Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1111 Booting up

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Tan Yue returned to the hotel.

"Xiao Feng, thank you for your hard work today. You picked me up at the airport and ran around with me."

"It's okay, it's all what I should do." Xiao Feng said: "Mr. Tan, I have made arrangements. Someone will bring dinner to you later."

"Okay." Tan Yue asked, "How are the preparations for tomorrow's power-on ceremony?"

"Everything is ready and it can be held tomorrow."

The two chatted briefly, and Xiao Feng got up and left.

The accompanying assistant comes in.

Tan Yue said: "How is everyone's situation? Are there many people coming down for dinner?"

"Most of them came down to eat, rested for a few hours, and recovered quite well. The two employees who were sent to the hospital have also returned and checked into their rooms."

Tan Yue nodded and said: "Notice that the power-on ceremony will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow. We will go there by car together in the morning. If they are not in good health, let them stay in the hotel."

"Okay, Mr. Tan."

"After you're done, you should take the time to go back and rest."

"Mr. Tan, I'm going back first."

After the accompanying assistant left, Tan Yue was the only one left in the huge suite. He suddenly felt sleepy and couldn't help but yawn.

Tan Yue picked up his phone, opened WeChat, and made a video call with Chen Ziyu.

Chen Ziyu answered almost instantly and asked with concern: "Have you returned to the hotel?"

"I'm back." Tan Yue raised his phone and took a picture of the room.

“This hotel looks pretty good.”

"This place is a tourist attraction and the economy is developing well." Tan Yue said about what he saw and heard this afternoon.

Chen Ziyu listened carefully.

The two decided to make this place one of their destinations on a round-the-world trip.

"At that time, I reminded you to have a good rest and not to rush to work. I didn't expect you to go directly to the set today." When speaking, Chen Ziyu was a bit complaining, but in fact, he was more concerned.

"The filming will start tomorrow, otherwise we will have to spend the filming time to get to know the studio." Tan Yue said with a smile: "I will go there after the break."

"Is the on-site situation feasible to implement the shooting plan you discussed at that time?"

"The situation is roughly the same as what was discussed at the time. It will probably need to be adjusted when we build the equipment tomorrow."

Chen Ziyu held her chin and said, "How are the preparations for the power-on ceremony going?"

"Everything is ready, starting at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

'Ding dong, ding dong' Hearing the doorbell, Tan Yue said: "Wait for me, dinner should be here."

Chen Ziyu made an 'OK' gesture.

Tan Yue opened the door, the waiter brought the food in and then left.

"So hungry!"

Tan Yue smelled the aroma of food and his stomach growled.

"What to eat?"

Tan Yue moved his phone and said, "It's a soup made by our own chef."

"Let's eat."

"Is the company busy today?"

Tan Yue chatted with Chen Ziyu while eating.

Half an hour later.

Tan Yue said: "You go ahead and do your work first, I'll go wash up."

Chen Ziyu said "Hmm": "Have a good rest after washing up."


The two ended the call.

Tan Yue got up and went to wash up.

I didn't get a good rest on the plane. If I hadn't taken a nap in the afternoon, my body would have been unable to withstand it.

After a hearty meal, the feeling of exhaustion swept over me again.

Tan Yue quickened the pace of washing and wanted to lie down and sleep quickly.

The next day.

Today is the last day of August, and it is also the day when the opening ceremony of "Titanic" is held.

After a night's rest, Tan Yue finally came back to life with full health.

After breakfast, he was studying the script in his room. After the opening ceremony, filming was about to begin.

He had already seen the real situation on the set and took this time to consider what needed to be adjusted.

The ringing of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts, and Tan Yue stood up to open the door.

Xiao Feng stood at the door and said, "Mr. Tan, the two buses are ready and waiting downstairs."

Tan Yue glanced at the time: "Let's go and see if everyone has packed their things? We'll set off on time at eight o'clock."

Xiao Feng left in response.

Tan Yue returned to the room and continued to study the positioning for shooting.

As for the opening ceremony of "Titanic", he didn't take it particularly seriously. After all, it was just a formality.

