Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1153 Development for the better

Chapter 1153 Development for the better

The second day.

Chen Ziyu woke up from her sleep and reached out to touch the mobile phone placed on the bedside. She glanced at the time and saw that it was just past five o'clock.

Maybe I was a little worried about the box office results and didn't have a good rest all night.

Having worked in an entertainment company for so many years, she certainly knows that what happened yesterday will most likely have an impact on box office results.

It has also been trending on major social platforms, triggering discussions across the internet.

Chen Ziyu put down her phone, pulled the quilt, and covered her head under the quilt.

There was still more than an hour until the box office results were announced, and she wanted to sleep a little longer.

However, it backfired.

Finally tossing and turning, Chen Ziyu turned on the bedside lamp, leaned on the bedside and looked at her mobile phone.

She first looked at the situation on the Internet, and the related search term "Tan Yue immigrated to the United States" appeared under the trailer of "Titanic" on Douyin Video.

Although hot searches have been suppressed, there are still many netizens who do not know the truth and are searching for relevant information.

Chen Ziyu looked troubled and became even more worried.

She knows that domestic audiences are very disgusted with such a thing, which will inevitably have an impact on the movie.

Time passed little by little.

At seven o'clock, the International Cultural Center announced the box office on time.

The first place on the list is a movie called "Magic Castle 2" with a box office of $ million.

"Gods vs. Gods: Justified" ranked second on the list with $259 million.

The third-place "Jeremy" earned $221 million at the box office.

"Titanic" ranked fourth, earning $209 million at the global box office.

The box office performance of the fifth-placed film dropped to US$100 million, and the box office performance of the lower-ranked film became worse. The box office performance of the last-placed film was less than two million US dollars.

"Titanic" achieved box office results of US$209 million, and Tan Yue was very satisfied.

Compared with the previous three movies, "Titanic" has some disadvantages.

"Magic Castle 2" and "Gods vs. Gods: Justified" are two sequels. When the first one was released, it caused quite a stir around the world and laid a solid fan base.

Therefore, when the sequel is first released, the box office performance will definitely be relatively high.

Ranked third, "Crazy Player"'s investment in publicity funds is quite terrifying.

Naturally, Tan Yue knew the basics of the movies released at the same time.

When he first saw the promotion of "Crazy Player", Wu Gong made a rough estimate. After seeing the report, Tan Yue was also shocked.

He felt that the movie's box office performance would not reach US$2 billion and that it might lose money.

'Ding Dong' WeChat received a message.

A screenshot of the box office results, and a sentence: "Ah Yue, the box office results are out."

Tan Yue tapped the screen of his mobile phone and replied: "I just watched it."

Then Chen Ziyu sent a sighing emoticon.

Chen Ziyu, who was holding her mobile phone, sighed and continued to send messages: "It seems that what happened yesterday still affected the box office results."

The first-day box office result of US$209 million is quite good, but compared with its previous results, it is much worse.

In Chen Ziyu's view, with Tan Yue's current popularity and popularity, even if it does not reach the height of the first-day box office performance of "The Shawshank Redemption", it will not be too different.

But after the box office results came out, there was a difference of nearly $100 million.

Chen Ziyu was inevitably a little depressed.

Tan Yue replied to the message: "The box office results on the first day are already very good. Don't raise your expectations just because of the previous high results. You still have to stay calm about the box office results."

Seeing Tan Yue's comfort, Chen Ziyu thought for a moment and felt that he had indeed raised his expectations too high. The box office on the first day was more than 200 million US dollars, which is a very good box office performance globally.

Wu Gong also checked the box office results of "Titanic" immediately.

At this moment, he felt a little guilty.

Tan Yue's films have performed better than each other in the global film market, so he naturally set his goals higher.

Seeing that the box office results and ranking of "Titanic" did not meet his expectations, Wu Gong frowned, thinking that it was affected by yesterday's incident.

Had this not happened, the box office results might have been better.

If it could have been discovered earlier, it might not have been on the hot search list.

