Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1169 The test from the future father-in-law

Chapter 1169 The test from the future father-in-law

"It's so rich!" Tan Yue said, "Auntie, you've made too much."

"It's not much, I still think it's a bit less." Mother Chen said, "Xiao Yue, sit down and eat quickly."

Considering that Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu needed to rest, Chen's mother didn't cook too many dishes, but there were more than ten.

The round dining table was already full.

Father Chen said: "You guys should eat a little of this lunch, and we will have a good meal in the evening."

The daughter and future son-in-law finally came back, and the dinner definitely needed to be more sumptuous.

"Uncle and aunty, please sit down." Tan Yue sat down in no hurry.

Although he is a guest, he is also a junior. He must wait for the elders to sit down before he can sit down.

Father Chen sat down first.

Chen's mother said: "Xiao Yue, be casual in your own home, don't be restrained, sit down and eat."

Father Chen picked up a piece and ate it, and joked: "If the company doesn't get bigger and bigger, your aunt will definitely be the top chef in the country."

After Chen Ziyu left, Tan Yue simply washed up and lay on the bed to rest.

He wasn't exaggerating.

Chen Ziyu thought for a while: "Let's rest first and check the time at the party. If it's too late, we'll check nearby."

Tan Yue put his suitcase by the window and said, "What time should we go out in the afternoon?"

Chen Ziyu nodded and said, "Call me if you need anything."

The two of us will stay in Hangzhou for a few days and still have time to go sightseeing.

The sheets, quilts, and toiletries are all brand new. There is also a separate bathroom in the house where you can take a shower.

"Auntie, your cooking skills have not been lost at all."

"Does Xiao Yue drink?"

Although he does not have a senior chef certificate, his craftsmanship is not bad at all.

After washing, Tan Yue picked up his phone and saw that Chen Ziyu had already replied to the message: "I just went to wash up. I'll find you after putting on makeup."

The family ended their lunch chatting.

Chen Xiang suggested: "Would you like some wine?"

A few minutes later.

It was also from that time that Father Chen came up with the idea of ​​becoming bigger and stronger.

"Okay, Auntie." Tan Yue waited until he sat down before sitting on his seat.

If you get up too early in the morning, you will easily feel sleepy at noon.

After waiting for a while, without waiting for Chen Ziyu's reply, Tan Yue got up and washed up, thinking that maybe Chen Ziyu was still resting.

Then he leaned against the bed and sent a message to Chen Ziyu.

Tan Yue lived here when he came last time.

Since then, the two of them have been busy with various things in the company.

Father Chen remembered that when the two of them started their business, Chen's mother was the chef of their own restaurant.

Chen Ziyu took Tan Yue to a guest room upstairs and said, "It's the same room you lived in before. It's been tidied up."

Chen Ziyu said: "Let's drink in the evening. We want to go out for a walk in the afternoon. We haven't been back for a long time, and Ayue hasn't been around here much. I took him to look around."

The door to the room was pushed open, and Chen Ziyu came in and asked, "How was your rest?"

After the small restaurant developed, Chen's mother rarely cooked anymore.

Tan Yue picked up a piece, put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully, then extended his thumb and said: "The taste is amazing, even a five-star hotel cannot produce this taste."

At this time there was a knock on the door.

Mother Chen said: "Xiao Yue, try this fish first. It will not taste good when it gets cold later."

"eat more."

"The door is unlocked, come in." Tan Yue put down his phone.

Many guests who came to the hotel to dine praised Mrs. Chen’s craftsmanship, and even attracted people from many surrounding cities to come here just to taste it.

"Okay, you should go and rest quickly."

It was already this time, and Tan Yue couldn't stay in bed forever.

Tan Yue has been to many high-end restaurants and eaten a lot of fish, but he has never tasted anything so delicious.

"Okay, let's drink tonight." Father Chen said with a smile: "Eat more food, try your aunt's cooking skills, and see if there is any regression compared to the last time."

Chen's mother said: "In recent years, I have slowly started to stop caring about the company, and now I have picked up my previous cooking skills again."

Tan Yue woke up from his sleep, took out his mobile phone and took a look. It was already past three o'clock.

Tan Yue said "hmm".

Everyone laughed.

Tan Yue stretched himself: "You are full of energy."

"Come on, let's go for a walk."