Not long after, two buses departed from the hotel.

At this time, the opening ceremony of "Titanic" was quite lively, with many domestic and foreign mainstream media gathered.

"Titanic" is going to be released simultaneously around the world. Since all domestic mainstream media have invited it, foreign media are also welcome.

With "The Shawshank Redemption" achieving such dazzling results in the global film market, Tan Yue's global influence has risen to unprecedented heights.

After "Much of Night", which had been dominating the charts before, became the number one box office hit in global film history, the director never made another movie.

This also makes many people look forward to whether Tan Yue will continue to make movies?

After all, Tan Yue is still very young.

After these mainstream media received the invitation from Bright Entertainment Company, they agreed without saying a word.

Tan Yue's filming of a new movie is big news in the international entertainment industry.

No media outlet wants to miss out.

Therefore, many media rushed to the scene early this morning, fearing that they could not find a good shooting angle.

"The crew is here."

Someone in the crowd shouted. The photographers who looked like they were carrying "cannons" turned their cameras and focused on the bus. Many media even broke through the obstruction of the security personnel and surrounded the bus. Go up.

The scene was like a fan meeting.

Tan Yue got out of the car. Many microphones were handed over directly, and reporters speaking in various languages ​​​​asked questions.

Tan Yue showed a helpless smile, and then said: "Everyone, please be quiet first."

The media from various countries seemed to know that Tan Yue was going to speak, so they kept quiet in a tacit understanding.

Tan Yue said: "I know you are very anxious and want to ask me some questions, but please don't be anxious. I will talk about the questions you want to ask at the opening ceremony. It's not long before the opening ceremony starts. I hope everyone can cooperate. Our work, thank you all!”

Finally, blocked by security personnel, reporters from various countries had to give up and wait for the opening ceremony to begin.

The film's creative staff and crew members got off the car one after another.

Tan Yue was not idle, checking all the preparations for the power-on ceremony.

The opening ceremony was still the same as before, focusing on keeping everything simple.

Time passes slowly.

Xiao Feng trotted to Tan Yue and said, "Mr. Tan, it's almost nine o'clock. Will the power-on ceremony begin?"

"let's start."

Xiao Feng directly joined the host, took the microphone, walked on the stage, and said: "Everyone, the power-on ceremony will begin soon."

All eyes at the scene were focused on a temporary stage, and the noisy scene became quiet for a while.

Xiao Feng looked at the time and saw that it had just reached nine o'clock. He picked up the microphone and said: "Welcome everyone to the opening ceremony of the "Titanic" movie. I declare that the opening ceremony has officially begun."

The opening ceremony was a stage built at a temporary venue.

It was originally planned to arrange the launch ceremony at the pier, but considering that the model of the Titanic would be exposed in advance.

In order to keep it secret, we had to change the place. .

The startup ceremony was still the same as before, and was carried out step by step under the auspices of Xiao Feng.

All aspects were very smooth, without any mistakes.

The entire crew is made up of senior members of the company from top to bottom, and they are also familiar with various processes.

The opening ceremony also progressed relatively quickly.

Xiao Feng said: "Now I would like to invite director Tan Yuetan, the director and screenwriter of the movie "Titanic", to speak."

The scene erupted in cheers, and all the cameras were focused on Tan Yue, who was walking towards the stage.

Tan Yue took the microphone: "First of all, I would like to thank my media friends from all over the world. Your enthusiasm today surprised me."

Then he continued with a smile: "It's not convenient to reveal too much about the content of this movie right now. What I can tell you is that this is a movie with the theme of romantic love. Love has always been a matter of love. It’s unclear, this movie just shows one aspect of love.”

"I can only say so much about the movie right now. If you want to know more, please wait until the movie is released."

Tan Yue paused, looked around the media, and continued: "I know many people want to ask me a question, will the box office performance of this movie exceed "The Shawshank Redemption"? My answer is that I do too. I don’t know, of course I hope that the box office performance of this movie will be as high as possible. As for the final box office performance, it’s not particularly important to me, as long as the audience likes it.”

