tan Yue himself, it doesn't matter to him. He is quite satisfied with his current achievements.

However, Tan Yue did not want to see a negative impact on Bright Entertainment Company.

It is not easy for Bright Entertainment Company to develop from a medium-sized company to what it is today. It is the result of the joint efforts of everyone.

He hopes that the development of Bright Entertainment Company will get better and better.

Tan Yue took a deep breath and leaned on the sofa, feeling a little melancholy for a moment.

How to choose the next movie is a very big problem.

He had also considered taking up music before, but the impact this brought was relatively small and could not be compared with a movie.

The path of music is suitable for Bright Entertainment Company to consider after becoming famous internationally.

Tan Yue took a sip of tea, and the movies flashed through his mind one after another, but he just couldn't think of a movie that met the requirements.

After all, "The Shawshank Redemption" has been dubbed the "No. 1 film in history" on earth.

It is naturally difficult to find a movie comparable to "The Shawshank Redemption".

But it's not impossible.

With Tan Yue's current influence in the global film industry, as long as the quality of the film can be guaranteed, the box office performance will definitely be good.

And there are actors like Ma Guoliang, Fan Shan and Zhou Can, so there is no need to worry.

After a while of brainstorming, Tan Yue leaned on the sofa, rubbed his temples, and whispered: "It's too difficult."

He doesn't have any ideas for his next film yet.

First of all, the quality must be worthy of the audience, and secondly, the box office performance must be guaranteed.

'Dong dong dong' A sudden knock on the door interrupted Tan Yue's thoughts. Before he could speak, the office door was pushed open.

"Why are you here?"

The person who came in was Chen Ziyu.

Chen Ziyu held a box in his hand and said, "I thought it would disturb your lunch break, but I didn't expect you didn't take any rest."

"I went to bed a little early yesterday, and I'm not sleepy yet." Tan Yue said, "Why didn't you rest?"

Chen Ziyu said with a smile: "I'm not sleepy either."

"What's in the box?"

"I almost forgot about this." Chen Ziyu opened the box and said: "These are some fruits I bought. The weather is dry. Eat more fruits to replenish water."

When the box was opened, there were cherries inside.

"It looks quite fresh."

Chen Ziyu nodded and said, "I told their boss specifically."

She prefers to eat fruits, so she specially added the contact information of the fruit shop owner so that she can contact her directly every time she wants to eat.

"Let's wash up and eat later."

Tan Yue said "hmm".

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Ziyu noticed that Tan Yue frowned slightly. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell.

This is because the two people have been together for a long time and are very familiar with each other.

Tan Yue said: "Just now I was thinking about how to shoot the next movie?"

He told Chen Ziyu what he had just thought.

"So you're worried about this!" Chen Ziyu joked: "I think you can choose to retire, just like the director of "The Dark City", and stop acting from now on."

She didn't want Tan Yue to be under pressure.

Now that "Shawshank Redemption" has not been released, Tan Yue has already started thinking about the next movie, which is simply "Desperate Saburo".

Let alone China, even abroad, you can't find a director as prolific as Tan Yue.

Over the years, there is a movie released almost every year, and sometimes there is even a TV series.

What's more, the box office performance of the movie and the ratings of the TV series are not bad, which requires more energy to be invested in it.

Tan Yue smiled and shook his head, exhaling the breath that was stuck in his heart.

Chen Ziyu said: "You should take a good rest and don't rush the movie."

She knew that Tan Yue was so anxious because of the company's development in the international entertainment industry, and she was very happy from the boss's perspective.

But Tan Yue is her boyfriend and family member.

Chen Ziyu hopes that Tan Yue can really rest for a while.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. I will put the movie aside for a while."

Chen Ziyu took Tan Yue's hand and said, "That's right. The body is the capital of revolution."

The two chatted for a while.

After Chen Ziyu left, Tan Yue stood by the window, stretching, looking at all kinds of passers-by on the busy street outside, sighing, thinking: Ziyu, I can't rest now.

Now that the popularity is booming, it is an excellent opportunity for development for Bright Entertainment Company.

Once you miss it, it’s no longer a question of waiting for the next time, but whether there will be another time?

Tan Yue is not sure that the box office of his next movie will be comparable to "The Shawshank Redemption".

Filming of the movie will definitely continue.

Tan Yue closed his eyes and continued to think about high-quality works in his mind.

The pace of development cannot be stopped no matter what. (End of chapter)

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