It's been a long time since I've been back, and Chen Ziyu really wants to see the changes around her.

The two of them went downstairs and saw Father Chen and Mother Chen chatting in the living room.

"Mom, let's go out and be back soon."

"Please be safe on the road."

"Okay, Auntie."

After a while, the two people drove out.

There are three cars at home, and I drive any one.

Tan Yue drove the car, and Chen Ziyu sat in the passenger seat and looked at the navigation on the phone.

"We won't get lost, right?" Tan Yue joked.

He knew that Chen Ziyu was not familiar with the nearby road conditions.

Chen Ziyu stared out the car window closely: "I am still familiar with this area, follow my command."

In fact, she had no idea in her heart.

I only stay at home for a few days a year and rarely go out except to visit relatives and friends.

Moreover, the surrounding scenery has been reshaped and is no longer what she remembered.

Fortunately, some landmark buildings are still there, and with the help of navigation, Chen Ziyu still has some impressions.

The purpose of this outing was to see the scenery, so the speed was relatively slow.

When passing by every familiar place, Chen Ziyu would talk about what happened before.

It was already past six o'clock when the two of them got home.

Tan Yue stopped the car steadily.

Chen Ziyu got out of the passenger car with a smile.

Memories are always good. During this outing, she told Tan Yue many interesting stories.

"Chen Xiang, where is mom?"

Chen Ziyu did not see her mother, only Chen Xiang holding a basin of seafood in the living room.

"The kitchen is preparing dinner."

"Let's go over and help." Tan Yue was really embarrassed to leave Chen's mother busy alone.

Chen Ziyu nodded.

Mother Chen, who was preparing dinner, saw Tan Yue coming over and said, "Xiao Yue, you go to the living room and drink some tea. I can be here alone."

"It's okay, Auntie, I'll help you." Tan Yue touched Chen Ziyu lightly.

"Yes, Mom, let's do it together. I'm a little hungry after shopping all afternoon. I can eat early if I have more people helping me."

"You!" Mother Chen said with a smile, "Okay, you can help me wash the vegetables."

"Okay!" Chen Ziyu blinked at Tan Yue.

The kitchen started to get busy.

Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu and Chen Xiang were tasked with washing and cooking the vegetables, and Mother Chen would not let anyone help her no matter what.

As time passes slowly.

Courses of delicious food were brought to the dining table in the living room.

The dinner was indeed more sumptuous, and what was even more terrifying was that not a single dish was repeated from the morning. It can be seen that Mother Chen also put a lot of thought into it.

Chen Xiang also brought the wine over early.

His job today is to serve tea and water, pour wine when drinking, and serve the food after the food is ready.

These small jobs always require one person to do them.

Father Chen said: "Chen Xiang, pour some wine."

"Okay." Chen Xiang quickly started pouring the wine.

Mother Chen said: "Xiao Yue, don't be polite. I see you didn't eat much at noon. Eat more."

"Thank you, auntie, there are too many dishes, I can't finish them."

At noon, Tan Yue felt that he was full. Perhaps because there were too many dishes, he visually felt that he had not eaten too much.

Father Chen smiled and said, "The day is still long, let's drink and eat at the same time."

Although Chen's father is a businessman and drinks in many occasions, he rarely drinks as he grows older.

My daughter and her future son-in-law came back today. They were very happy and wanted to drink more.

Then, Chen's father picked up the cup and said, "Let's raise our glasses together for the first glass of wine to welcome our daughter home and Xiao Yue's arrival."

Mother Chen and Chen Ziyu had drinks in their cups.

They originally wanted to drink some red wine, but Chen's mother had a cold recently, so she stopped drinking and drank instead.

Everyone raised their glasses and the atmosphere became lively.

Chen Ziyu, who has not been back for a long time, talked about some things that happened in the company.

Mother Chen talked about family matters.

Tan Yue also joined in the cheerful chat.

Father Chen and Mother Chen are both businessmen. Being able to speak well is one of the most basic skills, so naturally there will be no silence.

After downing a small glass of white wine, Father Chen asked: "How many days will you stay in Hangzhou?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but there are so many things going on in the company. I estimate that we will only stay for four or five days at most. We have to go back, otherwise there will be a lot of things piled up." Chen Ziyu picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

After finally returning home, she definitely wanted to stay a few more days.

But the reality must also be considered.

