Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 112 The Moment of Counterattack

Chapter 112 The Moment of Counterattack

"First place, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", ratings 16.15."

"Second place, "I Am a Singer", ratings 13.78."


Gao Quan took the audience rating summary table and read the rating rankings of each program on the channel.

In fact, other people in the conference room were so shocked after hearing the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" at 16.15 that they forgot to use their mobile phones to listen to the latest "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". "The ratings were sent back to each group.

"How many?"


"Let's go, isn't this going to be equal to "Tree of Wisdom" immediately?"

"The momentum is really strong."

"Hahaha, the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" are so high, it seems that the channel will not use all its resources to promote it."

"Yes, yes, with the momentum of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", it can surpass "Tree of Wisdom" without pushing hard!"

For "Wisdom Tree" to have such a high ratings, some chief planners and directors are more excited than Tan Yue and Zhang Peng.

When I didn't know the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", I heard that the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" broke through the 80% mark again, and broke the record of the TV station in the past ten years. Post-[-]s Talk Show" broke into a sweat.

They don't care about the program "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". What they are afraid of is that if the talk show loses to "Wisdom Tree", the channel leaders will also learn to pile up resources for "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". Wouldn't they also be finished.

It's better now!

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng also laughed. Tan Yue had expected that the ratings increase for this episode would not decrease, but Zhang Peng didn't expect this. He originally thought that it would be difficult for the ratings to exceed 16.15% this time. Sixteen, I didn't expect to go directly to [-].

At the same time, news about the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" spread quickly.


entertainment channel,

"Really? 16.15? Did it go up so much?"

"This is indeed the usual growth rate of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". It's just that the ratings are so high, and it can still have such a fast growth rate. I'm convinced!"

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the talk show on our channel can overwhelm "Tree of Wisdom" without any problem."

"That's right, the upper limit of "Tree of Wisdom" is just that high. After all, the current ratings have touched the ceiling of the children's channel."

"The ceiling of our channel is much higher than that of the children's channel."

After the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" came out, many people were shocked.

Even the children's channel was secretly stunned, thinking that "Tree of Wisdom" should not be able to stand up.

After all, the Children's Channel has piled up a lot of resources for "Wisdom Tree" before, but "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" does not have this kind of treatment. Although there are resources, it is really not as good as "Wisdom Tree" supported by the entire channel.

Now, many program groups of the Children's Channel regret wasting so many resources, but also secretly vent their anger.

Leaders, let's see, no matter how much resources you spend on "Tree of Wisdom", won't you still be caught up by "Tree of Wisdom"?

In the office of Li Zheng, Director of Children's Channel,

Li Zheng frowned, looking at the ratings table of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" that he had just inquired about.

The ratings curve on the table is very stable, and the overall trend is a continuous upward trend, which is much better than the ratings curve of "Tree of Wisdom".


Sighing heavily, Li Zheng put down the ratings form in his hand.

He is also gradually understanding now, something is not good.

The Children's Channel has used so many resources to promote "Wisdom Tree", but it has not widened the gap in the ratings of the two programs. On the contrary, it is about to be caught up by "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight".

He has always been very confident in "Tree of Wisdom", but now, he suddenly felt that maybe "Tree of Wisdom" is not as good as "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show"?
Moreover, he is very clear about the ratings ceiling of the children's channel, which is more than [-]%. Now "Tree of Wisdom" has almost reached the ceiling of the ratings of the children's channel. If resources are used to vigorously promote it, it will not have much good effect.

No matter how capable he is, he can still pull the main force of TV, those young and middle-aged people over to watch the children's channel?


On the other hand, for "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", the rating ceiling of the entertainment channel is about four percentage points higher than that of the children's channel, which is 80%. There is room for improvement after "Tonight's Post-[-]s Talk Show" , and it's very big.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door, Li Zheng took a breath and said, "Come in."

Sun Xin, Director of Program Department of Children's Channel, opened the door and walked in.

"Director." Sun Xin yelled when he saw Li Zheng, who was not in good spirits.

Li Zheng nodded, pointed to the chair opposite the desk, and said, "Sit down."

After Sun Xin sat down, Li Zhengcai said, "Come here now, what's the matter?"

Sun Xin nodded with a wry smile when he heard this, and said, "Director, some chief planners and directors on the channel came to me just now, saying that they want to increase publicity and exposure, and strive to produce a good result at the end of the year."

After a pause, Sun Xin added: "It should be the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" that touched them."

Li Zheng hummed, thought for a moment, and said, "They don't have much confidence in "Tree of Wisdom". Maybe some people still read my jokes."

"However, I can also understand their feelings. The end of the year is approaching, and the ratings of their programs have not increased but decreased. It must be heartwarming."

"Well, don't think about it this week, just wait and see, and talk about it next week."

Sun Xin nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and appease them."

Sun Xin understood what Li Zheng meant. He wanted to wait until the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" and "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" came out next week before making a decision.

But thinking about the group of old fritters who are still waiting in his office, Sun Xin also has a headache. The channel pushes so many resources to "Wisdom Tree", and now seeing "Wisdom Tree" is the number one program in the TV ratings The seat is not guaranteed, and it is strange to be able to sit still.

In the past years, at the end of the year, in order to achieve good results at the annual meeting in Taiwan, so as not to be poked at the bottom of the list, the channel will generally take out various powerful resources to promote and promote the program groups to increase the ratings Rate.

It can be said that at times like this in previous years, the program groups on the channel were both painful and happy.

