Chapter 1167 Return to Hangzhou

After a wonderful weekend, a new week begins.

Bright Entertainment Company, President's Office.

Tan Yue is sitting at his desk and handling the company's affairs seriously.

Qin Tao, director of the artist management department, sorted out the situation of the company's artists and submitted it.

As an entertainment company, if you want to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry, in addition to excellent works, excellent artists are also indispensable.

Over the years, Bright Entertainment Company has been committed to cultivating young and outstanding artists.

Especially the actors, a lot of time and money have been invested.

The hard work pays off.

Many outstanding actors have emerged under the banner.

Cultivation is one aspect.

Following Chen Ye's notification, directors from various departments of the Bright Entertainment Company came to the conference room three one after another.

And their agents need to contact directors and scripts everywhere.

The atmosphere at Bright Entertainment Company is also very good.

Deng Yangping is considered a new actor and just joined the Bright Entertainment Company last year.

"Is your name Deng Yangping?"

"Yes, Mr. Tan." Deng Yangping was very excited. He didn't expect that Tan Yue actually knew him.

"Hello, Mr. Tan!"

"I'll go check out other departments and I'll be back soon."

Many employees came over to say hello.

Qin Tao looked at several directors and said, "Since Mr. Tan has asked directors from all departments to come over for a meeting, there should be important tasks arranged."

"Send these documents to me."

Veteran actors such as Ma Guoliang and Fan Shan will unreservedly explain some acting experiences to young actors.

Seeing Qin Tao come in, Ma Wenru asked: "Mr. Qin, do you know why Mr. Tan asked us to come over for a meeting today?"

With a 'ding-dong' sound, the elevator door opened.

It was more than half an hour before we returned to the president's office.

Tomorrow he will return to Hangzhou with Chen Ziyu, and all the documents that have been accumulated before have been processed.

After reading the contents of the document, Tan Yue took a sip of tea and then walked out of the office with several documents.

With twenty minutes left until eleven o'clock, Tan Yue returned to his office, took out his notebook and wrote something that would be used in the next meeting.

Tan Yue would take out the documents whenever he wanted to leave the office.

"Mr. Tan." Chen Ye stood up immediately.

Tan Yue took the elevator to the artist management department.

But in fact, many artists need to fight for roles on their own, especially newcomers.

Tan Yue continued to walk around various floors, chatting with some employees from time to time.

The artist management department is generally in a busy state.

Chen Ye said "hmm" and took the first step to leave with the documents.

"You performed well in the last drama. I hope you will continue to work hard and hone your acting skills in the future."

He saw Deng Yangping's name on the document, and because he performed well, he was more impressed.

Tan Yue got off the elevator.

Bright Entertainment Company often shoots TV series and movies, but not everyone will have the opportunity to play a role.

Qin Tao pulled out a chair and sat next to him, shaking her head and saying, "I don't know either. Xiao Ye just notified me to come here."

Tan Yue glanced at the time, calculated in his mind, and said, "Xiaoye, go and inform the directors of all departments that there will be a meeting in conference room three at eleven o'clock."

"Hello, Mr. Tan!" an employee greeted.

After sitting in front of the computer for nearly three hours, he felt a little tired, so he thought about going to other departments to take a look.

"Okay." Chen Ye subconsciously glanced at the phone on his desk, suspecting that he didn't hear it.

Tan Yue's next words made her dispel her doubts.

"I will definitely continue to work hard!" Deng Yangping suddenly felt that his acting career path was bright.

Tan Yue nodded.

Qian Tao said: "I don't know what the big deal is? They called us all over."

"You don't know either. It seems like it's an impromptu meeting. Everyone here has just received the notice."

"Hello!" Tan Yue responded and continued walking forward.

Needless to say, for artists like Ma Guoliang and Fan Shan, even if they sit in the office every day, scripts will come to them.

Zheng Tong felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

The company's first high-level meeting of the year left some shadows on him, and he was afraid that his name would be mentioned alone during the meeting later.

While everyone was discussing, Tan Yue opened the door and came in.

Several directors said hello one after another.