"Thank you everyone, and I will give the time to my colleagues."

Then Liu Qian, Li Youfan and other creative staff came on stage.

Apart from Tan Yue, the one that reporters from various countries are most interested in is Li Youfan.

Liu Qian has appeared in Tan Yue's movies, and many people know her.

As for Li Youfan, except for a few domestic media, the foreign media did not know him at all.

They thought that Tan Yue would find internationally famous actors such as Ma Guoliang, Fan Shan, and Zhou Can to play the leading role, but they did not expect that a completely different person would appear.

Reporters from domestic media were quite surprised. They knew that Li Youfan was a "little fresh meat" before and his acting skills were really stiff.

In the blink of an eye, the opening ceremony has been going on for nearly two hours.

Xiao Feng took the microphone from others and walked onto the stage and said: "The opening ceremony of "Titanic" is almost coming to an end. On behalf of the crew, I would like to thank everyone for coming."

After bowing deeply, he continued: "Everyone from the crew of "Titanic" please come to the stage and let's take a group photo together."

Tan Yue, a group of creative staff and crew members stood on the stage, holding a banner and saying: "I wish the crew of "Titanic" a good start!"

The opening ceremony of "Titanic" was successfully completed!

Seeing that Tan Yue was busy with the opening ceremony, how could the reporters let it go? For them, as long as they asked about something, it would be big news outside.

On Tan Yue's way back to the bus, many media outlets chased after him.

Tan Yue had already expected it, and wanted to leave quickly, but saw too many media outlets, so he had to accept the interview.

"Say in advance that you won't ask the questions I just mentioned at the opening ceremony. I don't have the second answer here. It will only waste everyone's time."

One of the reporters asked in awkward Chinese: "Cuican Entertainment is now the only company in China that has entered the international entertainment industry. Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

"There is naturally pressure. We have a saying that only when there is pressure will there be motivation. And I believe that in the near future, more and more domestic entertainment companies will enter the international entertainment industry. Let us open the way for them first and be a pioneer. "

"Director Tan, why did you use Li Youfan this time instead of actors such as Ma Guoliang or Zhou Can who have already been recognized for their strength?"

This is a question from domestic media.

Tan Yue replied: "Teacher Ma and Zhou Can have also come here step by step. This time I chose Li Youfan as the protagonist because I believe in him. He has indeed experienced many things before. He appears on the big screen again." , will definitely bring different surprises to everyone.”

Li Youfan on the other side is also being interviewed.

"What are your expectations for this movie?"

Li Youfan has also experienced this kind of scene. Reporters' questions usually have traps, so he is very careful when answering: "I am very grateful to Mr. Tan for giving me the opportunity to play the leading role this time. I will definitely try my best to complete it." When this movie is released, I hope everyone can come to the cinema to watch it.”

“Can you tell us about the movie?”

"Director Tan has already said everything about the movie at the opening ceremony, so I won't answer this question."

At the film's opening ceremony, the media is of course most concerned about the content of the new film.

However, no one from the crew responded to relevant questions.

Tan Yue glanced at the time and said, "I'll give everyone one last question."

"How long will it take for Titanic to be released to the public?"

"The specific time depends on the progress of the filming. Of course, there are many things to deal with in the post-production period. I will tell you in advance when it is released." Tan Yue said: "I'm sorry, today's interview ends here."

"Mr. Tan!"

"Director Tan!"

"Mr. Tan Yue!"

The media wanted to continue the interview, but were stopped by security personnel.

Li Youfan, Liu Qian and other creative staff also finished the interview and returned to the bus.

The bus slowly left and headed directly to the pier on the seaside.

The staff of the photography team came directly after the opening ceremony.

They have to build a place in advance where they can put the camera.

This time it was very difficult. You needed to set up and run the machine to see if you could find the best angle and shooting position.

After Tan Yue arrived at the set, he immediately got busy and directed the staff on site.

"Move up the number three plane a little bit."

"Move forward to No. 4."

Tan Yue issued instructions through the walkie-talkie. (End of chapter)

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