Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1130 Rejection

The secretary put down the phone and knocked on the office door. After hearing the word "come in", he gently opened the door and went in.

"whats the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, there is an investor named Mi Yongqing downstairs."

"Who?" Chen Ziyu frowned slightly, having no impression of this person.

"Mi Yongqing, I said that I participated in the event with you this morning."

Chen Ziyu said "Oh" in sudden realization and asked, "Why is he here? Does he have anything to do with me?"

The two of them didn't know each other at all, and they didn't have any communication at the event.

"I said I have something important to ask you."

"Important things?" Chen Ziyu became even more confused.

Looking at Chen Ziyu's expression, the secretary tentatively said, "I'll tell the front desk to let him leave."

"No, no, no." Chen Ziyu said with the purpose of making friends: "Let him go to the living room, and I will go there later."

Although no investment is required, many friends lead to many paths.

The secretary left the office to deliver the notice.

Mi Yongqing was drinking coffee in the hall downstairs.

Another receptionist came over and said, "Mr. Mi, Mr. Chen has agreed to see you. Please come with me."

"Really!" Mi Yongqing was very happy. Since he could agree, it meant that he had a chance.

If you don't even have the chance to meet, let alone make friends.

Under the guidance of the receptionist, Mi Yongqing took the elevator to a living room on the eighth floor.

"Mr. Mi, please sit down for a while. Mr. Chen will be here soon."

"it is good."

"Still have coffee?"

Mi Yongqing said thoughtfully: "In China, I prefer to drink tea when talking about things, so why don't you give me a cup of tea?"


Mi Yongqing looked at the environment of the living room.

"Mr. Mi, please wait a moment for your tea."

Mi Yongqing nodded, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

The receptionist turned and left the living room.

After a while, the door to the living room opened.

"Mr. Mi, welcome to Bright Entertainment Company! I was just dealing with some things and kept you waiting." Chen Ziyu came over.

"I came a little abruptly and didn't contact you in advance. Please don't be offended."

Mi Yongqing took a formal look at Chen Ziyu for the first time and found that she was more elegant than any woman he had ever seen.

"please sit down."

Two people sit opposite each other.

Chen Ziyu smiled and said: "Are you used to drinking tea? We have coffee here."

Mi Yongqing picked up the small tea cup, looked at it, and said: "Mr. Chen, to be honest with you, my next development plan is in China. I know that drinking tea has a lot of specialties, and tea is indispensable in domestic business. I also hope that Mr. Chen Can you teach me."

"Mr. Mi, are you kidding?" Chen Ziyu asked, "I wonder why Mr. Mi came to see me today?"

Mi Yong had already thought of a countermeasure early in the morning. After all, it was the first time they met, so he couldn't just say "I like you".

Even if foreign countries open up again, doing this will still be regarded as harassment.

"Well, let me introduce myself first. My name is Mi Yongqing. My main business direction is investment, and of course there are some other small businesses." Based on his career, Mi Yongqing felt that it was very suitable and said: "Today I When I saw you at the event, I didn’t know you at the time and didn’t say hello to you, Mr. Chen, so please don’t blame me.”

"It's okay, Mr. Mi is too busy."

Mi Yongqing continued: "Whether it is domestic or foreign, the entertainment industry has always had a very large market. After returning to China, I found that domestic entertainment companies have relatively large development potential, and I want to invest in it."

"When it comes to entertainment companies, your company's strength definitely ranks first among all domestic entertainment companies."

"I would like to learn about the situation of some domestic entertainment companies and see where they can invest."

Chen Ziyu thought about it and replied seriously: "If you invest in an entertainment company, I suggest you get to know foreign entertainment companies. In comparison, the development of domestic entertainment companies is much worse, lagging far behind in all aspects, let alone catching up. For the top entertainment companies in the world, it is difficult to enter the ranks of the international entertainment industry, so they are not worth investing in."

"Investment must be invested in potential stocks. Domestic entertainment companies have great potential." Mi Yongqing said with a smile: "Cright Entertainment Company can rise rapidly domestically and even become famous internationally in such a short period of time. If you want to Let me learn from you and learn some experiences.”

Chen Ziyu picked up the kettle and poured water into Mi Yongqing's cup first, then poured himself a cup, and then talked about some of the development of Bright Entertainment Company.

The development of Bright Entertainment Company is a process that is obvious to all, and there is no secret.