"Everyone, sit down, there will be an impromptu meeting today." Tan Yue put his notebook on the table, pulled out a chair and sat down, saying: "Tomorrow, Mr. Chen and I will go to Hangzhou, and we will stay there for a few days. During the few days we are away, you will be responsible for the company's affairs."

The company has a lot of things to deal with every day. Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu are not here, but things must not be delayed.

"Let me assign our respective tasks."

In the following time, Tan Yue made a simple arrangement of the tasks of each department.

The tasks of the directors are nothing more than the work of their respective departments.

As for major matters, Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu in Hangzhou can also handle them.

Forty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Tan Yue said: "Do you have any other questions?"


Some directors were shaking their heads.

"If there's no problem, let's adjourn the meeting."

The directors left one after another. Tan Yue left last, handed the notebook to Chen Ye, and arranged: "Put the notebook on my desk."

"it is good."

Tan Yue did not return to his office. Instead, he walked to Chen Ziyu's office door and knocked gently.


Tan Yue opened the door.

Chen Ziyu glanced at the time and said, "When I finish the work at hand, we will go have lunch."

"There's no rush." ​​Tan Yue sat down and said, "I just held a temporary meeting with the directors of each department, and the company's affairs have been arranged."

"Okay, this way we can have a good few days in Hangzhou!"

They only have a few days to go back to Hangzhou and will be back soon.

At present, the company does not have many things that need to be dealt with. Chen Ziyu feels that there will be no interruptions from the company in the past few days when he returns to Hangzhou.

"With a few of them here, there won't be any problem. Give yourself a good vacation these days."

Chen Ziyu nodded "Yeah" and joked: "My mother started preparing things yesterday. She said she wouldn't let us come back until we finish."

In fact, Chen's mother had already started preparations a few days ago.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "I won't eat from now on. I will have a big meal after arriving in Hangzhou."

Seeing Chen Ziyu happy, Tan Yue was naturally in a good mood.

"That's not okay." Chen Ziyu picked up the pen and signed the document, stood up and said, "Go have lunch." "OK!"

The two got up and went to the restaurant.

The next day, it was about five o'clock in the morning.

Tan Yue came out of the villa carrying his suitcase.

"Mr. Tan, give it to me."

"Lao Liu, thank you for sending us to the airport so early."

"It's okay." The full-time driver, Old Liu, neatly placed the two suitcases in the trunk of the car.

"Good morning, Mr. Chen!"

"Morning! Old Liu." Chen Ziyu came out immediately, holding breakfast in his hand, and said: "This is breakfast milk. You can drink it at the party."

"No need, Mr. Chen."

Tan Yue said: "Take it, Lao Liu."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen and Mr. Tan." Old Liu accepted the breakfast sheepishly.

The car then left Ruishan Community, drove onto the highway, and headed towards the airport.

They chose to fly back to Hangzhou this time.

Driving is more convenient, but it takes more than ten hours and the road is too hard.

It can be reached in two hours by plane.

The gifts prepared by Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu have been mailed in advance.

Now I only have two suitcases with a few clothes in them, so I can travel in simple clothes, which is very convenient.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu were sitting in the back seat eating breakfast.

The flight was about seven o'clock, and the time on the road plus the time for boarding the plane, they had to make breakfast on the way.

After nearly an hour's journey, Lao Liu safely dropped them off at the airport.

After the car stopped, Lao Liu immediately got out of the car, opened the back seat door, and then went to the trunk to get his luggage.

"Mr. Tan, let me help you get it in."

"No need, the suitcase is very light, we can just carry it there ourselves."

At this time, Tan Yue was wearing a cap and a mask on his face.

The only place where flying is inconvenient is Tan Yue.

Fortunately, he is very experienced in camouflage and will not be discovered.

Lao Liu handed the suitcase to Tan Yue.

Chen Ziyu said: "Old Liu, please go back first, and pay attention to safety on the road."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I wish you a safe journey."

"Goodbye! Old Liu."

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu turned around and entered the terminal. After checking in, they waited in the VIP waiting room for notification.

Over time.

An announcement came over the airport's PA, and the airport staff also came to inform.

Tan Yue pulled two suitcases, and Chen Ziyu hung a bag on his shoulder. The two of them quickly boarded the plane through the VIP channel.