Wu Gong's face looked a little solemn, and now he was more determined to return to the company as soon as possible. If an emergency arises again, we will be able to deal with it as soon as possible instead of staying at home and worrying like yesterday.

Then Wu Gong opened WeChat and found a group chat.

The members in the group chat are the ones who stay in the company and are on duty.

Wu Gong quickly tapped the screen and sent instructions one after another in the group chat.

"The main work today."

"1. Always pay attention to all comments about "Titanic" at home and abroad, as well as online discussion topics about Mr. Tan and the major creative staff."

"2. Pay attention to the dynamics of the top three movies on the list and whether they will further expand their publicity."

"3. Thoroughly check whether there are any related rumors on the Internet, and deal with them as soon as possible after seeing them."

Similar accidents cannot happen again during the release of "Titanic", otherwise it will really be a fatal blow to the box office performance.

After sending the message, Wu Gong rubbed his forehead and calculated the time to visit relatives and friends. He decided to wait for some less important relationships to be discussed during the holiday and returned to the company as soon as possible.

After the official website of the International Cultural Center announced the box office results, domestic media immediately reported on it.

"Hung Kong Daily": "Titanic" grossed US$209 million at the box office on its first day. It only took a few days from the beginning of love for a rich girl and a poor painter to the separation of life and death. Tragedy makes love immortal. Love also gives disaster movies a tragic and romantic color. When the cruise ship is about to sink, many people choose to die with dignity and grace. Mothers who have no time to escape comfort their young children. Old couples who have been together for a lifetime choose to die in each other's arms. The captain. Stay in the cab until the last moment... Love and freedom, fame and fortune, disaster and humanity, "Titanic" captures all the world's emotions."

"Movie Consulting": Congratulations to "Titanic" for its $209 million first-day performance. "Titanic" tells a poignant love story, and as the biggest protagonist in the movie - Titanic The number is gradually disappearing under the erosion of sea water. What happened to make this "behemoth" sink to the bottom of the sea? Let's go into the movie theater together. "

Not long after the box office results were announced, it triggered discussions across the Internet and successfully became a hot search on Weibo.

""Titanic" is a more than three-hour movie that witnesses the love between Jack and Rose. It is very touching."

"Yesterday I burst into tears at the end in the cinema and almost cried loudly."

"'Titanic' touches people more than just emotionally."

"I think "Titanic" is the most beautiful movie ever made by Mr. Tan Yue." On the fifth day of the lunar month, Jishui.

Chen Ziyu poured a glass of water, sat on the sofa, finally showed a smile that he had not seen for several days, and said: "The situation is finally getting better!"

The first thing she does when she wakes up every day is check the box office results of "Titanic".

From the first day when the first-day box office results were announced to the third and fourth days of the new year, the single-day box office results of "Titanic" basically did not increase for two consecutive days, and its ranking on the list almost fell to fifth place yesterday.

However, the latest box office results released by the International Cultural Center this morning showed that the single-day box office performance of "Titanic" has finally improved significantly, even surpassing the second-ranked "Gods and Gods: Justified".

Tan Yue smiled, picked up a grape and put it in his mouth.

The single-day box office performance of "Titanic" soared, which was completely unexpected by him.

Tan Yue has been paying attention to the online reputation of "Titanic".

In recent days, Wu Gong has also been reporting various data online.

According to various data, the box office is bound to see a substantial increase.

After just two or three days of fermentation, word-of-mouth spread among the audience. The popularity of "Titanic" can be said to have been rising, coupled with reports from some mainstream media and praise from netizens.

Everything is going in the best direction.

Tan Yue did not tell Chen Ziyu about the data.

The data is good, but the box office performance has not improved. After talking about her worries, Chen Ziyu became even more worried.

Chen Ziyu said with a smile: "I can finally have a good rest at night."

She hasn't had a good rest in recent days and is worried that Tan Yue will be affected.

In fact, one of the things that makes her happiest is that netizens already know that there are rumors that Tan Yue immigrated to the United States.