Although there are directors in the company, they cannot make the final decision on some major matters, and they still have to rely on Chen Ziyu and Tan Yue to make decisions.

The longer they stay in Hangzhou, the more things the company will pile up.

Mother Chen said: "You should go back to work. If you can come back, we will be very happy!"

She said so, but in her heart of course she still hoped that her daughter could stay for a few more days.

"We'll wait and see what happens. I'm not sure yet."

"Okay, let's eat."

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and dinner was over.

Everyone was sitting at the coffee table drinking tea.

Wine, just have a few drinks to add to the fun.

Tan Yue, Chen's father and Chen Xiang didn't drink too much. They were in a very sober state now.

"Drink more tea." Father Chen said.

"Thank you, uncle."

Tan Yue picked up the cup and drank tea.

Father Chen put down his cup and said, "Xiao Yue, come to the study with me. I have something to talk to you about."

"it is good."

Chen Ziyu asked: "Dad, what's going on?"

She was confused and thought there was something that couldn't be discussed here.

"Some small business matters." Father Chen stood up and said, "You guys just stay here and chat."

"I went there with my uncle," Tan Yue said.

"Go." Chen Ziyu nodded.

Since her father didn't say anything, she didn't continue to ask.

Tan Yue followed Father Chen, and the two of them came to the study on the third floor while talking.

"Sit down, Xiao Yue."

After watching Father Chen sit down, Tan Yue sat down.

Chen's father said: "It's not a big deal. Now you and Ziyu are managing the Bright Entertainment Company, and now you have entered the circle of foreign markets. I just want to talk to you about what you think of this foreign market. "

Chen Ziyu and Tan Yue have been dating for several years.

At the beginning, neither Chen's father nor Chen's mother had much favorable impressions of public figures.

The circle of artists is very complicated, and you can often see some sexy news related to it in the news.

But after observing him over the past few years, Chen's father has recognized this son-in-law in his heart.

Bright Entertainment Company was founded by Chen Ziyu. He knew the ups and downs he went through during the period and felt very sorry for his daughter.

Now the most difficult stage has passed, and with Tan Yue's help, the development of Bright Entertainment Company is getting better and better.

Chen's father naturally hopes that someone can help his daughter run the company so that her daughter will be less stressed.

This person is Tan Yue.

Tan Yue thought for a moment and said: "Since the company began to enter the international market, the competitive pressure has become much greater. Whether it is the film and television industry, programming, or music, the gap between the top domestic and foreign entertainment companies is very large."

In the following period, Tan Yue shared some of his insights on the international market.

In his heart, he admired Father Chen very much.

Father Chen was able to build a giant in the catering industry from scratch and has a wealth of experience in business.

Although Chen's father didn't know much about the international entertainment industry, he told Tan Yue some business methods and experience in running a company based on his own experience.

"I don't want to drink anymore. There's no need to pour it for me." Chen Ziyu turned to look at the study upstairs and said, "I don't know what my dad and Ayue are talking about. It will be an hour soon."

During this hour, Chen Ziyu and Chen's mother chatted and gossiped.

"Didn't your dad talk about business matters? Don't worry about them." Mother Chen was also confused.

She didn't know much about Father Chen's actions this time.

After a while.

Tan Yue came down from the third floor and returned to the living room.

"Where's my dad?" Chen Ziyu looked at the stairs, but didn't see his father.

"Uncle said he needs to read a book, otherwise he won't be able to sleep at night."

"You don't have to worry about him." Mother Chen glanced at the time and said, "It's getting late. You should go wash up and rest."

Chen Ziyu yawned and said, "Go to sleep."

"Auntie, you should also go to bed early."

Chen Ziyu took Tan Yue back to the second floor and asked about the content of the chat.

She wanted to know what the conversation was about.

On the other side, Chen's mother came to the study and asked the same question.

"I chatted with Xiao Yue about the current situation of their company."

"Only this?"

"Of course." Father Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "I have met many young people, and there are many young people with various abilities."

"How is Xiao Yue?"

"In my opinion, Xiao Yue can be said to be outstanding among the young people I have met."

Through this chat, Father Chen gained a more comprehensive understanding of Tan Yue.

He believes that Tan Yue has a very clear view of the market and his future development plan is very clear.

Chen's mother joked: "This is a test for your future son-in-law!"

Father Chen smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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