After finding his seat, Chen Ziyu glanced at the time and said, "It shouldn't be delayed."

"Don't forget to send a message to your brother."

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot." Chen Ziyu opened WeChat and sent a message to Chen Xiang: "The plane is on time."

After arriving in Hangzhou, Chen Xiang will pick them up.

Not long after the announcement sounded in the cabin, the plane took off.

It's not a holiday, it's relatively early, and it's first class, so it's very quiet.

There were only four people in the first class cabin. In addition to Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu, there were also two young people.

Chen Ziyu leaned on the chair, yawned and said, "I'm so sleepy!"

She got up at around four o'clock and started packing her things, and almost fell asleep on the way to the airport.

In the comfortable environment, sleepiness came over again.

Tan Yue said softly: "It took more than three hours to get here. Let's sleep for a while."

Chen Ziyu put down her phone and said, "Let's sleep together, we got up too early today."

Tan Yue nodded "Yes".

He is also sleepy now, but thinking about meeting Chen Ziyu's parents soon makes him a little nervous.

Although it was not the first time they met, the two parties had only met once.

First class seats are very comfortable and can lie completely flat.

Chen Ziyu changed into disposable slippers, lay down, and quickly fell asleep.

Tan Yue closed his eyes so that he could rest his mind even if he couldn't sleep.

However, the conversation between the two young men sitting behind caught his attention.

Since the first class cabin was very quiet, even if the two people spoke in low voices, Tan Yue could hear them clearly.

"I wonder when "Titanic" will be available on the video platform? Yesterday I was thinking about downloading it to my mobile phone. I will take a look today."

"Who knows about this kind of thing? The box office performance of "Titanic" is so high, it should be available soon."

Then the two people chatted about Li Youfan again.

During the broadcast of "Titanic", Li Youfan, who originally fell to the second-tier artist, returned to the ranks of the first-tier artist, and ranked very high.

One of them said: "Li Youfan is very lucky. This time, thanks to Tan Yue's movie, he has returned to the front-line public figure."

"Ah! Is he so awesome? I remember you told me before that he was a has-been actor."

"That's right! There was a time when he was very popular, but later he cooled down and his acting skills were very poor. Many people online complained about his acting skills."

"I think his performance in "Titanic" was pretty good. Many of my colleagues like him."

"This is why I say he is lucky. You see, the protagonists of Tan Yue's previous movies were all veteran actors such as Ma Guoliang and Fan Shan. The younger Zhou Can's acting skills are also very good. This time Li Youfan suddenly took on the leading role. , I think the risk is still very high. Fortunately, he acted better this time, otherwise this good movie would be ruined.”

Tan Yue, who was sitting in front, disagreed with this statement.

Although it is true that Li Youfan was a little lucky to be able to play the leading role in "Titanic", in the final analysis, it must be attributed to his acting skills.

It is undeniable that Li Youfan's previous acting skills were indeed a bit poor, but he is a very hard-working person, otherwise he would not have made such great progress.

Li Youfan's serious and studious side was not only reflected during the filming of "Titanic", Tan Yue also heard Ma Guoliang and Fan Shan mention it.

Generally speaking, in Tan Yue's heart, Li Youfan is a very good artist.

There is no shortage of artists in the entertainment industry who were once very popular and then went out of fashion.

Now that Li Youfan can once again return to the ranks of front-line public figures, it has shown that the audience recognizes his acting skills and his performance during this period.

Tan Yue believes that as long as Li Youfan can maintain his serious and studious attitude while filming "Titanic", he will definitely achieve good results in the future.

The misunderstandings of outsiders will naturally change slowly with Li Youfan's performance.

Before the release of "Titanic", Tan Yue often saw the conversation between the two people online.

Because of the first impression, many netizens and fans thought that choosing Li Youfan this time was a risky move.

But if Tan Yue can be chosen as the protagonist, how can his acting skills be bad?

Tan Yue no longer paid attention to the conversation between the two young people behind him. He leaned back on the chair and felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

It was nearly one o'clock when he went to bed last night, and he couldn't bear it anymore when he got up at about four o'clock in the morning.

After landing, I have to meet Chen Ziyu’s parents, so I need to keep my spirits up.

(End of this chapter)

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