This year, there is only pain and depression left.

Li Zheng gave Sun Xin a few more words before Sun Xin got up and left.

Li Zheng pursed his lips, picked up the ratings chart of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" that had just been placed on the table, and looked at it repeatedly.

According to his many years of experience in TV programs, as long as there are no accidents, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" will basically surpass "Wisdom Tree". .

What if "Tree of Wisdom" can hold down "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" every time in the future?

It's not impossible!

At the end of this year, the TV station in Jishui City was much more lively than in previous years.

The news channel is a channel that does not make a sound all year round. Besides the news channel, the entertainment channel is the most powerful. Compared with other channels, it has always been the best.

Only this year, with the emergence of a big dark horse program "Wisdom Tree" on the children's channel, the competition between the channels at the end of this year has become more interesting, especially "Wisdom Tree" and "Tonight's Talk Show for Post-80s" The competition in the ratings between these two programs can be described as fierce.

This year is no longer a one-man show on the entertainment channel, but can the Children's Channel's "Tree of Wisdom" be black to the end?Or will it be overtaken by a darker show?

"I think "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" has a better chance of winning!"

"Do you really need to say that? As long as you know a little bit about the recent situation in our station, you know that "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight" will definitely surpass "Tree of Wisdom" without any accidents."

"Both programs are good, but "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" has a larger audience. In fact, the quality of "Tree of Wisdom" is not bad."

"I reckon it should be the next issue."

"I think so too, we will see the outcome next week."

"Tsk tsk, according to the rising ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", it should indeed surpass "Tree of Wisdom" next week!"

When many people in the station set their sights on the two programs "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight" and "Tree of Wisdom", both programs were immersed in filming.

"Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is proceeding in an orderly manner under the personal guidance of the creator, Tan Yue.

As for "The Wisdom Tree", it seemed a little messy, sometimes like a headless fly, slapped and slapped several times, Sun Guoqing felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Sun Guoqing had studied with Tan Yue before, and knew that Tan Yue would add some new ideas and constantly improve the program when shooting each episode. He also wanted to do this several times, but he didn't dare to actually put it into action.

Fear of screwing up the show.

In that case, he would really be a sinner on the channel.

Don't think about doing the chief planner who was finally promoted by chance.

He wanted to go to the entertainment channel to ask Tan Yue's opinion. He knew that Tan Yue was not a small-minded person, so he would definitely show him the right way. But now the two programs are in a fierce competition. On the other hand, he was afraid that if he went to Tan Yue's side, the director and director would not look good.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Li Zheng and Sun Xin would never stop him if he could really increase the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom"!

As long as it can increase the ratings of the program, what is it?
Friday, eight o'clock in the evening.

After a hard week, Friday is the beginning of the weekend. Many people lie at home and enjoy the wonderful weekend.

In Jishui City and some surrounding urban areas, many families with children turned on the TV, found the children's channel of Jishui City Radio Station, and watched the recently popular children's program-"Wisdom Tree" on time.

In the past two weeks, there has been a lot of publicity about "Tree of Wisdom", and many people have noticed it.

"It's started, it's started."

"Red fruit fruit green bubble, haha, I like these two people the most."

"I think the two of them have a sense of CP."

"Mom, can our family be a guest on "Wisdom Tree" in the future?"

"Dad, this seesaw is really fun, I want to play too."

After "Tree of Wisdom" was broadcast, many discussion posts popped up on some local forums as usual.

All aspects show that this is a very popular children's variety show!
on Saturday,


Just two minutes after ten o'clock, Tan Yue received last night's ratings data for "Tree of Wisdom".


Compared with the previous issue, the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" have increased again, but this program has already touched the ceiling of the children's channel. Even if it is vigorously promoted, it will not have much effect.

However, it still broke the record for the ratings of variety shows in Jishui City TV station in the past ten years.

At least, before the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" came out, "Tree of Wisdom" was the record holder!
Seeing the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom", Tan Yue also nodded.

Although he no longer carries "Tree of Wisdom" by himself, after all, this show was made by him, and it also became popular in his hands. Of course, I hope that the ratings of this show will get better and better.

at the same time,

Jishui City, a community, Li Zheng's home.

After knowing the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" yesterday, Li Zheng sat on the sofa and remained silent.

The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" rose again, but not by much.

For those who are more realistic, this is normal, but for him, the reality is cruel.

Even if "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" doesn't maintain the terrifying ratings increase it had before, it only needs to jump up and down to surpass "Tree of Wisdom".

In the TV station building, Ma Wanli, director of the entertainment channel who came to work overtime on weekends, couldn't help laughing.

The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" came out, and it turned out to be the same as he thought before, the increase was not big.

Next, just wait for the ratings of the fifth episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

Sunday, eight o'clock in the evening.

The fifth episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is officially aired.

If you watch the first episode of the program and the current fifth episode together and compare them, you can find the jerkyness of the first episode.

It will also be found that this program is constantly improving.

This night, many people have some insomnia.

The next day, early in the morning.

Tan Yue came to the unit.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of people surrounded the work area of ​​"Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

However, it seems that it is not only colleagues in the group, but also people from other program groups on the channel.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, it was even more lively than before.

"Boss, Director Zhang and the director went to the ratings monitoring room just now, and we need to check the ratings of our program in advance."

Seeing Tan Yue, Momo hurried over and said.

There are many people who can't wait to know the ratings of the fifth episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show"!
(End of this chapter)

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