As the topic gradually unfolded, the two talked a lot.

Although Mi Yongqing is an investor, his understanding of the entertainment industry is limited, but it is enough to keep the conversation going between the two of them.

More than forty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

It should be said that Mi Yongqing's heart was attracted to Chen Ziyu before because he was attracted by his temperament.

But after more than 40 minutes of communication, Chen Ziyu's abilities impressed him even more.

Just after finishing a topic, the living room fell into a brief silence.

"Among the people I have met, your knowledge of the entertainment industry is definitely the best."

Chen Ziyu smiled and said: "Mr. Mi, you are too flattering to me. These are things that everyone agrees on."

Feeling that the time was almost right, Mi Yongqing tentatively said: "This moment of communication makes me admire your talent very much. I hope that I can have more opportunities to communicate with Mr. Chen like today in the future."

From the first chat between the two, Chen Ziyu always felt that something was wrong. Until he heard this sentence, he had a rough guess about Mi Yongqing's sudden visit and said: "As long as Mr. Mi wants to understand the entertainment industry If you want to know more about it, just say hello in advance, and then I’ll find a few friends who know more about it, and we’ll have a chat together.”

"That would be too troublesome for Mr. Chen." Mi Yongqing looked happy, but he was a little disappointed in his heart.

The meaning of what Chen Ziyu said is very obvious. If several people discuss it together, there will no longer be only two people communicating like today.

It can be regarded as rejecting myself.

However, it was not easy to meet someone who made his heart move. He would not give up so easily. He said, "I didn't expect that an hour has passed since we were chatting. I have delayed you for so long. Can Mr. Chen give me a favor and eat together?" Let’s have dinner to express my gratitude.”

"These are all small things, not necessary for a meal." Chen Ziyu continued: "Does Mr. Mi have any other questions that he would like to know?"

Mi Yongqing knew that this chat was almost over, so he stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your guidance. I won't disturb you anymore. I'll go back first."

Two people came out of the living room.

Mi Yongqing said: "I'm sorry to have delayed you for so long today. Mr. Chen, please stay here while I go down by myself."

"Okay, I'll ask the secretary to send it to you." Chen Ziyu turned around and said, "Send it to you."

The secretary nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Mi, please walk slowly."

Mi Yongqing did not turn around, raised his hand and shook it, walked out of the Bright Entertainment Company building, and took a deep breath.

The sky has completely darkened, not a single star can be seen in the dark night sky, and the moon is also blocked.

When Chen Ziyu agreed to meet him, he still had some expectations.

But I didn't expect to be rejected in the end.

And he was rejected very simply, without any chance.

"Let's go back to the hotel."

The secretary quickly opened the door.

Mi Yongqing suddenly stopped, turned to look at the building of the Bright Entertainment Company, pursed his lips, and got into the business car with regret.

The secretary said: "Go back to the hotel."

The car slowly pulled away and merged into traffic. Mi Yongqing flipped through the information in his hand at random, thinking about the chat between the two people in the afternoon.

Although he came to the Bright Entertainment Company today to look for Chen Ziyu with great expectations, he was also prepared to fail.

After all, as a business person, nothing is 100% successful.

After a short exchange, Chen Ziyu rose to a higher level in Mi Yongqing's heart.

From his initial temperament to his current talent, everything about Chen Ziyu attracts Mi Yongqing.

Although he was rejected simply, he was even more moved.

Mi Yongqing put Chen Ziyu's information aside and thought about his next plan.

When you meet someone who makes your heart beat so much, you can't just miss it.

I have also returned to China to develop, and maybe I will have a chance to meet Chen Ziyu.

I will definitely not be able to come to Bright Entertainment Company directly like today.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

"Mr. Mi, I have to attend the dinner organized by Mr. Huang at nine o'clock in the evening."

Mi Yongqing nodded and said: "I understand."

Bright Entertainment Company.

After Mi Yongqing left, Chen Ziyu came to Tan Yue's office.

Tan Yue asked: "Who is coming here at this time?"

"Mi Yongqing."

Tan Yue showed a puzzled expression.

Chen Ziyu continued: "It was the investor who came back from abroad when I participated in the event today."

"What's the matter with him coming here?"

"He said he wanted to invest in a domestic entertainment company and wanted to know more about the situation."