A few days ago, in any reports related to "Titanic", you can often see words related to Tan Yue immigrating to the United States in the comment area.

For some netizens, they are just joining in the fun, and they don’t care whether the things are true or false.

Now when similar remarks appear again in the comment area, many netizens will refute them below.

Of course, Bright Entertainment once again issued a statement on its official blog.

Tan Yue picked up a grape and fed it to Chen Ziyu, saying, "I already told you, don't worry about the box office results, it will get better and better in the future."

The single-day box office performance of "Titanic" has increased significantly, and of course he is very happy.

The last film "The Shawshank Redemption" has become the highest-grossing movie in global film history. He only hopes that "Titanic" can be recognized by audiences around the world and does not have high expectations for box office results.

Fans often leave messages on Weibo, asking whether "Titanic" can once again break the box office record.

Tan Yue has always maintained a normal mind about this.

Whether domestic or foreign, no director can guarantee that his next film will do better at the box office.

Of course, "Titanic" is also a movie of good quality. It can be regarded as a classic on earth, and it is even released again after more than 20 years. This is enough to show the audience's love for this movie.

"Ding Dong".

Chen Ziyu heard the phone ring in her pocket, took it out and looked at it, and found that it was a photo that Chen Xiang had posted in the family group.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yue asked.

Chen Ziyu flashed her phone and said, "Today my parents went to my grandma's house. They took a group photo and posted it in the group."

"Are these grandma and grandpa sitting in the middle?"

Chen Ziyu said "hmm" and said, "They usually go there on the second or third day of the junior high school. I didn't expect it to be so late this year."

"Someone must be busy and don't have time."

Chen Ziyu nodded in agreement and said, "Whose family are these children in front of? I can't recognize them anymore."

Children change very quickly, not to mention that Chen Ziyu has not returned to her hometown for a long time.

Tan Yue noticed that Chen Ziyu had been looking at the photos carefully, and said softly: "Find some time, I will accompany you back to Hangzhou to have a look."

Chen Ziyu put the phone away and said with a smile: "Let's wait a little longer. There is no rush to go home. We can talk about it after "Titanic" is released."

"Is it too late?"

Tan Yue had been thinking about going to Hangzhou after finishing his movie work, but when he saw Chen Ziyu's appearance, he felt very distressed.

So I thought about going back with her early.

"It's not too late." Chen Ziyu shook his head.

"Titanic" is still being released, and he has to keep an eye on the situation at home and abroad. Tan Yue has a lot to be busy with.

The incident that happened in the first year of junior high school was still vivid in her mind, and a rumor had such a big impact on the movie.

The movie hasn't been released yet, so how can she trust Tan Yue to accompany her back to Hangzhou?

Tan Yue nodded slightly and said, "We are going back to the capital soon. Let's take a stroll here before going back?"

He wanted to make Chen Ziyu happy.

"Okay! Where to play?"

Tan Yue thought: "Well, I haven't taken you around here yet. The weather is good today. I will take you to where I went to high school first, and then I will take you to a small mountain. I just don't know what to do now." What’s it like?”

"Is there anything interesting on the hill?"

"During school weekends, Fatty and I often go there to play."

Chen Ziyu stretched out his hand and gestured "OK".

I've been staying at home lately and basically haven't gone out, so it's time to go out for a walk.

Chen Ziyu joked: "Did you fall in love with your classmates when you were in school?"

No matter what time, women always maintain a gossipy heart, especially towards their boyfriends.

Tan Yue shook his head, his face not red and his heart not beating: "No!"

Chen Ziyu glanced at Tan Yue jokingly, stood up and said, "While they are at my grandma's house, I will call my mother."

"Say hello to the old man for me!"

"I know!" Chen Ziyu closed the door of the room and dialed her mother's video call.

Tan Yue in the living room was eating grapes and looking at his mobile phone.

Wu Gong sent over the latest domestic and international data on "Titanic" on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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