Tan Yue was slightly surprised, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Although there is no problem in finding Chen Ziyu to learn about domestic entertainment companies, the problem is that the two people do not know each other at all.

Even if you find a middleman to come over and have a chat, it would be normal.

This was the first time he encountered someone like Mi Yongqing who came directly.

Chen Ziyu leaned on the chair and said: "Originally I wanted to refuse, but considering that Mr. Huang is now a friend after all, I agreed to meet him. At first, I thought he really wanted to know about the situation of domestic entertainment companies. , but the more we talked, the more I felt something was not right.”

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe I am narcissistic and think too much. He said he would like to talk like this in the future."

Tan Yue looked dumbfounded and said with a smile, "Are you afraid that he will do evil to you?"

Chen Ziyu said "hmm" seriously, and then said: "Anyway, regardless of whether it is true or not, I have already told him that it is okay to chat in the future. I will find a few more people to chat with him."

Tan Yue laughed "haha".

"No more, no more." Chen Ziyu glanced at the time: "I'll go back and clean up. I'm home from get off work, and I'm waiting for you to make prawns for me."

"The shrimps I bought have been delivered to my door."

The two tidied up their respective offices and drove out of the underground parking lot of Bright Entertainment Company.

Not long after the car started, the temperature had not yet risen. Chen Ziyu couldn't help but shuddered and said, "Why does it feel like the weather is getting colder?"

"The weather forecast shows that the cold wave from Siberia is heading south. There will be widespread cooling across the country in the near future, and there may be heavy snow."

"Heavy snow?" Chen Ziyu became excited and said, "I haven't seen heavy snow in the capital for many years. I really hope it will snow again."

"There is a high chance of heavy snowfall this time."

The car was driving slowly, and there were many cars on the road. Perhaps because the weather was too cold, everyone chose a warmer way to travel.

This time I got home ten minutes later than before.

After the two of them got home, they prepared dinner together.

Chen Ziyu picked the shrimp thread, while Tan Yue prepared other ingredients.

Not long after, a sumptuous dinner was ready.

Work has been hard recently, so Chen Ziyu took out the red wine and prepared to have a drink, and Tan Yue naturally had no objection.

And there is a lot of work tomorrow, so two people can't drink too much.

"That's all." Chen Ziyu put down the decanter.

The two goblets contained a fingernail-high amount of wine.


Tan Yue began to peel the shrimp.

This time the prawns are cooked in the simplest way. After being steamed in the pot, they can be eaten directly with the prepared ingredients.

This is also Chen Ziyu’s favorite way to eat.

The two of them were eating, drinking red wine, and chatting about interesting things in life.

After the meal, the two cleaned up the dining table and kitchen, sat in a room specially designed for watching movies, and prepared to find a movie to watch.

The villa is very large and has many rooms. It is usually cleaned by a dedicated cleaning lady.

In fact, auntie can also cook.

However, Chen Ziyu preferred to eat the food cooked by Tan Yue. It felt more like home when the two of them cooked it together, so she simply did not let her aunt cook it.

Chen Ziyu rummaged around but couldn't find any good movies, so he suggested, "How about we watch a variety show?"

"of course can."

"I haven't watched a variety show for a long time. I wonder how the current shows are going?" Chen Ziyu randomly found a show and the two of them looked at it.

It has become a habit for the two of them to cuddle up together after meals.

Chen Ziyu leaned on Tan Yue, and Tan Yue gently rubbed Chen Ziyu's shoulders.

The room burst into laughter from time to time.

It wasn't until about ten o'clock in the evening that the program ended.

Chen Ziyu said: "Actually, it's quite good to watch a variety show. It's a good way to relax after a busy day."

"This program is good. Let's watch it from the first episode tomorrow." Tan Yue looked at the time: "It's time to go back to bed."

Chen Ziyu stood up, stretched and moved his body: "Let's go to sleep."

Tan Yue turned off the interior light in the room.

The two people walked to the second floor.

Tan Yue stretched his face forward.

Chen Ziyu smiled, then kissed her cheek gently and whispered: "Good night!"

"good night!"

Tan Yue returned to his room on the fifth floor with a smile.

After a simple wash, Tan Yue fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

His sleep quality is very good these days, and he basically sleeps until dawn.

There is a lot of work during the day, not only processing files but also staring at the editing of "Titanic", which is very mentally draining.

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